Reality Breaker: Edge of Reality

Chapter 12 : Bravery of the Scythe

After some time, on a cracked road with destroyed buildings, Cale was moving along the building to protect himself, staying close to the wall.

'I did put them in a safe spot, but... I can't seem to shake off this bad feeling building up in me,' Cale thought while looking left and right.

'Maybe I am overreacting to all of this...' Cale thought while looking down. 'The only safe spot right now is the military, but what if the capacity is already full?' Cale thought, widening his eyes for a moment.

'Relax, it's going to be fine. First, let's find the military,' Cale thought and took a deep breath.

'Hey, System,' Cale thought.

A yellow and blue screen appeared before him, showing him his information (Info).

'What is happening in the world right now!' Cale questioned the system but to no avail.

'Then tell me what kind of disease or whatever it is that happened to my mother!' Cale questioned once again, but still no reply.

Cale sighed at seeing this and thought, 'I knew that this would happen to some extent.'

Ding! Ding!

[Fractures have fully descended in the world]


[Incorrect Fractures will be removed]

'What do you mean they have fully descended and incorrect fractures will be removed!' Cale questioned quickly at the red panel.

But he still got no answer, which made him look at the system with a questioning look.

Cale’s senses immediately made him look up.

The cracks in the sky were starting to heal, and the sky was going back to normal.

"So that is what you meant by the second message," Cale looked at the system in realization.

"Now let's—" As Cale was talking, he heard shouts from a distance.

Cale ran in that direction quickly and reached a place where a fracture was open, and Eldritch horrors were coming out of it as civilians ran.

[Information (Info):

Name: Eldritch Horror

Rank: F+-rank

Status: Hungry

Description: Eldritch Horror. Creatures born from darkness. Skinny, feed on flesh and blood, long, hollow eyes, beast-like habits, sharp claws, hide in darkness and cause madness when looked at (No effect on higher ranks than itself) weakness: Light and fire]


[New Side Quest issued: Save civilians] [Reward: 1000 exp]

[Difficulty: E-rank]

[Accept or Reject?]

'Maybe I can get some information about the military after I save them,' Cale thought while taking his scythe out and putting it on his shoulders and donning the deer mask. 'I accept,' he thought and dashed forward.

[Side Quest: Accepted]

One of the Eldritch horrors, with its long, bony limbs outstretched, was just about to strike down a civilian who had tripped in their frantic escape. 'You monster,' the civilian thought, despair flooding their mind.

In an instant, Cale was upon the creature. With a swift motion, he sliced through its hand, causing it to shriek in pain as it recoiled. Before it could recover, he lunged forward, appearing behind it and slicing its throat in one clean, fluid motion.


[F+-Rank Eldritch defeated] [Reward: 500 exp]

Now let’s take care of the rest, Cale thought, surveying the chaos unfolding before him.

The air was thick with the scent of fear, and Cale felt invigorated. With the first Eldritch defeated, he quickly targeted the next one, a hulking figure emerging from the fracture, its hollow eyes glinting with malevolence. Cale dashed forward, his scythe dancing through the air, cutting the second Eldritch down before it even realized he was there.


[F+-Rank Eldritch defeated] [Reward: 500 exp]

One by one, Cale moved through the fray, his strikes precise and deadly. The Eldritch horrors, once a source of terror, fell before him like wheat before a scythe. With each kill, his confidence grew, and the civilians began to realize their savior was a force to be reckoned with.

In mere moments, ten Eldritch horrors fell to his relentless onslaught. Their bodies crumpled to the ground, leaving behind a scene of carnage that marked Cale as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

As the last creature fell, Cale stood amidst the chaos, his scythe gleaming with dark energy, the satisfaction of victory washing over him. He quickly turned his gaze back to the fracture from which the horrors had emerged.

Cale approached the fracture, feeling the energy pulsing from it. He had played this game before. He was just about to go inside when an Eldritch appeared in front of him, slashing at him. Cale blocked it but was pushed back by the force.

[Information (Info):

Name: Eldritch Horror Boss

Status: Angry and Hungry

Difficulty: E-rank]

Cale looked at the Eldritch, recognizing it as it also had a deer mask. "The Fracture Boss can also leave the Fracture!?!" Cale whispered in shock. "...Let's see how I do this time, Big Guy!" Cale said to the Eldritch.

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