PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 14. A Warm Awakening

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1:  Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Bombshell Future Supervillain!)

Pokemon Map: 


Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


2:25 a.m. October 21, Wednesday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event).  Day 134.

Events:  Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out!  Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (44 days away).

Warmth radiated around Rhea, the gentle rustling of something fuzzy laying across her.  Eyes cracking open and smacking her dry lips, a familiar dim room filtered into focus.  She had a hard time moving her arm up to smile at Alice, the bunny’s big pink eyes looking at her, lying against her heavy chest.

“Hey, girls…”  she dryly whispered, spotting her mom sleeping next to her, snuggled against her left side.  “Shhh.”



“Rhea?”  The deep male voice put her mind at ease as the big black shape rose out of a nearby futon.  “How are you feeling?”

She yawned and puffed out a weak laugh, feeling totally spent as her Pokemon tried not to wake up her mom, drooling a little onto her pillow.

“I’m awake… but I don’t know for how long.  What happened?  Is everyone okay?”

Her dad shifted to his side, propping his head up with his hand; the faint light passing through the paper doors hardly illuminated his face, yet his tone told her he was relieved she was awake.

“I don’t know if you know what you’re talking about, but everyone is doing great.  Terri and Kyle have been recovering, and the whole city is in an uproar over her waking up.  We forced Lori to go up north to see Miky while you slept, and Amira’s been spending time with her parents.”

Snuggling further into her mother’s comforting chest, she made the effort to pull her mom’s arm over Alice and her.  Nova was naturally between her legs, licking her calf to welcome her back to the world of the living, and Mya had her opposite side sending worried impulses through their spiritual connection.

On the other hand, her cute puffy nebula was fast asleep near her heart, nestled near her heart and holding Alice’s ears over her like a blanket.  All in all, everything seemed as it should be, allowing her heavy eyes to slip shut.

“Mmm.  I feel really tired still… hungry, but tired,” she mumbled, stomach growling beneath her layers of Pokemon and blankets; the words she heard were like poofy clouds, swirling into oblivion.  “Where’s the jelly donuts and powdered sugar… coco…”

“Coco?”  her dad gently returned.

“Coco…  Jelly coco with honeybuns and spinach…  Sabin ate my donut, Dad…”

“I’m sure he did, Sweetie.  Just go back to sleep, and I’ll have some for you when you wake up.  Do you see the dreamland welcoming you to explore?”

“Sugar plums?  Nova’s tickling my legs—fluffy-fluff… drowning in fluffy-fluff… mmm.”

Sinking like a stone into a deep, squishy pillow, Rhea’s wobbly mind drifted into oblivion.


* — * — *


Gulping as blinding light struck her eyes, Rhea squinted and sucked in a sharp breath, which soon evolved into a yawn.  “Mmgm…  Mom?”

“I’m here, Honey.  I’m here.  How are you feeling?”

“Mmm?”  Blurry vision coming into focus, she saw the sun reflecting off her mom’s shining face, golden hair pulled back into a loose bun and practically glowing.  “Mom, you look so pretty.  What… time is it?”

“Not too fast,” she ordered, her firm hand on her shoulder keeping her down.  “You ate a lot, but not enough before passing out.  You need a bit of time to kickstart your system.  Your dad should be back soon with some food.”

Still feeling somewhat weak, she shifted in her futon, stiff muscles crying out from not being worked for some time.  Her Pokemon were huddled around her, Lulu’s big eyes now blocking out everyone else as she squished her cheeks.

“Nee-ne?  Nee?”

“Hehe.  I’m okay, Lulu.  Mmgm.  I have an itch on my side… thanks, Mya.  I guess you could tell from our bond.”




Releasing the pressure in her chest, Rhea let her eyes close, and her head sank into her pillow.  “I’m a little light-headed and sore.  Other than that, I’m doing okay.  Mom?”  she asked, hand rising.  She’d barely asked when her mother’s fingers slipped into hers.

“Mhm!  I’m here, Rhea.  Do you know where you are?”

