Son of Agni ( SI in Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Book One: Water – True intentions!

Chapter 7

Book One: Water – True intentions!

Hello there, peasants!!!

Here's the chapter of the week!

Thank you for waiting!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


- Location: Sea Mo Ce / Fire Nation Navy Invasion Fleet.

Pov. Third-person.

Agni Kai.

It is the name given to duels between firebenders, with the purpose of resolving conflicts or even a form of entertainment, with some duels being to the death.

At this very moment, on the spacious deck of the only Royal Sloop in the Fire Nation Navy, the said duel was about to take place. As a form of ceremonial opening, the two opponents stand on opposite sides, with their backs to each other, until they wait for the signal to turn around and officially begin the Agni Kai.

The two opponents who were about to face each other were Zhao and Zuko, both of them waiting for the signal to stand up and turn around.

The watching audience consisted of two Fire Nation elders, as well as several royal guards and common guards, and most notably the Fire Nation princess herself, Azula, who was carefully watching both combatants, and Ty Lee, who was watching the situation while giving a worried and hesitant look when looking at Azula.

It was then that Azula waved to a guard who was nearby and who was also holding some kind of gong.

The guard immediately noticed Princess Azula's signal and soon hit the gong, symbolizing the beginning of Agni Kai.

With the sound of the gong resounding through the ship, Zhao and Zuko rose and turned, assuming a firebending stance as they faced each other.

It was then that, after a few seconds of silence with both combatants facing each other, Zhao acted punching the air and sending a fireball towards Zuko, who quickly dodged the attack and retaliated by jumping and delivering a spinning kick that sent a wave of golden fire toward Zhao.

Zhao deftly blocked and dispersed Zuko's wave of fire, but was soon taken aback by Zuko who was in the air due to propelling himself with jets of flames on his hands and feet, and then somersaulted into the air and shot two jets of fire through the air towards Zhao.

Commander Zhao quickly blocked the flames, and soon became alert when he realized that Zuko was not finished with the offensive, but ended up widening his eyes when he noticed that Zuko fired several fireballs as he quickly approached.

Although Zhao blocked each attack, the frequency of each fireball was getting faster and faster.

Until Zuko was very close to Zhao and did something that surprised everyone present...

He began to fight with just his fists, driving his knuckles into certain areas of Zhao's body, particularly his shoulders, and chest.

Azula, seeing this, looked at Ty Lee.

“… Did he get it right?” asked Azula, curious.

Ty Lee, who was also surprised, glanced quickly at Azula when she heard the question.

"Yes... At least almost half, some he missed by distance, others he missed by the force needed to close" said Ty Lee.

Azula hummed in response.

After all, although she expected Zuko to be a wimp when it came to firebending, she knew that from a young age, Zuko had a certain talent for melee combat and unarmed combat. It came as a surprise even to Azula to discover that her brother was currently using Zhao as an experimental subject to see how far he had learned about Chi blocking from Ty Lee.

Meanwhile, Zuko would hit certain areas of Zhao's body and back away, seeing the effect it had and taking notes on his mistakes when he saw Zhao firebending normally or with only little difficulty.

After a while of Zuko not using fire, Zhao was getting angrier and angrier...

“… This is not your first Agni Kai, Prince Zuko! It's not a fistfight! You refuse to use Agni's gift so blatantly?!” Zhao said.

Commander Zhao only had one arm functional, due to his right arm being paralyzed, as he stared at Zuko with a frown.

Zuko looked at Zhao calmly with his fists raised, having shown no emotion at Zhao's comment, just looking at the places he had hit. Although, after a few seconds, he looked Zhao in the eyes and glared at him.

Zhao, for some reason, was feeling a new sensation when he saw Zuko's gaze... A feeling he didn't like at all.


But soon fear gave way to rage.

Rage that he felt such feelings for someone he considered inferior, who should be nothing more or less than a stain on the Fire Nation.

With a roar, Zhao swung his arm and sent a wave of fire toward Zuko, who soon jumped and dodged the attack.

While in the air, Zuko waved his arms with his hands clenched, creating blowtorch-like jets from his fists. When the prince landed next to Zhao, and swung an arm, the blade made of fire hit the target on Zhao's neck...

Reaching the place where the carotid would be.

The smell of burning flesh and blood soon overtook the senses of many, because after Zuko cut and burned the skin, he just walked past Zhao nonchalantly and walked toward Azula.

Zhao fell to his knees as he desperately placed his hands on his neck, he tried to scream nothing but blood came out of his mouth, after a few seconds, as soon as Zuko stood in front of Azula, Zhao fell completely to the ground, and soon a pool of blood began to form as Zhao's eyes widened as he lost the last glimmer of life.

All those present widened their eyes in surprise and shock.

After all, Zuko, the disgrace of the Fire Nation, killed someone, and he didn't even show sympathy or even regret...

As if he had killed before.

Azula just stared at Zuko, while Ty Lee showed a look that looked like fear and did her best to stay behind Azula.

"... Looks like you finally gave a proper Agni Kai... Although I didn't expect it to be to death" said Azula, though not showing to be surprised by someone's death.

