RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Like cat and dog **

This was the first time I wrote a +18 scene so I hope it won't be so bad 


Blake Belladonna pov

After returning together with Lappy, I comfortably lay down on the bed and took out a scroll.

' Me and Lappy don't have certificates from the fighting school or from the hunters so we have to pass the exam to get into Becon'. 

'Today is the last day to apply for the Becon exam.' 

My application has already been filled out so now I hand my scroll to Lappland as I watch her read what I handed her on the scroll.   

"So are we going to Becon? "

 Lappy says looking at the scroll

"If you don't want to then you don't have to go Lappy."

' Unlike lapplandumb I have a reason to go to Becon . 

' I do it to show people that we faunus can be equal'.

' And to show the white fang that there is another way for people to accept us'. 

However, lappland responds as expected. 

" I go where you go whether it's Becon doesn't matter". 

Says lappland slowly filling out the documet and sending it. 

"Alright I'm going to go take a bath".

I say and get out of bed going to the bathroom. Lappland gets up with me putting my scroll on the bed and follows me. 

' So we are bathing together'. 

I sigh being in the bathroom I turn on the water in the bathtub and undress at Lappland side. When the tub is half full I am the first to enter the tub then lappland enters sitting between my legs. I feel her wet tail teasing my crotch .

Not wanting to make strange sounds I grab her tail and position it so that it is on my belly all the time. Her heads rests against my left shoulder . Looking at her face I see the same smile as always. 

For a while we simply lie and soak in the tub until lappland focuses her eyes on one spot on my body. That spot is my right shoulder where there is a scar from a bite. 

'She bit me during our first time.' 

' How to look at it she always bites'

I think gently wrapping my arms around lappland's belly stroking it. Feeling my hand on her belly lappland turns my head with her hand and kisses me on the lips. When I return the kiss lappland turns her body facing me. Without breaking the kiss I wrap my hands around Lappland hips again and she wraps them around my neck as our breasts press against each other. I can feel her nipples touching mine and before we go any further I break the kiss . 

" Tomorrow I have work I have to take a bath and go to bed,"

 Lappland in response leans her body back revealing to me her pale naked breasts and belly. Instead of disfiguring, the several scars on her body give her character. Seeing this reminds me of what it was like back then and I feel nostalgic for the old days. 

"We haven't seen each other for a year Blake ".

" We can do it quickly" 

Says lapland looking me straight in the eyes her smile reveals her fangs. Placing both hands on my breasts she gently squeezes them with a smile  .  

' I also missed this feeling .' 

' However, doing this with her I feel like I am taking advantage of her feelings for me '. 

I think when lappland cuddles up to me again and our breasts squeeze together . 

" What's going on Blake? "

Lappland says looking straight into my eyes. I, looking at her, and hug her around the waist. 

' This is not the time to talk about it '.

I think when Lappland keeps looking into my eyes. 

" What are you afraid of Blake?" 

" Don't you trust me?" 

Lappland says and her tone became more and more dangerous with time. It is precisely this temper of hers and the aura surrounding her that is the reason why no one hangs out with her .  People are afraid of her or don't feel comfortable with her around but I myself have known her for ten years and I know that she really is dangerous but my heart doesn't want to give up on her. I know that my feelings for her don't lie I know I feel helpless in loving her. 

' Is it her charm as a psychopath? 

' Or the fact that we have known each other most of our lives? 

I think when Lappland nose meets mine. 

" Lappland what happened then" 

"I feel that I treated you like a toy ". 

I couldn't finish because Lappland bit my lip. 

" Let's not talk about it " 

Lappland said when her face turned cold and her smile disappeared. 

I feel Lappland hand slowly move from my stomach to my crotch. I feel her fingers spread my labia reminding me of the pleasure of spending the night with her . 

' Lappland I really will do anything '. 

' I myself won't fill that hole in your head and heart, not after what I did I don't deserve this chance '. 

' From now on I'll give you more even if now I'll suffer . 

