Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-One. First Come First Served

Felicia had come back with Gwen. She was worried about letting her walk home alone. While Gwen grumbled, it was finally her chance to get Felicia to visit.

Peter was busy making dinner for the pair when Gwen walked in. With Felicia in tow, he just added a few things to the stir fry he was making and invited her to stay.

“He won’t mind?” Felicia cautiously asked Gwen. She had to admit the place was nice. It felt homey and it smelt warm and inviting. As she looked around and saw Peter, she felt like she would love it here. Somewhere she could finally be herself.

Gwen replied by rolling her eyes, “he was expecting you to want to live here too, so no. He won’t mind.”

Felicia was amazed at how well the place had been cleaned up. She’d scouted it out before, and had marked it as a target but now. Now it actually looked like home. Shame about the four dead drug dealers they had pulled out of here.

“So,“ Gwen said proudly, “this is my home.” 

Felicia nodded in approval. It was small but still had enough space to fit a bed and personal things.

Gwen leaned over, and whispered, “and the shower room is big enough to have sex in.”

Felica’s eyes went wide but she batted her on the arm, “no. Not here, not ever.” It was fine in her own apartment, but not here. She wasn’t going to have sex while Peter was right across the warehouse from them.

“Lighten up Fel. He won’t,” Gwen stopped and paused, “Look.”

While Felicia explored further, and Gwen was right, the shower room was big enough. She didn't see Gwen move.

Gwen walked to her door and yelled, “Hey, Pete. Put ours on hold. Fel and I are going to have sex in the shower first.”

Felicia rushed from the shower room and grabbed Gwen, pulling her back into the home. She slammed the door behind her, “What the hell Gwen? Don’t shout stuff like that,” Felicia yelled at her.

“Stop being so uptight. If Pete didn’t.” Gwen stopped and shook her head, “no. not having this stupid argument over and over. Fel. We talked. If you don’t want us to date like this, then say.”

There was a knock at the door, and it was MJ.

“Uh, Hey Felicia. Look, Peter doesn't mind, really. He’ll tell you himself over dinner.” she said with a small frown, “but uh, don’t yell like that. You scared the crap out of me.”

Gwen moved and cuddled MJ, “sorry,”

MJ hugged her back, “and don’t be too loud,” before she headed back to help Peter with the cooking.

Felica had crossed her arms, “You’re all mad.”

“So?” Gwen asked, as she lifted her top, “you don’t want to?”

“It’s weird, really weird,” Felica said back, but as her hands found her waistband she stripped. “I swear though if he says a word I will beat his ass.”

Gwen laughed and leaned forwards, spanking Felica slightly. “He would probably like that,” and she led a bemused Felicia into the shower room.

Peter continued to make dinner. Separated out two portions for Gwen and Felica and spooned them into a bowl. MJ heated up the hotplate and carried it to the dinner table.

“We really need power here Pete,“ she said as she came back, “and, are you really okay with them? I mean, I can hear the water, but not them.”

Peter shrugged, “so can I, but” and he pointed to a pile of paper, all taken from the jar. “Can we really say anything?”

MJ chuckled. Her self-control had lasted an hour. He got a reward for making dinner. One for designing a proper channel and outlet for the centre area. Then MJ just shrugged and wrote,

'for being so damn sexy'

It devolved from there. She had no issue with Gwen and Felicia having sex in the shower. They had done the same right before Gwen came home.

“Guess we can’t.”

Gwen and Felica were only half an hour, and Peter laid out a huge portion of stirfry for the pair. Felicia watched as Gwen add two huge scoops of noodles with strips of chicken and vegetables.

“You hungry?” she asked as Gwen twirled her fork and began to stuff her face,

“Pete makes me exercise,” Gwen said with a mouthful of food.

Felicia sighed, as she really hoped that wasn't a euphemism for something else.

Peter poured out four glasses of fruit juice before he sat down, “We run around the walkways, and do keep fit. Lab work and studying aren’t the healthiest things.”

Felicia could only nod, and as she tried a forkful of food, it was good. Better than she could manage.

The four ate in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable but friends who were normally happy to be with each other now had a reason to be awkward. Felicia glared at Peter, who was also given glances by Gwen. 

MJ stared at all three until she finally had enough.

Muse, can you stop me from feeling anxious for a bit?

We can, but we do not wish to harm you,

It would? I don’t get it.

Altering you makes you dependent, you become happier when you can't feel or feel too much.

It's fine, just long enough to get some courage.

MJ stiffened and straightened her back,

“Right. You three. Felicia, stop looking damn guilty. Pete, stop looking like an idiot, and Gwen, stop looking so damn smug. We all agreed, we all have taken the plunge, and I swear to god, if you start fucking my life up I will poison you while you sleep.”

It was Peter that started first, a small laugh, at the absurdity of it all. She was right. They were all friends, and now they were more. Once Peter had started, MJ joined in. Soon Gwen and Felicia were all smiling and laughing shaking their heads.

“If it saves us from the wrath of MJ, then anything,” Peter said, chuckling.

MJ tapped him lightly on the cheek before kissing him. “Don't you forget it.”

Dinner progressed smoothly after that.

It was strange. He could smell the sex that Gwen and Felicia had. He could smell the excitement of the three, but it wasn’t as weird as he thought.

Friends with benefits. Hearing the phrase and living the reality was different. It was like night and day. He was fine with things. He just really hoped that it didn’t all fall apart.

His face must have betrayed his thought as MJ squeezed his hand. Gwen was staring at him and Felicia had a worried look on her face.

