PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 32. A Mother’s Advice

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TO V1 Kindle Book - (240k Words Long)

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UE Kindle Book - (110k Words Long)


1: Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Future Supervillain!)

Pokemon Map: 

I loosely follow this map as a visual guide; the creator made it in paint?!?!  It's insane!  Some errors here and there, but I follow its design for the most part.  Areas can be further apart, some cities are in the wrong places or not listed, and the regions aren't nearly so close.  The best map I've found, though!

Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


4:44 p.m. October 25th, Sunday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event). Day 138.

Events: Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out! Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (40 days away).

Rhea leaned against the cool wood of her locker, still trying to catch her breath after being ambushed by all the other women the moment she got out of the shower. Her heart still pounded from the intensity of the battle, and a soft smile played on her lips.

Amira had come in not that long ago after winning her intense challenge, which had broken up some of the attention on Lulu and her. It didn’t last long since the redhead wasn’t one to entertain such chatter and politely excused herself to clean up; yes, she’d won, but it had taken a lot out of her Fortitude.

Alice and the rest of her Pokemon stirred close to her spirit, still congratulating Lulu. The Cosmog’s cries and worries had faded with all the words of comfort she was getting from her teammates. Alice didn’t even need to go in for more than a quick boost at the Gym Center, and was feeling perfectly fine.

You did amazing out there, Lulu, she thought, her words carrying a warmth and pride that seeped through their spiritual connection.

From within her shirt front, a small, fluffy head poked out. “Nee-nee. Ne. Neeee!” Lulu chirped happily, rising a little to nuzzle against her cheek. The little cloud fluffed up with excitement, her tiny eyes sparkling with the thrill of her first major battle.

Rhea chuckled softly, gently stroking Lulu’s head as the Cosmog ducked back into warm safety upon catching interested glances from some of the other girls in the locker room.

You showed everyone just how cool and awesome you are, Lulu. I’m so proud of you. Yes, she laughed, your Move was really flashy, like Nova’s. I know you’re not used to so much positive attention, but it will get easier the more you battle.

“Neee,” Lulu cooed, her voice a soft, soothing melody from her favorite hiding place. The little puff-ball gave one last affectionate whisper before seeking dark comfort from the overwhelming chatter of the locker room.

As Lulu nestled against her, Rhea felt a wave of contentment. She settled onto a bench again, letting herself finally calm down. The bustling energy around her gradually quieted as other Trainers celebrated, cried, or reflected on their own battles. The room buzzed with a mix of excitement and exhaustion, voices overlapping in animated conversations.

Rhea's phone buzzed in her bag, pulling her attention. She retrieved it, reading through the messages with a fond smile. A certain famous silver-haired mom had kidnapped Lori for some mother-daughter bonding time, and a few more followed. Each message brought a sense of connection and warmth, a reminder of the support that surrounded her.

Mya exited her Poke Ball to cuddle up beside her, leaving the comforting to Nova as Alice felt a little sleepy after their battle. It had been a little emotionally draining for her.

Don’t worry, guys, Rhea thought, her heart swelling with affection. We’re just waiting for Amira to finish her shower, then we’ll head out. You were both stars today, Alice and Lulu; you two deserve all the rest you need.

Rhea sat on the soft cushions of the Celadon Gym’s locker room bench, feeling the gentle hum of satisfaction coursing through her while holding Mya’s hand. Her steely girl kicked her legs out, looking at the other Trainers walking by and giving them waves, some embarrassed and seemingly too shy to approach.

The functional and elegant locker room reflected Erika’s refined taste, pulling her gaze as they waited. She liked the classy wooden lockers, polished to a gleam, reflecting the soft, ambient light from above. The bench plush cushions, providing a comfortable spot to rest or prepare, easily in sight of the current match, were a whole lot better than Sabrina’s bare design.

The faint scent of flowers from the nearby botanical garden drifted in, mingling with the crisp, clean aroma of the gym’s facilities, bringing a positive vibe, as well. The gentle hum of the air conditioning was a constant background noise, while potted plants strategically placed around the room with mist dispensers added a touch of greenery and tranquility, their leaves softly rustling in the artificial breeze.

