RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Friend ?

 Pov 3 person

In one of the rooms , of the vale hotel . On a double bed are sleeping two faunus , the blanket that should lie on them lies on the ground revealing a White-haired Wolf faunus hugging Black-haired cat faunus  from behind in a spoon position  . Feeling the sun falling on her face , black-haired feline faunus , open her amber eyes   .

Blake pov

I wake up with the feeling of two soft mountains on my back and a gentle breath on my neck. Lappland's arms wrap tightly around my hips , so I have to gently push lappland's arms away , to get out of the hug and don't wake her up by accident . Getting up from the bed I pick up the blanket that is now lying on the ground and cover the sleeping lappland with it. Then I walk over to the dresser next to the bed , from which I lift my scroll and check the time.

'In two hours I have a meeting at the bookstore . '

I think as I put the scroll down. Only to , hear a knock on the door. Hearing this , I quickly put on my pants , that were lying on the ground and walk to the door. Opening them  on the other side , I see a woman from the hotel staff pushing a cart with breakfast.

Hotel staff : "Good morning I brought breakfast. "

Hearing her , I open the door wider and take the cart from the woman , who suddenly started giggling giving me a thumbs up while quickly walking away. I was momentarily confused by the woman's action , until I turned around. Out of habit I opened the door wide showing this woman the inside of the room , including lappland who was lying on the bed with a satisfied smile .

'It doesn't mean anything . We could have been friends'  

With this thought , I realize that I simply don't have time for that and leading the cart inside I close the door. Right after closing the door , I see lappland's nose twitching , probably already smelling the food. Paying no attention to it , I pull the lid off to look at my serving of salmon with rice and a few servings of beef with potatoes . Then I look back towards lappland , only to be greeted by a pair of her silver eyes. 

Lappland : "Morning Blake "

Says lappland with a smile as the movements of her tail raise and lower the blanket . 

Blake : "Morning "

I reply and simply hand her one serving of beef.

Lappland : "Blake likes tuna"

Lappy says with a gigglen, as she  look at my food . But I prefer not to speak as I eat . So in silence , I quietly continue my breakfast .

Lappland : "What are we doing today?"

Asks Lappland , as she start to eat  herself

' I knew that lappland would not sit in one place . 

I sigh , swallow what I've already chewed and then I answer . 

Blake : "We need a scroll for you . Besides we don't know where your documents are so I took care of that before and today we have to pick them up " 

I say as I put down my empty plate on the cart . Then I get up , to take my clothes from my bag and with them in my hands I walk towards the bathroom.  Where I change my clothes and get ready to leave. On my way out I am greeted by the sight of lappland already dressed in a white shirt and clinging jeans with blades on her belt . I myself walk over to my gambol shroud and place it on my back. Then I pick up the scroll and check the time once again. 

'We still have an hour '.

I think while putting the bow on my head to cover my ears.

Lappland : "Why do you need this? "

Asks Lappland , looking at the bow on my head . 

Blake : " To cover my ears." 

I answer succinctly , but Lappy didn't quite understand what I meant. 

Lappland: "Why are you covering your ears ??? They're so cute , it's a shame to cover them up." 

Lappland asks me again while putting on her shoes. 

Blake : "If people thought like that then the white fang wouldn't have been created". 

I say with a smile at Lappland compliment . 

Blake : "Besides, I want people to see me for who I am , and not what I AM ". 

I say when Lappland looks at me calmly and asks.

Lappland : " And what are we?" 

Lappland asks uncertainly. And hearing her I understand how it might have sounded .

Blake : "Lappy it's not like that. I just want to start over". 

I say to lappland as I turn to leave not wanting to continue this topic. 

Lappland : " To me you are perfect as you were" 

Says Lappland . 

'Sorry Lappy '  

Blake : " We should go , or we will be late ". 

I say as I leave the room with her and without saying anything else I made sure the door to our room closed behind us . Then we walk out of the hotel togeth . Unfortunately, immediately after leaving the building, I see a lot of looks directed towards Lappland . However she still walks smiling beside me , as her tail wags behind her. 

' She is so carefree. However, I know myself how this carefree-looking girl can turn into a psychopath. However, that's part of her charm.'

I think , as Lappland and I walked through the streets of Vale . We didn't talk much , practically not at all , when we walked quietly side by side . Lappland seemed to be in her own world walking with her arms behind her back , while I at the time  look at the street number. 

