Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 4.2

I continued my rush to the library, though slowed down to a fast walk instead of a run. When I entered, the librarian gave me a scolding look for daring to show up again. She didn’t say it, though I knew it wouldn’t turn out well for me if I stayed here past curfew once again. I’d likely be looking at multiple severe punishments, and not just from Yulia. Quickly, I scurried away past her and through the maze of aisles until I found myself back at the section on demonic summoning. To my disappointment, Victoria wasn’t here yet. Would she come back, or had she realized I was too much of a problem person to deal with?

My eyes scanned the shelves around me until they stumbled on a book that seemed oddly out of place. It was a large tome, with an old black leather binding and strange foreign symbols along the cover that stuck out oddly to me. Curiously, I pulled it out. Its front was similarly covered in what appeared to be strange runes or symbols. Was it perhaps a foreign language that I wasn’t familiar with? As I stared, they seemed to twist and turn in what I assumed was a peculiar optical illusion until suddenly, they began to make sense. One by one, I focused on each symbol, spelling out its meaning.


It wasn’t until I completed the phrase that I realized what I’d said. The book fell from my hand, and I backed up several feet away from it. My eyes widened, fear striking my heart. What was the Trelanomicon doing here, in a school? It certainly hadn’t been here yesterday, had someone placed it there?

It was at the top of the list of Forbidden books, believed to be a guide on how to summon creatures of the Above. It was said that those who read the book would inevitably be struck with complete madness, though there was uncertainty as to whether the madness came from continual reading or from the things that were summoned. Regardless, I knew it was something I very much didn’t want to mess around with. Slowly, I backed away from it, eyeing the thing like a snake about to strike.

Surely it wouldn’t be worth losing my sanity to just peek inside, right?

“Oh, hey.”

I jumped and twisted around to find Victoria giving me a wave.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” she said contritely.

My head turned back toward the book, only to find it… gone? Had it disappeared? Was I already going mad?

“You alright?” Victoria asked.

“I’m…” I began. “Yeah, I’m okay. You just startled me. It’s been a weird morning.” Probably best I didn’t mention it.

“Oh, what happened?”

My mind went to the book, still nowhere in sight. “I ran into two old friends who wanted… Well, they wanted to take advantage of me.”

“Oh,” she said simply. “I’m sorry. You, umm, wanna talk about it?” She seemed unsure of what to say, though I appreciated her concern.

I shook my head. “No, it’s fine. Nothing really out of the ordinary.”

She frowned. “Right.” I wasn’t sure what to make of the doubtful way she said the word.

“Let’s just get to searching for that cure so my life can get back to normal.”

She eyed me for a moment more before agreeing. I could tell she wanted to say something more but apparently decided against it. The quest began once more, and we easily settled into the same pattern as before, until books were once again sprawled out across the floor around us. I desperately hoped the librarian didn’t decide to check up on me. She’d be furious and likely kick us out.

“So, I never did get that name,” Victoria commented.

I blinked and looked over to her. Right, I was planning to come up with a name of some kind. But what would even be a good name for me?

After staring at her for several seconds, she continued, “You don’t really have to tell me if it makes you that uncomfortable. I can just call you Cutie or something. It’s okay.” She smiled over to me, a slight smirk on her face.

“No no, I -- I’m.” I took a breath. “It’s not that, it’s just…” I paused once more and said the name that came to mind. “Call me Ivy.” It was a name I’d admittedly always liked for some reason.

“Awe, that’s so cute!” she exclaimed.

I blushed. Cute? She thought it was cute? And why did I have this feeling of butterflies at being thought of as cute?

“Sorry, I’ve just been dying to know. Ever since I saw you yesterday, I mean. And that kiss…” she smiled as though reliving the memory.

“Thanks.” I struggled not to look away. “Let’s -- let’s get back to reading.”

Several hours later, with my frustration having gone up considerably over not finding anything useful, the sixth chime rang throughout the school.

Victoria stood and stretched her arms. “I should get back to my room. There’s a bit of work of my own that I should get done this evening before it gets too late.”

I nodded, standing up along with her. “Right, I should probably go as well.”

We stared at each other, her eyes seeming to question mine for the briefest of moments. Almost as one, we lunged toward each other, embracing in an impassioned kiss. I couldn’t help the moan as our lips met, my lust flaring to life within me.

My arms wrapped around her neck, as she leaned forward into the kiss. Her lips parted, and an exploratory tongue found its way into my mouth, tangling with my own. To my surprise, arms grabbed around me and lifted me slightly off the floor. My legs almost instinctively wrapped around her waist as we continued the kiss and I hummed in delight. With a couple steps forward, my back was pressed against the bookshelf, several of them poking firmly against my sensitive wings. Instead of complaining, I embraced the slight pain and got my revenge with a bite to her lip.

