Chapter 186: I Didn't Need To Win Anyway
"Here. Take this." [Wilharrow]
The first part of the plan, handing me some glowy chains.
"...You're kidding." [Solace]
Just from looking at it, I already knew the plan. He was planning on immobilizing the demon with this.
"It's enchanted with twenty two runes. Each entwined to make it stronger and bind harder." [Raon]
"Where did you even buy this?" [Solace]
"We made it." [Wilharrow]
Now that was surprising.
"You? You know how to enchant?" [Solace]
I didn't recall seeing an |Enchant| skill in his status.
"Do you not? You can easily learn this in alchemy class." [Wilharrow]
"Huh?" [Solace]
Raon nodded along.
"It's just hard to remember which runes do what." [Raon]
("Oh. So it's not an |Skill| kind of skill. More like a work trade.") [Solace]
It was still a bit funny to me. The first tactic Wilharrow was going to use as a Hero is to be cowardly.
"I can't believe we're going to tie down the demon with this. Don't you guys have a reputation to maintain?" [Solace]
"All is fair in love and war." [Wilharrow]
I did not know they had that saying on Ashtal.
"What about your noble pride, Raon?" [Solace]
"...Even great beings had their shortcomings." [Raon]
"Huh." [Solace]
I really didn't have anything against the plan. It was just kind of surprising.
"Let's get back on topic. From now on, we each will throw a chain at the demon. With all five, I don't think anyone will be breaking free." [Wilharrow]
He then passed out one to Fina and Leon.
"Do you two understand your roles?" [Wilharrow]
Leon looked at the chain and gave a thumbs up.
("So thumbs up is a thing too?") [Solace]
"Now, the hard part. We need someone to distract the demon." [Wilharrow]
"Ah, so you or Raon?" [Solace]
The two glanced at each other.
"About that… We've been thinking about some things. Maybe our party setup isn't the best." [Wilharrow]
"Uh-huh…" [Solace]
This felt like one of those novel scenes where someone gets kicked out of the party.
"So, we've decided on all of us being frontliners. …With the exception of Fina, of course." [Raon]
That was different from what I expected.
"This must be the most screwed up Hero's party in history." [Solace]
"Most likely the second." [Wilharrow]
"Oh really? What makes you say that?" [Solace]
"The strangest party consisted of only two members. A tank and a healer. Though records state that the healer did combat with their hands and the tank mostly supported." [Wilharrow]
They min-maxed. I know it. There is not a doubt in my mind they min-maxed.
"Putting that aside, Solace. We have decided that you will be facing the demon first." [Wilharrow]
No way they were throwing me under the bus.
"Reason being?" [Solace]
"You're the only one who can hold him off alone." [Raon]
"Not to mention we can't risk missing when throwing these chains. We only have five. Plus, imagine if we missed and hit the wrong person." [Wilharrow]
I passed my gaze over every member of the party. Wilharrow and Raon looked me straight in the eye. Fina turned red or something and looked away. Leon wasn't even interested in the first place. What was she doing anyway? Was she… napping with her eyes open?!
("Is she snoring?") [Solace]
Either way, my team was depending on me.
"Sure. I'll do it. What am I supposed to do with this chain then?" [Solace]
Surely they wouldn't expect me to bind the demon while in combat.
"Oh, just smack the demon with it. Use it as a weapon. Just let go before it wraps you too." [Wilharrow]
"Nah." [Solace]
I tossed the chains back to Wilharrow.
"I'm not familiar with using chains in combat. I can't guarantee full combat prowess with it." [Solace]
"...A reasonable argument. Alright, I'll handle two then." [Wilharrow]
"If all is agreed, then let's start." [Raon]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I thought we were going to do something different, but we actually just strolled up to the bridge. Of course, we found the demon waiting for us. He sat on a large rock, as if he had been waiting this whole time.
("Did he really bring a rock onto the bridge expecting that we'll come?") [Solace]
If so, the demon's prediction was correct.
"I believe I warned you all not to cross." [Zuyil]
"We never agreed." [Wilharrow]
"Is that so?" [Zuyil]
The demon stood, reminding me that his height allowed him to loom over us.
"Your turn." [Wilharrow]
Placing a hand on my back, our brave hero ushered me to the enemy.
"Ah, the mage. Have your allies abandoned you?" [Zuyil]
"More like they placed their hopes and dreams on me." [Solace]
Zuyil smirked.
"And what do you have to combat me? Paltry spells to entertain the common folk?" [Zuyil]
"Why don't you take a guess?" [Solace]
I equipped Vermillion Eclipse, showcasing its crimson shine on my hands.