Yeah, this is totally a trap! Rhea giggled to Nova and Mya, her other two girls now resting. Erika looks all innocent, elegant, and inviting…and then her sharp, poisonous barbs snap around her prey!

Mya pulled around her own hidden jaws, giggling and snapping them for emphasis.

Yes, yes, I know you’re a little sneaky girl, too, Mya! You need to work on that a bit instead of being so bold and just running straight at your opponent. Maybe try to lure them in since you aren’t the fastest.

“Mawile. Maw-maw,” she responded, impressing on her spirit that she was talking about that with Nova, Amber, and Gables.

Sounds good! I can’t wait to see your next battle…

Rhea glanced at the large TV screen mounted on the wall across the room, watching Erika finish another Silver-tier battle against the next combatant.

The Gym Leader’s serene demeanor and grace with which she conducted herself were inspiring, and it made Rhea think about the path she was on. Erika’s movements were fluid and precise, every action deliberate and meaningful, a stark contrast to the chaotic energy of the battles themselves.

Every one of the Gym Leaders acts totally differently in their battles compared to how they act outside of combat. Hmm. I should have noticed it growing up around so many high-tier Trainers, but maybe that’s why I shied away from it so hard when I was younger. Auntie Cynthia was just an exception due to her Contest Battles, which were different…not as intense.


Interpreting her question, Rhea shook her head.

I don’t know… Breeding and powerful Pokemon were what took my mom away from me when I was a little girl. My dad would leave me with Sabin or other village friends when he went to have day-long battles at Mt. Silver, keeping up his edge. I can see the need now…after everything I know about their past. Back then, though… I was a little girl who felt lonely and shoved off to the side for Pokemon research and Pokemon battles.


Aww, no; it’s okay, Mya, Rhea reassured, pulling her in closer against her side. I didn’t hate Pokemon for taking away my parents. I was just a angry little girl who didn’t understand why her parents were leaving her, and my dad was almost always with me, which was why I felt it even harder when he wasn’t. When I got into my teens, I started seeing things a bit differently.

“Wile? Ma-ma?”

Bunching her lips to the side as the visual impression of Bianca popped up through their bond, Rhea held back a surge of emotion. Just thinking about the years Bianca had spent with them filled her with heartache. It was a dark time for her cousin, but also a happy time for her.

Mhm. Bi really changed things when I was little. She was like my super cool older sister who could do anything, like my big brother. She found her way and got her dorky husband, though, and he makes her happy.

Her smile returned when there was a slight shift of a small lump inside her shirt front; the Cosmog’s tiny, soft breaths were a comforting rhythm against Rhea’s chest. She gently patted the little Pokémon, feeling a wave of affection for her brave little warrior.

Lulu had given it her all, like Bi had done in helping her during those tender years when she was longing for a mother figure, and Rhea couldn’t be prouder of them both. The memory of Lulu’s joy and how bright Bianca had looked when Hilbert had come to get her somehow mixed together, lightening her heart.

Lori, Bi, and we are doing our best! Lori will probably be in the Center for a bit, considering the state her Pokemon were in. We still have a long way to go, but, at the same time, if we look down at the bottom of the hill, we’ve climbed a good way already. Her mom’s probably with her right now…

Rhea’s phone buzzed with a new message, but she opened it without reading it to once again look at Lori’s, or she should say Karen’s text from her daughter’s phone:

4:35 p.m. Big Boob - Hey Rhea! Just a heads-up, I’m kidnapping my daughter for some much-needed bonding time since she can’t respect her mom and keeps throwing Night Shade! ;-) Don’t worry; I promise to return her in one piece…maybe a little broke! Enjoy your evening, and give Lulu and your mom a hug from me! She gave a great speech at the college.

Rhea chuckled at the message, imagining Lori’s reaction to being spirited away by her energetic and high-maintenance mother. Lori’s mom was a whirlwind of activity, and Rhea could picture Lori rolling her eyes but secretly enjoying the attention. There had been something that didn’t feel right about their teammate for the last few days.

