PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 33. Fifth Girly

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TO V1 Kindle Book - (240k Words Long)

ATM V1 Audiobook - (21 Hours Long)

ATM Kindle Book - (185k Words Long)

UE Kindle Book - (110k Words Long)


1: Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Future Supervillain!)

2. Our New Pokemon Girly!

Pokemon Map: 

I loosely follow this map as a visual guide; the creator made it in paint?!?!  It's insane!  Some errors here and there, but I follow its design for the most part.  Areas can be further apart, some cities are in the wrong places or not listed, and the regions aren't nearly so close.  The best map I've found, though!

Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


6:02 a.m. October 26th, Monday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event). Day 139.

Events: Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out! Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (39 days away).

Rhea floated through a serene dreamscape filled with lush fields of wildflowers and gently swaying Berry trees. Pokémon of all kinds danced and played around her, their joyful cries creating a symphony that made her heart soar. Butterfree fluttered past, their wings shimmering in the sunlight, and a group of playful Eevee bounded across a meadow—Nova was with them, showing off her fluff.

A sharp prick on her arm jolted her from the dream. She jumped awake with a yelp, her heart racing as the comforting cloud she was on dissolved. Alice, Nova, Lulu, and Mya stirred beside her, blinking sleepily and chirping in concern.

Throwing back the covers with a little effort due to Mya’s big head, Rhea blinked. There, resting against her nightgown, was a black-and-white Ralts, blended seamlessly with her nightwear. The little Pokémon yawned, her tiny pink eyes closing a second before sleepily opening with curiosity as she looked around the fancy hotel room.

Alice, the first to bounce around, picked up their surprised new teammate to nuzzle. “Pun-pun,” she chirped softly.

Nova wiggled out, ears poking up as she crawled over to her arm, licking the spot the sharp egg-edge had poked. “Pwe, pwe?”

“No, I’m fine,” she said, stroking the Eevee’s head as her girls yawned and gathered around. “Don’t hog her all to yourself, Alice. Let her meet everyone.”

Mya stretched her jaws and looked around, still searching for whatever made her yelp, her foggy brain probably not even seeing the eggshell on the bed. Lulu floated closer, her cosmic-like body shimmering as she squished the Ralts’ cheeks and hugged her.


“Nee! Ne-ne. Ne-ne-ne,” the Cosmog greeted, pointing out and naming all of her big sisters. The little girl was likely thrilled to finally be a big sister herself. “Neeee!”


“Pwe. Pwe,” Nova chirped, licking her cheek.

Rhea smiled fondly at her Pokémon, her heart swelling at the warm welcome. She gently petted each of them before rescuing the slightly overwhelmed Feeling Pokémon, murmuring reassurances. The newly hatched Ralts, now fully awake, gazed up at Rhea with wide, trusting eyes.

“Aww. You’re such a cutie,” Rhea cooed, stroking the Ralts’ soft head. “We need to find you a name, don’t we, girls?”


* — * — *


The world was a blur of colors and sounds as Ralts emerged from her egg—that’s all she knew about herself from the voices she’d heard in her protective shell—her mind still foggy from the dream she was in. Not long after, a yelp made her jump and movement jostled her around.

The next thing she knew, blinding light hit her, and she saw a big, weird-looking face staring down at her with what she took for a gentle expression, full of curiosity and warmth. It was a human, she knew that, but not much more.

Is this my new Trainer? she thought, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as the blur of voices she’d heard in her egg meshed together.

The ground she found herself on was soft, too soft, and the room around her was vast and unfamiliar. Ralts’ tiny heart pounded in her chest as she looked around, trying to make sense of everything with the rush of Pokemon that surrounded her. She felt a gentle nudge and turned to see a Lopunny with bright pink eyes and a pretty smile that picked her up to nuzzle.

“Welcome to the team, little one. I’m Alice, your big sister now!”

“B-Big sister?” Ralts repeated, her voice so much smaller. “I’ve never had a sister before… What’s a big sister?”