"Are you perhaps a combat mage? Though… I have yet to see a wand." [Zuyil]
"And you won't see one. These hands are all you're going to get." [Solace]
I observed Zuyil's posture for any opening as I slowly approached him. He appeared to want to remain in the middle of the bridge.
("A mace and a shield. That's going to be annoying to deal with.") [Solace]
I could recall his sheer physical strength and dexterity with the shield. Not to mention he was able to do that with full on heavy metal armor.
("I think a good |Piercing Blow| will do some big damage.") [Solace]
Once in range, I leaned forward into a full sprint. Of course, Zuyil took a defensive stance the moment he saw me coming.
("I expected that.") [Solace]
Leaping forward, I swung at the shield.
"|Piercing Blow|!" [Solace]
The moment my fist connected, I could see Zuyil's expression stiffen as an invisible force struck his abdomen. Surprisingly enough, he still held his stance.
("He's not budging?!") [Solace]
Guess he wasn't a |Heavy Knight| for nothing.
("Let's keep it going!") [Solace]
I couldn't afford to let up. Point blank, I unleashed |Wind Edge| a few times. The invisible blades cut away at his shield, and some even managed to get past. They scraped the skin on his face, allowing him to shed dark purple blood.
("Wow, that really did nothing?") [Solace]
It's one thing for me since I have |Temperance|, yet this guy was able to tank it all willy-nilly. In the end, the demon just shrugged it off.
"...Naught but an itch." [Zuyil]
"Seems like it." [Solace]
He then raised his mace.
"|Shield Rush|." [Zuyil]
"Eh?" [Solace]
Expecting him to swing the hammer, it was too late to block the shield ramming into my chest.
"Urgh!" [Solace]
Not gonna lie, it knocked the wind out of me. Though he definitely caught me off guard, I wasn't going to keel over from just that.
"You still remain standing. Impressive." [Zuyil]
I let out a cough since I felt like I needed to air out my lungs after that.
"I've had worse." [Solace]
So far, nothing has come close to Jukhan's destructive power. Compared to that, this guy was adorable.
"Then I will show you worse." [Zuyil]
With the sound of a click, the mace lengthened.
("Huh?") [Solace]
The metal head of the mace fell, attached by a chain. It appeared that there was some kind of contraption inside the handle that allowed the mace to switch into a flail.
("...Oh this is going to be a pain.") [Solace]
This was going to be my first experience against a flexible weapon.
"Let's begin." [Zuyil]
He spun the flail, charging it up for a hard blow.
("I can't let him gain momentum!") [Solace]
I rushed in with |Enchant Lightning|, one of the few elements I had that could possibly hurt him.
"|Piercing Blow|!" [Solace]
Thinking that he'd block, I was shocked to see Zuyil allow me to strike his chestplate. All the force went right through, leaving him unharmed.
("Why do they always figure it out the second time?!") [Solace]
Now to switch to something he hasn't seen.
"|Explosion Arts|!" [Solace]
This time, Zuyil blocked it.
"Such force…?!" [Zuyil]
The explosion shook his arm, and dented his shield. A few more and that piece of metal will be as good as gone. Even a |Heavy Knight| will notice the difference in power after that.
"|Heavy Impact|!" [Zuyil]
Perhaps he was feeling a sense of urgency, Zuyil stopped the charging of the flail and swung prematurely.
"|Rotating Shell Arts|!" [Solace]
With just a flick of the wrist; return to sender.
("Checkmate.") [Solace]
Is what I thought until Zuyil twisted his body before using his shield as leverage to send the mace head back.
"What the-?!" [Solace]
With all momentum retained, that hit me straight in the head.
"You have gained |Experience|. |Experience| limit reached. |Temperance| has gained a level." [Spirit Guide]
My vision shook as I staggered back. My legs suddenly felt weak, or was it just my entire body? Either way, I heard the sounds of chains rattling.
"What is this?!" [Zuyil]
"We got him!" [Wilharrow]
"Now's our chance!" [Raon]
I could hear excitement in the voices of my allies as I tried to snap out of my vulnerable state.
"Hey, drink this." [Fina]
I felt a hand hold me still as something touched my lips. Some kind of bitter liquid poured into my mouth, leaving me with a refreshed feeling.
"...Huh?" [Solace]
My vision cleared and strength returned to my body. From what I could see, Zuyil was wrapped in chains engraved with runes.
"That was perfect, Alt! Nice distraction!" [Wilharrow]
"Cowards! The lot of you!" [Zuyil]
He struggled to break free. That was as far as he got though.
"Now, time for payback." [Raon]