Mingmei was at the venue, looking for the preparations, while she got a phone call from Wang Lie.
"Hello, Meimei, it's me, Wang Lie!" he said.
"Hi! Long time no see, how are you?" she asked.
"Ya, I've been quite busy lately! I'm good, how are you?" he asked.
"I'm good! Busy more than usual!" she said.
"Your event is tomorrow, right?" he asked.
"That's right!" she said.
"So, you'll probably be free after that..." he said.
"I guess! But why are you asking these?" she asked.
"I was thinking, if you're free then we could meet over a meal then" he said.
"A dinner...?" she said with a pause.
"Yes. Actually, Zixin also wants to meet you. So, I thought we could hang out together" he said.
She thought to deny at first place, but then accepted.
"No problem. Can Xiaofeng join us?" she asked.
"Absolutely. I was about to say the same" he said.
"I shall see you later then. I'm little tied up something. Bye" she said.
"See you then, bye!" he said and hung up.
She was actually overwhelmed with the thought of meeting him, but then thinking about Zixin, she got a little nervous.
"Why does he wants me to meet Zixin... And why is that she has to be there... Just to confirm that we are good friends to Zixin...? No, no! Stop thinking such things Meimei! Concentrate on your work" she was mumbling alone.
"Meimei, where have you been? I've been looking for you all over!" said Yaya.
"I'm sorry, I was on a call. Why were you looking for me?" asked Mingmei.
"Oh, come over and check the flower arrangement," said Yaya.
They both went on to check the further arrangements. Being busy with lot of work, no one realized it was nearly night.
"Alright folks, you can leave now. It's already night now, we are nearly done with all the work. Rest of the work will be done tomorrow morning. Just be on time, it's an important day after all!" said Zhang Wei.
"That's right. All of you leave the work as it is. Go home and have some rest. Come back early morning tomorrow," said Mingmei.
Everyone left. Except for Mingmei, she was there checking all the work.
"Meimei! I said all of us need some rest! Why are you still working?" asked Zhang Wei.
"Just going through the details of everything, I don't want things to go wrong or missing for the event," she said.
"Don't worry, the way everyone has been working, it'll be just fine. You also need rest, coz you'll be the one who will be busy the most!" he said.
"OK. Even you need to rest," she said.
"Sure. Tomorrow is kind of a big test for me!" he said.
"I know. Chairman has trusted us to this. That's the exact reason why I don't feel tired after the long day," she said.
"You are right. We share the same feeling over this. Anyways, let me drop you home," he said.
"Fine, wait for me. I'll get my things," she said.
"Ok... I'll get the car," he said.
He dropped her home and left. She was thinking about the event whole night. But then she fell asleep somehow.
Next day, she woke up early in the morning and left for venue of event. Zhang Wei was already there. Su Yaya also arrived there.
"Boss, Meimei, good morning!" said Yaya.
"Good morning!" said Zhang Wei and Mingmei.
"I haven't got up this early before! I feel so sleepy...," said Yaya.
"Sure, you can sleep for a whole day after the event!" said Mingmei.
"Let's get to work. Rest of the team will arrive in some time," said Zhang Wei.
The event was to begin in the late afternoon. Arrangements were almost complete and done. Mingmei was giving final check to everything.
"I think we should also go get ready now... The guests will start to arrive after an hour," said Yaya.
"Sure, you go ahead, I'll be there in some time," said Mingmei.
"Yaya is right, you both need to go get ready, don't worry about here, things are almost done. I'll drop you both wherever you want to," said Zhang Wei.
"Don't bother, we can go by ourselves," said Mingmei.
"There's nothing to be bothered of, actually I also have to leave to pick up Chairman, she'll be also here for the event. I'll drop you by," said Zhang Wei.
"Fine then, let's go," said Yaya.
They left. Yaya and Mingmei got ready and left for the event.
When they arrived at the event, everyone's eyes were turned to Mingmei. She was looking drop dead gorgeous in the black outfit and the spotlights. Every person had only her name on their tongue. Guests were also arriving at the venue. So many renowned personalities were present there.
Mr. Wu arrived there with Ms. Li. Mingmei went ahead to welcome them.
"Welcome, Mr. Wu and Ms. Li," said Mingmei.
"Thank you, Ms. Zheng. And yes, the arrangement looks very good. Where is Mr. Zhang?" asked Mr. Wu.
"Thank you, Mr. Wu. Boss will be here soon with Chairman Mrs. He" said Mingmei.
