super invincible battleship

Chapter 42 is very popular

Chapter 42 is very popular
Lu Pingping deserves to be a genius in management. In just ten days, she completed the commissioning of factory equipment, the recruitment and training of workers in the production workshop, and the procurement of raw materials and packaging. This reflects very high work efficiency.If Yan Fei is allowed to do these things by himself, it will take at least two months.

After the food processing factory was acquired, it was renamed "Dream Food Processing Co., Ltd.", which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of "Dream Technology Development Co., Ltd."

The food processing factory has produced biscuit products before, and has the production qualification of biscuit products, so as long as the relevant department's filing work is done, it can continue to produce.Once the biscuits produced pass the inspection of relevant departments, they can be sold on the market.

Regarding the sales model of diet biscuits, after discussing with Yanfei, Lu Pingping abandoned the method of opening a physical store for sales, but directly adopted the method of opening an online store on

After all, Yanfei’s start-up capital is limited. After the acquisition of food processing plants and the recruitment of production personnel, the procurement of raw materials and packaging, there is not much left.As for the model of finding an agent by collecting a deposit, they also denied it.The current weight-loss biscuits are not well-known, even if they hold such a business promotion meeting, no one will come to the meeting, and no one will be stupid enough to pay a deposit.So in the early days, what the fantasy food sales department did was to open an online store.

Yan Fei is very confident in his weight-loss biscuits. He believes that as long as someone eats the weight-loss biscuits, he will immediately experience the joy of losing weight.But at the beginning, how to make a name for yourself, promote weight loss products, and let everyone know its effect is a big problem.After all, this is not an era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. No matter how good the product is, it is still necessary to pay attention to publicity.

So if the product is not well-known, even if you open an online store, there will be no business at all.Originally, Yanfei's idea was to carry out Internet hype, and increase the popularity of the product by trying weight loss biscuits on dieters, but Lu Pingping vetoed this model.

Because this model is easy to be exploited by opponents, once competitors spread negative news when they hype themselves, and ferment and magnify it on the Internet, then even if the product has a good curative effect, people will cast aside it, and it will end up in failure Die first, often makes the hero become a bear.

Therefore, in order to take the first step of product launch, Lu Pingping decided to adopt traditional methods for product promotion, and she decided to spend most of her funds on advertising.The advertising prices of TV stations and large portal websites are very high, and they don’t have enough funds at all, so Lu Pingping decided to place intensive advertisements in places such as city bus on-board TVs, urban rail transit on-board TVs, and transportation station platforms.

The cost of advertising in these places is low, and the number of office workers is relatively concentrated.These office workers who are often busy at work and neglect exercise generally have symptoms of obesity, and they have enough spending power. They are the target customers of weight loss biscuits.

Although advertising in these places makes the product look not high-grade, but it can accurately target your target customers, which can be regarded as high quality and low price.Moreover, Yan Fei and Lu Pingping have absolute confidence in their products, as long as someone is willing to eat weight loss biscuits, there will definitely be a weight loss effect.After the word-of-mouth of consumers rises, it is when their products really sell well.

So in the early stage, what they can do is to expand the popularity of their products and try their best to attract some people to eat their products.

Of course, in order to make her product ad look less low, Lu Pingping spent a lot of money when making the ad promotional video. She found a famous domestic actress to endorse the diet biscuits.The advertising production fee and celebrity endorsement fee alone cost 1200 million yuan a year.This is Yan Fei's little leftover funds, but both Yan Fei and Lu Pingping believe that as long as the product's popularity increases, with the product's efficacy, it will definitely open up the situation in the shortest time and attract hot sales of the product.

Due to insufficient funds, the first publicity and promotion scope of weight-loss biscuits only chose Shanghai.Shanghai is the financial capital of China. Not only is it leading the economy, but it is also a fashion benchmark. It plays a leading role in all aspects. Once diet biscuits become popular in Shanghai, it will definitely drive sales in other cities.

Moreover, their first step is to choose a small-scale publicity within the scope of the magic city, which will not attract the attention of competitors, and can buy themselves time to grow and develop.

Yan Fei was not familiar with business management, so he handed over all the product sales and promotion to Lu Pingping, who was only responsible for training the production workers.During the production process, he quietly mixed the diet liquid into the flour to create the delicious biscuit with the perfect weight loss effect.

For the safety of the food processing plant, Yan Fei also recruited several veterans from the talent market in Shanghai, and based on them, formed the company's security department.The food processing factory is in a town on the outskirts of Modu, but the company's headquarters has not changed, it is still on the 18th floor of that building.This security department is responsible for the security of the company's headquarters and food factory.

On Lu Pingping's side, there was no Gu Yanfei's expectation of her, and everything was arranged in an orderly manner.One month later, all the preparatory work was completed, the factory officially started production, and a steady stream of diet biscuits were produced and stacked in the warehouse.