The thought of Lori’s mom’s vibrant personality and Lori’s playful complaints about the “kidnapping” made Rhea’s amusement grow. They’d totally be gambling it up, her Pokemon running the slot machines or Gables playing cards with shades on. She sent a reply:

4:46 p.m. Honeypot - Have fun! Tell Lori I said hi, and I’ll see her tonight…or tomorrow if we need to get ransom money. It might be too late to stop by the banks when we get around to it, so make sure she eats well since she’s eating for four buns! I’m talking about her Pokemon, of course! Hehe. Wait, one of those is a Buddy Bonded. My point still stands! Thanks for the heads-up! Tell her she’s beautiful, and Lulu sends her love too!

Next, she opened a new message from Jason, and the first line had her own buns clenched and cheeks turning pink:

4:45 p.m. Mankey Butt - Hey, my little Galvantus-butt, just letting you know I’ll be back tomorrow from an amazing outing with your dad. I can’t wait to see your red-hot face, blinding hair, and sparkling eyes! I waited to watch your match with you so I could experience it for the first time with my sparky bug! Hope you’re doing great!

Her heart did a little flip at the thought of seeing Jason again, but did he always have to mention her backside?! Immediately, her thoughts returned to the Kunoichi video, her thighs pressing tighter together and lips feeling chapped with the memory of their first kiss in the ninja secret village.

Don’t think I don’t know Galvantula are known for their big butts, mister! Now I see a whole new picture; how did he do that?! I’m a cute little yellow bug with blue eyes, but now I’ve got…this other image! Ahhhh! You’re the worst!

Her face turned an even brighter shade of red, flames shooting out of her ears upon locking onto her given nickname for Jason.

No… I didn’t. How far back did I change his…



Pressing her phone against her belly to disrupt the hologram and practically falling out of her seat, Mya latched onto her with a bit of panic as Rhea cast her gaze around. Half the locker room was now looking at her as a slightly concerned redhead came into view.

“Amira! Y-You’re done…”

Left eye creasing as her expression transformed to mild curiosity, Amira’s sharp, ruby gaze drifted to her phone. “Got a message from Jason… Was it another photo?”

“W-What? No! Wait, when did I tell you he sent me photos?” she asked in slight panic at the thought of her hidden folder being discovered with Jason’s dressing room pictures. “Does you-know-who send you pictures?” She choked. “I, eh—uh… Either one… I’ll shut up.”

Rhea wanted to crawl in a hole and die at the looks several girls were now giving her. Amira’s smile softened while holding out a hand to help her up. Lulu was now wiggling a little in her own hiding spot, probably due to her increased body temperature and thumping heart.

“You’re lucky it’s me and not Lori who heard you slip. And you could give Amber a run for her money on flames with how much fire is coming out of your ears. Are you ready to go?”

Holding back tears, Rhea nodded. “Yes. Thanks, Amira. No, wait, give me one second…”

She typed a quick response with a few choice emotes, her fingers flying over the keys:

4:49 p.m. Honeypot - Jason! When you get back… ᕮ⨱ヘ⨱ᕭ

His response was almost instant:

4:50 p.m. Mankey Butt - What’d I do?! Why the Dead Monkey Face?! What did I do wrong?!?!?!  ᕮTヘTᕭ Crying Monkey Face!

She couldn’t help a smile, and finally, a message from her mom popped up; she’d let him stew on that. It was so rare she actually got a win:

4:50 p.m. Big Honeypot - Hi, Sweetie! Are you girls almost ready? I’m waiting in the back of the Gym’s private Trainer exit area. I’ve found the perfect restaurant for dinner. Can’t wait to hear all about your matches and share your new little girl with you! Love you!

Rhea found her inner equilibrium again after her mom’s mending, rediverting force took her mind out of the deviant spiral it had been nearly sucked down. She could imagine her mom’s excitement as she waited, swiping through pictures of her on social media.