Blinking a few times, she squinted at the surroundings.  “We’re… in the dojo—the room we stayed in the first time we went through Saffron.  Umm.  Did I dream that Dad told me Lori went to see Miky and Amira was hanging out with her parents?”

Lying next to her and showing a reassuring, warm smile, her mom squeezed her fingers.  “We had to practically chase them out of the room.  They were really worried about you, and we promised to keep them on hourly updates—which reminds me, the next check-in is coming up.  Are you feeling strong enough to talk to them yourself?”

“Mhm.  Just give me a few minutes,” she mumbled, her slow brain gradually spinning up again.  “How long has it been?”

“About… two days—it’s 1 p.m., Wednesday.  Sabrina took the week off after her battles on Monday to hang out with her best friend, if you’re wondering, as well.  Don’t worry, Erika will be back in Celadon on Saturday for her Challenge Day on Sunday.”

“Wow… almost 48 hours,” she chuckled, sliding her free hand from out under her blanket to rub her hot forehead.  “Will I be okay to battle on Sunday?”

“Without a doubt,” her mother chimed.  “You’ll spring back quickly after getting a ton of calories into you.  V burns a lot when she gets involved; you’re just not running on any fuel after V’s energy surged through your veins.  Your phone has been blowing up recently, too.  Lots of messages from Jason.”

Butterfree swelled up within her belly, but her dad came to the rescue, rainbow lights bringing Vilora and him into the fairly empty room.

“Did someone call for a donut and hot chocolate delivery—I’ve got plenty?!”  he exclaimed, holding up a few boxes as a few styrofoam cups floated in the air, supported by the Bug Pokemon.  “How’s my little girl?”

“Ready for sugar!”  Rhea chirped, deliberately leaving out the ‘Dad’ part she was about to say.  “I’m so hungry!”

A mischievous gleam came to her mom’s eyes as her dad dropped to his butt, ready to distribute the late breakfast.  “You know what Lori might say?”

Recalling her ‘big-boobed’ teammate’s response about ‘meat bags’ and ‘boob growth serums,’ Rhea nipped that in the bud quickly.

“We only need one Lori in this world, Mom!  Haha.  Ugh.  Serious, though, two days?”  she asked, biting into the warm, sweet, and powdery pastry her dad handed her, the delicious tart flavor of jelly punching her tongue.  The thick chocolate and cream of the hot chocolate was just hot enough not to burn her mouth, as well.  “Mmm!  I feel like I actually accomplished something huge!  Go us!”

“Us?”  Her mom asked, lifting an eyebrow and sipping at her own coco.  “I was—ack… sugarless?!  What is this, Keith?!  What kind of abomination is this—hot chocolate without sugar?!  What are you trying to say, hmm?”

Rhea snickered as her dad held up his hands.  “You’ve had enough sugar over the last few days, Hon!  You can get a little too feisty when you get too wired.  I’m just saying, it’s best to cut down on caffeine and sugar for a day.  And, of course, go us—I mean, your mom is quite the cook if I do say so myself.”

“Mmmm.  Don’t you try to flatter me when I know my cooking—you’re not talking about my cooking, are you?”  She dully responded, glancing down at her belly as Rhea giggled.  “Ha-ha-ha.  I’d say that cooking was a team effort, which means—how are you getting me to blush when I want to be mad!”

“Sucks to suck, Mom,” Rhea teased through a stuffed mouth, knowing she had powder on her cheeks and just accepting it.  Her Pokemon were now digging in, as well.  “You know, now that you mention it, Dad, Mom does get super aggressive when she’s hyped up on sugar and caffeine.”

“Okay.  Okay,” her mom swiftly defended, lifting an eyebrow and glancing between her judge and jury, “hear me out…  Is it really that bad if I’m a little aggressive?  I mean, really, Keith—does it?”

“Mom!  No-no,” Rhea shot down, seeing her dad look up at the ceiling with a slow, considering nod.  “No bribing the judge with veiled lewd stuff!  I swear, when did this side of you even exist?!  Who are you?”

