PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 13. Make Me Feel Again

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#1 Audiobook in the Coming of Age Fantasy for Teens Category!

ATM V1 Audiobook - (21 Hours Long)

ATM Kindle Book - (185k Words Long)

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1:  Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Bombshell Future Supervillain!)

Pokemon Map: 

I loosely follow this map as a visual guide; the creator made it in paint?!?!  It's insane!  Some errors here and there, but I follow its design for the most part.  Areas can be further apart, some cities are in the wrong places or not listed, and the regions aren't nearly so close.  The best map I've found, though!

Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


4:01 p.m. October 19th, Monday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event).  Day 132.

Events:  Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out!  Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (46 days away).

Rhea felt like she was floating through a dream, vibing with the overwhelming emotional and spiritual waves coming from Terri and Kyle.  The ginger woman couldn’t speak, yet her puffy-eyed smile was more than enough as Lyra gently grabbed everyone’s attention.

“I’m sure you have more than enough to process right now, Terri, Kyle.  We’re all happy to have you back, and you have Ash’s young Aura protégé to thank for it.  Now, let’s leave you to process and rest.  Everyone…”

“Wait…”  Terri choked, holding Kyle’s hand and looking far less affected by her coma than she should have.

Lyra chuckled.  “Of course, Dear.  Take your time, and don’t force yourself.”

The noodle chain owner mirrored the woman, supporting her as she tried to find the internal strength to work through her words.  Her parents stood off to the side, with Erika and Sabrina, as Lori and Amira stood closer to Silver and the stunned medical personnel.

In the ensuing silence, the doctors’ whispers behind them came into the foreground, making Rhea’s ears burn:

“What was that heat and light… Aura?”

“A procedure that required a Legendary-tier Trainer, Psychic Grandmaster, and a specialist in Pokemon to human healing…  That energy the teenager released, though.  Isn’t she the girl that’s been making waves this Trainer Circuit?”

“Rhea Everhart, I believe…  Uh, should we document the process?  It could save others that have the same symptoms, but…”

They quieted down as Terri cleared her throat and took one last calming breath, her focus moving past the brown-haired Legend.  “I assume you are Christie and Keith’s daughter, Rhea…  The last time I saw you, you were a little girl, and we were just coming out of the Ultra War.

“I don’t know what to say… other than sorry—I mean, thank you,” she corrected, fighting back tears again.  “All I felt was… darkness… wandering through numb darkness for what seemed… years…  I was just looking to feel something… anything besides the senselessness.”

Kyle tucked in his bottom lip, the inadequacy and the helplessness of being unable to free the woman he loved from her prison sooner digging at his heart.  Yet, Terri wasn’t wallowing in her bitter emotions but expressing the brief moments of a tender, sweet sensation that drew Terri’s violet eyes away from Rhea and to the dedicated man weeping beside her.

“And I wanted to give up so many times, but without fail… like a single heartbeat every day… I felt my nerves wake up with the warmth of skin against my hand or wrist, and that kept me going…  You kept me going, Kyle…  I know it was you, holding me and whispering in my ear that you’d save me…  Thank you, Kyle.”

Fire crawled up Rhea’s nose, a floodgate opening in her eyes as Terri pulled him closer, her lips meeting his before pulling the shaking man against her body to feel what she’d missed for eternity.  “Stay, Kyle… please, don’t leave me.  I just… I need to feel you nearby.  Will you stay with…  Will you stay with me forever?”

“Yes, of course!  I’ll never leave you, Terri…  I’ll always be by your side.  I just… I should have done more… found another way—”

“Stop talking!”  Terri aggressively growled, practically forcing him on top of her and planting another kiss on his lips as she began to quake again.  “Just… hold me—I’m afraid this is all a dream—I’m so numb!  Just… bite me, kiss me, hold me, hurt me—show me you’re here—show me you’re real…  Make me feel something!”

Rhea’s heart couldn’t take it, her fingers pressed against her chest as her blood raced through her veins; it was such a sweet proposal, and she’d been the one to ask.  Like he’d say no after everything he’d been through to get her back.

Her dad moved to pull her away, everyone’s noses and eyes crimson and slick with tears.  “Well, I think this is a good point to leave it in Kyle’s hands…  Sabrina.”

The Psychic’s gentle blue eyes illuminated a bright pink, and all of them, including the doctors, gained an aura of the same color before rainbow lights carried them away from the newly engaged couple.

Clearly, the medical staff had been moved outside since they weren’t with them when Rhea regained her senses.  They were in front of a giant mansion on the upper east side of Saffron by the view of the city, and Sabrina gestured to the front door.

“Please, go inside and freshen up.  I’ve informed the managers at the restaurant that we will be having dinner there shortly, and they are preparing a spread for us.  You know your way around, Christie?”

“Mhm!”  Her mother puffed out a hot stream of air and was the first to the doors, swinging it open.  “Keith and I will go to the upstairs bathroom.  There are multiple on the first floor and basement, as well.  It shouldn’t be hard to find!  Woah… what a nose biter, huh?  I might cry again just thinking about it!”

She paused and jumped back down, arms closing around Rhea.  “How are you, Honey?  I know you’re probably still processing everything—my, your heart is racing like Rapidash!”

“I’ll be fine,” she gulped, giggling and rubbing her tears away with her mom’s shirt.  “I did it, though!  Yes!  I did it, Mom!”

“You did!”  her mom cheered, their hair bouncing as they jumped up and down together.  “You’re growing up so fast—too fast!  Haha!  You’re scaring me!”

“I’m scaring myself!”  Rhea cried, sniffing and hugging her mom tighter.  “I’m Gold-tier—we got four Encrusted Badges—a-and I’m bonding with Lulu, and… and everything’s just going so fast!”

