Reject Human. Become Demon. [Mutation Evolution LitRPG]

Chapter 29: The Ogre and The Human.

It had been over a month since the incident where my parents nearly died. Although I still wasn’t sure how close they really came, since Mom’s account of the situation always painted them out as the clear winners and that the level 60 hornse never stood a chance.

I decided to just play along.

We were a bit more cautious during our hunts after that little scare, but it didn’t take long for us to get back into the groove and venture further and further out. We met the occasional adventurer along the trail, and greetings and well wishes of blessings were exchanged, but nothing more. They wore scale armor, or any other such gear whose materials could be derived from their own hunts… or whatever they could buy and claim as their own. Metal was also a bit more scarce in the vassal kingdom of Edenia right now because of how we were driven away from the barrier range.

It was kind of interesting to see some of their fights, even in passing. Few made it to level 20, and I was plenty sure that I could take some of them if need be. Not that I ever got to test that theory out, because no one was really dumb enough to mess with my parents. They were well known among the adventurers of Latarus.

During this time, I was also finally allowed to take on my first Level 10+ opponent. A tiger.

I drew my sword, and found myself and my adversary to be evenly matched. The tiger was of course stronger than I was, faster too without the easily exploitable weakness of having trouble making turns. But I was skilled, I had my training to fall back on, and the wild animal was decently susceptible to my faints. It culminated into a rapid and suspenseful chase across the forest as we weaved and danced around the trees in a dangerous game of death.

Claws swiped at me, and I wasn’t able to block it all, meanwhile my sword sunk into the tiger’s flesh, still with an ease that should not be possible with my levels, but less so than the lesser prey.

I was under more pressure to keep the distance, and not allow for a long and equal clash. The tiger had far better chances up close and grappling than I did, and I doubted I could escape its bite on my own.

I had the option of my magic, but it’d be hard to use it and still be able to comfortably swing around my sword. It was too heavy to use singlehanded, and the greatsword was necessary to keep my distance and allow for a longer reach.

Our battle lasted for a long time, as I decided to just draw into my roots as a human, and win by sheer attrition. We were dealing about equal amounts of relative damage to each other in the beginning, but I was somehow showing less reaction to the pain than a literal wild animal. Its instincts compelled it to waste time roaring, posturing, and reeling from attacks. My training took over even when my mind only wanted to scream, and I’d learned to trust in my experience in moments of danger.

The tiger slowed down eventually, panting, out of breath, and bleeding from dozens of deep gushing wounds. My own limbs were dripping blood, my grip on my sword was shaking, but I could still move, still function, even past the wounds and exhaustion. My will would not be chained, and my Human Heart allowed me to surpass all my limits!

We met for a final clash. I stared at the eyes of my foe. I imagined there was a faint acknowledgment there. And then the tiger faltered in its strides. Its claws came up just a little too short, only slicing a thin line through my existing mess of wounds. Meanwhile, I was able to smash its head with my sword. The animal was sent reeling, but I did not let up. Squeezing out all my remaining power, and then squeezing out some more, I delivered a frenzied barrage that allowed the tiger no recourse nor opportunity to turn the tides once more. All it could do was weather the slashes that robbed its vision, its ability to move, and the propensity to breathe.

The tiger died, and it did not look glorious in death.

[Adrenaline Gland has Leveled Up! From Level 5 to Level 6!]


I finally got to hunt and adventure with Angerly. It was the two of us, along with my parents. We fought together, and discovered how to work best with our respective abilities. Angerly was the tank that got all the enemy’s attention, and I either used magic from the sidelines, or tried to stab at our enemies at opportune moments. I was even able to act as an assassin sometimes, as Angerly very easily got the attention of all our enemies with her larger body and jovial shout.

Perhaps due to my better gear, I was able to at least be useful next to someone who had a lot of levels on me. It was so tempting to just evolve my brain already… but demon! I had to become a demon, so I had to be patient in the now!!

We were able to take on plenty of opponents over level 10, especially considering that Angerly herself had all of her mutations over that level from birth. Weeks after we’d started hunting together, we were allowed to take on an opponent who was pushing close to the level of 20.

It was a boxiall, an aggressive brown-furred gorilla capable of massive and fast leaps.