“Oh, Honey,” her dad breathed, rubbing the back of his neck, “your mom really is a scientist who likes to figure out which methods will yield the best results, and she knows perfectly how to push boundaries.  She’s got me wrapped around her finger.”

“Not even!”  her mom heatedly returned, showing more of that feisty side while pointing a finger.  “Don’t you give me that Muk, Keith; you’re the master manipulator.  Don’t you think I know that the sugarless hot chocolate was the plan?  I know the plan!”

“Oooh.”  Rhea’s cheeks hurt as she finished another bite, feeling much better as her parents went to war.  “I hear battle music.  What’s the plan, Mom?  Give you no sugar and then a little treat later?”

Her dad lifted a finger with an impressed nod.  “Nice suggestion, Rhea; your mom is a little Vulpix, waiting to be doted on and given treats for good behavior.  We even had a star system at one time.”

“No!  No, Keith—we are not bringing that up!”

“Aww, Mom, did you lose a star one day?”  Rhea mused.  “What did you do?  Forget to come home one day and get lost in your work?”

Her dad gave another big nod.  “True story!”

“Why am I getting Double-Teamed?”  her mother complained, bottom lip dropping into a cute pout while sipping at her sugarless hot chocolate.  “Maybe I did like coming home and seeing a new shiny gold star next to my name.  Maybe I would like to go back to that, and I get to add my own stars for good behavior.”

Rhea’s stomach shook with silent laughter at the look her dad gave her that said, ‘What did I tell you; she’s a little Vulpix, seeking praise.’  “Alright, Alright!  Back to me because I’m sooo important.”

“Yes, you are, Sweetie,” her mom laughed, the play mood lightening as she settled down.  “To keep things simple, Amira is heading back to Viridian for a day or two with her parents to fix you girls up with new Trainer outfits.  She wanted to surprise you, but her mom pointed out that not telling you would also make you worry because that’s like you.”

“Ugh.  I guess it kind of is,” she mumbled, knowing she’d probably have wondered if maybe her Aura stunt had done something to draw a wedge between them.  “That’s cool.  I guess we’ll be heading to Celadon on Saturday, so we have a few days to relax…  Mom, Dad.”

They both gave her their full attention, her mom handing her a wet wipe to clean her face, and Rhea took it before smiling at her wonderful parents.  “I’m Gold-tier—well, practically Gold-tier—I’ve got four Silver Encrusted Badges!”

“I know!”  her mother cheered, bouncing a little.  “And in only 134 days since starting your journey!  I’m so proud of you!”

Getting hugs from her parents, she melted in their arms, feeling the heat rising up to her nose as it all fell into place.  All in all, everything from here to the Silver Cup was more or less training and fun for her.  Although, there were some things she had to handle, such as facing down Forrest again.  Lori and Amira also needed one more badge to join her in the winners-win category.

After a time, Rhea drew away to continue eating, sitting on the futon and examining the Jigglypuff pajamas her mother had no doubt changed her into; it was a comfortable favorite of hers back home.

“So, what’s the plan for today?  Amira’s off doing designer stuff—oh, and apparently, she’s recording a few songs in the studio,” she mumbled between bites, activating her hologram phone next to her bed and sliding through her messages.  “Wait, she’s setting up a travel fund for us?  Geez, she’s too good!  Like… I’d like to do something, ya know?”

Her dad swapped out her now first empty hot chocolate cup, pulling out a small bag of marshmallows to Rhea’s excitement to fill the top with.  “Says the girl that literally just broke a Ghost’s curse and saved a woman… who then proposed to the guy on the spot.”

“Talk about a Reversal,” her mom snickered, casually reaching for the bag of fluffy goodies Nova was investigating, only for her tyrant of a husband to lightly smack her hand.  “Oh, c’mon!  Just one—one!”

“Yeah, just one, Dad, please!”  Rhea grinned.  “What harm can it do?”

