Chapter 16: ZPD
The Zootopia Police Department was as lively and chaotic as ever.
Inside, Officer Fangmeyer, a stern-looking tiger; dragged a muzzled wolf through the front entrance.
"Come on!" the wolf protested, his voice muffled through the restraint. "He bared his teeth first!"
Unbothered by the commotion, Officer Benjamin Clawhauser, a round, cheerful cheetah sat behind the radio dispatcher's desk, fully engrossed in his bowl of Lucky Chomps cereal.
That was when a bunny approached the desk, her voice was bright and eager. "Excuse me!"
Clawhauser looked up in surprise, glancing around.
"Down here!" the bunny called again, giving him a little wave.
When he finally saw her, his eyes went wide. "Oh. My. Goodness!" He put his cereal down in his excitement. "They really did hire a bunny!" His face split into a delighted grin. "You are even cuter than I thought you'd be!"
The bunny smile twitched. "Ooh, uh… you probably didn't know, but a bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it, it's a little…"
Clawhauser gasped, his face falling. "I am so sorry! I don't mean to be a racist" He pointed to himself. "Here I am, Benjamin Clawhauser — the guy everyone thinks is just a flabby, donut-loving cop — stereotyping you. Aw…"
The bunny giggled. "That's okay, I'm Judy Hoops by the way" Then her eyes flicked to something under his chin. "Oh, um… you've actually got… there's a—"
"A what?" Clawhauser asked, tilting his head.
"In your neck. The fold… the… uh…"
Clawhauser reached down, fishing around before triumphantly pulling out a squished donut. "Oh! There you went, you little dickens!" Without hesitation, he popped the entire thing into his mouth with a satisfied "Nom!"
Judy stared, clearly unsure how to react. "I should, uh… get to roll call. Which way—"
Clawhauser pointed. "Oh! Bullpen's over there to the left."
"Great. Thank you!" Judy chirped and hurried off, her energy still determined despite the odd welcome.
As she disappeared, Clawhauser sighed wistfully. "That poor little bunny's gonna get eaten alive…"
The bullpen was just as chaotic. Predators of all shapes and sizes filled the space, roughhousing and chatting loudly. Judy entered just in time to see a polar bear slam a lion's arm down in an arm-wrestling match, drawing cheers and laughter from the surrounding officers.
She approached a seat and struggled to climb onto it, finally managing after a few hops. Once settled, she turned to Officer McHorn a massive rhino.
"Hey!" she said brightly. "Officer Hopps. You ready to make the world a better place?" She held out her paw for a fist bump.
McHorn glanced down, snorted, and pushed her tiny fist away with one large knuckle sending Judy and her chair scooting backward several feet.
Judy forced a shaky laugh. "O-okay then…"
"Atten-hut!" Officer Higgins called out suddenly.
The room fell silent as Chief Bogo an enormous, imposing buffalo entered the room. As he strode in, the other officers thumped their fists on their desks in respect.
"Alright, alright! Everybody sit!" Bogo barked. Judy adjusted her posture, standing on her chair so she could be seen over the crowd.
"I've got three items on the docket," Bogo began. "First, we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room." He turned toward a large elephant officer. "Francine."
The room held its breath.
"Happy birthday."
The tension broke into cheers and laughter as the officers swarmed Francine in good-natured celebration.
"Oh… oh!" Judy clapped along, caught up in the energy.
"Number two," Bogo continued, his tone returning to business. "There is a new recruit with us… but I'm not going to introduce her because I don't care."
The officers sniggered. Judy's smile faltered, but she stayed hopeful.
"Finally. We have fourteen missing mammal cases. All predators ranging from a giant polar bear to a teensy little otter. And City Hall is right up my tail to find them! This is priority number one."
As Officer Higgins handed him the case files, Bogo adjusted his glasses and began distributing assignments. "Officers Grizzoli, Fangmeyer, Delgato — your teams will cover the missing mammals from the Rainforest District." Delgato took the file from Grizzoli, and their team quickly left the room.
"Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard — you'll take Sahara Square." McHorn grabbed the file with a nod, and his team followed him out.
"Tundratown goes to Officers Higgins, Snarlov, and Trunkaby." Trunkaby accepted the file, and the group headed off without hesitation.
Finally, Bogo turned his attention to the last officer in the room. "And our first bunny: Officer Hopps…" Judy Hopps stood at attention, her ears perked and anticipation clear on her face. But Bogo only sighed, fixing her with a blank, almost weary stare. "Parking duty."
The room fell quiet as Judy's excitement gave way to visible confusion. "Dismissed,"
"Parking duty?" she repeated as officers filed out. She hurried after Bogo. "Chief? Chief Bogo? Sir, you said there were fourteen missing mammal cases—"
"So?" Bogo asked, already clearly done with the conversation.
"So I can handle one!" Judy said passionately. "You probably forgot, but I was top of my class at the academy—"
"Didn't forget. Just don't care."
Judy's ears drooped. "Sir, I'm not just some token bunny—"
"Well then, writing one hundred tickets a day should be easy."
Before Judy could argue, a Labrador officer ran up, panting. "C-Chief! There's a new mission we need a team to escort the contestants of that singing show Rising Star!" He shuffled through his clipboard. "We're short one officer for the assignment."
Bogo massaged his temple. "All my officers are already assigned…"
"Me! Me! Me!" Judy practically leaped into the air, waving her paw.
The Labrador's eyes widened. "How about her, Chief?"
Bogo stared at Judy for a long, silent moment… then sighed heavily. "Just go."
"YES!" Judy cheered, pumping her fist. She practically danced out of the room, already imagining the adventure ahead.