Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 38 The Cannibal’s Treasure Room

Brandon was unable to do anything about the situation inside his body. The various air groups were like warlords, fighting for each other's territory. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and a brilliant idea came to his mind.

Since each internal qi lump is independent, why don't I support the largest one, then annex them one by one, and finally merge all the lumps into one? The largest internal qi reserve in the body now is my Dantian, and it is large enough to accommodate all the rogue internal qi.

The more Brandon thought about it, the more he realised this method was feasible. He began to concentrate, and slowly looked inside the Dantian.

In the huge Dantian, a mass of internal qi larger than all the rogue masses slowly rotated inside, like a nebula in the starry sky. Brandon's inner will slowly came into contact with the cyclone, and began to accelerate it along the direction of the cyclone's rotation.

The cyclone began to spin faster and faster, and slowly some of the chaotic internal qi in the meridians was quickly absorbed by the Dantian, and the cyclone slowly increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gradually as the time went by, the cyclone in the Dantian became larger and larger, and became more and more compressed. Some small qi masses were continuously attracted by its huge gravitational force. Those masses could not resist the suction of Dantian and began to move closer to Dantian, slowly getting absorbed by it.

The peripheral internal qi of those chaotic masses was constantly dissipating to the outside under the influence of huge attraction. They slowly shrank.

He didn’t know how long it took, but within his entire meridians, there was no chaotic internal qi anymore, not even a trace. All the internal qi was absorbed by the huge Dantian.

There was a vortex running crazily in the dantian. It was no longer a mass of internal qi, but a vortex composed of liquid Qi, but it was obviously much smaller than previously.

Under the deceleration of Brandon's inner will, the whirlpool began to slowly calm down. Now the internal qi in the body was transformed into true qi.

He guided a stream of true qi towards the meridians. When the depleted meridians encountered this liquid true qi, they began to greedily absorb it like a dead tree blooming with spring. The meridians gradually began to expand, strengthen, and appeared stronger than before.

Part of the true qi flowed to the body through the meridians and began to nourish the cells. The cells were gradually strengthened again, and an invisible light film was attached to the cell walls.

Brandon circulated the true qi again and again. The true qi slowly decreased and was absorbed by the body and meridians. In the end, the true qi in Brandon's body was reduced to hair-thick strands.

A few cycles later, he opened his slightly closed eyes, and a look of joy flashed across his face. Now that he had finally reached innateness, the next step was to develop his inner strength, and then hit the sixth layer of the golden bell.

He slowly climbed up, his joints cracking all over. Only then did he realise that he had actually grown a lot. He was now four metres long, especially his wings, which seemed to have grown overnight.

I don’t know. Can I fly now?

As humans in previous lives, flying had always been a human dream. Even now that he had turned into a lizard, this dream could not be changed. But now was not a good time to experiment. He used his paw to push the door open.

The huge door, which could only be pushed open by four or five strong men, was pushed open by his paw. He found that various kinds of food were piled up like a hill at the door.

The patriarch led a group of people to stand respectfully at the door. When they saw Brandon pushing the door open, they all immediately fell to the ground.

Brandon looked at a large pile of food, including fruits and meat. Brandon took a closer look and found that there were no human-like parts inside.

He nodded and said to the old wizard and the others, "My followers, I am quite satisfied with the food. Go outside first. I have something to do, so don't disturb me." After saying that, he returned to the thatched hut.

It was really annoying to act like this in front of others. It made him constrained. He was far less comfortable and free than he was in the Snake Valley. Brandon felt deeply bored and planned to go back there soon.

Skyler would be very anxious if she couldn't see him for a long time. Brandon clearly remembered that there was a time when Skyler couldn't find him. She kept flying in the air, making whining sounds from time to time, until she finally found Brandon, but he had fainted from exhaustion.

Brandon waited for the cannibals to move the food into the thatched hut and began to eat breakfast in a hurry. In less than ten minutes, a mountain of food was poured into his stomach. But he didn't even taste it, he just swallowed it.

He had a very strong digestive system and could eat non-stop if he needed to. Part of the food eaten was converted into energy needed for life, and part was absorbed by the heat qi and the body. Brandon estimated that his powerful self-healing ability may be related to this.

Now Brandon was very anxious. He closed the door. He wants to test whether he could fly. If he would be successful, it would be much easier for him to go back. He spread his wings and looked at his wings narcissistically. It still seems a bit small.

I don't know if it can support my huge weight. He slowly transferred his inner strength to his wings and flapped them violently. Brandon probably made a mistake. He shouldn't have experimented in the thatched hut.

It's not that the hut was prone to collapse, but the hut was covered with a layer of fine sand. When he flapped his wings, the fierce wind suddenly caused the fine sand to fly all over the sky.

When Brandon realised, he immediately stopped, but it was already too late. The fine sand was already overwhelmingly pouring towards him.

He quickly held his breath, closed his eyes, and cursed in his heart. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and found that the fine sand on the ground had been blown out, creating an open space, revealing something beneath.

The open space was paved with huge stone slabs. Brandon's keen eyes discovered that one stone slab was obviously different from the others and seemed to be a little loose.

He immediately thought of secret passages in martial arts movies. I wonder if there is any treasure inside. He thought to himself, with a golden light shining in his eyes. The nature of the dragon had become more and more overwhelming on Brandon's consciousness.

He immediately laid down on the ground and started tapping the stone slabs one by one with a claw. He found that the sound made by the loose stone slab was obviously different, and he was immediately startled.

Excitement flashed across his huge, ugly face. He used his claws to pry up the stone slab, and suddenly a step leading down was revealed. The entrance of the cave looked very deep and dark!


Dear readers,

I want to apologize for keeping you waiting. My mother was diagnosed with cancer, and I've been completely overwhelmed, spending all my time at the hospital with her and unable to focus on writing. However, the treatment has been very successful, and I will be resuming my updates. You all are my greatest motivation. Thank you, everyone, for your understanding and support.

One more thing:

Over the next seven days, I will be updating at least 5 advanced chapters daily on Patreon. Please consider supporting me if you're able.

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