So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 11: The Responsibility


Reminded by his lack of preparedness and decisiveness, Ignis patted him on the back, snapping him back to reality

"Its not your fault Hikari. Nobody would've expected them attacking us right after Rare Crimson Moon ended"

" was my fault for overseeing such obvious outcomes"

Ignis couldn't help but shake his head, thinking of a way to cheer up Hikari, who was deep in his own thoughts

"If only I was able to do something that night!"


"Still...why do they even need our catalyst anyway? I know that its a powerful artifact that can help us in battle, but why ours specifically?"

"Its only natural that you wouldn't know, especially that we have never used it"


"You saw their catalyst right?"

"That blue crystal shaped thing?"

"Correct. As far as I know, there are five catalysts which emits different spectrum of light. The catalyst that they have is the Catalyst of Mana, which can expand their mana capacity...however, it can also suppress ours..."

"Just how did they even managed to do that?"

Hikari gave a silent answer, meaning that he, himself doesn't know. He would've thought of a way to counter it if he knew beforehand

"The catalyst that we have is the Catalyst of Incantation, which emits a white light. It can enhance our spells and abilities"

"?! So that means-"

"Yes. With the Catalyst of Incantation, and the Catalyst of Mana, the Six Magus will be more stronger than they usually are"

Of course they would be...with a big pool of mana reserve and an enhancement from the catalysts, there's no doubt that they'll be a force to be reckoned with

"Why didn't you use it then? That was the right time to do so!"

"That wont be our own power if we do so. I also don't know the costs of relying on a catalyst. I cannot harm you all to such things I'm not certain of"


Ignis wanted to make a point, but he knew Hikari's decision was valid. Since they have no further knowledge of the catalysts, they are uncertain of its exchange for using it

The atmosphere became awkward as they further gone into silence...

...Suddenly, someone broke it

"Hikari! Fake Fire!"

"F-Fake Fire?!"

It was Aeris and Casa, who had gone back

"Isn't that what Fire Magus told ya?"

"Are you insinuating that I'm bad at my role?"

"I mean, he's got a point"


"Now now, I do agree that he's bad at his role, but he's excellent at fire magic"

Aeris whistled at the two

"There you go again Casa! Protecting your lover from a bully"

"?! I-I'm not! I'm just trying to make a point!"

"So you're admitting to yourself that you're a bully? That's rare"

Aeris just gave a smug expression at Ignis, then asked Hikari about something

"So...where's Magna?"

"About to flirt huh?"

Ignis shouted, getting Aeris' attention

"Want me to cut down your throat?"

"Before that, about your exploration"

Aeris gave a sigh, as she was expecting Hikari to not give a care about anything that he doesn't want to hear

"It took us some time, but we managed to find a big waterfall thanks to Casa's abilities"

"So technically, you didn't do anything?"

Ignis said, catching Aeris' attention once again

"HUH?! You wanna square up?!"

"Bet you won't even last!"


"Yeah. After Casa was able to track down where the water was, it eventually led us to a big lake with a waterfall surrounding it. After investigating it further, Casa also confirmed that there's a big abundance of Metarouts and Trollfish residence in the lake. The water was also refreshing and cold, which we deducted that its safe to drink"

" 'We' ? All I heard was Casa doing most of the work"

"Someone REALLY has a death wish huh?"

She was about to unsheathe her dagger, when Casa intervened in between them

"Good to know. Now we don't have to worry about food or water for the meantime"

They have been gathering food and water from various locations, which wasn't a viable option, since it cannot be a reliable source of provisions. The water is sometimes dirty, or infested with bacteria, and sometimes the fish that they hunt for, gets scarce in the long run. Although beasts such as Madbits and Loudbears exists, They rarely come out and attack the citizens. Thanks to the Pillar's influence, those creatures tend to be wary and avoid the premises, hence why its harder for the citizens to get meat than usual. The citizens however, don't think of it as a necessity, as long as they have food to eat, they're content with what they have...or so they said to Hikari...

Hikari finally got let out a sigh of relief right after he heard that there's now a potential reliable source where they can get food and water from, although he also wants to solve the lack of meat, he was assured by the citizens that it shouldn't be his primary concern

"That's good to know. We won't have any concerns on provisions for a while"


Aeris then averts her eyes from Hikari

"...Where's Magna?"


Hikari looked at Ignis, which was getting held by Casa. He just nodded back at Hikari

"...He's helping the citizens to establish their settlement. Since he's the one who can cast Earth spells, he felt like he's the most suited for the job"

"I see...thanks"

Aeris then hurriedly left the scene without asking Hikari any further


"There's one more thing that you need to know, Hikari"

Casa said, getting Hikari's attention

"What is it?"

"Its about that place...its the perfect place to get sources from"

"Yes. It is just as you said earlier"

"But...there's something off about it?"

Hikari got intrigued by Casa's statement

"Does Aeris know?"

"I don't think she does...but after quite some time of exploring the place, I noticed that the location was quite clean. No mosses on the walls, well trimmed patches of grass, and no signs of leaves accumulating over time"

"Which means someone's been taking care of it"

Hikari deducted, Casa nodded in agreement

"We didn't met anyone in there nor felt their presence, but I believe there's someone going to that place from time to time"


As there was good news for them...there will always be a bad news tying on it. Hikari thought of the possibilities

"Its a problem if they own the place, but I don't think anyone lives on Myriad Forest. What should we do Hikari?"

"...It will be a problem if we just go ahead and gather resources without knowing that person, it could be a Heavenly Beast for what we know"

"H-Heavenly Beast..."

Casa shivered at the thought, knowing that its the least they want to mess with

"...Its best if you and Aeris keep an eye on that area, until you meet that individual"

"Alright...but what do we do if its one of the Heavenly Beasts?"

"Then we will have no choice, but to avoid that place by any means"


Casa didn't say a word after, leaving in silence


"All I ask for us to get through this predicament"

Hikari said, as he turned his attention to the citizens, who are slowly developing the area they're inhabiting...

...To be able to lead someone, one must be wise and cunning to every situation, one must be able to fulfill his/her member's desires, and one must be the foundation for everyone...

...Which everyone hopes for Hikari to the absence of the King, and her Highness' presence...


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