Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 28 – Acquisition Of A Puppy

Well, that was four Thieves killed.

They seem to have been the only ones who survived after being hunted down and exiled, it’s to be expected that they were high leveled; it’s also likely that their bounties are very high.

Light Ball!

As I cast the spell, a small ball of light floats above my head--about the size of a Tennis Ball, and as bright as a 60 watt light bulb; it lasts either until I cancel the spell, or cast another.

It’s one of the Mid-Grade Non-Elemental Magic Spells.

Because I don’t want to stay here for very long, the headless corpses and blood pooling on the stone floor is making me sick.

I perform the necessary work, tearing their clothing to make cloth wrappings--then I cut off, and collect the four left hands, wrapping them up. I also collect their four copper swords, and leather armour. All I had was a shield, so I needed leather armour. One of the Thieves were near my size, and his armour had a minor size adjustment.

Now, I had a full set of leather armour: Breastplate, Gauntlets, Grieves, Gloves, Boots.

I wonder if they hid any treasure anywhere?

Well, I don’t have to tell the people where the hideout is, so I can search it some other time.



It only takes two Fireballs to incinerate all four corpses, and boil the blood off the floor.

First, I Warp to one of the rivers and wash off the blood.

Then I Warp to the Inn, getting my key, I head up to my room; Tirihi is laying asleep on the bed, I lay down next to her. She murmurs in her sleep, quickly wrapping herself around me like an octopus; nuzzling into my neck. The feeling of sickness, from killing the Thieves, began to fade--her warmth seeming to soak into me, pushing out the coldness.

It doesn’t take me long to fall asleep; for some reason, it’s much easier to sleep with Tirihi in the bed than it was a few days ago. But, I still stay awake for a short time--excitement flooding through me…Tomorrow, I buy Roxanne.


The sun rose and I woke up, Tirihi snoring lightly in my ear.

I sat up.

I had slept very well, and I was in high spirits; but I think my sense of relief was even even bigger--I had eliminated the danger of revenge, and I had the money to purchase Roxanne.

“Oh, you’re awake? Good morning, Alex.” Tirihi sat up, she rubbed her eyes a few times.

“Good morning.” I can't help but smile as I greet her--I also take the Intelligence Cards out of my Ring, showing her that the danger of the Thieves is gone, "You don't have to worry about Somalia being destroyed anymore."

“You took care of the Thieves?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, “It seems that the danger is gone. Can you return me to my home? Don’t forget to visit--get me when you get a house. I won’t interrupt your plan for a slave harem.” She giggled.

I stroked her hair, without thinking, “Well, you don’t have to go, if you don’t want to.”

“I would only be interrupting--” She smiled, “Don’t worry about me.”

“If you’re sure.” I smiled.


The wall went dark, and I gently took her hand; she followed along behind me. We walked through the Warp and arrived in her living room, she pulled me against her--and gave me a kiss.

“Thank you.” She grinned and waved goodbye to me, gently pushing my back, pushing me back through the pitch-black wall.

I appeared back in my room at the Vale Pavilion.

So, should I turn in the Intelligence Cards at the Vale’s Knight’s Order, or should I take them to another town?

Because I had exchanged Intelligence Cards in Vale only 10 days ago, if I bring in these bounties as well--it was likely that someone would have an eye on me. The Knight Order was linked to the Thieves in the slums; Thieves who wouldn’t appreciate a new Bounty Hunter.

Even if it is the extermination of Thieves that they are hostile to.

But thinking about how it is likely that the Knight’s Order were the ones who set up the Bounties, so it’s possible I can’t get a bounty in another town--of course, I can get Roxanne either way.

Well, I have the Capital available to Warp to, so worst-comes-to-worst, I just take Roxanne and go there.

I quickly leave the inn and go to the nearby building; however, when I peek inside, I can’t see the beautiful female knight; however, I do see the helpful Apprentice Knight.

“Hello.” I call out to him.

“Hello. Do you require any assistance?”

“Well, last nigh, some odd guys picked a fight with me, and seemed to be Thieves.” As I speak, I take out the Thieves’ Intelligence Cards and give them to the Apprentice Knight.


“Yep.” I grin at him.

“Well, just in case, can you show me your Intelligence Card?”