Her mom’s bun bobbed up and down with her head movements.  “Mhm!  Mhm!  What harm, Dear?  I’ll give you a kiss for every marshmallow.”

Rhea choked.  “Pfft!  Give an inch, and she takes a mile!  Bad, Mom!  No bribes!”

“But, Rhea…”  her dad groaned, watching his wife smirk as she smelled blood and opened her purse to extract lipstick.  “We can’t just leave her the non-sugar donuts and eat all of this in front of her.”

Freezing, her mom glanced down at the box her husband had strategically slid over to her.  “Non-sugar donuts?  There’s no such thing!  They taste like…  No, artificial sugar?  Keith!”

“Hey, throughout our marriage, you never noticed once,” her dad innocently grinned.  “I’d like to think I trained you like a Growlithe to like it because you shy away from the other types!”

“That… was pretty clever,” her mom mumbled, opening her pocket mirror to clean her mouth and applying the glossy lipstick across the moist skin.  Popping them, her eyes narrowed in an evil way while unclipping her bun to shake out her locks.  “So… do we have a deal, Handsome?”

Her dad’s big, puppy-dog eyes shifted to Rhea, making her laugh.  “You two are so weird; I swear—the weirdest parents!  Mom really does get aggressive on sweets.  Just go make out already.  Geez.  Quit dragging me into this sweets war.  I’ll just go over my messages.”

“Welp!”  Shooting to his feet, her dad straightened his semi-wrinkled shirt and held out his hand to bring her mom up.  “We’re going to go get you second breakfast, Honey, so you just wait right here, and we’ll be back in a bit.”

Not looking up at her helpless parents, Rhea took another bite from one of her sprinkled donuts.  “Mmmm.  I doubt you’ll be right back, but you two have a fun time, and be sure to come back before nine.  I don’t want to sick Mya on Mom.”

“Me?!  Why me?”  her mom huffed.  “I’m not the dubious one here!  I’m just looking for a little sugar…  Okay,” she admitted, tilting her head to the side and giving a sheepish laugh at the stares she got from them.  “I know how that sounded, but did I say anything wrong?”

“Sugar is sugar,” her dad agreed, big hands looping around her mom’s waist to pull her close.  “Plus, there are a few favorites your mom has, so I’ve gotta narrow down which one she’s craving.  Thanks for the support, Sunshine,” he winked.

Rhea shook her head, spotting her mom’s flushed cheeks as her dad cradled the woman against his body, rainbow lights taking them off on a short adventure.  He wasn’t talking about this interaction but forcing her mother on a vacation after the total nightmare she’d gone through.

Nibbling on her sugary breakfast while flipping between feeds, she breathed out her stress; already, she was feeling better.  Her parents needed a break, in any case, and it was actually pretty fun seeing a resurgence of their love for one another.  There was so much darkness in their past, from Rainbow Rocket to the experimentations her mother was involved in.  She just wanted to see her parents happy.

The dojo was surprisingly quiet for past noon, and a stillness came to her when her helpless mother and father left to tease one another.  Nova, Alice, Mya, and Lulu gathered around her to observe her read the messages left for her.

7:23 p.m. Mankey Butt - So, I heard you’re going to be out for a while.  Possibly days!  So lazy.  Huh.  I mean, what kind of girl breaks an unbreakable curse and then plops her big butt in bed for a few days?  Hoping I’ll fly back to feed you, Ms. I’m Too Weak To Eat?  I will!  Don’t tempt me, Honey Pot!

Oh, you Impidimp!  Rhea internally growled, wearing a smirk as her face colored a little.  Lori’s nicknames and their implications are too graphic, I swear.  She’s corrupted honey!  And that ‘big butt’ comment, buddy.  You aren’t aware of the kunoichi glance counter, are you?  And what is this photo thread called ‘Beach Day,’ huh?  Are you—

“Ack-ack!”  She spat her hot chocolate across Mya’s dull face as the images popped up, and her Pokemon gathered around to see why she was suddenly dying; Jason was in a changing room, taking pictures, but they weren’t of other patrons.  “Are you serious?!”  she choked, nose burning from the milky liquid running out of it.