Zuko was silent for just a few seconds before he answered.

"... In an Agni Kai, the loser is the first to be burned... Unfortunately, there can be accidents that end in fatalities" said Zuko, showing no emotion.

While it was true, Azula knew one thing throughout the duel...

Observing the fight, the princess soon noticed that Zuko seemed to be putting what he saw Ty Lee doing during the 'friendly' spar earlier into practice, using Zhao as a test dummy.

Although Azula did not use the Chi blocking fighting style, she had a full understanding of where all the meridians were, as she used them to increase her control of the inner flame and mold it into the purest and most powerful form, which resulted in the blue flames.

Zuko, however, as soon as he finished hitting all the meridians, soon changed his fighting style, which was noticed only by Azula.

He didn't go to burn and cripple to defeat Zhao in the Agni Kai...

Zuko went with killing intent.

This was a significant change if Azula considered what Zuko's behavior was like before he was banished from the Fire Nation.

"In fact, accidents happen... I think it's appropriate to congratulate you on your victory Zuzu, now prepare your things to take your prize" said Azula, smiling and then turning around, which was quickly followed by Ty Lee.

Zuko frowned in confusion.

"... I don't remember setting any prizes," said Zuko, staring at Azula's back.

Azula just stopped and looked briefly in amusement.

“You didn't kill a soldier, Zuzu. We have now one less commander and one warship to be filled by someone capable of leading an imperial class ship plus 19 more warships... I hope you are happy Zuzu, you will lead something” said Azula.

Zuko's eyes widened when he realized the implications of everything.

“Since I'm the one leading the siege, and you're my subordinate… It's only fair that my brother is in charge of the main invasion force, you'll be leading the ships responsible for the battlefront,” said Azula.

Zuko will be in command of several ships responsible for the first attack before Azula arrives, the same ships that were part of the fleet that will go head to head against Aang being controlled by the spirit of the ocean.

Although with the death of Zhao, Zuko thought it unlikely that the spirits would intervene, it is not impossible after so much death and destruction that Aang asks Tui and La for help. Zuko knew that this action by Azula was a way to force Zuko to fight and show off what he is capable of.

At this moment Zuko was in a delicate position.

If he refused, he would have no idea what Azula would be capable of doing to him, considering that at the moment he was alone in the midst of a fleet consisting of approximately 100 Imperial-class warships; but if he accepted, there would be consequences for Aang's trust, not to mention risking his life.

"... I would like to have my crew under my orders," said Zuko.

Although Zuko knew he couldn't refuse, he wanted to at least ensure that he could trust someone on the Imperial-class ship.

The reason for that was simple, he didn't know anyone other than the crew that he lived with for more than three years, and that could lead to trust issues on his part and on the part of the crew itself; after all, no experienced soldier would like to have to obey the orders from a sixteen-year-old boy who has been banished from the Nation they call home by his own father.

But Zuko's request was met with a snort and an amused laugh.

“Your men have been assigned by me to take part in the ship rotation for the Fire Nation naval blockade. Besides, Zuzu, that ship is no longer used for war, it is one of the oldest, with a crew as old as... Both should be in the museum gathering dust” said Azula.

Zuko could only frown slightly, which was met with a slight chuckle from Azula, who was either amused by the reactions Zuko was showing or trying not to.

“Don't be sad brother... I hope you can demonstrate how much you've improved being on the battlefront, fighting with the peasants against the savages” said Azula.

This was Azula's opportunity to see if the rumors about Zuko were true, which could turn her brother into two things...

A valuable ally or a potential rival.

After a few hours, Zuko was back in his room on the ship, organizing his belongings to leave Azula's ship and go to Zhao's old ship to take the position of a naval commander.

As soon as Zuko shouldered his backpack, he turned toward the door, until he froze in place.

“What's the matter, Zuzu? Did you think I wouldn't come to say goodbye to my brother?" asked the person blocking the door.

It was Azula with a smug smile, which immediately made Zuko frown.

"... I thought I shouldn't waste time," said Zuko.

Azula soon entered the room and closed the door, the Fire Nation princess then began to walk around the room, leaving Zuko alert.

“I remembered some teachings from our old grandfather... He liked to say that our technology gave us the ability to build different things, some giant things like the ships we use to dominate the seas or the maximum security prisons like the Boiling Rock, but we also build simple things... Like soundproof rooms” said Azula.

The implication that the room they were in was soundproof left Zuko a little dubious and, mostly, confused. The reason for this was that Zuko didn't know what Azula wanted at the moment, for the banished prince, it was just a statement of the current situation, which could be true or not.

Though Zuko's thoughts were soon interrupted by Azula's next words.

“… What do you think of our father as Fire Lord, Zuzu?” asked Azula.

Zuko tried hard not to show any emotion on his face that might lead Azula to suspect him.

"... I did know that Agni bestows upon our father the wisdom and power to bring the Fire Nation dream to reality," said Zuko.

Azula then walked towards Zuko, until she was face to face with him, showing no emotion... Until the tense seconds of silence were interrupted by an amused snort from Azula.