“Sure.” I hold out my left arm to him.

After he confirms my Intelligence Card, he goes into the office, saying that he will look them up.

Before long, he returns with a small bag, “I was able to confirm it, the four Thieves were the comrades of the ones who attacked Somalia. There are no more members of that group left, so there shouldn’t be any more danger of them looking for revenge.”

“Thank you.”

I receive the bag and depart after thanking him, and waving goodbye.

Looking into the bag, I see that there are 30 silver coins…and 10 gold coins.

Walking quickly, and filled with excitement, I return to the road and walk to the Slave Dealer’s shop…it was a long 10 days, and there is just one more step.

I feel an unintentional grin pulling at my mouth.

“Hello.” I arrive at the Slave Dealer’s shop and knocked on the door.

“Please wait here.” The man who met me at the door lead me into the room with the couch.

I take out Excalibur and lay it across my lap--just in case.

Since he knows I have around 43 gold, I hope he doesn’t think that my precautions are overboard. Of course, I don’t need Excalibur--I could launch a Fireball or two.

“Alex, sorry for keeping you waiting.” Alan entered the room.

“It’s fine.”

“Have you prepared the funds?”


“Then, please. Come to this room.”

He leads me to another room.

When I sit on the sofa a slave, who isn’t Roxanne, serves me some tea. I drink the tea, turning and subtly eating an Antidote…just as a precaution.

“Alright, here is the money.” I hand him the 43 gold coins.

He quickly counts them, and then nods, “Thank you. The money has been received; I will bring her soon, please wait a moment.”

Getting up, he nods to me, and then leaves the room.

A few seconds later he returns with Roxanne.

She is the same as when I first saw her, she was standing partially behind the Slave Dealer. Wearing a very tight, light green tunic, and green hot pants.

Her face is incredibly beautiful--I had thought that since I had been anticipating buying her for so long, I may have imagined her better looking than she really was…I didn’t.

“Thank you.” She sees me and bows, her tight shirt still somehow showing off an incredible valley. Her ears twitch cutely, tilting towards me, before lowering.

Those ears are incredibly cute.

“You’re welcome.” I don’t think that was the right response…both Alan, and the other slave are grinning. Roxanne just cutely tilts her head.

Alan smiled, he gestured to his apprentice who left, and soon returned with a leather collar. The collar had a clear gem set in the front, and strange black letters drawn on it.

“Well then, to begin the Contract, let me take out your Intelligence Cards.” Alan steps forwards.

“Okay.” I extend my left hand.

“Yes.” Roxanne holds out her hand as well.

With a  quick recitation of the incantation, the Intelligence Cards float out of our hands.

He then holds the leather collar, moving it so that the clear gem touches first my Intelligence Card--then touches it to Roxanne’s Intelligence Card, making the gem turn green.


Roxanne straightens up, pulling her hair out of the way as Alan gives me the collar. I carefully place it around her neck, clipping it up. She blushes as my fingertips brush her incredibly soft, pliant, pale skin.

Then the letters light up and she shudders slightly, I suddenly feel a strange connection form between us; I had the intuitive knowledge that I could order her to do anything and she would obey--but I also knew that I could will her dead.

I would never do that.

“Alright, the Contract is complete, please take a look at your Intelligence Cards.”

Alex Conner, Male, 17, Wizard -- Free

Slaves: Roxanne

There had been a new section added to my Intelligence Card.

Roxanne had her eyes shut, her adorable ears twitching.

Alan snaps his fingers, “Show your master your Intelligence Card

Roxanne, Female, 14, Beast Soldier -- Slave :: Owner: Alex Conner

I show Roxanne my Intelligence Card, in case she was curious.

“Err…is it alright?” She asks with a tilted head, her beautiful eyes peeking up at me--using a dangerous female tactic...the upturned eyes.

I smile reassuringly, “Why wouldn’t it be alright?”

“Thank you, master.” She quickly read it.

“It seems that the contract is completed.” I smile at Roxanne as I speak to Alan, who nods at my words.

“With this, you are now her owner. You have the obligation to provide a residence, meals, and have to pay a tax when entering a town or city. If you badly mistreat your slave, or kill them for no reason--you will be fined double their initial cost.” Alan explains plainly.

“Understood.” I nodded to Alan.

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