So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 12: Bonds and Boundaries


A week had passed, and Mashiro started to get accustomed around the place. When we got back from that cliff that day, she had a proud expression on her face, as if she wanted me to compliment her on how she was able to keep up with me

She wasn't able to do the way I do Flash Step, but she was able to copy how my Master was doing it. The only difference was that she was faster at it and there's no signs of fatigue while she does it

...I guess Demicats have a huge stamina threshold then...

Mashiro took the liberty of patrolling around the area. I was against it because she could get lost if she strays too far, but she insisted that she won't get lost once she's able to visit a place once. It would also be a part of her training if I allow her to do so, so I let her do as she pleases...Although I don't see how that would help her in "training"...

Surprisingly, doing that kind of routine for a whole week helped her in many ways. I was able to get information on other areas thanks to her scouting, and she's able to get different kinds of ingredients and materials that I would never find myself for a couple of years or so. She says that its thanks to her eyes that she's able to see those...I don't know if she was talking about a skill I don't know, but I can only guess that she has an eye for different types of materials

Also, everyday when I wake up, she would also bring food on the pantry, ready to be cooked. She rises up early in the morning than me and that's the first thing on her list

"I want to eat Rui sama's cooking every day! That's why I have to get up early in the morning to gather lots of food!" Is what she said to me when I told her to not overdo it...

...Seriously...Mashiro's been a great help ever since we lived together. She almost left me with nothing to do but to take care of our garden, herbs, and do my training...sometimes I feel like I rely on her too much because of that thought...I hope she wasn't doing this because she felt like she needs to...


Enough about Mashiro! Lets talk about me, me! So, I've been doing a lot of stuff lately as well. I was able to do more experiments with the herbs, tried to mix them and see which ones works, and surprisingly, none of them worked! I was wondering why I wasn't getting any reactions from the herbs, but at first I thought that if I mixed all herbs one by one, I would eventually discover something...

From the spiky herbs that I got from the lakeside area, the round looking herbs I got from that mountain, various glowing herbs that I got from the the latest herbs that I got on that cliff...

...They had unique characteristics, unique smell, and unique textures, but the problem was I didn't know the effects of each herbs. I didn't know what herbs goes well with, and such. I tried and tried, even taking notes of every experiment I did... 

...yet to no avail. It was a bummer when I couldn't get the results that I wanted, but its even more of a bummer that I just wasted those herbs for no good reason...

"Just what is exactly that I'm lacking...?" I thought to myself, as I thought of how I was using the herbs to heal Mashiro that time

"But that only worked because I was able to 'transfer' the effects from a subject to the herbs itself..."

...but how am I going to do that to something that deals abnormal statuses...?


"I guess the only way to do it, is for me to see someone to be having that kind of condition..."

If that's the case...then I guess I'll just have to abandon having skills for healing abnormal statuses...


"Rui sama! I'm back!"

Mashiro said with a smile on her face, which completely lifted my mood a little bit

"That's a lot of herbs! Were you able to do it?"

"Nope, no progress today either. We'll get there eventually"

"As expected of Rui sama, so passionate on his work! That's one thing I love about you!"

My heart skipped a beat from that statement. I quickly calmed myself down, as I said multiple times to myself that she meant nothing of it...

"*A-Ahem* Anyways, that was fast, usually it would take you longer than that"

"Its about that..."


Her expression suddenly changed to being unsure of something...

Why do I feel like she has bad news for me?

"In this part of the forest, there's an individual that we must not ignore"

Mashiro then points the southwest of the forest

"A dangerous individual?"

"I wouldn't say a threat Rui sama, its also far away from this area, but its an individual that we should take action on"

"Why? Is it picking a fight with us?"

"No, not yet, nor I don't think it has intentions but-"

"Then there's no problem, let it do its thing"

I really don't want to start any fights especially if its with different species like Mashiro...

...Who knows what will happen if we try to pick a fight with them. They might start ruining our peaceful life forever!

Plus...I don't even know if we can win, Mashiro alone is someone I don't know I can win if I take her head on

It would be a different story if that individual wanted to attack us or our place...

"B-But Rui sama! She's-"

"Nope! If its not doing anything to us, then its best if we let it be"


Mashiro frowned at my statement

"I see...can I go back and check?"

"? What for? Wouldn't it get alarmed and might get provoked if you do so?"

"It might...but I can't just stand here doing nothing"

She said, forcing a smile at the end of her sentence

"...I see, do as you please"

"! Thank you Rui sama!"

"But you have to come back for lunch!"


She got a little bit happy right after I gave her permission. Mashiro once again left quickly to that area


"*Sigh*...She said that its not a threat...yet she's taking a lot of precautions for it..."

Well if worse comes to worst, I would use every means to take it down...

...even if I have to use Fatality skill once more...

I said to myself, as I cleaned up the wasted herbs, and thought of a dish to serve for today's meal...


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