Son of Agni ( SI in Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Book One: Water – A dragon’s rise!

Chapter 8

Book One: Water – A dragon's rise!

Hello there, peasants!!!

Here's the chapter of the week!

Thank you for waiting!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


- Location: North Sea / Fire Nation Invasion Fleet / Battlefront.

Pov. Zuko.

While I'd like to plan better for a variable that was Azula, I wasn't diligent enough about what the rest of the Fire Nation royalty thought of me.

In truth, Ozai probably saw me as a piece on the board, but Azula...

I had no idea what I was to her; more likely, to her I was a toy.

But such thoughts don't matter at the moment; after all, I had to lead 20 ships on the battlefront.

Although I had never led a ship, I had some experience in the field of leading groups, participating in high-risk missions in complete secrecy in hostile territories.

But since I was just a teenager of 15, almost 16, who was leading a group of experienced soldiers, I first needed to do something...

Establish some contact with at least the leaders of each ship.

So here I was, on the deck of my warship, facing 19 captains.

Everyone looked at me with disdain or distrust... I suppose that was to be expected.

"Prince Zuko, we are already taking too long on this… 'meeting'. The Avatar may already have arrived at the Northern Water Tribe, what are we waiting for?" asked a captain, trying to start a conversation.

From the records and physical descriptions I read as soon as I arrived on this ship, aside from the obvious attempt to incite some form of leadership, this must be Captain Lee.

"… I called this meeting because of the need to take some precautions before we reach our destination," I said, putting my hands behind my back and walking around the makeshift table.

As I walked, I carefully watched the other… 'guests'.

Royal firebenders, four in total.

It appears that these individuals will be Azula's 'eyes and ears' on my ship.

I soon turned my attention to the table where the captains sat when I heard a derisive snort.

From the same captain.

"Precautions? They are savages, Prince Zuko, the invasion fleet totals 100 ships, there is no way they will survive, with or without the Avatar's help" said Captain Lee.

My mind quickly thought about the ocean spirit and Aang working together.

"… Although it seems easy to you, I haven't seen you single-handedly conquering this tribe of 'savages' until now. What is the matter? Didn't have confidence before and now you need to hide behind numbers?" I asked, approaching Captain Lee calmly.

This seemed to get on the old captain's nerves.

"… You dare–?!" said Captain Lee.

He was starting to be a little rude, so I soon interrupted him by closing the distance between us and drawing my Daos swords, and placing the blade on said captain's neck.

No one seemed to want to make any more defiant moves...


This is the quickest way for them to obey my orders without question.

"The Northern Water Tribe has survived for nearly 100 years, not because of numbers, but because they are smart enough to take advantage of situations that favor them over us. A good example is that using a joint operation between warriors and waterbenders, they could board our ships at night, with the aim of silencing us…permanently" I said.

I soon split my Daos and placed both blades on Captain Lee's neck in a scissor style.

It felt like everyone held their breath as they awaited my next actions. In a way, I was a bit surprised that most of the audience staring at me even believed that I would be considering killing a captain.

What I was doing was something simple.

A little fear in a soldier's heart puts them on their toes.

To wrap up my performance, I think I should point out the obvious to these impulsive old men.

"Remember… blades are much quieter than any bending style and are more efficient depending on the environment," I said.

I just left my swords at Captain Lee's neck for a few more seconds before sheathing them again. It seemed that showing off had the effect I wanted, as Captain Lee, after he had rubbed his neck a little, sat down and was silent, as did the other captains.

Now they will hear me properly.

"Regarding the invasion plan, I would like to know how many stones and incendiary resins we have in total, as well as the loading time of each warship's trebuchet, and, above all, the total supplies of each ship," I said.

While logistics are common in times of war, maintaining control is essential considering undetermined variables, such as Aang joining the ocean spirit and destroying most of the Fire Nation Navy.

I waited a few seconds while the captains looked at each other and only then responded to my demand in the following seconds.

Apparently, due to the size of the Cruiser-class warships, there was a significant amount of supplies available, as well as shells and some explosive substances, such as a few barrels of blasting jelly.

When I finished the inventory, I took one more look at it for good measure.

For each Cruiser-class warship, there were:

90 large stones, for trebuchets.

350 small stones, for the ballistae.

700 harpoons, for the ballistaes.

30 barrels of blasting jelly.

50 barrels of incendiary resin.

Each Cruiser class ship had two trebuchets and 7 ballistae.

The problem was the loading time of ammunition for each war machine for each ship, as this would depend on the crew responsible for this activity.

Considering the giant ice wall... The resources needed for the demolition were relatively scarce considering that every waterbender is capable of repairing the wall.

But again... I'll only 'try' to a certain extent.

After all... My original plan after seeing that Azula is here is to 'die' in the north so that the 'blue spirit' can join the Avatar gang and teach Aang firebending.