Because of Yan Fei's special request, the weight loss liquid deduced by the assistant Zhinao does not contain any chemical ingredients, so when the relevant departments tested the weight loss biscuits, they did not find any illegally added drug ingredients in them, nor did they find any harmful substances. substances harmful to the human body.So the weight-loss biscuits quickly passed the test and obtained the qualification to be marketed as food.

On the other side, the buses, subways, and stations of Shanghai Magic City also began to appear with high frequency and high density of promotional videos and posters of Dream Food diet biscuits.The spokesperson of the weight-loss biscuit is a famous actress in China. Slowly, the weight-loss products began to attract the attention of some target customers.

In the first few days, the business of slimming biscuits on the online shop on Taojin was bleak, and there was no single sale for several days in a row.After all, we have been bombarded by too many advertisements for weight loss products over the years, but those weight loss products are doomed to have no effect, and even if they lose weight successfully, they will rebound, which makes everyone lose confidence in weight loss products.

However, modern people are generally overweight, so weight loss is just needed. As long as there are new weight loss products, everyone will still want to try them. After all, everyone has the desire for beauty.It’s just that the nutritious biscuits in this commercial are a bit expensive. A box of 20 biscuits has a total weight of only 200 grams and can only be eaten for 5 days, but the price has reached a terrifying 2000 yuan.

Yan Fei calculated the amount of weight loss liquid by assisting Zhinao, and found that the human body can obtain weight loss antibodies as long as it takes 25 mg of weight loss liquid.And a box of weight loss biscuits contains 0.1 grams of weight loss liquid, which is 100 mg.Even if a little is wasted when eating, it is enough for the human body to take in enough weight loss liquid, so that the immune system can obtain weight loss antibodies and achieve the goal of weight loss.

These are the results of precise calculations by the assistant brain, which is why Yan Fei made the weight-loss biscuits into such specifications.The only scary thing is its price, which reaches 2000 yuan/box.

But Yan Fei and Lu Pingping feel that the price is not expensive. Modern people generally lack exercise, coupled with excess nutrition, there is a huge need to lose weight.However, the amount spent on various weight loss products and exercise far exceeds 2000 yuan, which may not necessarily achieve the effect of weight loss.And my own weight loss biscuits have a real weight loss effect. Just one box can quickly lose weight without any toxic side effects on the body. For those who want to lose weight, it is actually very cost-effective.

It's ridiculous to say that Yan Fei's invention of losing weight through the immune system is already considered a very cutting-edge biotechnology. Once he publishes it, he will at least win a Nobel Prize in Medicine.Now he disguises it in biscuits and sells it as food, and he dare not expose it at all.He didn't even patent the invention, keeping it completely hidden.

However, there is no way to do this. Once the slimming liquid is exposed, it will definitely be managed as a drug even if it has no drug ingredients.When it comes to drug management, there are many restrictions, and it takes a lot of time to prove its effectiveness and side effects. Yan Fei simply doesn't have the time and patience to go through the procedure slowly.

Because Yan Fei began to feel a sense of urgency recently. Since he killed Lord Hou and Zhang Baocheng two months ago, he always felt that this period of time was too quiet.He has a feeling that he is now in the initial stage where the rain is about to come, and he is about to usher in a violent baptism like a storm.

That's why he wants to quickly develop his own power and increase his influence. Only when he grows up will he have the ability to protect himself.Otherwise, relying solely on the force of drones, Yan Fei would not be invincible.

The advertisements for weight loss biscuits were fierce, but from the first day to the fifth day of the official sale, there were no orders for weight loss biscuits at all.On the sixth day, there was a zero breakthrough, and the sales volume was only 5 boxes, the sales volume on the seventh day was only 8 boxes, the eighth day was 20 boxes, the ninth day was 17 boxes, the tenth day was 22 boxes, No.11 16 boxes per day, 12 boxes per day for No.13.

The sales volume in the previous twelve days was very dismal, which greatly affected the confidence of the sales staff in the sales department.Under the bombardment of large-scale and high-frequency advertisements, the total sales volume was only 101 boxes, and the sales amount was 20.2 yuan, which made them doubt whether this product could be successful...

But what people didn't expect was that from the No. 13th day, the sales of weight-loss biscuits began to grow explosively, reaching 100 boxes a day. No. 14 days, 520 boxes a day, No. 15 days, 1430 boxes a day.

Sales increased rapidly every day after that, and weight-loss biscuits became very popular.On the 30th day, the sales volume of diet biscuits reached 10000 boxes a day, and the sales amount in a single day exceeded 2000 million, reaching a terrifying height.


Thanks to book friends: Lingyun, Feihong in the Wind, and V Feng Miiao for their rewards, and thank you for your collection and recommendation tickets.

With your support, this book has passed the transition period of the plot.Starting tomorrow, this book will re-enter the exciting journey of drone upgrades.

Because some people said that the previous plot was too dull, and the author ended the protagonist's career development period ahead of schedule, so the plot could not stand up to scrutiny.For example, food cannot be labeled as weight loss, and advertisements cannot promote weight loss effects, etc. Please forgive me for these shortcomings!Just watch it for fun...

(End of this chapter)

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