A soft chuckle came from a fluffy Pokemon who poked her head out of the blankets to lick the human’s side. “You’ll have lots of sisters here. I’m Nova! We’re all family, and we’ll take good care of you. Are you okay, Rhea?”

Ralts’ eyes widened as she looked at the other Pokémon gathering around her. Each one was unique and beautiful, and they all radiated a sense of belonging that made her feel a little more at ease. A sparkly and puffy cloud floated closer to squish her cheeks.

“I’m Lulu! We’re going to have so much fun together. I can show you all the best hiding spots and tricks—oh, we play a lot of games. I’m a big sister! Woooh! I’m a big girl! Oh-oh, we can do so many pranks!”

A big steely Pokemon beside Alice yawned, blinking sleepily before giving Ralts a short pat. “I’m Mya. Don’t worry about them, you’ll get used to everything here. Just ignore most of them if they start getting on your nerves. It’s a bit overwhelming at first, but we’ve all been through it. I’m still tired…”

Ralts took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll try my best.”

The human girl, Rhea, she assumed, which was the name of the human she belonged to from the voices she’d heard in her safe little shell, smiled down at her, eyes full of kindness. “You’re such a cutie,” she cooed, gently stroking Ralts’ head. “We need to find you a name, don’t we, girls?”

As Rhea began suggesting names, Ralts felt her nervousness ebb away, replaced by a growing sense of excitement. She shook her head at each suggestion, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction in being able to communicate her preferences.

“Lola?” Alice instantly suggested.

Nova shook her head. “No. That sounds more like a Buneary name, don’t you think?”

“Is she a Buneary?!” Lulu piped up. “She doesn’t look like she has big fluffy ears—oh, your hair is so soft!”

Mya snickered and patted Lulu’s head with a small smirk. “Not a Buneary, short-stack. We could make you a Buneary if we fluffed up your clouds a bit.”

“I’m not a Buneary, Big Sis! I’m a Cosmogolist!”

“You sure are! Oh, Rhea’s suggesting some.”

Rhea hummed, setting Ralts in her lap so everyone could see her. Ralts shifted a little at all the attention, feeling a little shy.

“How about… Lily, or is that too close to Lulu?”

“What’s wrong with my name, Rhea?”

Ralts slowly shook her head, not feeling like a Lily. “Can I have something different, please?”

“Okay,” Rhea nodded. “How about Lyla? No? Too many Ls, Nova? Hmm, maybe Bella? Still no—haha, I guess that does have a lot of Ls, too, Alice.” She thought for a moment, her big coral eyes twinkling as one seemed to strike her like a lightning bolt. “What about Shae?”

Shae’s eyes lit up with delight, and she nodded eagerly. “I like Shae.”

“Shae it is, then,” Rhea laughed, bending over to kiss her head. “Welcome to the team, Shae.”

Shae’s tiny heart swelled. She had a name now, and a family who cared for her. As Rhea started reading messages aloud, Shae glanced around at her new sisters, feeling a little abashed but also excited to be part of this wonderful group.

“Are you okay?” Nova asked, settling in beside her. “You aren’t cold, are you?”

Shae nodded before quickly shaking her head, her voice soft. “I’m just…happy. Oh, no, I’m not cold. It’s a lot to take in, but I’m really happy to be here. To, umm, to be a little sister,” she mumbled, rubbing her hands at her front.

“Aww. You’re adorable!”

Lulu floated closer, her eyes sparkling. “You’ll love it here, Shae. We go on all sorts of adventures, and Rhea is the best Trainer you could ask for—I even got to fight in a Gym yesterday! I was so awesome, even if we lost…but I showed this giant black cloud that swoooosh! Blam! Pow! Plus, plus, we get to meet so many other Pokémon and see amazing places. I can teleport you to meet everyone else!”

