Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem


"Wake up sweetie," a soft voice whispered in my ear. I tried to burrow my face deeper into my pillow. I didn't want to wake up yet.

The voice repeated itself, this time lightly shaking my shoulder. I tried to roll away from it.

"Come on Cali, you have to be somewhere today, remember?" What? I slowly opened my eyes and looked for the source of the voice. A beautiful face looked back at me. Her wavy brown hair seemed to shine from the limited amount of light in the room, and her bright blue eyes were filled with amusement. She looked familiar... my eyes widened and I tried to crawl back, but her hand held me in place. 

Cinila laughed. Even that sounded pretty. "I understand why you might think I'm no different than the others, but you don't have to be scared of me," she said in a reassuring voice. Then she did something I wouldn't expect in a million years from one of Mistress's wives. She hugged me. Not knowing what else to do, I tried to return the appreciation. It was a bit awkward, though, because Cinila's tits were so massive that even when squished against me, half my arms were around her breasts. 

As we parted from the hug, memories from yesterday flooded in. What Mistress had done to me... I wasn't sure if it was worse or better than what she did that day after Albus's lesson. The thought that it had resulted in permanent damage surfaced. Sitting up, I looked down with trepidation. Sure enough, my morning wood was absent this morning, and instead my bruised member hung limp between my legs. It still looked better than it had any right to, likely from the healing potion and my status as an adventurer, but my gaze then settled on something else on the bed.

At first, I had written off the feeling as a weird result of just waking up. But looking at it now, there was no denying it. A puddle had stained my pink mattress sheets where I first woke up. The puddle seemed to be vaguely yellow, making it all too clear what had made it. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. Ever since I had woken up in that goddamn pool, my life had been nothing but torture. Sure, there was Hanina and Layla and maybe Penny, but everything else had been so horrible. And now, I was wetting the bed like a child. 

The dam broke. All the emotions that I had kept bottled up came rushing to the forefront of my mind. In an instant, tears were streaming down my face. I wanted to scream. To hit something. But most of all, I wanted to crawl into a corner and cry my heart out. 

In the back of my mind, I noticed Cinila crawl over to me, regardless of my piss puddle, and cradle my head against her chest. 

"Oh baby, don't cry. I know it seems bad now, but you'll get better. Trust me," she tried to say, but her words fell on deaf ears. She could say that she was different all she wanted, but there was obviously something she did that got Mistress to notice her. 

I hadn't even noticed Cinila pull down her dress to reveal a nipple. In a pitying voice, she said, "Here. It's an excellent calmer. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it would probably help."

I understood what she meant. At this point, I had no dignity left. I was crying mess sitting with my slaver's wife in my pee-stained bed. If she said it would help, I would try it. I leaned my head forward, trying to capture the nipple in my mouth. To help me, Cinila picked me up and placed me in her lap. One hand cradled my head against her breast while the other pressed against the small of my back to keep me in her lap. 

Now that I was in a decent position, my mouth wrapped around her nipple and I started suckling it. It wasn't long before I felt the taste of warm milk in my mouth and Cinila started to rub circles on my back. I was surprised to find my sadness slowly dissolving. I didn't notice that Cinila had started singing, but she stopped around the same time my tears stopped coming out. The milk was still coming though, so I kept sucking. It tasted surprisingly good. It almost reminded of regular milk mixed with honey. 

I felt Cinila pat my butt and say, "I know this is very emotional for you, but you really do have something to do today. We've already spent too much time getting you up."

I frowned around her nipple. What was I supposed to be doing? Suddenly, I remembered that Albus had said that he would be seeing me the following week at the end of our last meeting. That had been about a week ago, right? 

Excitedly, I pulled off her nipple. Apparently I was a little too fast though, as a stream of milk jetted out and splashed against my face for a few seconds before it died down. Cinila laughed as I spluttered and tried to wipe it off my face. Deciding that it would be a waste to just wipe it off, I tried to siphon the rest of it into my mouth, which Cinila seemed to find amusing. The elven MILF then slid me off her lap and helped me stand up on the floor. Once I was solidly on my feet, she gave me a once over and sighed. I looked back at her with apprehension. That didn't sound too good. 

