super invincible battleship

Chapter 41 Diet Cookies

Chapter 41 Diet Cookies
Seeing Lu Pingping leave, Yan Fei felt a little sorry, but he had nothing to do.He used to think that the technical analysis and deduction of the assisted brain should be very fast. Who knew that he hadn't produced concrete results for so long, so he could only let his best friend feel depressed first.

A week later, the assistant Zhinao finally gave Yan Fei a surprise.The technology of adding obesity antibodies to the human immune system has finally been analyzed and deduced.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the assistant intelligence brain conducted a large number of experimental simulations in its own technology deduction system, and in order to ensure the computing power, Yan Fei did not let the drone go out during this period, and used all the computing power in the technology deduction system above.

Assisted Intellectual Brain to test and simulate for many times, and the calculation results were the same every time. Only then did it confirm the correctness and effectiveness of this technology, and recorded it on the branch of the technology tree.The technology tree only accepts records of mature technology, so once it is marked on the technology tree, it means that the technology has matured and can be used for commercial operations.

Under Yan Fei's guidance, this technology fully meets his requirements, and the required ingredients are all extracted from natural plants, which are safe and have no side effects.

It is precisely because of the large amount of data checking and calculation performed by the assisted intelligence brain that it takes such a long time.And this technology is unique, completely abandoning the production ideas of chemical drugs in the western world, and it borrows from China's traditional Chinese medicine system.In order to obtain the best ingredients that are non-toxic and effective, all the classics and prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine were downloaded and researched by Zhinao, and after a full study of modern plant data, a final prescription was finally obtained.

This prescription is somewhat similar to a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, but it breaks out of the traditional Chinese medicine prescription.There are 13 plants in it, except for one plant which is traditional Chinese medicine, the other 12 are all common plants in daily life.Even the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine is very extensive, and the price is cheap, and there is no cost.The other twelve-flavored plants are the most common plants in the mountains, and they basically cost nothing.In other words, the final prescription in Yan Fei's hands is cheap and effective, and he doesn't have to worry about getting stuck in the raw materials.

It's just that although the raw materials required for this prescription are simple, the entire extraction and manufacturing process is very complicated.There are many processes in the middle. If there is a problem in any process, the manufactured product will fail.

But the strange thing is that there are basically no special requirements for the production site of this product, even a large iron pot and a gas stove at home are enough.But the most difficult thing is how to add plant ingredients in order, how to master the adding time, how to control the feeding interval, how to control the cooking time, and even have special requirements for the stirring method and cooking temperature of the soup during cooking.

Only when all these production conditions are met can a perfect product be extracted.And as long as there is an error in one of the programs, the brewing will fail, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

When Yan Fei got the prescription, he had to find a way to make the product, so he began to prepare the raw materials for the product, because the required raw materials were very simple, and he could easily find all the 13 herbs and prepare them in the kitchen at home. Then cook the product under the command of the brain.

Even with the command of the intelligent brain and Yan Fei's perfect control of the body, he still failed when he made the product for the first time.This failure continued until the fifth time, before finally succeeding.

The successfully brewed product is a silvery-white liquid with a faint golden light and a sweet smell, which is also the final color and smell of the product calculated by the assistant brain.And those failed products are all black, just like traditional Chinese medicine, they are extremely bitter and give off a foul smell.Only successful products will present a silver-white liquid with a faint golden light and a sweet smell, which is very magical.

To Yan Fei's delight, according to the deduction results of the assisted brain, the concentration of this silver-white liquid is very high, so they must be diluted before they can be taken orally, so that the immune system can mark obesity antibodies, so as to achieve the goal of weight loss. And this dilution even reached an astonishing [-] times.

After Yan Fei calculated, he found that the 50ml of liquid he had successfully extracted could actually be taken by 200 people after dilution.If there is one liter of this liquid, it can be taken by 4000 people.Although the refining of this product is very energy-intensive, Yan Fei can produce 500 liters a day with all the equipment and concentration, that is to say, his daily output is enough for 200 million people.At least in terms of output, there is no problem with this product at all.

Yan Fei has already produced a mature weight-loss product, and started to prevent others from cracking his business secrets.Although the cooking method given by Zhinao is very complicated, without the assistance of Zhinao, it is impossible to make it even if someone knows the formula, but he still has to be extremely careful.There are many miraculous things happening in this world every day. Maybe if I am negligent, the secret of the product will be leaked, and my loss will be too great.

So Yan Fei began to think about how to hide the secrets of his products. Later, he thought of a wonderful way, that is, to hide these weight loss liquids that can mark weight loss antibodies in other items, and then use the name of this item to carry out medical treatment. Sales, when people eat this item, they will take in the slimming liquid, which also achieves the effect of losing weight.

In this way, those who want to inquire about their own business secrets can be misled and let them find the wrong goal and direction.Yan Fei thought of the difference between medicine and food sales that Lu Pingping told him before, and he made a decision.That is to sell diet biscuits, and then mix diet liquid in these biscuits, so that people have no idea what ingredients lead to successful weight loss.

Yan Fei had a plan, and immediately asked the assistant intelligence brain to analyze and deduce the biscuit manufacturing technology, and to study how to mix the diet liquid into the biscuit without affecting the effectiveness.So the assistant Zhinao began to download a large amount of information about biscuit making from the Internet, and integrated the two products according to Yan Fei's requirements.