Alice smiled and pulled Lulu in to hug her. “Hold on a little there, I’m the one that’s supposed to be jumping into things. And don’t worry if you feel a bit lost at first, Shae. We’re all here to help you. Just stick with us, and you’ll be fine.”

Shae felt a wave of gratitude while glancing between her big sisters. She was still a little timid, but everyone seemed nice. “Thank you,” she softly mumbled. “I’ll do my best to keep up.”

As the conversation continued, Shae listened intently, soaking up every bit of information about her new world. She watched Rhea with admiration, feeling a strong bond forming between them, which deepened when she pulled out something called a Master Ball. This was her new life, and she was ready to embrace it with all her heart.

Rhea placed it in front of her, with everyone watching her intently. “This will connect you to my soul, where it will become like, uh…your own personal home, I guess you could say. Do you want to make a happy home with us, Shae?”

“I-I do… I just…poke it?”

Nova nodded, becoming red energy that shot into her own capsule before exiting it on her own. “Mhm! See. It’s like opening up the front door to your own little home. Well, I guess you wouldn’t know about human homes yet, but it’s like this big room here, only your own little space to get away from the scary big world.”

“That sounds nice…”

Lulu bunched her mouth to the side. “I don’t get one because I’m a Buddy Bonded Pokemon… I can kind of visit, though! I just need to, uh, connect with you guys through Rhea’s spirit—it’s just something I do. I don’t know how. It’s fun, though!”

Smiling, Shae shied forward and lightly tapped the button. A warmth unlike anything she’d experienced in her short life bonded to her whole being, and in the next second, she was in a cute room with pictures of her Trainer’s life etched on the walls…impressions of her spirit passed along to her. She was connected to something more than herself, a family.

Feeling the presence of her other big sisters, Shae projected her soul through their connection, holding her hands against her chest.

Thank you for accepting me… I’m happy to be here and be of help. I’ll do my best!


* — * — *


“Lop! Punny?”

“Pwe. Pwe-pwe?”


“Mawile,” Mya shook her head, patting the Cosmog and making her cheeks puff up.



Rhea hummed, setting her in her lap so everyone could see as she began suggesting names. “How about… Lily, or is that too close to Lulu?”


“Ralts,” she said, shaking her head and making her Pokemon look thoughtful.

“Okay,” Rhea nodded, cycling through more names, each one meeting a cute shake of the Ralts’ head. “How about Lyla? No? Too many Ls, Nova? Hmm, maybe Bella? Still no—haha, I guess that does have a lot of Ls, too, Alice.”

She thought for a moment, her eyes twinkling as one struck her like a lightning bolt. “What about Shae?”

The Ralts’ eyes lit up with delight, and she nodded eagerly. “Ralts!”

“Shae it is, then,” Rhea said with a laugh, bending over to kiss her head. “Welcome to the team, Shae. Now, why don’t we see if Mom remembered to send me all her notes because she didn’t manage to do it when we went to bed last night.”

Her Pokemon continued to give the salt-and-pepper Ralts attention, but she seemed to be liking it more now. Retrieving her phone from the bedside table, it automatically unlocked when the camera caught sight of her.

“Oh, sure enough! Looks like Mom did send us some messages, and I got a few more, too… 6:07 right now, huh? We’re doing good today! Should I read it aloud?” she asked, glancing between her girls. Excited chirps followed, making her giggle. “Okay! Okay. Let’s see…”

11:22 p.m. Big Honeypot - Hey, Sunshine! Sorry, I spaced it and sent this last night. Make sure you eat a good breakfast today. Feel free to sneak into my room and Tackle me awake—just no Nightmares! Hehe. Love you!

Rhea tapped her phone against her chin with an impish smirk while looking between her Pokemon. “Maybe we’ll take her up on that. Wait, Jason sent me one… Ahem! From Mankey Butt,” she stated, bringing a smile to her face.

11:22 a.m. Mankey Butt - A celestial greetings from Anistar City, Ms. Topaz! Wait, wrong message; where am I? I had this dream that you were with me last night under the stars, sharing extra-chocolatey smores. Yes, you sparkled like a Thunder Stone!

