Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

A New Experience

Hanina had been silent ever since lunch finished. She hadn't even spared me a look on the way over. But now, as she sewed without even acknowledging my presence, I was starting to get annoyed.

I tapped her on the shoulder and she whipped her head, fist ready to punch me. Once she saw who it was, her hand lowered and her face fell.

"Sorry, got lost in my thoughts there. What's up?" Her attempt at acting fine failed miserably. But I wasn't going to say that.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I didn't have to specify. She knew what I was talking about.

"Maybe later, but right now is about you."

I raised my eyebrows. I may not be able to speak, but I wasn't going to let her deflect that easily.

"Come on, now's not the time."

I didn't move. 

She groaned. "Fine! If you're going to insist, might as well. Obviously, Basa's my mom. I'm sure you could gather that much. Now, if she had just been captured, I wouldn't care. But noooo, she just had to give me and her up!"

I looked at her, uncomprehending. What person would sell themselves into slavery and bring their child with them.

Hanina continued, "It was about two years ago, back when I was 19. Our village had been destroyed by soldiers. They were one of the local lord's men. Most of us were captured and the rest were killed, but mom managed to get me out. She decided the safest bet was to seek protection from a demon. Guess she thought that the soldiers would be back. 

"Anyway, she went to a succubus. Being a sex slave should be the easiest job right? That succubus happened to be one of Elinys's agents, and sent us on over. When we arrived, mom told our story and Elinys 'pitied' us. She decided to take mom as one of her wives, and I became the sex slave of my own mom."

By the end, her eyes were slightly watery. I didn't blame her. Honestly, I kind of felt bad for pressuring her into it. But the story brought up quite a few questions. Questions that I couldn't ask. Oh well, save 'em for later.

One Hanina dried her eyes, she said, "Look at me, crying over something that happened two years ago. What a baby." She murmured the last part, but I could still hear. I wanted to talk to her, to tell her that crying was okay and that I was there for her. Instead, I could only wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"Well, since I've already started telling you information about one of Mistress's wives, I should keep going. Don't be fooled into thinking that my mom is only here because she thought she needed to be and avoids sex. At first, she would only go with Elinys to bed, but her time here has changed her. Now, she's almost as bad as all the other slaves. And, in case you don't remember her name is Basa.

"The elf is Cinila. She is the oldest and one of the first slaves Elinys ever got, so she's basically the second-in-command. Ever since Elinys allowed her to have that baby of hers, she refuses to fuck unless she has a trusted babysitter. That really just means me, my mom, Penny, or Elinys. The kid's name is Lilia, by the way. Now if she does have sex with you, she likes having her breasts touched and is absolutely against anal. 

"Lastly, Amaya, the vampire. She was only a normal slave for a few months, but she went out of her way to get Elinys's attention so much that she was taken as Eliny's personal slave pretty soon, and she was made a wife, like, last month.  She's pretty much down for anything. If you thought Elinys was kinky, you've got another thing coming for you. In fact, I've even heard of a couple slaves that had to be transferred out after a night with her, but that got Elinys upset with her, so she likely won't ruin you too much. That being said, expect her to come knocking within a few days. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she paid a visit while you were in that coma of yours."

I searched her face for any sign that she was joking. There was none. If Penny really was Amaya's personal slave, her cheerfulness really was astounding. 

Before I new what was happening, Hanina held a sewing needle in front of my face. When I looked up for an explanation, she said, "Like I said earlier, you're gonna need to know how to do a lot. So get over her and try to copy me.

And so we spent the next hour or so sewing while Hanina taught me the tunes to popular songs. It was cathartic. For a moment, I could imagine that I wasn't doomed to a lifetime of servitude to a sex-crazed demon. It wasn't hard to see why Hanina locked herself away in this room when she could basically do whatever she wanted.

Hanina had just started teaching me "The Ballad of R'leal" when there was a knock at the door. With a resigned sigh, Hanina shouted, "Come in!"

It was Mistress who entered. She was wearing a black and red dress with a very low cut and a slit on her left side that went all the way up to her wait. Her feet were adorned in shiny black high heels that almost seemed to be made of glass.

"Learning to sew, I see. That's quite a useful skill," she said. It was painfully obvious that she was just trying to get Hanina to say something, but the green-eyed girl just kept sewing. 

"Oh well, I tried. The day is over Cali, it's time to come back to your room," Mistress said dispassionately. 

With a last look back at Hanina, I followed Mistress out the door. As I left, it occurred to me that I still didn't have my panties. Oh well, Hanina could have them.

Unlike the walk with Hanina back from lunch, this was not silent. Instead, Mistress spoke about her work. Basically, she had to monitor distribution of her "goods" across the Darklands, and when called on, attend some type of demonic council. They had actually held one today, which was why she was gone for so long after lunch, and there had been quite a lengthy debate between her and another succubus about something. Mistress didn't bother going into detail; according to her, my "tiny little mind" wouldn't be able to comprehend what she was saying. Nonetheless, it meant that Mistress had quite a lot of built up tension, and she was eager to release it.

