Chapter 187: A Draw... For Now
At this point, I expected low resistance. Now, what do you think I got? If you guessed a lot of resistance, then you're right! Why? Because God hates me. Or rather… gods…? Anywho, all it took was two words to turn things around.
"|Effect Reversal|." [Zuyil]
With just that, it became a return to sender. The chains binding Zuyil came undone and they wrapped themselves around the torso of their caster. Namely, everyone other than myself. Good thing I decided not to throw it, huh.
"This can't be happening!" [Raon]
"We need to retreat!" [Wilharrow]
As soon as we received the order, everyone booked it. The question was if Zuyil was willing to just let us go like that.
"First, I gave you all a chance by allowing you to leave… Then, you come here and play tricks like cowards…? My patience is finite, and it has reached its limit." [Zuyil]
The demon began to mumble to himself as everyone tried to leave the bridge, chains rattling as they ran.
"Honorless scum like you will not be leaving in one piece!" [Zuyil]
With a mighty flap of his wings, Zuyil closed the distance.
"Alt! Intercept him!" [Wilharrow]
Seeing as everyone else's arms were bound, it fell to me to hold the demon back.
"Move aside! I have no enmity towards you!" [Zuyil]
"Sorry, can't do that!" [Solace]
In order to allow my allies to escape, I stood firm. Fire and water don't work, my only wind spell practically tickles him, and I wasn't keen on using |Ashen Arrow| since it would likely have the same impact that mayonnaise has on white bread. Then I got the bright idea.
("Maybe I should use a weapon for once?") [Solace]
I can't say I was confident with a weapon. During my training sessions with Master, it was mostly me just using my hands. There were a few times when he taught me the sword and spear, but that was just the basics.
"|Terra Javelin|." [Solace]
"You have gained |Experience|. |Experience| limit reached. |Terra Javelin| has gained a level." [Spirit Guide]
I still did it anyway. Summoning a stone spear, I aimed it at Zuyil.
("Gentleman's rule number 12: A gentleman must adapt when cornered.") [Solace]
Now was the time. With the demon flying at me in the most literal sense, I aimed and thrusted.
"|Shield Rush|." [Zuyil]
Turns out flying can be included to activate that skill. My spear shattered upon impact against his shield. That didn't mean I was finished though.
"|Rotating Shell Arts|." [Solace]
Using both my hands, I spun Zuyil to the ground. Of course, it wasn't that easy. The demon landed on his feet unharmed.
"|Explosion Arts|." [Solace]
I punched with a solid stance, absolutely obliterating Zuyil's shield before he could react.
"Urgh!" [Zuyil]
He staggered back a bit, allowing me a little time to breathe.
"|Terra Javelin|." [Solace]
Time to try again. Let's start with the first problem. Its durability.
"|Reinforce|." [Solace]
Next, preparation.
"|Liquid Cannon|." [Solace]
I summoned a ball of water. I know it seems stupid against someone who's immune to it, but I had a plan. I controlled the water and applied it to my spear.
"|Enchant Lightning|." [Solace]
"You have gained |Experience|. |Experience| limit reached. |Enchant Lightning| has gained a level|." [Spirit Guide]
I ran a current through the water, essentially creating a sharp lightning rod.
("Now the final step.") [Solace]
"|Convergence|." [Solace]
I wasn't sure if it was going to be a success. Though, I think I'd be inclined to try if I was a betting man. …Did I mention I'm a betting man?
"Alert: Conditions have been met. |Convergence| has been activated." [Spirit Guide]
The spear shifted and refined itself into something new. The water seeped into the handle as the lightning tempered the blade. Within seconds, I had an entirely new spear.
"Alert: The new skill |Thunderbolt Lance| has been created." [Spirit Guide]
The old |Terra Javelin| had become a usable metal spear, though it lacks some design. I flicked it with my finger to hear the ring of solid metal, alongside the crackle of electricity.
"...Is this your trump card?" [Zuyil]
The demon tossed aside what was left of his shield. Namely, just the handle.
"Could be. We'll see." [Solace]
What happened next was a quick exchange spanning only a few seconds. I thrusted, Zuyil grabbed the handle. Although his hand was shocked by lightning, the demon swung. I leaned back and kicked his shin. His armor got in the way. The flail wrapped around his body and came back.
("I've seen this before.") [Solace]
I raised the spear handle so it can catch the flail. It went as planned. The electric current ran through his weapon, stunning the demon completely. I released my grip on my weapon and struck his chestplate.
"|Explosion Arts|." [Solace]
"Argh!" [Zuyil]
The move tore his chestplate a bit, but also destroyed my spear in the process. It's fine though, I can make another.
"|Thunderbolt Lance|." [Solace]
"You have gained |Experience|. |Experience| limit reached. |Thunderbolt Lance| has gained a level." [Spirit Guide]
I was gaining strength at a quick rate for some unknown reason. It usually isn't like this. Even so, I won't refuse it.
"Kill it…" [???]
The whispers were back. My cursed gauntlets were acting up again.
"It's a demon?! Run!" [???]
Screams of fear, joy, and anger mixed. Perhaps I was hearing the lives of my predecessors pass. Usually, I'd lose control here as the dead took over my body. Surprisingly enough, the mindless chatter was silenced as a single voice took over.
"Hold firm." [???]
A woman's voice. Calm and collected. I felt my body move slowly, but not entirely against my will. Lifting my spear, I took a strange stance where the handle was raised higher than the blade.
("It's… teaching me?") [Solace]
"Do not use the spear. Become the spear." [???]
Energy welled up within me as my legs were bolstered with power.
"Only then, will you become… the embodiment of might itself." [???]
I exhaled slowly as one word filled my mind.
"|Grygand|." [Solace]
A word unknown to me. A skill taught to me. An action performed by me. I closed the distance at breakneck speed, leaving Zuyil unable to react. My spear pierced through his chest with force greater than I have ever mustered before. With that, a gaping hole made itself known in the demon's torso.
"It's… done." [Solace]
My spear disintegrated and my strength left me. From that instant of absolute force, I fell to weakness.
"Warning: Mana reserves below ten percent. It is recommended to retreat." [Spirit Guide]
That's when I realized. There was no notification of |Experience| gained.
"Warning: It has been detected that the skill |Standing Vow| has been activated." [Spirit Guide]
My heart sank as I watched Zuyil's body put itself back together. His flesh started to grow, filling in the gaps I made. The only good thing I could find here was that his armor wasn't coming back.
"Ngh…" [Zuyil]
Grunting while regenerating, Zuyil slowly pulled himself together.
"...Quite the skill you have there. It may take some time for me to be battle ready." [Zuyil]
That was the second good news. This was my only opportunity to leave. My friends have already left anyway.
"I'll be back another time." [Solace]
As I turned to sluggishly walk away, I could hear Zuyil's voice clearly.
"I look forward to it, warrior." [Zuyil]