Chapter 89: 89
Claudia grins at the suggestion that you ride along with her.
"All right," she says. "I mean, you're the one going to be pedalling back up the hill to the Wolf's Head in the rain."
But the rain is already pelting down as you make your way out of the courtyard. Even the bright yellow high-visibility jacket that Claudia wears while cycling at night is obscured by the relentless veils of rain. But the weather doesn't seem to affect Claudia's mood. Whooping cheerfully, she cycles out onto the road. The Wolf's Head was built on top of the steep hill beyond Ballyavon; it commands stunning views of the mountains beyond. The descent into the village of Ballyavon is a very steep, unlit incline, one that is now slick with rainwater.
"This is going to be a wild ride," Claudia confides to you, one leg on either side of her bike as she looks down the descent, rainwater dripping off her helmet. She looks very happy.
"What if we meet a car coming the other way?"
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"