Actually, did you fly out of space and bonk me on the head? Is that why I’m so spacy right now? And then there was that blinding finisher, the Sunshine! Morning brings new life, and so does my shocking little Joltik. From your space-man, searching for you in the stars!

Rhea paused in her reading, heart fluttering, and she couldn’t help a rush while imagining him saying it with the picture he painted. She finished the message with a warm smile.

“Why do I feel this pressure around my chest from that? I’m hopeless… It’s so sappy! Aww… Pictures of the sky—is there really a yellow star there?! Wow. Leave it to Jason to point it out…”

He was coming back…but there was something she felt like she was forgetting. Tossing the feeling away with her sheets and energized after such a good morning digital wakeup kiss, Rhea glanced at her Pokémon, who were all eagerly watching her.

“Jason’s coming into the city tonight which means more parties! Wait, are we flying out today? I think we are, so he may need to play tag.”

“Lop!” Alice chirped, her tail flicking with excitement.


“Ne-ne!” Lulu added, her sparkly body shimmering with happiness.

Mya laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. “Mawile…”

“Ralts?” Shae asked, curiously following Lulu’s example and poking the tired Steel Girl. “Ra-ra?”




Mya jumped up in play fury and ran after the two Pokemon. Nova and Alice scooping them up to play tag. Rhea’s soft eyes watched them play for a second before going to her portable wardrobe, fiddling with her phone.

Rhea’s heart fluttered with excitement as she composed a response to her mom and Jason, her fingers tapping on her phone with anticipation.

Let’s see if we can out-sap Jason’s message, she thought with a giggle to her Pokemon. First up, Mom!

6:12 a.m. Honeypot - Hey, Mom! I hope you’re already getting ready because I’m totally coming for you! Tackle, Nightmares, and all is small-time—I’m coming strong with the Mega Kick. Love you lots, Big Honeypot, and please don’t die!

Cackling to herself, she paused in front of her expanded wardrobe, carefully crafting her response to her cobalt-haired boyfriend.

6:17 a.m. Honeypot - Hey, Mankey Butt! I heard you wanted a battle. Your message made me blush like a shy little Minccino. My tail is wagging, and my big ears are quivering to be scratched. I promise my fur is soft! Oh, and you know Joltik is known as the ‘Attaching Pokemon’ so I won’t be letting go once you start petting.

*wink, wink, kisses*

I’ll be your star in the sky, sparkling brighter than a Starmie’s gem, so hurry back! These ocean-blue eyes want to stare into your comforting muddy-brown. Maybe you could cover me with a little dirt to hide me from danger? Can’t wait to bonk you on the head with my kiss. See you soon, space-man! <3

“Aha-hahaha! I’m an evil genius,” Rhea boated, getting her Pokémon to mirror her.

She hit send, feeling a rush of satisfaction. She glanced at her hungry Pokémon, who were all watching her with expectant eyes. She had one last thing to do for her newest little girl, though.

Walking to the bag her mother had given her, Rhea extracted the Master Ball and placed it on the bed, positioning her others around it. Nova chirped at the timid Ralts, explaining it to her while going into her capsule. Rhea tried not to interrupt too much as her Pokemon bonded. Shae nodded at their explanation, and Rhea’s heart ached at her trembling fingers while reaching forward to press the button. It wasn’t long until she exited with a grin, now feeling her projected happiness. 

“Like it?”


“Nice! Alright, girls, now that we’ve got our newest soldier, here’s the mission: Operation Let’s Get Some Revenge On Mom For That Message is a go!”

Flexing her bare toes against the cool floor, she rummaged through the small drawer in her closet. She found her silky sleeping shorts to be a bit too much for traveling the hotel halls. Slipping something more suitable on and grabbing her mom’s room card from the counter, she prepared for war.

