Reverse world gacha system

Chap 20: A day relaxing.

Takumi make a once over all the stuf he just acquired, it's the usual buff stats point and free pull. Nothing that require all of his intention. 

'Except for that.' He glance over the new skill.

[Satsu no Hado]: used by Akuma, Martial arts made towards the purpose to kill. By taking the spirit to kill the opponent to the extreme, and transforms it into a physical power.  

Takumi throught that he would get just something more likely use by Ryu. Like his normal martial art style, but the one he got is so violent and cruel to both the user and the victim of it. 

And there was Ryui sudden movement all out of the blue. 'Why did she have such a change?' 

[Explanation: all challenge have a set mandatory script to follow, once the user action have steer from it, the challenge get change acordingly]

Once the system has anounce all his reward, the blue portal door re-apear behind Takumi back. Stepping through, he found himself right back where he was, home. 

Turning his eye to the wall clock, Takumi rub his eye and look again. The time on the clock din't move much if not at all. 

'I must be seeing things.' He throught, then came the system pop up. 

[When stepping through portal, user should be aware of time dilation]

"Time what now?" 

[Explaination, time dilation is a physical phenomenon in which time moves differently for different observers who's in this case is the user]

"Isn't there any way to help fix this ?" 


[Recomended: level up, system will update again to help user when user reached the require level]

"And what level would that be ?"


'Of course it won't tell me, being cryptic as ever.' He could even bother to curse. Is always like this, when the details is needed is the time for this system to just hang up on him. Leaving Takumi to figure out pieces of puzzle by himself. 

"Whatever, i figure it out later." He said, walking to the fridge and take out a cold beverage. 

After so much work, Takumi take a short break before heading timo take a shower. Exiting out of the shower, Takumi examine his body in the bathroom mirror. 

Tracing his finger from the chest and slowly moving it down. Not only his muscle has become more prominent, not to the point where he look like a body builder but just enough. Some place that has fat is replace with muscle now, so he look more masculine. Mostly is his hip and thigh that has lost the fat, now showing more of his define body. 

His shoulders seemed to become broader, he became taller too. If only from one to three inches. But the difference is still very clear, his body is changing. 

'Well i'm not going to miss having a femboy body at all.....ok maybe a little bit.' He remembered on how his andronymous look atracted both the girls and guys. 

Some dudes even try to flirt with him, only to have their face turn red when found out he was a guy. Can't blame them, Takumi choices in fashion really does make him look like a 'girl' of this world. Plus his body shape made it super hard to tell. 


Speaking of world, Takumi began to re-think about the world keys he got. If a F rank can kick his ass this much, he would rather train to enter the worlds later. Or at the least wait until he gotten stronger so he wouldn't have as much of a problem. 


Weeks went by, thing seem as normal as it can be for Takumi. 

Doing work out, trainning his body, killing curses to level up. It gotten to the point he can multi task killing a grade 3 curse while casually making dinner at home. There's day where he doesn't engaged in fighting curses, but rather a diffirent type of 'fight' with his girlfriend. 

"So?" Asked, a curious voice toward Takumi.

"So...what?" Raising a eyebrow, Takumi repeated. 

"Marriage when ?" Nathan said to Takumi with a wide smile on his face. The kind of smile an auntie would give durring their gossiping. 

*sigh* "Nathan, this is the fith time you asked me this already." Repiled a exasperated Takumi to his friend. 

Inside of a local coffee shop that placed near the dojo, Takumi is hanging out with his friend there after a session. Passing the entrance  lets people see the plenty amount of tables and couches inside. The atmosphere felt comforting, with the scent of espresso and the back wall stuffed full of what looked like fiction books. Service by young and beautifull boys as the person serving drinks the customer who are mostly girl. But all of it still isn't the best part of the place which is free wifi.  

Seated near the the conner, Takumi sat in a table of four. Besided Ichika with Kagami and Nathan on the opposite side. While Kagami and Ichika is able to enjoy their drink, Takumi have to deal with Nathan persistent pester of question regarding his love life. 

"I'll let thing sit for a while, don't wanna be too pushy you know." Takumi said, taking a sip of his ice latte. 

"But that's the problem. You have to be quick, else someone might snatch your woman away." 

"I can safely say with a hundred percent of certainly, she doesn't have eyes one anyone else but me." 

"Yuh-uh, that's what they all said." Nathan said to Takumi. Before returning to his cofé au lait.

"But seriously, i think you should put some time into planning it out. Like do you think you'll live the rest of your life with her ?" Taking a sip from her prappuccino, Ichika commented. 

"Out of all the person here, i don't think you'll be the one to give me love advice, Ichika." 

"I'm just saying, life is short but don't make a decision you'll come to regret it later." 

There was a moment for him to think about it. A faint smile come to his lip as he take his friend advice and nodded. "Sure."  

"Well, i want to congrats for you Takumi. Not all of us can find a loyal woman." Kagami interjected, raising his drinks to him. 

That make him really happy, Takumi and all of them change to another topic. Their conversation was going well, until it wasn't. Sudden sounds of commotion pull him away from his seat.

A group of three tall mean looking girls were harassing a waiter boy. They surrounded him and was touching him in a improper way. It was clear that he doesn't like to be touched by them but they refuse to let him go.

 "God these jerks." 

"Woman these days." 

While this was happening, Takumi look on intently at this vulgar behavior, "you're not thinking about going to help him right ?" Nathan asked. 

"Right ?" He repeated.

"i'll be back." Takumi said, after a moment of staring, getting out of his seat.  

Takumi is no saint, he doesn't help cat down a tree or a old lady across the street. But one thing he can't stand for is a bully. 

As one of the womans was about to grab the boy, Takumi steps in. Taking hold of the woman wirst.

"Step off." He spoke in a firm voice. 

The group of woman look at him mockingly, one of them spoke up. 

"How about you back the fuck back, hoe."   

"Excuse me ?" Takumi was flabbergasted. 

The woman mistakenly mistook Takumi for a woman, and somehow that pissed him off more than before. 

"Don't try to deny it bitch, i saw you and your slut friend sitting with those cute boys. So get back to your boy toy and let us have some too okay, now back off." She and her friend laugh at Takumi. 

The woman was about to turn back to the boy until Takumi hand landed on to her shoulder.

"Bitch i told you to-" her words are interupted by a flying kick to her stomach. Sending her to the floor. 

"Hey, you fucker." One of the other woman shouted angerly and tries to intervene, but as she raised an arm to punch Takumi another set of arm circle around it and thrown her to the floor, knocking her out of consciousness. Ichika has come in right between them and interjected.  

After making sure the woman won't get up any time soon, Ichika quickly get up and was about to go help Takumi when the next scene shock both her and every one else in the shop. 

Takumi was taking on both woman at the same time, in a fight. Dodging their punch and kicks with out a hamper in his movement. He beat them senseless, throwing quick jab furiously at their soft spot like stomach, liver; kicking their knee cap. And avoid hitting any of their face. 

In just a short few minutes, both woman went down holding their injured part. Unable to fight any more, Takumi standing over the collapsed womans, he declared in a angry voice. 

"Let me make this very clear for everyone here. Firstly, these are my friend.....and secondly, i am a man. Did i made myself clear ?"  

Everyone around nods repeatedly, even his friends do it as well. Who they did not know Takumi has another side to his personality.

heya there, so i had lots of fun durring my day at the cosplay event. There were picture and prizes (i din't win any tho) most other cosplayer there is genshin and jjk (the jjk fandom is strong here, it's not gojover here) that's pretty much all i wanna say for now

The vote is open again for you to chose. And see y'all next week. 


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