Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 4.1

My mind continually resurfaced in brief moments of semi-lucidity, each instance becoming stranger than the last. I was pinned down, my face pressed against the floor as two people pounded into me from behind. I passed out again, only to wake once more to being tied up and fucked by yet more exotic strangers in what seemed to be a continually growing orgy of uncontrolled lust with me at the center. The night continued as a long blur of being partly awake and partly asleep: an endless succession of fornication and maddening lust. At one point I recalled Hamilt tying me down on a sinking ship as I begged him to fuck me, then having sex with mermaids within the ocean as they pinned my arms and legs. I couldn’t tell where the dreams stopped and the hallucinations began.

It was the longest night of my life, and I wavered between never wanting it to end and begging it to stop.


“Time to wake up, little demon.”

I opened my eyes, letting out a groan at the painful throb in my muscles. Drool had pooled out of my mouth onto the floor around my face. My back and legs ached, my jaw felt sore from the ball gag still within it, and my cunt was somehow both numb and on fire.

Memories of the night swirled through my mind in a blurred mess. I wondered if the ball gag perhaps had its own magical enchantments, or if my oral escapades were all completely imagined.

Yulia stepped up behind me and slipped out the toy from my vagina. I shivered. Despite my physical exhaustion, I was still unimaginably horny, much to my frustration. I was thankful for how clearheaded I was feeling despite that. Perhaps I’d gotten enough sleep to drive back the mania I’d been in all night, at least for a moment.

After Yulia removed the ropes and cuffs from me, I slumped over to lay along the floor, barely acknowledging her as drool still dripped around the ballgag in my mouth. To my surprise, she went down to her side along the floor and delicately brushed her fingers through my hair.

“Perhaps that was a bit much for a punishment,” she said as she petted me. Slowly she pulled me up, hugging my body against her. She removed the gag from my face and rubbed my sore jaw. “Take it easy for today. Get some proper sleep. Alright?”

Slowly I began to nod automatically before I realized exactly what she was saying. My eyes trailed along her body, my hunger for her swirling away within me, demanding I act. I couldn’t sleep now. I needed to fulfill my lustful desires before she left, or I’d end up wandering the halls for someone else. I stared up into her eyes for only a brief moment, before pushing my face up towards her and kissing her lips. Her surprise was evident from the way she jolted, but she quickly began kissing me back, to my relief.

Our lips parted and I began, “I…” I glanced into her eyes once more. “I need…”

She smiled. “I suppose, being a succubus, the night left you rather unsatisfied.” She knew just as well as I did that I lived off the sexual energy of others as a succubus. Leaning forward she gave me a quick kiss. “Let’s fix your little hunger problem.”

I nodded eagerly, only to frown as she released me to get up to her feet.

“Can you make it up to the bed?” she asked as she laid down along it, pulling up her dress and tossing it to the side.

Shakily I made my way to my feet and up onto the bed next to her. My eyes greedily soaked in the view of her naked form, following up her smooth legs to the curve of her hips and the gentle swell of her breasts. I looked down to her cunt as she spread her legs open, a silent invitation. I half fell forward as I moved toward her. My eyes moved up to hers as my face sat a few inches from her.

“Can I?” I muttered in hesitation.

She gave a smile and nod. It was strange how suddenly gentle she was being. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I moved down and gave her lower lips a slow lick, making her give a small hum in a small delight. Due to the pain in my jaw, I moved gently and slower than I wanted. Then I began to use my fingers. It was slow and sensual, a large difference from much of what I’d done previously. It felt so much more intimate somehow. With both my fingers and tongue at work, it didn’t take her long at all before she was cumming. I bodily relaxed with a relieved shudder as I felt the sexual energy pour through me. A hunger still resided, but it was a small spark compared to the roaring bonfire of the night.

I collapsed once more, my face pressed down against her soft bed, content and satisfied for the first time in so many long hours.

“Before I go, it’s time we started setting some rules,” I heard Yulia state from behind me. I made no motion to move, but she continued regardless. “First, you are to call me Mistress, or Mistress Yulia from henceforth. Second, you are to be back within the room an hour before the evening curfew. If you aren’t in here by the seventh bell, there will be consequences. And third, you are only to wear what I tell you to wear from here on. I’ll likely have more rules to add this evening, but those three should suffice. Are they understood?” I gave a confirming groan through the bed, and she walked over to kiss me on the head near my horn. “Get some sleep. I’ll have a message sent to your professors that you’re feeling sick today.”

With that all said, she left me, and not long after, I fell into sweet relaxed unconsciousness. I slept like a dreamless rock, content to let the world rush by me. When I woke several hours later, I stretched out to find it was still daytime, though I wasn’t sure exactly of the hour. I bundled myself up in Yulia’s blankets, happy to be lazy as a cat in the soft bed. Feeling along my muscles, I realized most of my soreness had left me, even in my lower regions, much to my surprise. I supposed that demons healed much faster than humans, so it made sense. The energy I got from Yulia likely fueled it.