“Alright, troops, follow me. We’ve got a mission to complete.”

Her Pokémon chirped and squeaked in agreement jogging after her. She led them out of the room, tiptoeing down the hallway two doors like a stealthy Meowth on a nighttime prowl. The hotel was quiet at this hour, and Rhea’s grin grew the closer she got.

Reaching her mom’s room, she turned to her Pokémon, putting a finger to her lips. “Shhh, we need to be quiet, and just when we get within striking distance we engage the Battle of Hotel Tickle.”

Mya, Alice, Nova, Lulu, and little Shae all nodded, the Ralts’ eyes big and ready for her first big mission. Rhea slowly inserted the card and opened the door with a soft click. She crept inside, her heart pounding as she spotted her mom still asleep in bed, stretched out, blue button-up nightshirt half-pulled up to show her exposed belly.

Target locked! she directed, making a signal to advance on the blissfully unaware woman. Circle her, troops. On three, we strike with deadly accuracy. Hold her arms, Mya; Nova and Alice get her legs. Shae and Lulu, with me!

With a silent signal, Rhea and her Pokémon positioned themselves around the bed. Then, with a gleeful shout, Rhea pounced, landing on the bed and launching a tickle assault on her mom’s Super Effective point—it was a critical hit!

“Gotcha, Mom!”

“Wha—ahhh! R-Rhea, no, haha, stop!” Her mom woke with a start, unwilling laughter shaking her frame as they wrestled across the bed, her adorable mother, bless her soul, trying to fend off her expert-like tickling fingers. “Rhea! No fair!” she gasped between giggles. “Mya, you have to save me! Reverse, reverse! Hehehe. Code: Sweet-Five! Code: Sweet-Five!”

“It’s too late, Mom. I’m in control of this, huh—no! Mya, what are you… Mutiny! Hehe. Everyone is turning on me,” she cried, tears coming on with fits of laughter as the rest of her Pokemon smelled blood. “Traitors! Hehe. The lot of you!”


* — * — *


Shae’s eyes darted around the room as Rhea launched her tickle attack on her mom. The energetic chaos felt overwhelming yet exhilarating. Her heart pounded in her tiny chest, each rapid beat resonating with the laughter and playful cries filling the air.

“I-I just nuzzle her neck with my hair?”

“Nice!” Nova chirped. “That’s it; no prisoners!”

“Is this normal?” Shae asked, her voice barely a whisper, still trying to grasp the dynamics of her new family. “She’s crying now.”

Mya’s eyes softened as she pinned down the woman’s arms. “Oh, this is nothing. You’ll get used to it. Rhea and her mom are always like this lately. Just join in and have fun. They’re happy tears! Ooh, the code word!”

“Reversal!” Lulu roared, launching at their Trainer’s face.

Nova jumped after her, freeing the woman’s legs to twist and swap positions to now be atop her daughter. 


As the tickling intensified, Shae noticed Mya’s half-asleep form and cautiously approached her, seeking some grounding in the whirlwind of emotions. She reached out a tentative hand, poking Mya’s side.

Shae giggled, feeling a surge of joy while poking Rhea’s exposed belly. “I can do this!” She poked Rhea again, this time, her Trainer’s laughter growing.

Rhea’s mom eventually called a truce, and they all collapsed in a heap of giggles and panting breaths. Rhea turned to Shae, her eyes shining with affection. “You did great, Shae! Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you, Rhea,” Shae chimed. “I’m happy to be here.”


* — * — *


The room filled with laughter as Rhea was pinned underneath her grinning mom for a second time—a surprise attack, initiated by Shae of all! They struck with deadly accuracy while sliding up her nightshirt to do a pincer attack against her tight stomach.

Her traitorous Pokémon joined in, their cheerful cries adding to the chaos. Shae, still new to the team, was put front and center, following Big Sister Lulu’s battle cry to never give in, poking her tiny hands against Rhea’s squirming sides.

“I give! I give, Mom—I’m sorry! You win!”