"You won't like this next bit, but Mistress won't like it even more if you have an accident around the manor," Cinila said as kindly as she could. The pit in my stomach sunk lower when Cinila reached over to a table near the bed, picked up a thick linen cloth, and laid it on the bed. My stomach dropped. There was no way. I looked at her incredulously, waiting for her too laugh and say that this was all some big joke. She didn't.

"Come on now, we need to get you dressed quickly," Cinila said urgently. She was getting impatient now. I hadn't gotten to know her very well yet, but if I was going to go off my experiences with Mistress and Amaya, making her upset wouldn't end well for me. 

Reluctantly, I nodded and positioned myself on the bed so that my butt was on the cloth. Cinila quickly wrapped the cloth up so that it was firmly in place. She pulled back and looked it over before smiling to herself. Surprisingly, it didn't feel confining. It was actually pretty comfortable. I quickly banished those thoughts from my head, lest I trick myself into thinking that it actually felt good.

By the time that I had gotten up, Cinila was rummaging through my wardrobe. When she turned around, she held a beautiful dress that I had somehow never seen before. The entire thing was made of a pink mesh lace, with decorative golden sunbursts scattered throughout the dress. Thankfully, the opaque parts discreetly converged over where my privates would be. While it was still mostly see through, and the V-neck was a little steep, the sleeves were long and the skirt looked like it would just about reach my knees. There was no way I hadn't seen it before. That was new.

When I looked at Cinila for an answer, she just smiled and said, "I think one of the seamstresses sent this for you." I stared at it wide-eyed. Quickly deducing that it was Hanina who had made it, I was left in wonder. She had only seen my a couple days prior, so either she was more skilled than I thought, or she had access to some sort of magic. I wasn't sure which I believed.

I gingerly took the dress from Cinila's arms and slipped it over my head. Sure enough, my privates were covered (though my rear would have been completely on display if it wasn't for the makeshift diaper I was wearing). Probably the best part, though, was that it wasn’t too tight or too loose.

"It looks beautiful sweetie." My attention was drawn back to the elf woman who had been nothing but supportive this entire morning. She really was different.

In a sudden burst of emotion, I hugged her. I don't know what came over me, but it was the best I could do instead of saying 'thank you'. I even buried my face into her chest, but the act wasn't even meant to be sexual. I just wanted to be as close to her as possible. Nevertheless, Cinila slowly hugged me back and allowed my quiet tears to soak into her dress. This time, they were tears of happiness.

She patted my head. In a soothing voice, she said, "Let those tears out and dry your eyes. You still have somewhere to be."

I nodded. I imagined Albus would be pretty upset with me if I was too late.

The first thing Albus told me to do when I arrived in the room was to pull up my status screen. The command made me realize just how long it had been since I checked it. My life really had been busy.

Name Cali
Race Alusen
Gender Futanari 
Class Sex Slave
Level 2
Lp Held 411
Lp Needed 606
Health 32/32
Mana 40/40
Stamina 10/10
Strength 2
Dexterity 4
Speed 3
Intelligence 3
Charisma 5
Faith 2
Arousal 27/70
Divine Birth {Passive} Strengthens resistance to divine spells, but must obey any command given by summoner

Masochist {Passive} +4

Being hurt increases arousal
Bloodrune of Niin

Can not conceive children

Collar of Ishtar

When mana is depleted, user can spend arousal to cast Lust based spells.

User can heal by consuming sexual fluids

User can survive purely off of sexual fluids

Light Touch {6 mana}

As an Alusen, user can imbue hands with light that damages creatures of darkness.

The lack of level progression was disheartening. I hoped to be higher than just level two after an entire week. Judging by his expression, Albus also seemed… disappointed wasn’t the right word. He seemed surprised, but not overly so.