They were becoming so much closer lately, and she loved every minute of it. The thought of a cozy dinner with her mom, discussing the highs and lows of the battle, filled her with warmth and anticipation. She quickly replied as Amira packed up the goods she’d taken out of her small bag to freshen up:

4:51 p.m. Honeypot - Can’t wait to see you! The match was incredible, and Lulu was a star. See you in a bit; love you! Oh, and Dad is coming home with Jason tomorrow. He called me Galvantus-butt!

4:52 p.m. Big Honeypot - ??????

Amira split away from her in order to get her badge from the front desk, telling her to wait with her mom and she would be there shortly. With Mya and Nova walking by her side, they made their way to the private Trainer exit, feeling much better.

Rhea stepped outside the Gym, the cool evening air brushing against her flushed cheeks. The evening sky was painted with hues of pink and orange as the approaching winter chased the sun faster across the sky every day. Yet, in the more temperate floral city, it cast a warm glow over the city as they stepped outside, ready to embrace the night and their newest teammate.

There, waiting by the railing, was her mom, with a big case beside her. Mya’s eyes lit up at the sight of the case, an urge to be useful surging through their connection as she eagerly ran over to help.

“Mawile!” she exclaimed, reaching out to carry it.

Christie chuckled softly, bending down to show her where to hold it as her Bellossom came out to lift the other side. “Be careful, girls. It’s quite heavy and has your future teammate inside. She’ll be shaking to get out of her shell soon.”

Rhea smiled, watching the interaction before her mom turned her curious gaze on her. “So, what did you mean by your dad calling you Galvantus-butt? That sounds like something he’d say to me, not our little honeypot daughter.”

“I was talking about Jason, Mom!” Rhea balked, her cheeks turning a shade pinker. “How did you get Dad from my text? And…Dad’s commented on your butt before? That’s Jason and my thing… When did that become a thing for you two? He usually calls you coffee-breath and tangle-hair and crybaby.”

Her mom giggled but gave her a playful glare. “Really, you have to mention the negative endearing ones? Every one of those has its story, Sweetie, and you’d be traumatized at the coffee-breath one.”

“Yup, don’t want to hear it!” Rhea said with a strained smile.

Leaning against the rail as a cool wind fluttered her floral dress, her mom brushed back her loose bangs behind her ear. “I’m sure you will tonight when you get curious. No, but your dad thought Joltik was a really good nickname for me since, as you’ve mentioned to me, we could be sisters with how Master Fortitude practically stops aging. It was a good one from Jason he stole for me. He thought you would have liked it if he called me Galvantus-butt, but Jason beat him to that nickname, I guess, so…”

Christie trailed off, her eyes glinting with genetic sequencing calculations and mathematical formulas before an impish smile lifted the corner of her lips. “This wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with that Kunoichi video counter, would it?”

Rhea blushed, crossing her arms defensively. “Kind of, but kind of not. I mean, I know Jason likes big butts. Boys are like that, sure…”

Her belly tightened as she saw the same look on her mom’s face that she got when discovering some new genetic anomaly. Her blonde locks shifted while joining her by the railing and touching shoulders.

“No one is around if you want to talk about it,” she started, but paused as the doors opened, and a group of three boys left, pausing to compliment Rhea on her battle with Lulu before walking off, laughing and joking about their own loss.

Once they were alone again, Christie continued, “Is there something you want to talk about, Sweetie? What made you all hot and flustered about his text?”

Rhea’s cheeks burned a little as she glanced down, shifting her feet and fidgeting with her clothes. “Is it…right for girls to like a bit of a butt on a guy, too—or…or that they’re a lot bigger and can kind of cover you like a blanket? Wha—Mom!”

Soft laughter bubbled out of her mom’s chest as her body shook against her shoulder. “Sorry, I really am! It’s just—-of course, it is, Sweetie. Everyone has their preferences and attractions. Where did that come from? Haven’t you heard girls talk… Oh.”