“Victory, girls!” her mom gasped, holding up her hands for her own Pokemon to slap. “Little did you know I’d planned this out more than a week in advance, bribing your soldiers with sweets,” she boasted, puffing up her chest. “You’re at my mercy, daughter. Never forget the cunning and forethought of—ahhh!”

Grabbing her mom’s leg, she found a favorable position and rolled with her mom across the bed until they both fell off of it in an unceremonious crash of laughter.

After a playful tickle war, they finally calmed down, all of them breathless and smiling. Rhea helped her mom sit up, brushing back her wild hair with a fond smile. “Good morning, Mom. Ready to get up?”

Her mom’s face was probably as red as hers at this point, a grin on her face. “Good morning, Sweetheart. You certainly know how to wake an old woman up. If I did that to my mom, I’d be frozen for a week!”

Rhea grinned. “Oh, no way I’d do that to Grandma! You’re a pushover, though, and I have to keep you on your toes. You know, just doing my duty as your little girl. Now, let’s get ready and go down for breakfast. The hotel’s morning food is supposed to be amazing!”

“Ugh. Well, only if you help a mom pick out a cute outfit! It’s not like I’m brushed up on fashion. Your dad usually dresses me when we go out.”

Rhea playfully slapped her hands over her mouth. “Mom!”

“Wha—oh, shush, I didn’t mean it like that!” she returned, finding a pillow to throw at her. “You are as bad as your aunt!”

“Compliments!” she snickered, catching it and peeking out with a devious smirk while lifting her eyebrows. “I heard Dad’s coming home tonight. Ooh là là! Wine and dinner?”

Her mom seemed to call her bluff with a return smile and creased eye. “Do you really want to know what your dad has planned for me? Here, let me read the message…”

An emotional note she’d rarely heard from her mother made Rhea’s heart tingle with delight as she sat on the bed, seeing the love in her mom’s eyes as she read, her throat becoming thick with sap, Rhea was sure.

“Well, it’s been a while, and I’ve been alone. And you’ve been the only thing I’ve known that keeps me stable. Picture it now, down the road. Oh, just say the word, and I’ll come. Wherever you are, whatever the cost, you are the one I care for the most….

“The nights may be long here, but the stars are brighter. Remember the night we slept on the roof. Well, I didn’t sleep much to tell you the truth. You pulled me close, held me tight through the night. Now we’re the sand, caught in the tide. Born two worlds apart, yet we built one world together.

“We could be anywhere you want, so cover my skin with your sun-kissed light, My Sunshine. There’s a bonfire burning tonight. We could be all right, Christie… I know you’re alright with our daughter. Just know…tonight, you are about to embark on the most wonderful experience of your life. I will not explain at this moment how and why it works; I don’t have time…it just does. Trust me.”

“Aww! You win,” Rhea cried, happily admitting defeat as she hopped up to hug her. “I’m so happy for my adorable, sappy dad because you needed him if you were going to survive in this cold world.”

“Oh, more than you know, sweetie. To answer your question. Yes. I know your father is coming back… For the first time in a long time. My ankles get weak just thinking about it.” She kissed her cheek and squeezed tighter. “And you’re the reason for that, our precious little daughter. You’ve brought back something I’ve missed for…forever.”

“I’m happy for you, Mom…”

Spending a few more minutes together, Rhea eventually broke free to find her mom something that wasn’t a lab coat. Together, they helped each other get ready, Rhea chatting about their plans to head to Vermilion City for Lori and Amira. Her mom listened with a smile, seemingly enjoying the morning routine. Rhea’s Pokémon flitted around them, adding their own excited commentary while showing Shae all the cool things in the hotel.

Once they were all set and Rhea had added a pretty red bow around Shae’s neck, they made their way down to the hotel’s breakfast area. The smell of freshly baked pastries and brewed coffee greeted them, making Rhea’s stomach rumble with anticipation.