“Guess she was less busy than I expected. Oh well,” Albus said. Despite having already meet him, I was still disconcerted by the mismatched voice and body.

“Today we’ll be going over your attributes. First are the ‘base’ attributes: health, mana, and stamina. I’m sure you can piece together what each one does, but I want to clarify some things that other heroes had misconceptions about.

“Your health isn’t actually a display of how much life force is in you. Instead, it represents how much damage you can heal. Every time you suffer an injury, your health points will be used up to heal it. Once they hit zero, you will still live but you became as vulnerable as a non-hero. Fortunately for you, it passively regenerates. There are also some magics and attacks that can’t be healed by your health points, but they are unlikely to be encountered in low level combat.”

Well that was different than I had expected. In hindsight, it made sense that this world wouldn’t be exactly like a video game. After all, this was an actual other world. The explanation also helped to explain how I had recovered from my various wounds. All except for that blood rune Mistress had placed on me. 

“Then there’s your mana. Normally, someone would have to find a magical conduit to gather the mana in our environment and a spell. Heroes already have one inside their bodies, which we call a hero core. It automatically generates mana and allows a hero to cast spells without any tools. 

“However, this also comes with drawbacks. If your core gets damaged in a fight, maybe by someone stabbing you deep enough to chip it or through a powerful spell, then your mana will start depleting even while not casting a spell. If your mana reaches zero while in this state, your core will essentially die until you absorb the power of another core. Alternatively, your core can be healed before it dies if you regain your full health.” 

So it sounded like instead of critical hits dealing double damage or anything, they hurt your core. And could potentially kill it, too. That thought was disturbing.How could I absorb the power of another core? Would I have to kill another hero? 

“Last, but not least, is your stamina. Don’t underestimate it. Smaller actions, like walking around, don’t cost any, but you won’t regain stamina while doing them. On the other hand,  running for prolonged amounts of time or trying to swing a heavy weapon will cost plenty. But unlike a normal person, you don’t need to take a huge rest break or eat food to regain your stamina. Just stand in place for a while and your stamina will regenerate fairly quickly. If you completely deplete it, though, you will become incapable of doing just about anything. You’ll be awake, but you just won’t be able to move.”

All in all, it sounded like a basic video game system that was light on punishment for losing health, but heavy on punishment for losing mana and stamina.

Next Albus talked to me about how the attributes affected each other. It had never occurred to me that there was a correlation between my strength and my maximum health, but apparently each attribute affected one of the base attributes in a different way. Strength dictated how much health increased per level, as was the case with dexterity to stamina and faith to mana. The other attributes dictated how much the base attributes increased per minute. Speed was how much stamina I regenerated per minute, intelligence for mana, and charisma for health for some reason.

“Of course, each attributes also serves its own individual purpose,” Albus continued. “Strength, obviously, amplifies how much force you can exert, while speed increases how fast you can perform an action. Unfortunately, these attributes can also hurt your dexterity, or precision. After all, you won’t be able to automatically adjust to an increase in speed or strength, which can lead to overcompensation.

“Now, despite what many heroes think for some reason, intelligence and faith have almost no effect on your magical prowess aside from how the determine your mana. Intelligence is just a measure of how well you can learn new information and remember it. Faith is harder to describe. The best analogy I can make is that it’s like your strength to persevere: the higher your faith, the less likely you are to give up. And charisma is pretty self-explanatory. The higher it is, the more people are willing to listen to to you and believe you.”

I nodded. Most of that made sense. But now that we were done with the normal stats, the only one left was the embarrassing one: arousal.

To his credit Albus didn’t even look flustered as he said, “Your arousal attribute is also pretty self-explanatory. The more aroused you are, the more it increases. And if you use it to replace your mana, your arousal goes down. I honestly won’t be able to explain much about your less class-exclusive skills and attributes simply because you’re the first of your class.”

I stared at him. I was the first sex slave hero. I was both embarrassed and proud. Embarrassed because of the fact that I was the only sex slave hero, but proud because I was finally the first to do something. Yay me?

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