Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem


Since this work is going to have plenty of extreme scenes that might gross people out, I have decided to put spoiler tags on chapters with particularly extreme kinks. Note that this will only be done for sexual triggers. Obviously, don't read these if you don't want spoilers.

Amaya gave me a little time to do my hair before we left the bathroom. Now, I had to do my best to ignore the moans behind me. Just like she had said Amaya dragged Layla over to the bed the moment we got out of the bath and forced her between her legs. It would have been just as distracting without Amaya's super exaggerated moans. Nevertheless, I managed to get dressed without pleasuring myself, though I was visibly aroused. Since I didn't know what we would be doing today, the outfit I had picked out consisted of a yellow ruffled blouse that left my shoulders, collarbone, and midriff exposed, a lacy white skirt that almost reached mid thigh, some comfy yellow panties and a pair of golden slippers with straps that wound up all the way to the knee. For a slave, I sure was spoiled.

When I turned around, Amaya had gone from getting a blowjob to straight up face-fucking Layla. The vampire had her legs wrapped around Layla's head, allowing her to viciously pound the catgirl's head back and forth on her meat. Amaya was so lost in her pleasure that she didn't realize I had finished getting dressed, leaving me to stand awkwardly to the side.

Fortunately, it was only a few seconds before Amaya pulled Layla's head down with extra force and kept her there. Amaya's eyes rolled back and her back arched as she pumped her seed into Layla's mouth. It actually lasted so long that cum started to seep out of the corners of Layla's mouth and her nostrils onto her breasts.

I'm ashamed to admit that I was mesmerized by the scene, especially when Amaya shoved Layla onto her back and emptied the rest of her semen onto the catgirl's navel. Once her dick stopped dripping, Amaya wiggled her ass at me as she kneeled down and bent over to wipe her cock off with Layla's short white hair. 

Amaya then stood back up and sized me up. She smirked. "Dressed to impress are we?"

I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks. Maybe some of my outfit had been influenced by a desire to please Mistress, but it was just to get in her good graces.

When I stammered out my excuse,  Amaya just threw her head back and left. I was able to slightly ignore the embarrassment because of how my eyes locked onto Amaya's breasts as they were pulled up by her jerky motion.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart. We'll leave the cat here. You don't have to worry about her messing anything up," Amaya said in a haughty tone. It made my blood boil. As far as I had seen, Amaya and Mistress barely even treated the other slaves like people, and Amaya's recent statement just gave further credit to that idea. But even though she wasn't Mistress, I still had to obey Amaya's orders. 

I opened the door for her and followed her out into the hall. My eyes bored at the back of Amaya's head. So many thoughts filled my head, thoughts that I would have never though before. And they definitely weren't sexual.

I noticed the way the slaves around us reacted differently to Amaya than they had to Mistress. While around Mistress they would just keep working or try to arouse her, practically all the slaves visibly shrunk away from Amaya as if just being around her would hurt them. If they weren't cowering away, they were staring at her with either disgust or hate.

One in particular seemed to strike a nerve with Amaya. The girl in question had pitch black skin and wispy blue hair, so I wasn't quite sure what race she was. Other than that, she wasn't that remarkable. Iron collar, sexualized maid outfit, the works. Her icy blue eyes however, were locked onto the vampire in front of me with so much loathing that if looks could kill, I was sure Amaya would be instantly vaporized. 

Amaya turned to the offending girl with a snarl. "Got something you wanna say?"

The slave shot back with a growl of her own and said, "Go back to sucking up to the Mistress, Leichenficker."

The foreign word had barely left her mouth when Amaya's foot shot into the girl's mouth with so much force that she was thrown into the wall. The slave's nose was bent at an awkward angle and blood was pouring out. Her body slumped, and the only reason I knew she was alive was because of her barely noticeable breathing. 

Amaya spun around and glared at the other slaves, shouting out, "Any of you other fuckers got something smart to say!?"

In response, all of the slaves that had stopped their work to watch the altercation suddenly dropped their heads and returned to whatever they were doing before with renewed fervor. 

Amaya looked at an orc woman that was scrubbing the floor and kicked her in the ass. When the orc looked back in fear, Amaya tossed her head toward the fallen girl and said, "Bring that bitch to Jenees." 