“Not going to happen. So stop with the worry,” Gwen said. He slid a hand over and rested it on his, “Felicia and I have rules, and it’ll work okay?”

“No asking for a hot threesome?” Peter asked before his brain caught up with his mouth.

The fork in Felicia's hand switched from an eating utensil to a murder weapon and she glared at him. “Don’t push it, Pete.”

Peter ran a hand over his face, “sorry.” he tried a reassuring smile but Felicia still glared at him, “It’s new okay, so yeah. Just let me know you're here. So you, I dont walk in on you two screwing on the couch and it’ll be great.”

Gwen slid a hand over Felica’s pulling the fork from her and opening her hand for her to hold properly, “Pete, jokes are fine. I mean, she didn’t say no, so you know, never say never”

Felicia looked shocked at Gwen, “and now I’m eating my meal and leaving. Bad Gwen.” She looked over at Peter, “no, dont think it and don’t even joke about it.”

“I get that.” Peter said, leaning back, “So, yeah, it's fine.”

Felicia did look guilty, “but, it's okay if I visit?” Felicia asked. She didn’t want to antagonise anyone. She knew Peter was kidding. She knew with how relaxed everyone was he would probably walk in on her changing eventually. She just wanted a few weeks of guilt-free time with Gwen before she said something and ruined it.

Peter leaned over her and took her plate to wash alter, “yeah of course. Why wouldn't you?” and he chuckled, “I think Gwen would raise hell if I said no.”

“Damn right mister. So, changing topic. Plans?”

Peter left them talking as he gathered the dirty dishes. He had sketched out a system for running power and water to the centre area. He needed to use his powers so couldn't do it while Felicia was there. As he stacked the plates he paused.

Heading back out he lifted the glasses and smiled as the trio vanished into Gwen's home. He paused until the TV turned on to make sure nobody was outside.

Once he was in his own home, he slid into his armour and his senses burst into new life and deeper detail.

As he lifted the glasses he sniffed each one, and as his armour slid back, he couldn't help but laugh.

He finally knew where he had smelt Black Cats perfume before. It was Felicia. He had figured out a while ago it wasn't perfume, but their musk when they were excited. As Gwen and Felicia had just had sex, her saliva was full of it.

Now, do I say, or leave it? 

Peter knew Black Cat was wary of him. They were slowly warming to each other and for now, their relationship was one of mutual benefit. The question was, would Felicia freak out if she knew who he was?

Shit, would she get mad after I kicked her ass?

No, he decided. If she hasn’t figured it out, but she knows we’re connected I’ll leave it alone.

For Gwen's sake, he would wait until he knew he could trust her fully. If the two addresses turned out to be a trap or a bust, he would have a word with her privately. Gwen and MJ didn’t need to be involved until it was absolutely necessary.

Still, he chuckled to himself, that bodysuit is absolutely amazing.

Felicia was on Gwen's couch, with Gwen on one side hugging her arm and MJ on the other. She was close enough she could smell that Peter and MJ had definitely had sex, but she recognised the smell. That strange chemical smell.

It was too faint for MJ so it was most defiantly Peter. He was Enhanced like her. She knew he was bitten at Oscorp as Gwen had told her he had been sick, but now she knew that he must have powers. Her eyes widened.

Shit, if he has powers. Oh, shit shit shit. He’s Venom.

It was the only explanation. He must have some kind of mutated version, like the other four. No wonder she didn’t recognise him until she got close enough to smell him on MJ.

Now she had to get out of there. If he knew who she was, she didn’t want him to expose her to Gwen. No, she needed to find him later and have a small chat about keeping secrets. She figured he wouldn’t risk exposing her if it meant exposing himself as well. Gwen and MJ had no clue who he was but it gave her leverage.

Dammit. He’s supposed to be my friend, Felicia closed her eyes. No, he is my friend. We can talk it out and nothing has to change.

She looked at her wristwatch, “Uh Gwen, I can’t stay much longer. Uh, My dad’s calling tonight.”

Gwen pouted and leaned into her, “aww, not even for hugs and kisses?”

Damn her, Felica thought, “sorry not even for hugs and kisses.”

Gwen stuck her lips out in a stupid duck face, making Felica laugh. She leaned forward and kissed them, “Definitely not if you do that.”

Gwen laughed, “Oh well, but. You are coming back, right? This isn’t some stupid thing and you’re running away.”

Felica stood and grabbed her coat, “I promise. I’m not running away. It’s weird, but nice, yeah, nice.” She nodded at MJ, “glad to see you looking better too, so uh, see you around.”

Gwen leapt to her feet, “I’ll show you out.”

Dammit, I was enjoying that too, MJ thought. As Gwen and Felicia headed to the door, she grabbed Gwen's blanket, wrapped herself in it, and hit play on the movie.

Yes yes, watch more, we love this. Tiny people doing funny things.

At the main door, Gwen closed it behind her, and leant into Felicia, “be honest.”

Felicia frowned and then smiled. She stepped forward and grabbed Gwen by the cheeks, pulling her in for a kiss. For once, she let her tongue invade Gwen's mouth, and she moaned, as they played,

“I will be back. You’re my girlfriend now, and I will make sure you never forget it.” Felicia pulled back and gave the stunned Gwen another peck on the lips. “Call you tomorrow?”

Gwen nodded dumbly, as not just her own brain fritzed out, but Poison as well.

Felicia laughed, “if you remember how to use a phone.”

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