Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem


It wasn't long before I got lost on my way to the dining hall. Whoever Mistress was, she was wealthy. Fortunately, I had Hanina to guide me. She walked the halls like a pro, never even pausing on a turn. How long had she been here? It was obviously long enough for most of the slaves to get used to her exhibitionism, but they did a double take when they saw the cum on her. Seemed a bit hypocritical, considering what I'd already seen. 

After some time before we were led to mahogany double doors. They were decorated with artwork that would have made even the most skilled artists back on earth gape in awe. Blooming fruit vines that meet at the top of the center to make what looked like an apple. Rays of ligh shone from the apple, and images of flowers were placed where the rays touched the bottom of the door. In the middle of the doors was a carving of two women embracing. It was probably the most non-sexual piece of art in the manor, considering the fact that all they were doing was kissing and hugging. They even had dresses on!

If it wasn't for Hanina pulling me along, I probably would have just stood there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. I swear, that apple was actually shining. 

The room behind the door left me just as stunned. Five rows of parallel tables were filled with slaves, each separated by collar. Three rows were dedicated to slaves with stereotypical steel collars. They were probably the maintenance slaves. The slaves with the lace chokers were probably the seamstresses, and the slaves sitting at the end with the pseudo-latex collars were probably prostitutes. There were just... so many.

The other noticeable difference between each organization was their attitude. Most of the maintenance slaves either looked depressed or angry, the seamstresses just friendly to each other, and the prostitutes were either eating their food or eating each other.

I expected Hanina to split off and go sit with her fellow seamstresses while I desperately tried to figure out what to do. Instead, Hanina dragged me up to the front. It was then I noticed the last table. It was perpendicular to the others and only held Mistress and four other people right now, but it had two empty seats. 

As we got closer to the table, I was able to make out more details about the women sitting next to Mistress. One was an elf with brown hair and bright blue eyes. Most of her body was slim, but the she had the tits of a cow and- Was that a baby!!? In the elf's arms was small bundle gently held up to one of her breasts, given easy access due to the top half of her dress being completely undone. Nobody seemed to care.

The woman sitting next to the elf looked younger than everybody else, probably about my age. Given her ridiculously pale skin, blood red eyes, and the raw meat in front of her, I was willing to hazard a guess that she was a vampire. Her black hair was cut short and uneven, and she dressed in a tight black tunic obviously meant to emphasize her small assets and a skirt made of  black feathers. A staff topped with skull leaned against her chair. 

The fourth girl was kneeling between the vampire's legs. All I could see was familiar orange hair. Combined with the fact that the outfit the girl was wearing was the same shade of green as Penny's eyes, I was pretty confident who it was.

But the one that caught my attention the most was woman sitting directly to Mistress right. There wasn't any amazing beauty that made my gaze stop at her. It was because she looked eerily similar to the girl leading me right now. Sure, she was much more mature, her hair was done up in a ponytail, and she was actually wearing clothes, but the similarities were undeniable. Same raven hair, same pale green eyes, and same tan skin. She was also the first to notice us. I could tell from the pained smile that appeared on her face the moment she did.

I looked Hanina, who was refusing to look at the woman. I compared them a few more times before I came to a decision. That was definitely Hanina's mom. Yeah... that would definitely cause issues.

When we were within talking distance, the woman said, "Oh sweetie, how was day? Made a new frie-"

"Just eat your food."

Pain crossed the woman's face as she went back to her meal. The other three were looking now. The elf seemed angry, the vampire just moaned, and Mistress just looked sad.

Hanina left to plop down in the seat next to her mom, and a slave instantly walked in from a side door with a full plate of food. That left me alone in front of the table. Naturally, that meant the stares shifted to me.

"This is *gasp* her? Do we all, oooh yeah, keep that up, get to take turns? Aaaaah."

"Calm down, Amaya. You've practically fucked every girl in the entire building by now. Can't you leave it alone?"

"Both of you need to stop that in front of the baby."