The slave nodded frantically and immediately dropped her stuff to scurry over and pick up her fellow slave.

After the pair had turned the corner Amaya turned back around to me. In that moment, I felt so scared that I definitely needed a new pair of underwear. However, the furious expression that had adorned her face slowly melted away, and she said, "A word to the wise: don't say anything unless you can back it up. Then again," she smirked, "that shouldn't really be a problem with you."

I nodded nervously, too scared to feel angry at the jab against me. 

Amaya turned back around and resumed the walk to wherever we were going as if she hadn't just lost her temper and literally kicked someone unconscious. 

We soon arrived at a pair of doors that I recognized. If I remembered correctly, they led to the big throne/dining room. Since I had already seen the dining hall, it was more likely that the table was just used for meetings. 

Before I got to them, Amaya turned around and leaned against them, effectively blocking my entrance. Her face showed no signs of the usual mockery and condescension, nor did it look angry. Instead, she appeared completely emotionless. Then, in a calm tone, she said, "So I heard that you made friends with Penny." 

Her eyes scoured my face, looking for... something. Not quite sure how to responded, I just gave a hesitant nod. She hummed. 

Amaya pushed herself off the door and walked right up to me. She was so close that even though her dick was soft, I could almost feel it against my pussy. Her hot breath washed across my face as she leaned forward to whisper in my ear, "That's good. Just know that if you hurt her in any way, there will be no hiding. You got it, Cali?"

My eyes went wide. It's not like I planned on hurting Penny, but to hear Amaya so casually threaten me... I was pretty sure that Mistress would never allow me to die. Then again, there were worse things than death. Nevertheless, I gave a muted 'Yes' in reply, and Amaya pulled back with a large smile that showed off her extra sharp canines. 

"Good! We shouldn't have any problems then," she said cheerily and spun around. Amaya then kneed the door in way of knocking. A few seconds later, it was opened by my Mistress herself, who was once again wearing the latex look-alike dress.

"You're late, Amaya."

The vampire in question just gave a noncommittal shrug and said, "I got held up a little bit." Mistress released an exasperated sigh. 

"Just... go do whatever it is you were going to do with Cinila."

"As you wish, my lady,” Amaya said sarcastically as she dipped into an exaggeratedly low bow, then walked off.

"I swear, sometimes I regret marrying her," Mistress groaned. A stray thought entered my head, and I almost tried to ask how exactly demons got married before remembering I wasn't able to.

Mistress turned to me, and said, "Well, now that you're finally here, we can begin." Mistress moved aside to allow me in and then shut the doors. 

To say that I was nervous was an understatement. Memories of the torture room flashed through my head. All the pain and blood. Mistress's cruel smile throughout the whole thing. My breath sped up as I felt myself panicking. I needed to- I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked into Mistress face. She had a kind and comforting plastered on, but I could see the humor and joy in her eyes. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was turned on by my fear.

"Don't you worry Cali, we just need to get you registered now that you've almost been around a full week," Mistress said in a soft voice.

Registered? Was this because I was hero, or because I was a slave. Was it both? Either way, it made sense. If I recalled my history lessons correctly, slave owners had to pay taxes on their slaves, and whoever was in charge of these 'Darklands' probably wouldn't want a rogue hero  running around their land.

Mistress walked over to her throne and sat down. It was then that I noticed the creature sitting in the chair adjacent to her. Well, standing in the chair next to her. The tiny thing's skin was a bright cherry, a stark contrast to the white and black robes it was wearing. A pair of antlers sprouted from its forehead, so big that I wondered how it didn't topple over. But somehow, the part that caught me the most off guard was the pair of spectacles. They looked just like normal glasses, but the circular lenses seemed to have a run etched inside each that covered almost the entire area of the lens. 

In front of the creature was two sheets: one had the words Certificate of Ownership written in big letters at the top, while the other was titled Hero Registration. The certificate was already completed, but the registration form had quite a few blank spots.

It was hard to see the thing's eyes behind his glasses, but I could just imagine beady black eyes focusing on me. It continued to stare at me for a few seconds before filling out one of the blanks on the sheet. When it looked back up it said, "Hello, Cali. I am Chancellor Rumin of the Demon's Intermediary Council of Karau and Summons. It is our duty to establish and maintain relations between extra-planar entities and the demons of Karau." It spoke in a shrill and nasally voice, and it drew out the o's and a's while shortening the other vowels. I did my best to maintain a calm face, but I could see Mistress trying to hold down a smile.