It was a simple but effective plan.

With my supposed 'death', the Fire Nation would no longer be able to watch me at all times, in addition to moving me away from Azula enough for me to have enough space to be able to act more actively.

But first, I must die a 'hero' and wait for Azula and the rest of the fleet to do as I planned and head towards Omashu or Ba Sing Se, so that I would be free to go to my true destination...

Wan Shi Tong's library.

Due to the distance and the high probability that I would be too late after the library returned to the spirit world due to Sokka's audacity, I should venture to another location first.

The Sun Warriors.

Although in the original plot Zuko, accompanied by Aang, went to the ruins to find a solution to the weakness of firebending, I would bet all my savings that those ruins would have something valuable.

I just hope my 'golden finger' keeps me from being burned by dragons.

With that in mind, I quickly turned my attention to the captains awaiting my orders.

"Using incendiary ammo is a waste of time, there is nothing flammable within the Water Tribe city, plus they have fire countermeasures in the form of multiple waterbenders. The harpoons will be better used at night, as it is faster and easier to reload in the ballistae, during the day we will use heavy ammo, but not incendiary, we will save blasting jelly and resin that way" I said.

I could see one of the captains raise an arm.

"Lord, what about after that? I don't think throwing rocks until they surrender is a good idea in the long run, especially as they get stronger in the presence of the moon. How will you fight them in case of a night attack?" asked a captain.

It's an older captain than Captain Lee, but considering the way he talks and the look he's giving me right now, plus he's further away than Captain Lee, sitting in the opposite seat...

It is likely that he is not very fond of Captain Lee's methods.

He had also been silent throughout my Captain Lee's 'murder' act.

This must be Captain Kai, according to his physical characteristics, mainly due to his advanced age.

"The Water Tribe people will certainly fight back when it's night, the moon gives waterbenders more power and makes them more confident, and that's a well-known fact… But I'm waiting for them to do that, get more confident, and venture a charge outside of their walls" I said.

It was then that a captain spoke.

"Blasting jelly and incendiary resin can ignite on any terrain... I see... So that's why you want to save it" said this captain.

Apparently, this captain has already figured out what I'm going to do...

He's quick thinking, possibly Lee's age, an observer just like Captain Kai, plus he has a scar on his jaw, according to the reports I've read this must be Captain Fang.

"Apparently you already have a brief idea; in simple terms, blasting jelly and the incendiary resin will be very useful in the possible night raid of the Water Tribe. Although it will burn on any terrain, in the cold and ice I would say it will only last for a few minutes so we have to be very precise" I said.

It was then the look of realization flashed through the minds of the other captains.

With the siege plan in place, I spent the next few minutes explaining the details and the signal for the plan to execute in perfect synchronized timing. At the end of it all, I closed the meeting and the captains returned to each other's ships to pass orders to their respective crews.

On the last night before I arrived at the Northern Water Tribe, I lay down on my bed in the ship's captain's quarters and slept to save energy for the upcoming battle tomorrow.

But as soon as I closed my eyes... I woke up in a white room.

"Fuck… Not again," I said, cursing.

I turned around and saw what I expected...

My body is in a hospital bed.

It was then that I heard a voice.

A voice that started... Singing?

"When the fight clenches your fists~

Demanding the blood of the bold~…" sang the voice.

That lyrics... I recognize her.

"When fear strikes the strongest~

Mixing dread with death~

A warrior will rise from the ground~

Fearless, trained, and loyal~

Go get the final victory~

And fight for your battalion~..."

As I listened to the voice sing, I unconsciously closed my eyes and remembered where I heard these lyrics, it was easy to remember after a few seconds, after all...

I already sang this.

"The silence of the dark nights~

It guarantees us complete secrecy~..."

The voice was going to continue, but I thought I should stop it now, due to the fact that I recognized whose voice it was.

"… The crimson saber reveals bravery~" I said, singing the verse that followed.

Silence greeted me as an answer and I, for just a few brief seconds, thought I had screwed up.

Until I heard the voice again... But the music didn't continue.

"Lucas Álvares Edmund, 1st Sergeant, member of the 1st battalion of the army's special forces, but it seems that battalion has a nickname, doesn't it? What was it? Oh yeah..." said the voice.

I looked towards the source of the voice and saw him again after three years.



I frowned, although I was displeased at being called here again, I could feel the icy sensation of this being's presence and it made me rethink snapping and going ballistic.

"…I thought you said we wouldn't be seeing each other anytime soon," I said, gritting my teeth.

Death seemed to consider the answer, before answering me in a not-so-elegant way...

"This was the plan as agreed with my bosses. However, you are a soul wandering in another world, while your body is alive in another world, which makes my purpose meaningless, that's a big NO for me... So I'll give you a little help" said Death.

I hesitated and could only swallow hard... When death helps it's not a good sign.

