She Who Became Immortal

020 – Interlude: Serena I

The way they're treating us prisoners is just not right.

Serena had been captured by the werewolf tribe for five days now, feeling more and more frustrated as time went on. Sitting among thirty-four other people in the orc assembly hall, she couldn't shake off her dissatisfaction.

Sutin Village, where they were all from, had a population of thirty-six. Three had been killed in the werewolf tribe's attack, leaving thirty-three survivors cramped into the assembly hall along with Serena.

Normally, orcs in this village shared meals as a community rather than cooking separately in their homes. It seemed like a practical way to manage food for such a big group.

But for the past five days, they hadn't been given proper meals while stuck in the assembly hall.

Serena worried they could only hold out for one more day, maybe less. These orcs were peaceful farmers who had turned to agriculture to survive. Those who didn't embrace farming ended up in conflicts with other beastfolk, often leading to their extinction.

They couldn't afford to let them starve.

They were managing for now, but it was getting harder to stay hopeful. And nobody knew when the werewolf tribe would release them from this "confinement."

Hurry... hurry up... Euphemia!

She urged Euphemia Grimwood to hurry up in her mind, feeling the pressure building up.

Serena had sent a young orc named Montego to seek help from Euphemia as soon as the situation arose. It seemed like the only option at the time, but time was slipping away.

The incompetence of the werewolf tribe in handling prisoners was painfully clear.

"Lady Serena... What's going to happen to us?" someone from the orc tribe asked, their voice filled with urgency and concern. Serena was surprised by the thoughtfulness even from someone as simple as a pig beastfolk wearing just a loincloth.

The wolf tribesmen's goal was simple: to become the rulers of the beastfolk and overthrow Lion King Randal Kruger.

It seemed like a far-fetched dream, especially considering their struggle to control just one village. But dreamers often overlooked reality and its consequences.

"Lady Serena, the chieftain needs to see you. Please come."

A man from the werewolf tribe, standing in the assembly hall, gestured towards her.

The chieftain, Zamba Broad, hailed from a werewolf tribe, not fox tribe like Serena. She struggled to stand, worn out from captivity, but managed to leave the hall at his urging.

As she exited, the werewolf tribe man held the door open and guided her towards the chief's house.

Zamba Broad awaited her there. Unlike Serena, who was mostly humanoid with animal features, the werewolf tribe resembled humans with wolf ears, hairy chest and tails, emphasizing their strength in speed and combat.

Serena considered Zamba's situation. Under the rule of Lion King Randal Kruger, the werewolf tribe endured, unlike the disbanded fox tribe. This likely irked Zamba, who now sat amidst scattered bottles of alcohol in the oversized chief's house.

"Serena, join us"

"Become one of you? What a joke. Treating allies like this isn't trustworthy," Serena retorted.

"We're not allies anymore. We don't betray our own," Zamba countered.

"What about abandoning your family?" Serena challenged, glancing towards Zamba and the fox lady by his side.

"Serena, please, become part of our family," Stella, the fox lady, spoke up, urging Serena to cooperate for the sake of their scattered kin.

Despite her seriousness, Serena doubted her sincerity.

"What about Kirina?" Serena asked, concerned for her daughter.

"I can't let her see you like this. You understand, don't you?" Stella replied.

"How could I understand? I was there for Kirina's night cries, for her first steps, for when she fell and cried, and for when I taught her how to make flower crowns. All of that was me," Serena lamented. "You've wasted that time."

"I'll make it up to her," Zamba promised, indifferent to Serena's concerns about his violent pursuits.

"While you're busy killing others? Who's next after the orcs? How long until you reach Lion King with your precious fangs?"

"It's not that much time." Zamba said, with a dismissive expression, as if Serena's words didn't reach him at all. No, perhaps they really didn't.

The growth of his daughter was not of interest to this man.

"We're cooperating with humans. Orcs are treated as livestock, harpies as slaves, and minotaurs are sold too," Zamba explained casually. "In exchange, we gain military power."

"That doesn't sound right," Serena remarked.

Despite her repeated visits and futile persuasions, Serena couldn't shake the feeling that the situation was more complicated than she initially thought.


Suddenly, Zamba slammed the floor, startling Serena out of her thoughts. His laughter filled the room as he pointed at her accusingly.

"Ha! You're the one who's not thinking straight. Why hold onto stubbornness in such a dire situation? Tell me, Serena, don't you want to be with your foxkin again?"

Serena bristled at his words. "It won't be the same. And aligning with your kind sickens me. Living happily by enslaving others? That's a despicable way to live."

Zamba laughed scornfully. "That's what a loser would say. You lost everything just because you angered Randal. You had no choice but to accept it. Because you're weak. Why not try to reclaim what's rightfully yours?"

"Because, as you said, I'm weak."

"Pathetic. You're nothing but trash now. The once-feared Kitsune Serena—"

Zamba's harsh words were cut off by the sudden entrance of a werewolf tribe man.

"Boss! There's a strange kid... wants to see you... She says she knows Lady Serena... She's a human girl..."

His words were rushed and disjointed, but there was only one person Serena could think of.

"Euphemia Grimwood."


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