"I have traveled here today to formally establish you as both a slave and a demonic hero. Your Mistress has already provided the required information for your slavery charter and has given most of the details for your hero form, but their is still some information required. First, what is your mental age?"

I couldn't answer. Not only did I not understand what he was asking, Mistress hadn't given me permission to answer him. Fortunately, Mistress helped me out.

"How old were you when you were brought from your last world?"

It took me a while to remember, since my current body was definitely younger than my old one. It wasn’t ridiculously younger, fortunately but it was still noticeable. “Twenty three,” I said. The demon wrote it down.

“Have you ever killed somebody?”

I shook my head vigorously.

“What is your favorite color and animal?”

Mistress repeated the question.

“Animal is a fox, color is blue,” I said.

It continued like that for a while. If I was asked anything other than a yes or no question, or if I just didn’t understand the question, Mistress would repeat it for me in simpler terms. He asked me what my previous name was, what my parents’ names were, what my sister’s name was, if I wanted to learn magic, how many times I had ‘willingly had sexual relations with others’, how wealthy my family had been, whether I was introverted or extroverted, even the climate of my previous home. It was annoying and boring, so I was relieved when he stopped talking, gathered up his papers, and jumped off the chair. 

“Farewell, Lady Elinys. For the next 50 days, you are prohibited from summoning any more heroes. Please try to keep this one alive, but if you fail to do so, notify us immediately,” it proclaimed loudly. Large leathery wings grew from its back and it lifted from the ground and flew toward the ceiling. Just before it hit, a purple portal opened before it and the little demon went through.

Mistress cleared her throat for my attention. If I didn’t know better I would say she looked worried.  “Basa and I will be going on a trip for the next few days. That means you’ll probably be seeing a lot more of Cinila and Amaya. Finial should be fine, but if Amaya starts causing trouble, don’t hesitate to tell Hanina or Cinila. Do you understand?” 

“Yes ma’am,” I whimpered. The idea of spending a prolonged amount of time with no apparent barrier between me and Amaya was scary. All of a sudden, her threat from before seemed all too real.

Mistress smiled kindly and said, “Good girl. Now, since I’m going to be gone for a while, I think I deserve a farewell gift.”

Mistress stood up from her throne as she said that and sauntered over to where I was still sitting in my chair. Her leg swung over my lap so she was straddling me and leaned forward. Once her face was next to mine, her tongue darted out, flicking my nose. Then she wiped her tongue across my mouth. She continued to lap at my face, completely coating it in her saliva. 

Downstairs, I felt Mistress’s tail tickle my girldick. As the spade tip toyed with my tip, Mistress brought her head to the side of my face and started licking my ear. I gasped, not used to the feeling.

Pain washed over my groin. I could tell what was happening even though I couldn’t see it. Her tail was slowly digging itself into my urethra. The hole was way to small, so Mistress’s tail was turning left and right to try and worm its way into my dick. I wanted to ask why she didn’t just make it bigger, but the answer was likely that she just enjoyed it.

Mistress retracted her tongue and breathed hot air into my ear before whispering, “Just let it in. It’ll feel so good.” 

To punctuate the end of her sentence, Mistress gave a strong push and her tail tore through my urethra. I tried to scream in pain. A thick, warm liquid that I immediately recognized as blood burst out. There was no feeling besides pure agony. I tried to move my arms, but Mistress was painfully holding them down. My legs were captured by her own. Then Mistress started pumping her tail back and forth, greatly increasing the torment.

Despite my extreme agony, I managed to gather up the willpower to look down. I was able to confirm that I still had a penis, but small sections of the skin had been torn off to allow it to expand. I also noticed that after the initial outpour of blood, my bladder had released all the piss it had stored inside. 

As Mistress continued pounding my urethra, I felt her hand reach up and pour something down my throat. A healing potion. Judging by the taste of Mistress’s sexual fluids on the vial, I was able to guess where it had been. Once I had completely drunk the potion, I didn’t really feel any different. Pain still enveloped my body, and I felt myself going faint. My last memory was of Mistress bringing a cupped hand full of my own piss and blood to my mouth, and then me throwing up on her.

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