The fight began, and I already knew what I had to do, having worked out a strategy prior with my friend. I stood behind Angerly, and took out my wand and buckler. The nearly two-meter-tall ogre met the opposing monster, and her metallic club clashed against the boxiall’s fist. My mana snaked around them and set alight my opponent just before he could hop away.

The boxiall shrieked, but the flames didn’t stay at full power for long, disturbed by his sheer speed and the way the monster collided with the damp forest soil and plantlife. The animal snarled and then hopped over our way again. I watched his movements and circled around to keep Angerly in between the two of us. Another exchange like the one earlier followed, except this time the animal managed to dodge my ogre friend’s attack, and punched her right in the stomach. She coughed and kicked him away, while I managed to tag the enemy again with my fire.

The boxiall did the same leaping maneuver a couple more times, meanwhile I and Angerly shifted around to face him, always ready to counterattack. It was the best choice against an enemy that could travel far faster than either of us.

We managed a few more good hits, and Angerly took damage in turn, until the boxiall decided to switch things up. The creature jumped into our range, but it did not immediately leave this time, instead hopping around in short bursts to get into a prolonged fight with Angerly, and it was a direct clash she was losing! I called on my mana and burned the monster some more, and the boxiall certainly howled in pain, but it wasn’t enough to put a halt to its assault. I decided to draw my sword then, retiring my shield for the moment. I kept up my assault of flames until an opportunity presented itself, upon which I quickly dropped my wand and then landed a slice across the creature’s chest.

The boxiall roared and he whirled around to strike me. I instantly fell back, and so did Angerly strike and push away our opponent, but a fist still managed to nick my shoulder, causing an aching pain. The arm was still very much usable despite the damage, so I quickly dove back into the fray.

I produced a new wand from my robe, aiming now for the boxiall’s head whenever he got close. Even if my fire didn’t do enough damage, disturbing the enemy’s vision like this helped Angerly land more hits as the boxiall kept on weaving in and out of our reach. The eyes were also more vulnerable, being burned far easier by my flames than anything else.

Angerly managed a really good hit during a particular pass of the monster, cracking a few ribs in turn. The boxiall flagged and contemplated running away, but he chose instead to commit, redoubling his efforts and minimizing evasion and defense.

I hurriedly emptied the contents of my remaining two fire wands into him, setting the boxiall finally fully aflame instead of the mere embers that could easily be put out. When that still proved insufficient, I drew my greatsword again and came to the rescue of my ogre friend who was beginning to grow pained and exhausted underneath her plate armor.

I charged, slashing into our opponent’s flank, and this time I was able to avoid the boxiall’s counterattack. I grinned just a little, keeping a closer distance than I did before, but still weaving in and out of range. I gouged out the creature’s flesh and then dodged the retaliatory strikes with the slimmest of margins.

I was far from successful all the time of course, and I suffered multiple punches to my arms that tore muscle and broke bone. But it was enough to give Angerly an opening as she surged forward and redoubled her attacks, using a final burst of energy to take down the hated enemy.

Her mace came down on the boxiall’s head. The monster stumbled once and that proved all the opening my friend needed to seize the initiative and strike again at the same place, repeatedly ripping off and fracturing the boxiall’s face. I heard one particularly sickening crack, and I took the opportunity. My sword crashed forward, plunging into the creature’s chest and skewering at least partway through its heart.

I relaxed one moment too soon, I jumped away just a hair too late. I stupidly left myself open, and the higher-level monster made one final act, slamming his fist right at the center of my stomach.

I coughed. The smell of iron filled my nose. I was pushed away by the force, and I just rode the momentum to fling myself further away from danger. Blood poured out of my mouth, and I knew that several organs had been crushed. I quickly took out another wand, this time of the nature element. My mind entered a calm incongruent with my currently bloody face. I noted my parents rushing over to help me, but I gestured towards them that I was fine. The images of a tranquil forest filled my imagination, and the environment responded to my desire and mana. Grass writhed, plants danced, and so did my wounds heal.

I laid down to relax, my magic still working without pause. I turned my head and saw a slanted view of our enemy’s body, crushed and broken underneath my friend’s mace.

That was fucking glorious. I told myself, once the haze of battle had left my mind, and I was finally able to celebrate once more.

[Flutter Feet has reached Level 8!]


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