Rhea’s embarrassment deepened as her mother’s smile faded. “What, no! I didn’t really have anyone to talk about this growing up. Bianca was gone, and I couldn’t talk to Sabin or Dad about it. I just…didn’t know.”

A sad smile touched her mom’s lips, her nose turning a tad red, and she looked over at her with a touch of melancholy. “You’re right, Rhea. I should have been there for you as your mom and talked about this stuff long before now. I just…assumed maybe you’d already gone through a lot of this since you never really brought it up to me in our talks.”

“Yeah,” Rhea whispered, pressing in closer, “but you’re here now, and that’s what matters.”

Christie’s smile grew warmer, and she wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. “And I’m so proud of the young woman you’ve become. Yes, Rhea, maybe this is a bit much coming from, you know, your mom, but yes, Jason has a really hot body.”

“Did you have to say it like that, Mom?”

“Hehe. Apparently so. You should hear the way your aunt and I talked about your dad when we were younger. He had this way of squeezing my neck that just…”

“Mom! I don’t tell you about my stuff like—not that there is stuff to talk about! I, uh, I just wasn’t sure, okay?!” Rhea panicked, feeling her brain steaming now as her mom hugged her tighter. “Geez!”

“Aww. You’re so much more innocent than your aunt and I, Sweetie. You’re old enough to explore and spread out a bit… Not too much! But to explore a bit, nonetheless. I bet you and Jason have your secrets. Your dad and I had our own.”

“Mom…” she groaned, feeling like her body was going to cook Lulu at this point.

“This is just your inexperienced mom doing her best,” she whispered, kissing her on the side of the head. “I love you. I want you to have fun and learn what it’s like to be a young girl in love. It’s better to make mistakes when you’re young to learn from them and build a solid life as you grow with your partner than to be trapped by fear. These are important milestones as a teen. I want you to be open with me and not feel scared to talk to me about this stuff. Okay?”

Rhea groaned, unable to help a smile at how far they’d come in their relationship over the last few months. “Thanks, Mom. It really means a lot that you’re here with me. Yeah, Jason’s kind of hot. There, I admit it! Eh…”

A couple of girls exited the Gym, two showing off their Encrusted Silver Badge to their somewhat salty four friends. Rhea waited until they left with the next group of boys who were close behind.

“As I was saying,” she mumbled, shooting a light glare at her mom as she held up her phone to catch her embarrassing moment in a picture before lowering it with an excited smile. “Ahem… Yeah, I think he’s kind of cute when he tries to make me laugh, and he’s silly, but I know he’ll be there if I need him… That he can slap a girl without holding back if she’s giving me lip,” she said while remembering her first Contest if Jason had been there.

“Like, yeah,” she gulped, her throat dry. “I think he’s good-looking…but it’s more than that.”

“Just an added bonus?” her mom chimed, snapping another picture to no doubt embarrass her at a later date with her flaming face. “The cherry on top…well, that’s actually in a different place, but I suppose it does go on top somewhere…”

“Mom! NO! Bad! Go to jail!” Rhea screeched, doing her best not to imagine the picture her mom was painting. “There’s no way Auntie is as bad as you!”

“Oh, darling!” her mom snickered, trying to fend her off. “You have no clue the deviant mind your aunt has. Has she told you about Steven?”

“I can’t, Mom! I literally can’t!” she cried, trying not to connect the thoughts. Luckily, her red-haired knight exited the Gym at that moment.

“Umm. Am I interrupting something?”

“Nope! Nothing,” Rhea said, sure her face was the same shade as the Rocket girl’s braided locks. “Let’s go have that dinner and celebrate your victory! We’ll have to have a second party for Lori another time since we’re all in the Silver Conference now.”

Trying to cool off after learning about a new side to her impish mom and aunt, Rhea redirected the conversation to Sabin. If there was something she could do to distract her mom, it was talking about her son.

They made their way to the fancy restaurant her mother promised to get the tab for, which happened to be close by in the flowery Southern District.

