She Who Became Immortal

019 – She, Who Will Go Solo

We traveled for about two days.

Most members of the demon tribe, including Junos, wanted to come along, but leaving their newly developed territory unattended would be a waste. Plus, they had a contract with the dwarf Dubil, so some had to stay behind.

In the end, only ten demons joined us, including an eleven-year-old named Katarina. Even though it was just ten of them, in the border territory of Escard in the Kingdom of Louisse, over five hundred troops were deployed to face about thirty demons. The strength of the werewolf tribe was unknown, but it surely wasn't insignificant.

I thought our victory might come easily.

As we crossed the river from the demon territory and ventured through the forest from Serena's cabin, the vast plains stretched out before us.

According to the story, Montego's Village—Sutin Village—lay beyond a small hill. While there wasn't much cover, unless the werewolf tribe had a solid guard, they might not notice us approaching.

Oh, and Montego was carrying me on his shoulder.

My walking speed couldn't match eleven-year-old Katarina's, so being hoisted up on the broad shoulder of the massive orc was quite an experience and enjoyable!

"Say, are orcs into farming?"

Since the journey was a bit dull, I decided to ask something that had been on my mind. Back on Earth, orcs are often associated with unspeakable acts toward female knights and princesses, after all.

But Montego, despite his stature and rural demeanor, didn't seem to fit that stereotype. Even as he carried me, he only remarked, "Lady Euphemia is really light," without any hint of impropriety.

"Well, you see, ancient villages are like that. Back in the past, there were all sorts of orcs, even troublemakers... but it's survival of the fittest, you know? There are plenty of strong beastman tribes too. Seems like the troublemaker orcs are gone."

"Survival of the fittest, indeed. Natural selection at work."

"Yeah, exactly. Lady Euphemia is sharp."

With genuine admiration, Montego nodded.

Impressed, I patted his bald shiny pink head absentmindedly.

"Hey, why do you call me 'Lady'? Just so you know, I'll do my best to help Serena, but I'm not sure how effective I'll be in helping you guys."

"Well, if we don't count on Lady Euphemia, we're out of luck. And you just feel like a Lady, you know? You're pretty great."

"I'm not that great. Just very cute."

"Hehe. Lady Euphemia, you're quite amusing."

Montego's innocent laughter completely disarmed me.

The orcs of Sutin Village, like Montego, seemed peaceful and innocent, painting a picture of a tranquil community.

"Montego, I quite like you," I admitted with a smile.

The pig beastman chuckled shyly in response.

After a night of camping, with little difficulty, we arrived at Sutin Village. As I had been told, just before reaching the village, a small hill offered a vantage point to see the entire settlement. Extensive wheat fields surrounded the settlement, stretching far beyond it. The village itself consisted mainly of wooden buildings, with a notable single-story structure at its center—the assembly hall.

"That's where everyone's gathered. Guards are stationed inside and out, making movement restricted. Sometimes Lady Serena is taken to the village chief's house for discussions... but are you sure about this?" Junos asked, concerned.

It had been about four days since Montego had escaped from the werewolf tribe with magic.

"Well, we won't know if they're alive, dead, or captives until we check for ourselves," I replied.

Junos surveyed the village and reported, "There are two werewolf guards at the assembly hall, and one at the village chief's house. No one seems to be at the grain warehouse. There are no signs of activity in the wheat fields. Should we observe a bit longer?"

"It's clear. I'll go alone. Then we'll assess the situation. If things go peacefully, I'll return walking normally. If not, I'll give a signal. If a house burns or explodes, it's a cue to attack," I instructed.

"Should I leave someone behind?" Junos asked.

"Perhaps. Have someone ready to intervene if needed. The rest, we'll play by ear. Agreed?"

"Got it. We'll watch for the signal."

"Indeed, let's hope Serena is alive," I remarked.

Without the means to signal magically, a flashy event like a fire or explosion would have to do.

"Lady Euphemia, are you... going alone? Is that wise? The wolf tribe could easily overpower even your comrades," Montego voiced his concern.

"No problem," I reassured him, and with that, I strolled leisurely towards the village.

What sort of people were these werewolf tribes, I wondered? Perhaps they'd be interesting, though I held no expectations at all.

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