“Of course Agni did… Just like Agni graced our uncle and cousin in Ba Sing Se” said Azula, with an amused smile.

The princess then walked over to the bed and sat on it. While that was happening, Azula's answer confused and scared Zuko a little.

Zuko made a mistake by showing surprise, an emotion that Azula noticed...

“Don't be so surprised Zuzu, our father is feared as the greatest firebender today, but as a strategist and ruler? He has the wisdom and experience of a turtle-duck, any general with minimal experience can see that,” said Azula, looking briefly at her fingernails in disinterest.

Zuko licked his dry lips before daring to ask a question as he glared at Azula.

“... Our father is not like that, you were always supportive of him. I remember we were always competing for his approval, why would you make such a statement after all?” Zuko asked.

The smile Azula gave Zuko sent a chill down the banished prince's spine.

"I can make such a statement when I realized that I don't need the approval of someone who doesn't see me as worthy, besides obeying every order of the old dragon as if he was someone to be feared," said Azula.

For Zuko, he didn't believe the answer one bit.

“Father always respected our grandfather Azulon,” said Zuko.

"No, father pretended to respect... Although father was the heir after Uncle Iroh's death, he still always sought approval from an old man who didn't know what day or night was" said Azula.

Zuko was silent and let Azula continue with her explanation.

"Our grandfather was no longer that feared Fire Lord, but even so, father obeyed him... One night I heard the two of them talking about my future" said Azula.

The princess then created a small blue flame and started playing with it.

"She will be a Fire Lord, they said... Although I could sense a bit of discomfort on our father's part," said Azula.

Azula then put both hands together and let the blue flame in her hand go out as she closed her hands slowly.

“After Azulon's death, the first thing he did was arrange another marriage with a noble house, he plans to marry again in a few weeks,” said Azula.

This took Zuko by surprise, but he didn't know whether to believe it or not, after all, Azula was a compulsive liar in the original series.

It was then that Azula looked at Zuko and got up from the bed.

“Our father is 47 years old, but in good health, not to mention the woman he is marrying is only 27 years old, an age that is bestowed by Agni with fertility... It's kind of obvious that I connected the dots” said Azula.

It was at that moment that Zuko chose to speak.

"How was I not notified about this?... Nobody gave me such information" said Zuko.

Although he was banished, he was still the prince, and if he completed the quest, he could take the heir's place again.

“Because our foolish father only wants to publicize the marriage after the war is over, which he intends to end with Sozin's comet and be the Fire Lord who 'fulfilled' Sozin's dream and brought victory to the Fire Nation... The two of us will be replaced, although he tries to give me confidence, I know it's all just an act” said Azula.

Zuko was silent, as if he wanted Azula to continue, which she gladly did...

“So, I was considering retiring Fire Lord Ozai…permanently. Are you with me, brother?” asked Azula.

Princess Azula then raised a hand in an inviting gesture and just waited for Zuko's answer.

Zuko just looked at the hand in consideration for a few seconds, which made Azula impatient, and just lowered her hand.

"I see it's a lot to think about it... It's understandable, so let's finish the siege first before we continue with our conversation, Zuzu" said Azula.

The Fire Nation princess just walked past Zuko and walked towards the door and opened it shortly after, but before she left she turned to Zuko one last time.

"Think about it Zuzu… I'll be waiting for your answer," said Azula.

The princess then closed the door.

Zuko looked listlessly at the door and sighed wearily.

While there were chances that everything Azula said was true and therefore something that should be taken seriously, there was one small detail...

In the original series, Azula was a compulsive liar, who knew how to believe her own lie and make it the 'truth', being able to deceive Toph.

But although this ability to lie was frightening, the person in Zuko's body knew a way to identify a lie, not by the heartbeat, but by something simpler...

The way the person speaks.

During the entire conversation, Azula explained her situation in too much detail, which aroused Zuko's suspicion that it was a lie.

Also, when Zuko asked the first question he realized something else at the end of the conversation.

Azula slowly changed history.

From someone who didn't trust leadership and considered Ozai too incompetent to rule, to a story that Ozai was planning to replace her and she wanted to rebel for the reason of risking her death so that Ozai's new bloodline would take her place.

Zuko was pretty sure she lied.

However, there were times when Zuko was sure that she was telling the truth, the reason for this was that every now and then Azula would casually break eye contact to look at objects, Zuko knew that this could mean that Azula was telling the truth, due to the fact that this action could help focus and revive memory.

In short, Zuko knew that Azula lied in some parts... But Azula also spoke the truth.

So Zuko's mind was working on identifying what were the possible truth and the possible lie in the conversation.

"Well... Shit" said Zuko, cursing his situation.

The banished prince just ran a hand through his hair and sighed in defeat, shaking his head as he started to walk towards the door. At that moment, Zuko just wanted to get off Azula's ship and be alone to think about what the fuck happened.


Well, that's all, peasants!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

In fact, I hope you're enjoying this fanfic, after all, I just started writing it spontaneously, so I'll appreciate any feedback!

Until the next update!

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