Sanctum of Death

Chapter 88: 88

Simon lowers his eyes mock-bashfully.

"Please, Ewu," he says. "I'm just going by 'Simon' these days."

His expression darkens.

"But I do think something is up with Cormac."

He addresses the group.

"I'm going to drive up to the farm and talk to him tonight. I don't think he failed either. But I'm worried about him."

Daniel shrugs.

"It's yet another O'Donnell Special, if you ask me. Something goes wrong, storm off and sulk until somebody comes running to kiss it better. You can do what you like, Simon, but personally I'm not letting him ruin another evening."

Daniel intends to stay at the Wolf's Head for another drink, and persuades Kitty to stay with him. Simon is going to drive to the O'Donnell farm to talk to Cormac. Claudia is going to cycle home before the rain gets any worse. And you haven't had a proper chance to talk to Aunt Maire since you arrived. What will you do?

I'm going to stay with Daniel and Kitty.

I'll ask Simon to take me with him to see Cormac.

I'll get out my own bike and ride with Claudia.

I will seek out Aunt Maire to talk to her.


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