When we finally reached my room, Mistress shoved the door open and threw me onto the bed. Guess she wasn't wasting any time today. After taking off her heels, she straddled me, not even bothering to close the door. Her cherry red lips connected with mine, her long tongue snaking into my mouth. Her right hand was cupped around my head, holding it tight against hers, while her left grabbed my own hand and brought it to her breast. Taking the cue, I brought my other hand up as well and started squeezing them through the dress. 

I gasped when I felt her knee press up against against my cock. Since her legs were the only things supporting her, half her body weight now rested between my legs. My masochism perk kicked in, slightly transforming the pain to pleasure, helped along when Mistress started rubbing the knee back and forth. I had a passing thought that she must have really good core strength.

When I gasped a second time, Mistress pulled her mouth off mine. They were still connected by a faint string of saliva, but that was soon broken when Mistress dropped her head between my breasts, licking them up and down. After a few laps, she returned to my face and started licking it all over, smearing her saliva and sometimes even her lipstick across my face.

Trying to return the favor to her breasts, I soon found her nipples and started rolling them between my fingers. Mistress moaned loudly, curling the fingers around the back of my head, causing her nails to cut past my flesh. I didn't care anymore. 

I was sure practically in the hall could hear us. On whim, I brought my eyes past Mistress's body and at the doorway. A girl peaked nervously around the corner, but she ducked away with a squeak when she met my eyes. Unfortunately, Mistress heard the sound of surprise and whipped her head around, causing her long black hair to smack me in the face.

"Come in here!" Mistress yelled, and for a moment, panic seized my heart. I worried that I had just doomed the poor girl to a cruel punishment, and in a moment of surprising bravery, I leaned up grabbed her left breast with my mouth. Unlike Mistress, I had next to no core strength, so my body went back down to the bed, bringing Mistress with me. The succubus regarded me with surprise, obviously not expecting me to do something like that. I just ignored her and sucked on her nipple. 

My attempted misdirection was fruitless, though, as the slave girl was far too terrified of defying Mistress. I heard her walk into the room.

"I'm so sorry Mistress! It's just, I he-mmph!," her tearful apology was cut off by what I could only assume was Mistress tail. Trying to angle my head so that I could get a better look while still sucking Mistress's breast. 

As Mistress's tail brought the girl closer, I realized a few things about her. Namely, the cat ears and tail. Second was that her collar was iron, meaning she was just a lowly maintenance slave. Since my eyes were already on her neck, I was able to appreciate the way Mistress tail made her neck bulge. I realized that this was going to be my first threesome. Hell of a way to start.

My thought process was cut off when Mistress resumed grinding her knee against my penis. It wasn't quite enough to bring me over the edge, but it definitely felt wonderful. 

I heard a wet schlick, signifying that Mistress had pulled her tail from the catgirl's throat. After a strangled gasp from her, Mistress let out another moan. 

I refocused to see Mistress's tail wrapped around the girl's neck with tip dipping down between her breasts. The position also held her in place to eat out Mistress's folds, which was the reason for Mistress's moan.

We were like that for quite some time. At one point, our new addition got brave and started fondling Mistress's butt. When there was no immediate repercussion, she increased the intensity. Mistress came three times. I came once. The catgirl didn't cum at all.

In a lust-filled voice, Mistress say, "I bet you wanna know what that cock ring I put on you is for." The statement was far less eloquent than what Mistress was going for, as it was frequently interrupted by moans and gasps, but she got the message across. I enthusiastically nodded my head. Considering what I had already been through, I shouldn't have been that eager, but I was drunk on lust at the time.

With a grin, Mistress brought a hand between my legs and pinched the ring. Slowly, I felt warmth envelop my dick. After a couple seconds, I was astounded to see that my previously tiny member was now of average size. I'm not sure if I was imagining it, but it felt like Mistress tried to put more of her weight on it then, just to bring me more pain.

During Mistress's fourth orgasm, I heard a choked gasp. Behind Mistress, the catgirl -I really need to figure out her name- was desperately grabbing at Mistress's tail. Her blue face and gaping mouth indicated that she was suffocating. In Mistress's orgasmic bliss, her tail had clenched around the poor girl's throat.

In a panic, I brought my arm back to hopefully snap Mistress out of it, but I didn't have the will to intentionally hurt her. So instead I just had to let Mistress finish her orgasm while my fellow slave was literally being choked to death.

It was only when the catgirl seemed to be losing strength that Mistress came down from her orgasm and released the girl, causing her to slump down on the floor. 

Mistress looked between us at my new cock with a smirk. "Don't be getting any funny ideas. Only I can control the ring, which means that your tiny little dick is going to stay small most of the time."

With that, she pinched the cock ring again and shrunk it back down to its original size. Once it was small again, she got off of me and walked over to the slumped over form of the catgirl. She wasn't quite unconscious, but her eyes were struggling to stay open. A lack of oxygen had the tendency to do that to people. Picking her up by the shoulders, Mistress turned to me to say, "This little one's looking pretty tired, so she can sleep with you tonight," and unceremoniously threw her onto the bed next to me. Mistress made sure to put her heels back on as she walked out with cum still dripping down her legs.

Left with no other choice, me and the other slave crawled to the head of the bead, not even bothering to clean up, and cuddled together under the sheets.

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