' Twenty-seven, it has to be somewhere here '.

I think , as I walk past the grocery store , next to which I am stopped by a Lappland voice. 

Lappland : " Blake do you have some lien? " 

At her question I turn around and stare at her waiting to see what she will say next . 

Lappland : " I ran out of cigarettes ". 

Lappland says , without changing the expression of her blank face .

Blake : " You shouldn't smoke . It's not good for you ". 

I tell her straight to her face , but Lappland's face doesn't change. 

Lappland : " You hippoctite . You yourself smoked the most cigarettes of the two of us ".

With this simple sentence , I know that I have lost . So reaching into my pocket , I pull out a few lien , to give them to lappland. With lien in her hands , Lappland with her cute smile , goes to the grocery store next to us. But after a minute she comes out without smile and with empty hands. Before I can say anything Lappland opens her mouth and says. 

Lappland : " They didn't want to sell me , I don't have dokummets and I look too young". 

Hearing her I sigh . Looking at the scroll I see that I am going to be late. But looking at her face , I know she is annoyed . 

' I better buy her what she wants I don't want the poor cashier to lose his teeth '. 

I think while entering the store. After shopping , we simply leave the store and literally walk to the door next door. This door belongs to a bookstore with a sign " Tukson's Book Tread". Without much thought I enter the store . Being inside I look at lappland whose nose begins to twitch slightly. 

Lappland : "Faunus "

Lappland says , squinting her eyes .

'Her nose as always is amazing '.

Thinking I walk up to the counter. 

Tukson : "Coming up "

Immediately after I hear Tukson voice which come from the back of the store , I clearly hear his footsteps , coming closer to us .

Tukson pov. 

Hearing someone call me from the store , I stop stacking new books in the magazine , as to immediately walk up to the door leading to the store . Where I see my client who is also the daughter of the founders of the white fang. And next to her is person for whom I prepared new documets . People know her as " White wolf " of the white fang. Nickname "lappy" or simply Lappland. About a year ago she disappeared and no one knew what happened to her and now one of the best killers of the white fang stands before me. 

Since the surrender of command by Ghira and the beginning of radicalization , she began to wear the mask of beowolf. I myself was in the white fang almost from the very beginning of its formation , so I had the opportunity to see her still without the mask which not many can boast. Lappland herself is a mystery nothing is known about her if I did not make her documents I would not even know her place of birth . 

The only thing I know myself is that she appeared suddenly , brought by Ghire himself. After that Lappland was often seen in the company of Blake . Lappland and Bleke were inseparable in those days , walking the streets together, playing and then standing side by side at protests.  

Tukson : "Blake did you come to get the documets? "

I'm asking just to confirm , to make no mistake . Blake to my question ,  calmly as always , nodded her head  . Seeing this, I retreated behind the doorway to I pick up a carton of prepared documents . Then I walk toward the store counter .

Tukson : " This is all . "

I say , as I put the documents on the counter .

Blake : " Thank you Tukson"

Says Blake , while putting money on the counter. I however take only half of them . 

Tukson : "That's enough , your friend only needed new documents , not an new identity ".

I say as I look at the wolf girl. 

' Rumor has it that her eyes are capable of frightening even the grimms . People who knew her personally said she is generally polite and enjoys company. However, she is also said to be impulsive, aggressive when someone gets in her way or simply gets angry. However, looking at her I can describe her in two words ........... Madness and Instinct '

I think , as I look at the 'white wolf ' , who is currently browsing the books on display. Her ear twitches causing her head to turn toward me. Her shrunken pupils that do not match the calm smile causing me to shiver. Looking into my eyes, Lappland walks over to Blake , who is currently checking the documents and embraces her around the waist , while looking at me  . Seeing this, a light went on in my mind .

' Friend ? '

With this new awareness , I can't help but smile at this sight. Blake pays no attention to the Lappland or me , tucks the documents into the  bag , which I provided her with the box. 

Blake : " Thank you again tukson. And I can start working from tomorrow  ". 

Blake says , while trying to hide the awkwardness in her eyes , because of Lappland which stuck to her like glue .

Tukson : "Alright tomorrow at nine o'clock you start . If you need anything call me ."

I say , watching with amusement as Blake breaks from Lappland's grasp . After which , grabbing the hand of the white wolf , she lead her out of the store. 

'Wolf and cat '

Thinking about it again, I can only giggle and wish them luck 

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