The process of making biscuits is not complicated. After understanding the various ingredients that make up the biscuits, the assistant intelligence brain conducted a lot of experiments and deduction in the system, and quickly came up with an optimal biscuit making process.Then the diet liquid was mixed into the biscuits, and a lot of calculations were carried out again. On the third day, the auxiliary brain finally came up with an excellent biscuit manufacturing technology.

This technology can not only ensure that the diet liquid is perfectly integrated into the biscuit without affecting its weight loss effect, but also ensure the best taste of the biscuit.And the best taste is calculated by the assistant intelligence brain combined with the taste preferences of most people.That is to say, even if there is no weight-loss effect, as soon as people come into contact with this biscuit, they will be attracted by its deliciousness, and then completely like it.

Since then, Yan Fei has finally obtained a complete manufacturing technology, which includes not only the manufacturing method of weight loss liquid, but also the manufacturing process of combining weight loss liquid and making delicious biscuits.After obtaining this set of craftsmanship, Yan Fei's career was really on the right track, and it was no longer an empty shelf.

After Yan Fei obtained a complete set of biscuit manufacturing process and weight loss liquid manufacturing formula and process, he immediately called Lu Pingping together for discussion.He originally thought that everything would have to start from scratch, but Lu Pingping was more thoughtful than him, and had already made corresponding plans according to different situations.So after Yan Fei took out the information about the weight-loss biscuits, he immediately launched relevant actions.

In the outskirts of Modu near the sea, there is a large food processing factory.It's just that this food factory has closed down a long time ago due to poor management, but this food factory has a large area, and the machinery inside is still relatively intact.

This food processing factory was the target that Lu Pingping had identified earlier according to the plan. After getting the specific product information, she immediately started the acquisition negotiation of this food factory.

This food processing factory covers an area of ​​150 mu, which is not a big deal in other places, but in Shanghai, where every inch of land is expensive, it is already considered a big factory.Most of the equipment in the food processing plant is new and well maintained.

The only pity is that the land of this food processing factory is not his own, but the collective land of the neighboring township that is leased, and the lease period is less than five years left.The previous boss chose the wrong direction, resulting in huge losses, and has been stuck in this quagmire for a long time, so when negotiating with Lu Pingping, she looked impatient. Lu Pingping caught the other party's impatience and showed her sophisticated negotiation skills. The boss was quickly defeated.In the end, the ownership of the food processing plant and the lease right of the attached land were transferred at a price of 4000 million.

It is still very cost-effective to negotiate this food processing factory at a price of 4000 million. If the boss was not eager to sell and Lu Pingping took the lead, the price would have increased by at least 50%.The only thing that worries Lu Pingping is that the land of this food factory is not her own, but leased township collective land, which may have some changes in the future.

At the beginning, Lu Pingping suggested that Yanfei outsource the food processing and production, and strengthen the supervision of the production process. This will not only reduce the cost, but also quickly start production, killing two birds with one stone.

But Yan Fei has his own considerations. After all, the so-called diet biscuits are just a gimmick, and its only value is that it tastes very good.As for the nutritional value, is anyone still deficient in nutrition now?The reason why it can achieve the effect of weight loss is that through the intake of special ingredients in the slimming liquid, it marks the weight loss antibody in the immune system, so that the immune system automatically maintains the level of fat content in the body and achieves the effect of weight loss and body shaping.

And this slimming liquid was Yan Fei's real core secret, and he didn't even tell Lu Pingping.If there is only one person Yan Fei can trust in this world, then this person must be Lu Pingping.Even if Lu Pingping wanted to cheat him out of his money and kill him casually, he would not have any complaints, and there was no need to doubt the relationship between them.

Yan Fei didn't tell Lu Pingping the truth, not because he didn't believe her, but because he was afraid that something unexpected would happen and the secret would be leaked. Once the so-called secret is known to the second person, the possibility of leaking the secret will increase greatly.And once Lu Pingping knows this secret, others will hit her with ideas and put her in danger, which is also protecting her.

Therefore, in order to keep it secret, when processing biscuits, assisted Zhinao to design a process that can add weight loss liquid, and this process looks like flour mixing on the surface, but secretly adds weight loss liquid. With this Process, weight loss biscuits really have the effect of weight loss.

Therefore, this process must be in Yan Fei's own hands, and he will add the slimming liquid according to the production schedule.If the production of this biscuit is outsourced, this process must be handed over to others, and the possibility of exposure in the end is infinite.This is the main reason why Yan Fei insists on owning his own factory.

And with their own factory, and then modifying those food processing machinery, they have the ability to produce biscuits.During this modification process, Yan Fei quietly installed the newly added equipment on the growth line, and operated it by himself, adding the slimming liquid into it unconsciously.


Thanks to the book friend: book friend 20180409125111172 for the reward!Some people say that weight loss antibodies are unscientific and conjectural, but who can clearly deny the existence of weight loss antibodies?The author is not a professional, so the description of related technologies must be full of loopholes, please forgive me.If reading this book can make you feel happy, that is my greatest affirmation.This episode is about to end, and the legendary journey of drone upgrades will start again, so please look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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