"Let's be clear, I know your primary plan is to help the boy with the arrow at his head… But I must admit your secondary plan is a bit more interesting~" said Death.


Pov. Third-person.

As soon as the hooded figure of death said those words, the man known as Lucas froze in response, as if he were a deer staring into a car's headlights.

"But there is a small variable... If you don't change anything in the primary plan, only civil war will happen" said Death.

Lucas widened his eyes.

"But how?! There is no logical explanation for–?!" said Lucas, until he was interrupted.

Death just said a word.

"Heirs," said Death.

Lucas stopped and then frowned when he realized.

Death just laughed at Lucas's face.

"Did you really think that if you or Azula didn't have heirs it wouldn't be a problem? Hahahahahahaha! You humans are the only species that can be smart and dumb at the same time!" said Death.

Lucas just scowled at the behavior of the being in front of him, although he was thinking about how not having heirs influenced the peace he wanted to build.

"The Fire Nation was forged by power and bloodshed, boy! The Fire Nation royal family has become strong after proving themselves superior to other families, as well as intermarrying from time to time into noble families to keep them on a leash..." said Death.

It was then that Lucas understood.

"If I die and Azula too... The noble families would fight again to see who gets the throne" said Lucas.

"Exactly... And the rest of the world would seize the moment of weakness and take revenge on the Fire Nation once Aang died," said Death.

Lucas sighed.

"Then my primary plan is unfeasible... The secondary plan, however –" said Lucas, until he was interrupted again.

"The secondary plane is good and it's the most interesting, but it's still going to pose the same problem in the long run, after all, you don't want to live an immortal life in that universe. As soon as you die, someone will undo what you've done and, as a result, that world will plunge into war again" said Death.

"... So, I need someone to continue the legacy I want to leave in that world," said Lucas.

"Exactly... Someone also capable of taking over the Fire Nation's superior military might and keeping everyone in check as the new leader after your death," said Death.

Lucas sighed in defeat.

He, or Azula, needed heirs for the throne so Zuko could guide him to keep what he was going to build.

"...Very well, Azula's bloodline will be the answer," said Lucas.

Death was silent.

"... It's been 3 years since you've been in that world, but for you, it's been 9 years since you've seen her... Don't you think it's time to move on?" asked Death.

Lucas faced death fearlessly, despite the freezing cold of Death's gaze.

"Thanks for reminding me to start hating you for taking my wife away from me… Fuck you, bag of bones," Lucas said, gritting his teeth in anger.

Death, despite the insult, didn't look angry.

"Death comes to anyone, whether good or bad; no one is immune to me, by my hand all spark of life come to an end... That day, it was her time" said Death.

Lucas closed his eyes as he remembered that day.

"... She was young... She was too young, she was only 25 years old..." said Lucas.

"There are younger people who are touched by me, every day, every second... She is just one more of thousands of souls. I am impartial in the matter of life, not justice, I do not judge people, I pluck them from the mortal plane by force, whether innocent or guilty, no one escapes me" said Death.

Lucas was silent because he knew that death was right...

Although he didn't want to curse the natural order of things, Lucas still wanted him to enjoy his life together with the person who completed him...

His wife.

"It's time you got back, I'll say it again boy, 9 years is a long time. I do what I do to constantly remind you, humans, to cherish the greatest gift you have that you most often don't realize... Life," said Death.

Lucas then felt the room shake as if it were an earthquake and soon tried to hold on to the nearest wall.

"Cherish your life, Lucas, because it is your most precious asset..." said Death.

It was then that Death pointed to the only door in the 'room', just as Lucas looked to where Death was pointing the door had been opened.

A child soon entered silently holding a small flower.

"…Elize," said Lucas.

It was then that the child, Lucas's daughter, named Elize, soon approached the bed and placed the flower on a bedside table next to the bed.

The child soon began to cry.

An old couple soon entered the room and embraced Elize trying to console the poor child, but the attempts to comfort her ended in vain, and Elize continued to cry for her father who was in bed.

"Remember the life you can lose!" said Death.

It was then that Lucas fell into the void trying desperately to hold on to something, until nothing but darkness greeted him, until...


Lucas saw himself again in Zuko's body on the floor, this time in the captain's quarters of the warship, as if he had fallen out of bed. After getting up and sitting quietly on the bed, Zuko got up and went towards the bathroom to wash his face.

Zuko washed his face and wiped the cold sweat and stared at the sink until he frowned in determination.

"... I will not lose," said Zuko.


Well, that's all, peasants!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

In fact, I hope you're enjoying this fanfic, after all, I just started writing it spontaneously, so thanks for any feedback!

The next two chapters will be the last of 'Book 1: Water'.

Until the next update!

*Author's Note: Chapter 75 of 'Reborn as Thor' will only be published tomorrow since I couldn't finish it due to family/private reasons.

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