Mistress just stared at me while the women squabbled. Once the bickering died down, Mistress declared, "Hopefully Hanina has taught you this already, but these three women are my wives: Basa, Cinila, and Amaya. You are to treat them with just as much respect as me. Understood?" I nodded. "Thank you sweetie. Now, since we don't have a chair for you, you can sit on my lap."

Seeing no other choice, I complied. Mistress was wearing a pink silk dress today that reminded me of the kinds of dresses Ancient Roman women wore, albeit with less material. When my butt connected with her thigh, she immediately recognized my lack of panties. 

"Feeling brave today, are we?"

I was about to explain that no, it wasn't intentional, Hanina had tricked me into it, when Amaya arched her back with a drawn out moan. Her lower body jerked forward into the face of Penny, who I could easily recognize from this angle. A few seconds later, Amaya slowed down and Penny pulled her mouth off Amaya's dick, wait, what? A double take revealed that there was indeed a penis between the vampire's leg, and quite a sizable one, too. 

I tried to ignore my boner, which was so much smaller compared to Amaya's, and focus on the first friend I had made in the hellhole. 

When she saw me, Penny's face split into a grin and she exclaimed, "Cali! Oh, I'm so happy you're here! I can't wait to talk to you about the day I had!"

"Not now Penny, you still need to eat," Amaya said tiredly. Whether it was because she had just nutted or because she had had to say this so many times before, I didn't know. 

"Oh, of course. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll catch up soon!"

I heard a chuckle behind me. "You are such a bundle of joy, Penny."

As Penny sat down and another slave brought her meal out, I noticed the black leather choker around her neck. Was that supposed to mark her as Amaya's?

It was then that I also noticed I had no food. When I turned to Mistress, she just smirked and snapped her fingers. Another slave came out, but she was holding a silver bowl. When it was placed in front of me, I was hit by the unmistakable sight and scent of cum. She had to be joking. Was this why she gave me the collar?

Mistress gently grabbed my wrists and wrapped them with her tail. "Go ahead, drink it up." 

All across the table, people were acting like what I assumed was normal. Penny was eating a whole ass steak, Amaya was slumped in her chair with a half-eaten meal, Cinila had her dress back up and was rocking her baby to sleep, and Basa was desperately trying to start up a conversation with Hanina, who ignored her in favor of the salad she was eating. And here I was being told to drink cum out of a bowl. Like a dog.

Glancing back at Mistress, I searched for any hint she was joking, but found none. A looked around again, pretty much no one was paying attention to me, as most slaves were busy enjoying lunch time. Hesitantly, I dipped my mouth into the bowl.

It honestly didn't taste that bad. I even might say it tasted good. But the fact that I had to lap it up out of a bowl was degrading. It made me feel like a degenerate. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hanina wipe up some of the cum on her chest with a leaf from the salad and chewed it experimentally. At least I was surrounded by degenerates.

When I was done with the bowl, I was sure that half of it had just splashed onto my face. That was quickly taken care of when Mistress grabbed my face with her hands, spun it around, and proceeded to lick all of the cum off. When Mistress was done, she grinned and said, "I would love to take this further, but Cinila has declared that we aren't allowed to engage in too much sexy stuff with the kid around, so this'll have to wait. Did you enjoy your meal?"

Again, I felt the compulsion to answer, "It tasted fine, but... it was so humiliating."

Mistress grinned. I would bet my life that was exactly what she wanted to hear.

Before the conversation could continue, Mistress was tapped on the shoulder. Following the hand, I saw Hanina standing there, arms crossed and hips cocked to the side. The cum on her was all gone by now. 

"Lunch is over."

With a sigh, Mistress relinquished her hold on me and spun me into Hanina's arms, saying, "Alright, finish your day with Hanina, but I'll be seeing you tonight."

On her way out, Mistress smacked Amaya on the back of the head, causing the sleeping girl to jump awake, kicking her own chair out from under her and smashing her had into the pie she had been eating.

"Wha- who?" The entire table started laughing, and even Penny and Hanina smiled.

Once Amaya realized what had happened, she did her best to wipe off her face with her hand and stomped away, calling out for Penny to follow her.

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