12:23 p.m. Mankey Butt - We’re out here at the beach, and Serena wanted us to pick out some new swimsuits.  Len bet Lucian and me 3k credits to whoever went out in the most embarrassing outfit.  I think a speedo is a bit too much, huh?  I mean, I’ve tried white, red, blue… tan colored, but that blends into my skin too much, you think?  What about Camo Commander style?

“The Muk are you sending me,” Rhea giggled, her hair whipping her face as she nervously glanced around to make sure her parents weren’t back.  “I’m kind of scared to see what the other albums are—sorry, Mya, ack!  Thanks, Nova,” she said, accepting the paper towel sheets she’d brought over.




“You’re right!”  Rhea steeled her tight belly, heart thumping as her gaze kept lifting to the spread-out pictures of the first album.  “Why has he gotten so ripped?!  How strong are his hands now…”  she shivered and sat straighter.  “Fortune favors the bold!”  she declared.  “We dive!”


“Jason, you’re evil!”  she cried, a rosy smile on her face and cheeks hurting as she scrolled down the fashion show, all done inside the changing room with different funny poses.  “Pfft!  You’re so evil!”

12:54 p.m. Mankey Butt - Sparkle swim trunks?  They’re a bit tight, but I think the glitter really brings out my skin when it’s wet.  What would you say if your boyfriend wore these out, huh?  Dancing around a bonfire—Honchkrow hat—hips swaying and dazzling the crowd with my sparkly core?  No.  No!  We can do better than that.

The one-shoulder mankini, baby!  That’s what I’m talking about—go, full zug-zug strong man!  Can you imagine me picking you up with one arm and carrying you around like a princess to your beach throne?  Haha!  Maybe I should get one of those fans to keep you cool or hold a mirror to show you how pretty you are.  It sounds about the right thing to do for such a cute Joltik that has me strung up in her web…  Mustard-themed?

“Stop!”  Rhea wept, sides hurting and body flaming as he showed off various flex poses in the bright yellow one-shoulder mankini.  “You’re seriously going to kill me!  No way would I let you go out in public like that!  Privately… I’d roast you, and I bet you’d love it!  Hehehe!  No, there’s more!  Dawn, help me!  Wha—c’mon, no, no, no, Jason—Jason, no!”

1:21 p.m. Mankey Butt - So, I found this weird black scrap of cloth beside the woman’s section…  Weird, it’s like a girl tossed it over, but hey, it’s in the men’s section.  What is up with this cross-design?  It’s a, uh, little tight in some areas—is that normal?  How are you even supposed to tie this behind your neck if you can’t see what you’re tying?  You women are magicians!

I think I’ve got it!  It’s so tight around my hips; I swear it’ll rub my skin raw, and I’d need to lather up… you wouldn’t be able to help with that, right?  What is up with this belly window and strap below my belly button?  Is it for stability?  Don’t want anything to slip!

Joking!  Joking!  No way I’d let other girls catch me dead like that!  I’m not that insane.  I’ve got a vicious little electro bug back home ready to zap me if I don’t stay in line, ya know?  Did I make you wonder, though?  Did I?  Hehehe.  Naa, I’ll just go out with Kanto flag trunks and get booed repping the region.  Represent!

Playing with her toes and biting her lower lip, Rhea’s chest felt tight as she fixated on a specific combination of words.  No way I’d let ‘other girls’ catch me dead like that…  So stupid.  I’m not like the other girls, huh?  And… save to hidden folder!  Yeah, we’ll come back to those at a later date.

However, his next message made her nose burn, and tears gathered in her eyes:

3:07 p.m. Mankey Butt - So, I saw your parents’ post to the family and friends that you’d be fine.  I’m so proud and excited!  You’re growing so fast!  Gold-tier.  Impossible Aura stuff that has Serena squealing.  Yes!  My sparky spider is spreading her legs to become a powerful (and totally not terrifying) cutie!  Oh, is that the wrong word?  No… no, I think that’s the right one.  You’re so amazing, Rhea.