Apparently, Sabin and Kate had actually been sent over for a trial period to test out the Gyms in Paldea before Lyra and Geeta had their big battle. Her brother was taking it slow and enjoyed it as an expense-paid vacation, and Rhea knew that her brother was probably enjoying that bit a lot since Katelin had a very healthy appetite that extended to her Pokemon.

Hearing the stories he’d shared with their mom and the pictures of them made Rhea think this was some kind of honeymoon. She wouldn’t doubt her brother was getting close to that point, and after what she learned in Lavender Town, she made a bet with her mom that Kate would be the one to propose first.

Once they made it to the restaurant and were taken to a private booth, they ordered their food. Left with nourishing Berry juice for drinks, her mom had Mya put the box on the table and started the process of opening it up. Her tone became more serious.

“Have you figured out what your newest member is based on the photo I showed you?”

Rhea’s stomach squirmed with excitement at the black and white shell that was revealed, and her mother lifted it out of the slowly depressurized container to hold the warm, smooth egg.

“Thank you for breeding me a Ralts, Mom… I’ve loved how elegant Gardevoir are since I was a little girl watching Auntie’s Contests, and Diantha’s Shiny Gardevoir is so gorgeous in person—I can feel her wiggling inside! Here, Amira, feel it…”

“She certainly has energy,” the redhead chuckled in return.

Christie sat back down and took out a bag full of items from the carrying case. “I expect she’ll hatch tonight. Just like before, sleeping with her will better help her bond with your team. Waking up in a warm, quiet environment, surrounded by protective big sisters, will help boost that initial connection.”

Rhea felt a ‘but’ coming as her mom leaned forward, elbows resting on the table and holding her chin up with the back of her bridged fingers. “You said she would be more difficult?”

“Not necessarily difficult,” her mother whispered, “but higher maintenance. It will be a bit, like with Alice, before she can catch up with your other Pokemon. Her genetic structure is more unstable compared to most Pokemon I’ve bred. I’ve incorporated similar elements as Roxie and Nova in hopes of tapping not only into her Gardevoir line but potentially making her the first female Gallade, able to swap forms. Will it work as simulations predict?”

She shook her head with a sad sigh. “I don’t do these experiments unless the simulations show 100%, but in reality, it is more like 50%. Nova’s genetic sequencing has been a success so far, but her parents already genetically matched the results I sought. Roxie and your Ralts were the next stages of my Eeveelution Project.

“Since you’re nearing Gold-tier, Roxie should evolve soon, and if that’s a success, then your Ralts’ success rate would realistically jump up to about 78%. It’s more than good odds…the best I could get, but there are challenging differences in each case since this is cutting-edge genetics.”

Rhea accepted the egg back, holding it close to her chest as Lulu yawned and crawled out to hear what all the commotion was about.


“That’s okay, Mom. No matter what happens, she’ll be a valued little sister to me and my girls… Lulu, meet your new little sister. She’ll be hatching tonight.”


Lulu hopped out to hug the egg and nuzzle it with her fluff. It didn’t take long for the rest of her team to come out and do the same. Soon, they’d have their 5th teammate, and come what problems there may be, she’d be loved.

The dinner with her mom went smoothly, and Lori wasn’t back when they eventually retired to bed; she texted them that her mom had yet to get drunk, and it would probably be another few hours before that happened with her ultra-high tolerance as a Grandmaster-tier Trainer, capable of using her Aura to keep the buzz without the effects of the alcohol—it was some kind of ritual they had, whatever that meant.

She messaged back that they’d see her in the morning and got confirmation Lori herself wasn’t drinking since she had to babysit her mom. Rhea didn’t know if she should believe her or not since the girl had a thing for breaking rules.

Rhea settled into her fancy bed and held their newest teammate against her belly while sleeping on her side. Nova, Lulu, Mya, and Alice were positioned around her, welcoming in their newest teammate. Tomorrow, they’d be on their way back to Vermilion for Amira and Lori to get their 5th Encrusted Badges. She’d already gotten her Fairy Badge, which meant it was more of a vacation for her.

“Night, girls… Sleep tight.”

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