She gasped and pulled out of the kiss. Her tongue rolled over her lower lip where a small amount of blood trickled.

“Ivy, you naughty girl,” she said, her eyes staring deep into mine. A strange flash of joy bolted through me at the first use of my name.

I smirked back toward her. “What do you plan to do about it?”

With a grin, she said, “Let’s continue this in my room.”

I nodded vigorously, and she set me back onto my feet. I experienced a moment of wobbliness before a hand pulled me forward out of the small isle. A bit sheepishly, I looked around at all the books still lying across the floor. Shouldn’t we put them up, I thought?

Victoria either ignored or didn’t notice my hesitation at leaving them as she pulled me onward by the hand until we were at the library entrance once more. The librarian eyed me as usual, but with less vehemence than when I’d entered. I imagined she would be furious the next time I saw her. Hopefully, she’d let me back in. If not, I could always look for a sneakier approach. With haste, we made our way back to the girls' dorm, and Victoria led me directly to her room. She pulled me in and shoved the door closed behind me as her lips met mine once more. I leaned into the embrace, my wings stretching outward in delight.

After several more moments of making out, Victoria pulled away from me to pull up her blouse and toss it to the side. My fingers found their way to her skin, feeling the warmth that radiated from her smooth belly and sides. She squirmed slightly as I found a spot that was sensitive to the touch, and she grabbed my hands together for my efforts.

Pulling out of the kiss, she said, “So naughty. What am I going to do with you?”

I smiled once more. “Me? When have I ever been naughty?”

She raised an eyebrow. “A mischievous little thing like you? Who knows what all you manage to get up to?”

My thoughts drifted to the night of unending orgasmic pleasure and then the morning with Yulia as I licked her cunt. “I’m completely innocent.”

With a sly grin, she said, “Well what do you say to shedding this supposed innocence of yours?”

“I might be in favor.” I smiled and looked off to the side. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well first --” Her hands grabbed along the bottom of my frilled red and white dress, “We’re stripping you out of this.” She pulled it up and over my head, the dress only briefly catching my wings. I saw her eyes widen momentarily when she realized I had no underwear beneath it, leaving me standing in only a pair of sandals. I gave her another smirk, something she seemed to take as a challenge. Her arm slipped around my lower back, pulling me forward ever so slightly as her other hand held my cheek.

Our lips met for a brief kiss and she said, “Innocent, you say? You look more like a needy little succubus to me.” Her other hand reached behind me to fondle the right cheek of my butt. The sensitive tingle of my skin produced a moan from me. Grabbing a handful of ass, she pulled me firmly up against her, my naked warm skin pressed tight against her own. She whispered into my ear, “Something tells me that you’re the type of girl who wants to be pinned down and fucked silly.”

I shuddered.

“Tell me,” she said, “Tell me whether you want me to tie you up and fuck you senseless?”

My eyes met hers in a wide-eyed stare. She had her own smirk this time.

“I --” I gulped. The butterflies swirling within me in delight told me exactly what I wanted. The question was whether I was willing to admit it to her… or to myself.

“Yes?” she teased.

“Please tie me up and make me your sex-crazed slut.” My cheeks heated as the words left my mouth.

I could have said no. I could have told her that I wanted to do something else, and she probably would have been fine with it. I didn’t need to be dominated to have sex with her. Instead, I told her I wanted it. And in doing so I admitted to myself exactly who I was.

“With pleasure, my dear.”

Edit: Cute story about the name “Ivy.” When I was originally writing this story, I was also trying to figure out a new name for myself, mostly because I was tired of “Nicole” lol. “Ivy” had been a consideration that I’d dropped because I wasn’t sure it really fit me. So instead, I used if for the character here! As I continued to write, I ironically grew more attached to the name and ultimately decided to go by it. So in a kinda weird way, I’m named after the character, but she’s also named after me. 

— — —

So I'm nearly done writing this story! The last chapter has (unfortunately? fortunately?) kept getting longer and longer as I've been writing it, to the point where I've realized I'll need to break it into at least two separate chapters. With my luck, maybe it'll end up being three? lol It means there will probably be quite a few extra chapter parts here on scribble than I had thought there were going to be (5 or 6 or more instead of 2 or 3.) I'm also probably gonna be writing an epilogue. Either way, it means plenty more content to post, which I'm sure everyone is excited about.

Of course, if you wanna get to read it before everyone else (as well as all the stuff that's already written,) check out my Patreon, where it'll be up as soon as it's finished! (Which I'm hoping will be in a couple of days or so, depending on how much longer it gets o-o.) The plan after finishing it is to start working on Venatus Maleficarum some more, which I'm pretty excited for. I'm in the middle of writing both an interlude and chapter 8 for it, after which I'm gonna start posting more of it on here.

Cheers! And as always, see ya in three days (or in the comments. Come chat in the comments! =3)

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