"Hmm... It's been long since I updated my story. It's better to do it now, as I won't be having time till next week again" Mingmei said to herself.
She was typing in her laptop:
"Shall I tell this to Emily...? How will she react...? What if she feels hurt...?" Jack was thinking to himself.
But gathering some courage he called Emily.
"Hey Jack! What a coincidence! I was about to call you!" said Emily.
"Emily where are you?" asked Jack.
"I'm at home. What's it?" said Emily.
"Can we meet? I need to talk to you," said Jack.
"Is everything all right...? You sound somewhat stressed...," said Emily.
"It's nothing like that! I'm fine. I'm kind of missing you!" said Jack.
"You just scared the hell out of me! I miss you too...," said Emily.
"Fine, I'll be there in sometime. Bye" said Jack.
"See you then. Bye" said Emily.
Though Jack said everything was alright, Emily sensed something strange in his voice. All she could do was pray for him to be safe. On the other side, Jack was restless thinking about how to face Emily. But the thing was important for both of them, so he had to dare talk to her.
He arrived at her house. Emily's doorbell rings.
"Come on in! I've been waiting for you," said Emily.
"Would you like to have some water?" asked Emily.
"Yes please, just little," said Jack.
She got him a glass of water. He was still thinking about how to initiate talking.
"I actually..." said Jack but then stopped right there.
Emily sat next to him, holding his hands.
"What happened...? You look worried... Is everything alright...?" asked Emily.
"I actually don't know where to start from... There's something I want to tell you about...," said Jack.
"Jack... What is it...? Just say it straight away..." said Emily in a tensed voice.
"Lately I've been feeling a bit unwell... a pain..." said Jack in a tensed voice.
"Have you been to the hospital...? Does it hurt even now...? Shall we see any doctor...? And why haven't you told me before...?" Emily was now so tensed.
"Emily... Just calm down... I've already visited the doctor," said Jack.
"How did it go then...?" asked Emily.
By this time Jack was in absolute dilemma, whether to tell the truth or not. But then he dared a little.
"Just relax my love... There's little pain in the heart. The doctor said I'll have to undergo minor surgery, that's it! Nothing to worry about," said Jack.
"Surgery!? What surgery...? Why do a little pain needs a surgery...?" asked Emily.
By now, she was really worried.
"Relax sweetie... The doctor said there's nothing to worry... it's just a small surgery and then I'll be absolutely fine," said Jack.
"I don't feel like it's the complete truth... Jack you are hiding something from me... Please tell me, don't keep it! I have the right to know..." Emily started crying.
Seeing her cry, he couldn't control himself. He just hugged her, so she could calm down.
"Sweetie, I know you are worried... That's because you love me... I love you too... But trust me, I haven't kept anything from you. Don't worry, it's just a minor surgery," said Jack.
Although he took her in his arms, she didn't stop crying. While he was feeling guilty for hiding the truth, that was the only best thought he could come up with at the moment.
"Ok... I trust you... But promise me one thing..." Emily said looking into his eyes.
"What's that?" asked Jack.
"From now on, I'll be with you no matter what, even while your surgery I'll be there at the hospital," said Emily.
This was hard for him but seeing there's no way to escape he agreed.
"I love you...," said Emily.
"Love you too sweetie," said Jack.
'Hey guys, so that's it for today! See you in the next update. Till then have a nice time and let me know your views on this update. With lots of love': Starbird.
Mingmei updated the story and was checking her phone for Wang Lie's any message, but he has been busy lately. She felt little sad, while notifications began to pop on her laptop screen.
It was from her fans. They liked the story update.
"I feel sad for Jack... But what's that exactly he's hiding..." a user commented.
"Dear Starbird, I'm eagerly waiting for your next update... I really want to know what's up with Jack" commented another user.
"I can feel the pain he's going through but can't ignore Emily's feelings either... that's how much they love each other" one user commented.
Mingmei likes to read the comments from her fans, she was going through the comments section, she received a message.
"Hey idol, nice update. But seems like you felt the emotions in the story right their" said Wish me love.
"You think a lot, but sadly it's not the truth" replied Mingmei.
"May be, may not be... Who knows what's in the writer's mind!" replied Wish me love.
"Actually! But don't dig into it much!
Anyways, thanks!" replied Mingmei.
"You are welcome! Waiting for your next update" replied Wish me love.
"Sure. That's coming soon. Bye!" replied Mingmei.
"Bye. Take care" replied Wish me love.
Mingmei after having chat went to bed.
Next day in the office, everyone was busy planning the schedule for the event. There were merely 6 to 7 days left for the event. Mingmei had much work to be done and finished.
"Oh, Meimei, it's just a lot of work! I feel exhausted already...!" said Yaya.
"Exhausted, yet there's much to come!" said Mingmei.
"I think this project is going to rip the soul out of me!" said Yaya.
"It's ok... Take a break... Relax a bit and start over again," said Mingmei.
"That's a good idea! I think we all need a break! Let's have some coffee," said Yaya.
"Sounds good, I'll ask boss, if he would like to accompany us," said Mingmei.
Mingmei went to Zhang Wei to ask for a coffee break, he agreed. The delivery boy came with coffee.
"Awesome! I was waiting for you like from over a century!" said Yaya eagerly looking at the coffee.
"You're right! Your hair seems to be gone gray waiting for so long!" said Zhang Wei.
There was laughter in the office. Everyone was refreshed and resumed their work.
Likewise, rest of the days went quite busy in work. Only a day was left before the event. Mingmei and everyone else were nearly all set and ready.