' From now on I will pay back everything I did to the people when I was in white fang and everything I did to you' 

I am finishing my thoughts when I am kissed by lappland again. However this time lappland pushes her tongue into my mouth. Being bound by the kiss my eyes start to tear up and a muffled moan escapes from my throat when I feel lappland stop playing with my labia and puts three fingers inside me .  

'Not so fast not so much at once '

' I am not ready. 

 All the while continuing to kiss, Lappland gently begins to work with hand when her fingers are  inside me making me moist. 

Feeling the pleasure of her touch, I know that there is no other person in the world who would make me feel this way. 

'Maybe it's because I haven't done it with anyone besides her.' 

Knowing that once she's started she won't stop until she's satisfied I tell her. 

"Lappy drain the tub." 

She continues fingering me with a smile and with her other hand pulls the cork out of the tub and goes back to kissing me this time on my neck. Not being indebted to her I myself start playing with her labia .  

 I stop playing with her labia when my hand starting to get wet. Feeling it I putt directl two fingers inside her. I myself don't have to do anything else becouse  when Lappland feeling my fingers are inside her she starts to move her hips by herself. I feel my fingers being sucked inside and the warm sticky insides clench with such force that I was worried she would break my fingers. I know I won't satisfy her so easily and I won't have enough stamina to last all night. Besides, I have work tomorrow so to give her as much pleasure as possible in the shortest possible time I slide my hand under her tail ending up grabbing her ass. Knowing what she likes I put two fingers of my other hand into the other hole in the woman's body . 

She liked it very much as for a moment she stopped any movement . Gently moving her hips as if correcting herself lappland begins to move her hand whose fingers are now inside me and her hips satisfying herself and me . Pulling my fingers out of her ass I begin to play with her delicate tail. I see a gentle blush on Lappland's face not a blush of shyness but a blush of excitement. The results of Lappland's momentary work is a wet sound coming from me and her with every move she makes. Hearing that wet sound I know the foreplay is over. 

" I missed that Blake" 

Lappland says wrapping her free arm around my neck hugging me without stopping her movements. I've seen it so many times from so many perspectives. The sight of her hips and tail moving like this in my view with such dexterity in her movements. The blush on her face combined with her erratic breathing makes me want even more. Her beautiful crazy eyes with her smile make me want to watch her like this forever. I want to say something but I can't because I clench my teeth to keep my mouth from opening. Every time I try to say something only a moan comes out. Silently under Lappa's intense gaze my body goes through a pleasant impulse through which I come causing Lappland to giggle. 

" You are so sensitive". 

Looking at my blushing face Lappland whispers in my ear. 

'You think so ? '

I think not wanting to look like the only delicate one I position my head accordingly and catch Lappland  wolf ear in my mouth. Feeling her hair in my mouth I gently bite her ear. To my delight I hear her growling moan. I know she is trying not to moan. Letting out a growl and a disturbing giggle Lappland grabs the back of my neck with her hand holding me in place. 

Lappland has enough I know from experience that she will always do anything to be on top so she won't let me do as I please . I myself can only open my mouth and let go of her ear when I feel her fingers inside me flexing speeding up their work . She herself with a smile holding me in place bites my ear . Unable to hold it in, a moan with a cat-like purr came out of my throat. I'm not proud of such submissiveness but these parts of me only she knows.

'Lappland really got horny '. 

Wanting to please her a little more I bite my lip and use my thumb to delikanti massage Lappland's clitoris. Her response was a feeling of pressure on my fingers, her moan coupled with a growl and a mass of warm fluid on my belly after she suddenly came . 

' It's a good thing we are in the bathtub' 

I myself felt my own clit being stroked by her in response with my mouth giving out another moan.  I can only see the top of her head her lips land on my nipples. And at that moment I myself came from the pleasure wetting all over my partner hand.

 From the tongue on my breasts and the pleasure on my crotch I see lappland raise her gaze I see those silver eyes with a flash of blue completely devoted to satisfying herself and me. 

'I  hope I get some sleep '

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