"That's too good," said Mr. Wu.
"Please come. Yaya will attend you further," said Mingmei.
Meanwhile Zhang Wei arrived with his mother Chairman Mrs. He at the venue. Mingmei immediately went to receive them.
"Welcome Chairman and boss," said Mingmei.
"Thank you Meimei. "You look stunning today," said Mrs. He.
"Thank you, mam, by the way boss, Mr. Wu has been asking for you," said Mingmei.
"OK. I'll meet him and be back in a while to see the rest of works," said Zhang Wei.
He left with Mrs. He to meet Mr. Wu.
"Hello Mr. Wu, Ms. Li. Sorry we are a little late," said Zhang Wei.
"Hello Mr. Zhang and Mrs. He, I've been waiting for you! No worries, even I've arrived just a moment ago" (excitement) said Mr. Wu.
"So, how do you like the arrangements here...?" asked Mrs. He.
"It's just marvelous! Just the way I thought it would be! Seems like your team took a lot of efforts there!" said Mr. Wu.
"Thank you so much. Please enjoy the party," said Zhang Wei.
Mingmei came there.
"I must say, you did your part very efficiently. I hope my decision won't be wrong," said Mrs. He.
"Thank you and don't worry chairman, we won't disappoint you," said Mingmei.
"Carry on with your work. I won't keep you caught up," said Mrs. He.
"Ok... I shall assist someone to look after you," said Zhang Wei.
"There's absolutely no need of it, rather I would look after your work here," said Mrs. He.
"We won't mind," said Mingmei.
By the time, all the guests had arrived. Zhang Wei went on the stage for the announcement.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Today's grand event is hosted by none other than the Wu groups, for their company completes its 50 years of success. Let's give them a big round of applaud," said Zhang Wei.
Everyone started to cheer up.
"Now we shall see the story behind the success of their company. So, please welcome Mr. Wu on the dice" Zhang Wei added.
Claps rose across the hall.
"Thank you, my dear friends, for coming here and being a part of this celebration. Thank you for doing me this honor. I won't speak much, rather I'll show you something. Thank you," said Mr. Wu.
Lights went off. A large screen came into picture. And the presentation began with the voice of Mr. Wu.
"My father started the company 50 years ago from nothing. He even got success in it. But as it's said bad days come and so they came. Our company has to face major loss, such that we went bankrupt. My father could not take it and I lost him. I was 20 years old during the time. I was left alone. But when there is complete darkness, a small ray of light also is enough. That is when my friend, my partner Maria, appeared in my life. She gave me the courage to start all over again. She stood strong by my side in my every decision. And now, all of you can see where the company is today," said Mr. Wu.
The presentation went further,
"Maria, do you remember, 5 years ago on this day you confessed me your love... 50 years ago this day company was rooted... After all these years on this same day I want to confess something to you...," said Mr. Wu.
Everything was quite. Only the voice of Mr. Wu could be heard in the hall. Ms. Li was standing still with tears in eyes. She didn't know what was going to happen next. One spotlight on Ms. Li and the other one on Mr. Wu. He went on his knees in front of her holding a ring in hands.
"Maria, 5 years ago I could not confess my feelings for my responsibilities were prior, but today I want to take this chance to say, I love you. Will you marry me?" said Mr. Wu.
Ms. Li was in complete shock. As for whatever happened was so much more like a dream. She was smiling, crying in happiness.
"Yes! Yes! You don't know how much I've been waiting to hear these words from you..." said Ms. Li.
He then put the ring in her finger. She hugged him. Cheers raised high across the hall. Everyone was congratulating the couple. Cake was cut, drinks were served, pictures were clicked. Finally, the party was over. All the guests left the hall.
"Finally, the job is done. I'm completely exhausted," said Yaya.
"Now you can finally rest!" said Mingmei.
"Well done folks! We did it! Now you all can have rest. I announce 2 days leave for all of you. Go home, relax yourselves and start with new energy again," said Zhang Wei.
Everyone cheered for each other, all of them left the hall after wrapping up. Only Mingmei, Zhang Wei, and Mrs. He were left behind.
"I'm proud of you both. I wasn't wrong to trust you. Planning, management, work, everything was up to the mark. Now finally, I can have rest," said Mrs. He.
"Thank you so much Chairman. "We would never break your trust," said Mingmei.
"Mother, I'm happy to see you happy. I promise to be a good son and also handle the company with all my best," said Zhang Wei.
Later they both dropped Mingmei home and left.