I love you so much, so I’m going to push extra hard… because I want you to be proud of me, too.  Now, to beat Len again in beach ball!  He’s so mad, but how can I lose when I grew up with a partner in beach ball crime like you?  <3

“Now you’re making me feel like I’m lacking, sending pictures and stuff,” she whispered; her heart was so full that it felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.  “If there is something you going to Kalos has shown me… it’s that I think I might love you, too.  Why has it taken me so long to see it?”



She sighed and rubbed her Pokemon, giving them a bit of attention.  Ever since she’d left her little village, the world had definitely left a mark on her, and in such a short time.  If someone had told her that she’d be Gold-tier by the end of the year, she would have thought they were crazy, yet here she was—Gold-tier.  Yet her mind was stuck daydreaming of a boy in Kalos.

Amira’s recent message made her tilt her head and smile, though; perhaps the redhead had a plan that could take her heart off her annoyingly good best friend.

9:57 a.m. Singing Ruby - I’ve finished recording and prepping our new outfits.  It’s been long enough for us to get new ones, and I’ll bring back some design thoughts for Lori and you to look at.  I doubt she’ll be back until Friday.

That being said, I saw a Contest happening that Sabrina and Erika will be guest judging.  Lori already made it clear that she isn’t interested in Contests, but you seemed to be into the idea at the start of our journey.  I know that was rough, and I don’t want to push you if you don’t want to join me.  It is a Rank Advancement Contest, which means we could rank out of Rookie to Normal Contests if we win.

It takes place tomorrow, and your parents said you should be fully recovered by tonight, so I thought I’d make the offer to see if you’d like to join me.  If you’re interested, it is a Special Event—a Double Rookie Performance—where we could earn our first Bronze Key.

Yes, we’d be performing together, which I would love, and before you go thinking you don’t want to let me down, I could find another partner.  I have to register before 5 p.m., so that is my deadline.  Naturally, you’re my first choice, so let me know!  Serenity will be my choice.

Rhea let out a short chuckle and glanced down at Nova and Alice, tails wagging and looking up at her with big eyes after she read it to them.

Compared to almost getting killed by Plasma, learning I’m half-Pokemon, and the Muk Maria put me through inside that icy mountain, that first Contest is nothing!  Now that we’re 100% guaranteed to get into the Indigo Silver Cup, I think it’ll be good for us to branch out more…  I can only choose one of you, though.

Nova and Alice frowned, looking at one another, both wanting to try it out.  On the one hand, Nova had the experience of losing in a Contest and would combine with Serenity splendidly.  Then again, Nova had her spotlight against Sabrina already, and Alice needed the experience.  It wasn’t like she was afraid of losing either; this was supposed to be a fun time coordinating with Amira.

“Okay, girls, gather up…”  she chimed, placing a hand on Nova and Alice’s head to pet them.  “How about this: Nova combines really well with Serenity, but she also got the Gym with Sabrina, so why don’t we have Alice and Mya battle Erika as a compromise?  We’ll make it work because that is part of what it means to be an adaptive Trainer and Pokemon!”

Alice’s eyes lit up, more than willing to give up a Rookie Contest for the big Silver Encrusted Battle Stage.  “Lopunny!”

“And you, Nova?”

“Pwe.  Pwe,” she chirped, saying it was more than fair.

“Mya?”  she laughed, getting an instant nod as Lulu randomly agreed, too.


“Neee!  Ne-ne?”

“Hehe.  Yes, Lulu, you get front-row seats with me.  In fact, I think we’re almost at the point of us starting to train you up for battle, Sweetie!”

“Neeeee!”  Her cosmic cloud bounced around, happy tears gathering in her eyes as her teammates congratulated and danced with her.  “Nee-neee-neeee!”

“Pwe!  Pwe-pwe.”




“We’re getting stronger,” Rhea whispered.  “Soon, we may be giving Sabin a run for his money…  We’re doing good.  I’m doing good.”

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