Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Fifty. Out Of The Cold (NSFW)

Gwen had been to Felicia's place a few times. It was usually short so she could grab something and then was shooed out the front door.

This was the first time she had actually spent time here. If she was honest, it was a dump.

Gwen knew her father was well off. His modest income was supported by a heavy inheritance, but even the warehouse when Peter was fixing it up was better than this.

Empty noodle and snack packets were left scattered. The trash was overflowing and the fridge had soda and condiments but nothing else. If Felica knew what a vegetable was, Gwen would be shocked.

Felicia caught her leaning down and looking in the icebox. One full of microwavable convenience meals.

“So, you come to bitch at me for not eating right or do you actually want something?” Felicia huffed at Gwen. They might have drifted apart after the walk in the park, but she didn’t get to come in and criticise her. She was doing her best.

“Uh nope, just, you know. Never been in chateau de kitty cat before.”

Felicia huffed. “Cut the crap, Gwen. Getting tired of you leading me on. So you know I'm gay, and you’re dating Pete. say your piece then leave me alone.” Felicia grabbed a pillow and was hugging it.

“What do you think of Pete?” Gwen asked, sitting across from her. Her seat made a strange crunching noise when she sat down, and she really hoped it was spilt chips.

“He’s okay I guess. Dorky and kinda sweet, but? So what?”

“He’s seeing MJ now,” Gwen admitted, “and we’re going to try an open relationship.”

Felicia frowned for a second, and then laughed, “so you’re here to what? Ask me for a pity date?”

Gwen lifted the cushion she had on her chair and threw it at Felicia, “oh shut the hell up Fel. No. I was here to ask if you wanted to try as well, but this,” and she waved a hand over at her, “is just embarrassing. So, school breaks up and I move on and you fall apart? come on.”

Felicia caught the pillow and threw it back, catching Gwen in the face, “Fuck you Gwen. I dont have a lot of close friends, one. You. So yeah, when you left to go screw Pete it hurt. This,” and she mocked her by waving her hand up and down in front of her, “isn't cute enough to get a pass for leading me on.”

Gwen laughed, “Oh you know I'm damn well cute enough to get a pass. It works on Pete, and I know it works on you too.”

Felicia pulled a face, “Please.” and she hid behind her own pillow, “just leave.” It was followed by a small sob. “Please,” she whimpered.

Gwen stood and sat next to Felicia, who had buried her face in the pillow, “Felicia.”

Felicia threw the pillow away, stood and kissed her, “I love you. Fucking stupid me”

Gwen returned the kiss. She slid her hands up Felicia's arms, taking her face in her hands. She peppered her lips, cheeks and fingers with kisses.

“I know, and I love you too.”

Not the Pete, Poison huffed.

Shut the fuck up and you’ll find out it doesn't need to be Pete.

Her kisses stretched down Felicia’s neck, and she lifted her top. “Do you want to?”

Felicia nodded weakly and slid her hand over Gwen's bra. She lifted it and squeezed the mounds underneath. Gwen laughed, “patience girl. They’re not going anywhere,” but Felica didn't care.

She had dreamed of this moment for years. She bent and squeezed while sucking on one nipple before moving to the other. She savoured the softness of Gwen's skin and ran her hands over her front and back, down her stomach,

When did Gwen get so toned? Felicia wondered as she kissed between her breasts.

She knew Gwen did ballet, but this was more than that. This was like Elektra.

Felica pulled away and Gwen paused, looking down at her, “Everything okay?” she asked as Felicia’s face changed from lust to sadness.

“I uh” Felicia shook her head. She took a breath, “I had someone before this, a friend, a friend friend, but I was young so it never went anywhere.”

Gwen pulled her back between her breasts, “so now I’m just for sex? Poor Gwen, used and abandoned. So desirable even her best friend wants to eat her up and leave nothing but bones,” she teased her,

“Gwen!” Felicia said, muffled by the two warm and soft mounds currently squashed against her. “Trying to be serious here.”

Gwen huffed and slid over onto the couch next to her, lowering her top. “Then be serious.”

No! Do the squishy thing, the rubby rubs and the tingly tingles. Poison cried. Please, we liked it, not the Pete but good enough.

We will baby, just be patient.

Poison huffed. We are patient! No rubby rubs from Peter. No kissie kisses from MJ. No treats either. Boring, boring boring boring!

“Do you like me?” Felicia asked, staring at Gwen,

“Right now, no. I was so close and you stopped.”

Felicia scowled, “not that I meant. You’ve got Pete. So what is this?”

“This is this, and Pete knows. I'm here to talk, but I was kinda hoping you’d be using your mouth for other things by now.”

“So he’s fine with that?” she asked pulling the cushion back over.

“He is." She wasn't about to admit that the three of them shared a bed. This was about her and Felicia, not anyone else. "We talked, and MJ is fine too." Gwen leaned over and lay her hand on Felicia's knee. "So yeah, We decided that a stupid love quadrangle was stupid. I like you, he likes MJ, so why not. I don’t mind, neither does she and so, it's your choice.”

Gwen wasn’t going to admit that the symbiotes had a hand in the matter. Poison had spawned Muse acting on her inner desires. She was still content with how things turned out, and as the three had talked, so were they.

Felicia’s expression soured, “My choice huh? What if I don't want to? What if I like you, but not the idea of you and Pete?”

Gwen laughed and kissed the top of her head, “says little miss I was thinking of my first crush." Gwen stood. "Fel. We’re talking and right now You could be getting kisses where ever you want. I like you, Pete doesn't mind. So. make a choice.”

Gwen grabbed her coat and held it over her front.

