Reborn as a Bully



"So, must we find the damn Lucidity and feed her the damn seed?" Sara asked Nicklas.

"We cannot feed the seed to Lucidity. That will not break the curse. Lucidity must grow the seed inside her heart, willingly. That is the only way to lift Delirium's curse", he replied to us.

"What the? How are we even supposed to get her to do that? The seed will kill her. She's insane not stupid right?" Melroy asked him.

"That is the only way to end Delirium's curse. I never said it would be easy otherwise Delirium would have broken his curse by now", Nicklas told us.

"Don't worry, husband will think of a way", Rinna said to them.

"That means he must find another way to scam the bitch", Sara said to them translating Rinna's words in a manner that they understood.

"Do you think we can fight Lucidity now?" Melroy asked me.

It was about time to face Lucidity, finish Delirium's quest and go home. We were here in this realm for far longer than we expected.

"Nicklas it is time for us to deal with Lucidity", I told the old man.

"Finally, the Beast shall slay Lucidity", Nicklas said to me.

"Isn't that killing Delirium as well?" Melroy asked us but we dreaded the answer to that question.

"We'll find a way when we get there", Rinna replied to him.

"Yes, with another of his scams", Sara told them while pointing at me.

Perhaps Sara was right.

There was no way to defeat Lucidity without a little guile of some kind. A lot of guile actually. Lucidity, like Delirium was a powerful god of this magical realm, we couldn't fight her even with our divine artifacts.

So, we left the Sprites to their shine and walked down bravely the golden path toward the other end of Delirium, toward Lucidity's castle.

"Finally, its time to fight", Chash said to us.


The path toward Lucidity's castle was treacherous as there were more Worms of Perspicuity waiting to ambush us. These worms were adapting to our fighting methods although we were still a step ahead of them.

"Damnit there are five of those darn worms", Sara told us from her scanning.

"These worms are coming in greater numbers", Chash observed and spoke.

However, we were not intimidated by the worms.

In fact, the worms were more intimidated by us as we were escorted by a huge python that has three scary serpent heads. At the center of the huge serpent was the head of the serpent's crown – Medusa.

"Crown of Medusa, the Queen of Serpents"

The aura from Medusa's crown of snakes was enough to freeze most legendary beings and after it was augmented by the magic of the divine artifact, The Banner of Supremes, even the worms of Perspicuity were not immune to her magic entirely.

Before the worms would break free from Medusa's fearful gaze, the worms would be decapitated by my Blood Guillotine.

"This is a lot easier than I thought", Melroy told his wives.

"It's easy if you don't have to do much", Sara replied to him.

In the previous fights with the worms of Perspicuity, we had to pin down the worms before decapitating them with my divine artifact magic.

However, with Medusa's penetrating and freezing gaze, the worms were stunned without requiring more efforts on our side and we began destroying these worms effortlessly.

We continued down the golden road until eventually we reached Lucidity's castle but standing in front of the castle was another worm.

A much bigger worm.


"Well, we are in luck there's only one worm guarding the castle of Lucidity", Melroy said to us.

The larger than usual worm opened its mouth on me when I sent my Blood Guillotine toward the worm. My guillotine quickly decapitated the worm easily.

"Chasing Blood Guillotine"

"Hey, this large worm is worse than the smaller worms", Chash told us about the larger worm.

"This is a surprise", I said to them.

The huge worm of Perscuity before us was supposed to be the guardian of Lucidity's castle, the Boss along this golden path. But the Boss seemed easy to deal with. Too easy.

"This is too easy", Sara told us her observation.

Before we could celebrate, to our horror and shock, we discovered the worm wasn't killed.

"What in Hell, more heads are coming out from the worm?" Melroy asked us.

After I decapitated the worm, suddenly several more heads came out of the worm's body.

"Damnit this is a tricky multi-headed worm", Chash told us.

"Hell, this worm is like a bloody hydra", I told them.

In my previous life, I've dealt with creatures like this Perscuity. After I decapitated its head, more head grew in its stead.

"Don't worry, we've dealt with creatures like this before", Rinna told me to encourage.

The five heads of the worm weren't there just for show because they attacked me at the same time. The worm heads opened their enormous maws before suction wind was blown out to vacuum me into its mouth.

The wind threw me off balance and even gobbled one of my Malevolent slaves.

"Did the worm eat my Malevolent Slave?", I asked in shock.

"I'm sure it did", Ratatouille told me.

"How can the worm eat my Malevolent?" I asked them again, but the worm now dashed to chase me hoping to swallow me as well.

Suddenly, more worms of Perspicuity appeared from the sides of the road to surround us. While the larger worm Boss got us engaged, the smaller worms who lied in ambush came out to finish us off when we were taken off guard by the unique magic of the Boss, Perspicuity.

"Damnit what do we do know? There are so many of them", Chash complained to us.

We were being set up by a big worm ambush.

"Let's deal with the smaller worms first", Cassandra suggested to us.

"We are helpless against even the smaller worms without the Chasing Blood Guillotine, didn't you forget?" Chash asked her and reminded.

The worms of perspicuity were practically indestructible.

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