They found a cozy table by the window, the morning sunlight streaming in and casting a warm glow over the room. Rhea loaded her plate with a little bit of everything, her eyes wide with delight at the variety of food.


* — * — *


Shae’s eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement as she watched Rhea and her mom enjoy their small pastries. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the table, making everything look extra inviting, and the greeny smells with the sweet breakfast made her mouth water.

“This is all for us?” Shae asked, glancing around at her new sisters. “This smells amazing! Can I have a little?”

Lulu dipped her fluff into some jam and held it up with an eager grin. “This is the best! Try this! Try this! Oh, and this is the best too—and this one!”

“Mmm! It is really good—blah, that one’s tart…”

“Tart is good! And this one—”


As they all settled in and began eating, Shae tried a bit of everything Rhea and her other big sisters offered her. The flavors were so different from anything she’d ever experienced in her short life. She nibbled on a piece of toast, her eyes widening at the taste.

“This toast is so crispy! It’s like biting into a crunchy cloud,” she said, earning a few amused looks from her sisters as Lulu hugged herself.

“Don’t eat me, Little Sis! Hehehe. I taste too good and fluffy!”

Nova giggled, nudging Shae with her nose. “Wait until you try the pancakes. They’re like fluffy pillows of sweetness—like biting into an actual cloud.”

“Big Sis! You do nibble me at night sometimes!”

“Do I? I don’t remember that!” Nova grinned. “Maybe I’m just trying to clean you up.”

“Nu-uh! I’m not falling for that again!”

Shae took a bite of the pancakes, her eyes lighting up even more while staring out at the sky, seeing the comparison. “Wow! It really is like eating a cloud covered in sunshine! How do humans make this stuff?”

Alice laughed softly, her pink eyes twinkling. “Humans have their ways. Rhea’s mom is a horrible cook, too, so not all humans are blessed with hands like Rhea. We’re lucky to have such a great Trainer and family.”

Shae felt a warm glow of happiness as she listened to her sisters talk. She was starting to feel more at ease, her quirky side bubbling up as she made a joke. “Do you think if we eat enough of this, we’ll float like, uh, like that big purple Pokemon?

“A Drifloon?” Nova giggled. “Maybe!”

Lulu floated closer, her cosmic body shimmering with laughter. “But be careful, Shae, or we might end up floating away and getting lost in the big milky sky of sparkle dust. We’ll need a string to keep us grounded; I’ve seen them!”

Shae giggled, feeling more at home with every passing moment. She turned her attention to Mya, who was lazily chewing on a piece of fruit. “Mya, do you think if we eat this fancy food every day, we’ll become super fancy Pokémon?”

Mya smirked, shaking her head. “I don’t know about fancy, but we’ll definitely be happy and healthy. That’s what matters most. Plus, we’re already super pretty. You’ll hear it a lot, but don’t get a big head about it. A humble pretty girl who knows she’s pretty is a good pretty girl… Nova!”

“Wha! Don’t even start with me, Ms. I’ve Got Big Teeth!”

Shae smiled as they got into a playful argument that ended with Mya tackling Nova to them rolling around under the table. Her eyes twinkled with mischief while inching over to their plates.

“I guess we should eat a lot, then. You know, for science!”


* — * — *


Amira joined them not long after, seemingly distracted by someone mysterious she was texting. Not wanting to be nosy, despite her curiosity, she let the redhead do her thing. Lori was dead to the world, and probably would be until noon after the night she had with her mom. On the other hand, her Pokémon got to pick out their favorite sweets for breakfast, and soon, their table was filled with delicious treats.

As they ate, Rhea felt a sense of contentment wash over her. Everything was perfect. She was surrounded by her family and Pokémon; she couldn’t think of a better way to start the day. The adventures ahead were exciting, but these small, joyful moments were just as precious.

“So, Mom,” Rhea said between bites of a fluffy pancake, “what’s the plan for today after breakfast?”