“I either leave, and we probably drift apart, or I strip and head into the bedroom and we have sex. Not just for today, not just the once, but girlfriends. I just have Pete as well.”

Felicia was torn. Elektra had outright rejected her as she wasn’t old enough, but Gwen was standing with a serious look on her face.

She knew Gwen well enough that her choice would change their relationship.

Screw dad, and screw his stupid rules. Felicia stood, but I’m not going to make it that easy,

Gwen was acting strangely cocky, and she probably knew what Felicia would choose. She was right, she did like Pete enough this was okay.

“Sorry, I’ll show you to the door.”

Gwen sagged, “fine.” she said as she shook her head, “I’ll go.”

Gwen turned and headed to the front door, but Felicia headed to the bedroom and stripped her t-shirt off. “Wrong door Gwen.”

Gwen stopped and turned. She had seen Felica naked before. Sharing a locker room was a normal part of high school. This was not high school though and as Felica lifted her top and threw it at her, her breath caught in her throat. Felicia was just as large as MJ, with hard pale pink nipples and toned abs. She was stunningly beautiful.

"You just gonna stand and stare?" Felicia teased her.

Take her, kisses and tingles, rubs and ticks all over Now, please please NOW!

She felt Poison command in her mind, and at that moment she knew all she wanted was Felicia.

She moved from the front door to the bedroom door and pulled Felica into her arms. One hand squeezed one of her breasts, and the other snaked its way around her back and into her pants to grab her ass. “I won't hold back.” 

Felicia nodded and Gwen pushed her into the room, letting her fall onto the bed,

“Last chance,” but Felicia nodded and Gwen undid the buttons of her pants and pulled them off in one easy motion.

Felicia had expected it to go many ways. Quiet kisses, and gentle petting, followed by exploring. Gwen dived between her thigh, kissed them and gently bit them. Pushing her panties to one side tonguing her clit before she could say a word.

Then she couldn't. Whatever Gwen was doing had blanked her mind.

Her tongue firmly frolicked at her clit, teasing its swollen end and swirling around it. Felicia had never been so forcefully pleasured before. Even when she was looking to relieve herself, and with Gwen's tongue, she came.

She moaned and bit her lip. Whining as she grasped at Gwen's head. Pushing it further into her groin while she panted and tensed up, rocking back and forth.

Gwen never gave her a moment's respite and she felt a thin finger slide into her. “Oh fuck!” she half-breathed half moaned as the sudden orgasm faded and was replaced by a rhythmic pulse. Gwen's finger, now joined by a second, found her insides welcoming.

Gwen knew where to rub and press. Her tongue on the outside slid over her clit, and her fingers on the inside pressed and rubbed on her g-spot. Felicia couldn't hold back.

She shuddered and cried out in pleasure “Gwen!” and then collapsed as Gwen giggled and licked her fingers clean.

“I know that look,” Gwen said with a giggle. She climbed onto the bed with Felica,  and gently kissed her on the side of the cheek, “Oh, sorry.” She turned, looking for a tissue to wipe her mouth.

“Dont care,” Felicia pulled her down and kissed, her, tasting her own musky saltiness on her lips, and she didn't stop.

It was just liquid. No different than if she’d licked something. Right now, tasting it on Gwen, the one girl she had dreamed about, it was the most wonderful taste in the world.

Felicia covered her face in kisses, and as she wired her arms under Gwens pulled her into a hug.

Gwen giggled and kissed the top of her head, stroking her hair, “I’m not going anywhere, we can do more.”

Felicia nodded and Gwen pulled her up. Smiling and kissing her lips softly, “lie on the bed properly,”

Felicia straightened herself and lay on her pillows Gwen turned and straddled her. She hovered over Felicias groin and Felicia adjusted herself. Her warm breath tickled between Gwens legs.

“Once more Kitty cat.” Gwen dipped her head and kissed the thin strip of hair at the top of Felicia's pubic mound.

Gwen felt hands slide up her thighs, and Felicia's lips kissing her

Good good took too long, make her gooey so we got the sweet treat.

Did you?

We are expert at making the good things, the whizz-bang and the fizzy fizzy, we can help you do the same.

Gwen dipped her head and began to kiss Felicia's thighs softly. Her clit was still red and engorged and she didn't want this to end too quickly,

Too quickly? Did you make her cum?

Cum what's that, we made her woosh boom splat, now she can do the same for uuuuus!

Poison's thoughts cut off as Felicia finally gained the courage to move. Her tongue softly tasted her entrance and after deciding she liked it, slipped inside.

Gwen whined and moaned.

You, you did this, stop, let me enjoy it.

Gwen could barely hold a coherent thought as Felicia’s fingers found and rubbed her clit. Her tongue circled inside her rubbing around the entrance before sliding inside.

“Fuck!” Gwen cried out as Poison and Felicia made her orgasm.

Fuck, fuck, please, stop! She begged her but neither Felicia nor Poison relented.

Felicia was enjoying herself. It was a strange but good taste when she felt Gwen stiffen, her insides twitch and then she relaxed on top of her,

“Shit Gwen,” she giggled but Gwen wasn’t moving. Peering around her leg the best she could, she saw Gwen's red face and fluttering eyes.

Did I just screw her into a coma?

Pushing her off Gwen gurgled and twitched, moaning softly.

Shit I did, hell yeah, take that stupid Parker!

Felicia looked at Gwen's gentle face as it smiled, moaned and then twitched. She knew Peter and her had done this as well, Did he make her faint like that?

While she took comfort in Gwen's adorable expressions, she wished it was for her alone.


Empty noddle and snack packets,

should be noodle I think.


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