Only my divine artifact could kill them but there were too many of the worms of Perspicuity, I couldn't kill them fast enough. And we still have the bigger worm Boss to deal with.
"We need to distract the smaller worms first", Rinna told us.
"Let me deal with them", Sara told us as she leaped toward the worms.
Suddenly, she duplicated herself into many copies of herself to harass the worms.
"Mirror Image"
"How did you cast your spells in Delirium?" Melroy asked her.
"I repaired the bad circuitry caused by the influence of this realm. My magic works again after I rewired the circuitry according to the laws of this world", Sara replied to him although he probably didn't understand her.
"Tell us in a language we understand", Cassandra asked Sara.
"Just bloody rework your spell to adjust for the chaos influence in this world", Sara replied to them.
It wasn't that this world prevented the casting and conjuration of magic. It was just that normal magic in our world would be messed up by the conditions of this world. A new type of spell or magic must be devised to work in Delirium.
The worms were not too bright creatures, so they chased Sara's flying images to eat them. That managed to distract the worms somewhat.
Even my Malevolent Slaves did their part to distract the worms, giving me time to finish my battle with the big worm. Hopefully.
"This is not the first time I fought with a decapitated head that multiplies", I said to the big worm as my blood guillotine struck one of his heads.
My Blood Guillotine easily destroyed another worm head from Boss Perspicuity.
I was expecting more heads to grow from the worm, but to my surprise only one head grew from the stump while the other heads continued to attack me with their vacuum breaths.
"Damnit, this is not according to my script", I complained.
I was expecting more heads to appear on the worm for every head that I cut. Eventually, there would be too many heads on the worm which bears it down in its combined weight. I could easily destroy or leave the worm in that condition.
That was the method I used to defeat the Hydra in my previous life.
However, this worm's growing heads were limited to a maximum of five, so the worm remained agile despite new heads growing on it.
"Damnit, there is a limit to the number of heads this bloody worm regrows", I complained.
"Come on finish the bloody Boss and help here", Sara shouted to me.
"How the hell do I kill the bloody Boss?" I asked.
"Leave the Boss to us. Go help Sara", Rinna told me suddenly.
So, I went to help Sara to start killing the lesser worms first leaving the Boss Perspicuity behind.
"How is Rinna going to kill the big worm?" Melroy asked.
"With my help of course", Chash replied to him.
Chash's sword suddenly flew out of his body and enlarged to the size of an enormous pillar. The pillar sized sword of Dominon fell on the large worm, smashing it to the ground immobilizing it momentarily.
"Dominon of Ice and fire"
On the left of his sword, the worm was frozen in ice while on the right side, magic fire burned.
"The Dominon will not kill the big worm", Melroy commented.
"It's not my job to kill the worm", Chash replied to him.
Suddenly, thousands of ethereal serpents rushed into the left of the frozen worm. The worm's heart was on its left which was frozen, so the serpents bit the heart easily before petrifying it. Soon, the big worm fell to the ground, and turned completely into stone.
"Serpent of Neheb"
Rinna's Cobra serpent on the left of Medusa could summon holographic serpents that could turn hearts of the strongest beings into stone.
With the Boss of the worms killed, we soon finished the other smaller worms of Perspicuity.
"It is time to meet Lucidity at last", I said to them.
After killing the worms, we walked into Lucidity's castle.
It was starting to get dark in Delirium and this was the time Lucidity would return to this realm.
"Are you sure Lucidity will return here. Those two seldom come back to the inner realm", Melroy asked me.
"Well, if she is not here, we will wait for her in her castle", I replied to him.
Lucidity's castle was exactly the replica of Delirium's castle except everything was placed in reverse order. So, judging from that fact we quickly made our way to Lucidity's room without much of a search.
Suddenly, to our shock and surprise Lucidity returned to her room.
Unlike the shining knight of armor that Delirium appeared as, Lucidity appeared like a lady, dressed in a beautiful red gown and donning a diamond crusted tiara.
But looks were deceiving in the case of Lucidity because she was one tough bitch and a crazy one according to her reputation.
"How dare you kill my precious worms? And you make me return here to deal with you," Lucidity questioned me before she lifted her finger to zap me with her powerful magic.
"Zzzaaaappppp" "Lucidity's Wrath"
Lucidity's simple gesture cast a powerful beam of lightning that tore through my body and made a large hole in my chest. Luckily for me, my wound quickly closed itself and started to heal.
My body was infused by the skin of the Dark Angel. My magic armor was further enhanced by the magic of my bones which refined the magic from hundreds of powerful magic creatures.
So, I survived the first strike from Lucidity which could otherwise killed most people even Legendary beings. But I couldn't guarantee I would survive the next zap from her. I wasn't betting on that.
"Oh dear, you are still alive. Well, no matter, I'll kill you with another zap", Lucidity shouted at me angrily after seeing that I avoided death from her zap.
"Lucidity's Wrath"