My thoughts drifted until they came to the library and Victoria. I’d told her that we’d do more research. Yet I wanted to just lay in this comfy bed forever instead…

As the third hour of the day chimed throughout the school, I decided to finally get up and head out. It was then that I realized my first dilemma. “Mistress” Yulia had given me several rules to follow. I only vaguely remembered them, but I was certain one of them had to do with what clothing I could wear. Without her here, I was left with the choice of breaking her dumb rule and finding something for myself, going out naked, or staying in the room. Given the level of punishment that Yulia was willing to give, I was hesitant to break her rules on the same day she gave them to me. Yet at the same time, I hated the other two options. If I was lucky, I’d find a way to break this spell today and change myself back, which would make her stupid rules meaningless. Alternatively, I could try and make it back to the room before Yulia did. Plus I’d basically promised Victoria that I’d meet her today.

My eyes drifted to the little dress still bundled along the floor. Was there a fourth option? Yulia had technically given me permission to wear the dress, even if it was the day before. Was that not technically following the rule still? Perhaps if I wore it and then came back early, she’d be lenient and not complain. She had acknowledged how that last night had been going too far, so she at least wasn’t likely to repeat something like that.

I sighed. It was a stupid plan.

I was going to do it anyway. I couldn’t forgive myself if I just stayed here and did nothing the whole day. Not when I could be potentially becoming my old self again instead.

I picked the frilly little dress up off the floor and slipped into it, quickly adjusting it around me. Then I put on the sandals and made my way to the door. Hesitantly, I looked out, peeking each way down the hall before scampering out. Closing the door as gently as I could, I began making my way through the girl’s dorm.

I stopped in surprise when two people showed up in front of me. Hamilt and Dwaine stepped out of a side closet that had been cracked open. Both stood menacingly in front of me, grinning like idiots.

“What are you two doing here?” I asked with a scowl. “This is the girl’s dorm.” A small flush of embarrassment flashed through me, as I basically implied I belonged here instead. Still, the two of them weren’t allowed down here, either way. I was surprised they had made it past the Housemistress.

With the stupid smile still on his face, Dwaine stepped forward toward me. Meanwhile, Hamilt, who stood to his right, said, “What about what you are doing here, Gordon? Shouldn’t you be in the boy’s dorm, with the rest of us guys?” He tapped his chin, as though pondering something. “Oh, that's right. You’re not a boy anymore.” He looked me up and down, eyeing my short dress and how it curved around my body. “Or should I just say, you’re just a little succubus slut. You seem to be taking well to your new role.”

Hamilt had never been the best at intimidation, but his words still annoyed me greatly. It wasn’t that I necessarily minded being a girl. It seemed like something that would probably be fun under other circumstances. But I certainly wasn’t going to let this ass talk to me that way. “Fuck you, Hamilt. I’ll have you covered in warts and boils for a month if you even think about screwing with me,” I growled.

“You know, your threats don’t feel as threatening anymore coming out of that cute little mouth of yours,” Dwaine said with a snicker.

“We’ve got an issue, little demon,” Hamilt continued. “You see, I recall being promised a night of hot demonic sex after we completed that ritual the other night, and all I seemed to get out of the deal was some regular alone time in my bed.” He took a step forward, and my eyes narrowed. Since when had Hamilt grown enough of a backbone to take my place as the leader of the group?

“If you think I’m doing anything with either of you, you’re vastly mistaken. It’s in your best interest to turn around now before the both of you regret it,” I bluffed. My mind scrambled to come up with a plan, any plan that might work to get me out of this.

“You’re right, Dwaine. Her words don’t sound nearly as threatening as they used to. Plus, there’s two of us and only one of you. What's that cute little tush of yours going to do?” More terrible attempts at intimidation, I thought.

“One last chance,” I said with false bravado, eyeing the two of them.

Dwaine stepped past Hamilt right in front of me and grabbed ahold of my arm. “If the girls think they can keep you here all to themselves, they’ve got another thing coming.”

I let out a shuddered breath and quickly kneed the idiot between his legs. He released my arm, quickly cupping his groin as Hamilt stepped toward me. As he approached from the right, I quickly shoved past Dwaine, elbowing him as hard as I could before running down the hall.

The sound of running footsteps followed behind me. I ran hard, but fear struck me as I heard them draw slowly closer. I wasn’t entirely sure where I was going to even run to; all I knew was that I somehow had to get away.

As I ran past the Housemistress’s office, the door shot open. From behind me, Esme shouted in an angered voice, “No running in the dorm! You two, what are you doing here?” I felt the magic of a spell being cast as I turned the corner. Several surprised shouts from Dwaine and Hamilt came from behind me as Esme cast something on them. I vaguely heard her scolding them for sneaking into the girls' dorm as I continued forward. Hopefully, they would be severely punished, and hopefully, they wouldn’t find me in the library. I’d have to do my best to avoid them until I was human again. Then I’d give them a trouncing and remind them why it was I and not Hamilt that was the leader of the group.

Sorry for the late chapter! I felt kinda terrible yesterday and ended up not posting it. Feeling better now though. I feel like this chapter could probably use some more editing, but it's good enough I suppose. =p Let me know what you think in the comments. And as always, consider checking out my Patreon if you haven't yet. I'm like a hair short of reaching my first goal! =0

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