Her mom hummed, sipping at her sugarless coffee. “Well, we’ll see where the day takes me, but from what Annila texted me, I thought you’d be going out with her for the next few days. She sounded pretty excited to spend some one-on-one time with you.”

“Huh?” Rhea’s world cracked, soul vacating her body while remembering the battle the photographer had overseen between her brother and Kate before she’d started her journey. “Say that again… Jason’s mom messaged you?”

Amira lifted her brooding eyes from her muli-windowed hologram phone with a small frown. “She sent me a text about it, as well.”

“How did she get your number?!” Rhea balked, totally blindsided as she handed Shae some cooked greens to munch on; suddenly, everything had been tipped on its head. “You guys aren’t pulling my leg?”

“No?” the redhead responded, swapping to the message to show her. “I thought you saw it when you were swiping through your DMs on Pikabook last night.”

Rhea gulped, realizing it was probably the one she accidentally swiped archived before silently reading the message Jason’s mom had sent her teammate.

7:32 p.m. Annila - Hello, Ms. Rocket! This is Annilla, Jason’s mom. He sent me your number since he tells me you’re kind of the group planner. I just wanted to be sure that it would be okay if I kidnapped Rhea for a few days. I have this cool trip planned to go to the Stonehead Woods by Fuchsia City. Jason tells me the city is pretty special to him now, and I wanted to have an excuse to stop by for a little bit. Spending time with Rhea will give me that…with an excuse to take a ton of pictures! Lmk! I sent her a message already. I just wanted to check in.

7:47 p.m. Amira - It’s my pleasure, Ms. Annila. Rhea has seemed a little overwhelmed lately due to everything we’ve gone through. I think a small break will be good for her. She already has the new Vermilion Encrusted Badge, so that won’t interfere with our journey. If it is fine with her, then I don’t think it will be a problem.

7:48 p.m. Annila - Perfect! I’ll plan on picking her up at noon. Jason says she already told him that she’s excited to spend time with me! I can’t wait to have some one-on-one time with her again. Dear, I think the last time I spent camping with her was as her teacher! Maybe we’ll have to do some throwbacks. Hehe. Thank you, Ms. Rocket!

Rhea sank against the table. “I’m doomed!”

Shae took a break from sampling Nova’s food to pat her on her arm, sticky honey coating her small hand. “Ra-Ra. Ralts. Ralts.”

“Aww. I know you’re with me… First, we need to clean you up!”

Her mother and Amira chuckled as if she was making a joke, but this was very serious! She was going on a camping trip with her boyfriend’s mom, who was a photographer, teacher, and had a hidden military super soldier hidden under her sweet, smiling face.

On the bright side, her mom gave her Shae’s data sheet, with her Moves. Maybe they could get a little bit of fun training together.

Please don’t tie me up and leave me on top of the mountain like Maria did! I literally became a human snowball that Mya had to rescue! Please, never again!



Name: Shae

Nature: Quirky (Neutral; Slight Timid Gene)

Average IVs: 31

EVs: 4 HP // 252 Def // 252 Spe




Prank - Prank can sometimes cause the opponent to use their disruptive moves prematurely. This might mean using a move like Protect or Detect when it’s not necessary, wasting it and leaving the opponent vulnerable on the actual critical turn. Requires the Pokémon to set a trap in advance and the Pokémon to step near the zone the trap is.

Share - Share allows a Pokémon to link with a friendly Pokémon , changing Share to the Ability of its teammate. This Ability can cause problems and issues with certain Abilities that don’t connect well.

Instinct - Instinct allows a Pokémon to react almost automatically to threats and opportunities in combat. It appears to grant an almost precognitive sense, enabling the Pokémon to anticipate and counter enemy actions with minimal conscious thought.

Perception - Perception enhances a Pokémon’s awareness of its surroundings to an extraordinary degree. This ability allows the Pokémon to notice and understand details in the environment that others might miss, effectively making it more difficult for opponents to catch them off guard.

Move Pool:

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