“Hey!  Hey!  It’s okay—you’re okay…”  her mother soothed, being mindful of her skirt as Rhea’s legs gave way, taking them to the ground; she stroked the back of her head, gently holding her.  “You’re going to be okay…  It will pass.  I’m here, Honey.  I’m here…”

The world melted away in her mom’s hot, buttery embrace, caring fingers holding her fast.  All she could feel was the desperate desire to be held—to feel someone’s skin against hers—not to feel alone and numb.

After a while, her thunderous heart and boiling emotions simmered, bringing her down to hiccups; her dad had pulled both of them near to sandwich her at some point, and Lyra seemed to have ushered the others into the house.  Lulu and the rest of her Pokemon had snuggled in everywhere they could to wrap her in warmth.

It was the pulse within her breast; somehow, she was still somewhat connected to Terri, the unstable link gradually fraying and snapping away.  It wasn’t cold; she would have welcomed the cold.  It was a total loss of all sensation and sight, the terrifying sense of nothingness that made her seek anything, bitter, painful, or sweet.

Gulping down the lump in her throat, she rubbed her mom’s back and dad’s arm to let them know she was doing better.  “I’m okay, guys…  I know why Terri couldn’t talk…  How can you describe that… what she lived through for years?  Who would do that to someone?!  Who did that to her?”

Slowly untangling themselves, her parents made room for her Pokemon to cuddle her, worried spirits responding to her desire to be held.  Her dad puffed out a long stream of air, his fingers finding her mom’s, wearing a supportive smile.

“During the Ultra War, some of the leaders in Rainbow Rocket released all sorts of unknown threats from across the multiverse on our world to draw our attention away from them.  This half-ghost Pokemon and half-human martial artist was one of those… problems they hoped would draw our attention.  It disappeared shortly after its fight with Terri.”

She caught a nervous vibe in her parents’ Aura with her senses being pushed into hyper-sensitive mode, creating an unsettling puzzle in her mind that wasn’t hard to fit together.

Allowing Alice to wrap her in her fluffy ears as Lulu tried to get as close to her heart as possible, snuggling into her front, Rhea stroked Nova’s back; Mya was practically her chair back with her stalwart posture, hugging her from behind.

“You… think he’ll know that Terri is free and will return?  I don’t like that…  Haaa.  Alright, I guess I should go get ready for dinner; I promised V.  Thanks, Mom, Dad.”  She laughed and hugged each of her Pokemon.  “And you guys, too!”





“Mhm!  I’m doing better.  Thanks for the cuddles.”

Getting up and taking a box of tissues her mom had somehow found next to her—likely Sabrina’s doing—she cleaned her hot cheeks.  Her dad wasn’t done with her yet, nudging her foot with his.


His confident smile somehow settled her thumping heart before he even spoke.  “I know you’re worried about Terri and Kyle, but think about it this way…  If we are right, then it means we can set up a trap to finally stop this guy, and that’s all because of you.  You are the reason Kyle and Terri can move on with their lives—and that is what you should focus on.”

“Aww, Dad!”  Dropping to be welcomed into his arms again, she got a kiss on her ear from her mother.  “Thanks for being such amazing parents… for caring so much about me.  Don’t make me cry again!”  she threatened, getting laughter from the pair.  “Just keep acting all lovey-dovey and cute—I’m eating it up!”

Her dad chortled, releasing her to kiss his pink-cheeked wife.  “Oh, your mom can be very lovey-dovey, so don’t you worry.  You could say…”

“Don’t!”  her mom warned with a cute glare.  “Keith.”

Rhea held her breath, excitement budding as she watched her dad return it and say, “…she has it down to a science!”


Her mother lurched forward to tackle her dad to the grass, Rhea unable to help herself from falling to her knees with laughter as they wrestled again, blonde hair flying everywhere; her Pokemon were pumped, cheering on their favorite party in this ‘battle’ of weak tickle points.

Despite the ups and downs, she was sure today would be in her top 10 favorites.  She was in Gold-tier, she’d saved a woman from a prison worse than death, and her parents were closer than she’d ever seen them—her mother was healing from her own trauma.

Eventually, she found her nerve to get up and head inside, leaving her parents to fight it out; naturally, her mother would somehow manage to edge out a victory, Rhea was sure.  Her dad was such a sucker for her mom, well, unless she wanted him to win; the scenario played on her mind and brought thoughts she’d never considered about their relationship.

Oddly, it was now cute instead of gross, but maybe it was just seeing their googly eyes at one another.  Her parents loved each other, and she loved that.

Entering the house, she found Sabrina and Erika by the living room to the right of the entryway, where the Psychic pointed her to a closed door just to her right.  She opened up the empty bathroom and started the sink to cool off her face; a few colorful rags were in a rack for use with a small laundry basket under the sink.  Slipping off her small purse, she got the items out to freshen up.

The two Gym Leaders’ conversation came into focus as she cleaned her face; Erika spoke as if in a dream, her Aura serene and glowing, and Rhea scooted over a bit to get a better angle in the mirror to see them.

“What a start to my vacation week.  Kidnapped by my best lady friend from an event and roped into a rather sudden operation.  And here I thought you would be too busy to welcome me to your city since this is your Battle Day.”

Sabrina chuckled, leaning against the wall.  “I had planned to surprise you, but the future is ever-changing due to the actions of those in the present.  How is your daughter faring in Galar?  I know Kalayna has had a bit of a rough time recently…  She talked about it when staying with me during the summer.  How are you feeling?”

“Poorly,” Erika sighed, sweeping back her bangs.  “I can understand why she blames me for her narcolepsy…  It’s spiritual-based, which means all my children would have it, and there was nothing physically genetic about it…  I just didn’t believe my parents.  It’s why she remains an only child… which she also blames me for.”

“I sensed as much…”  Sabrina whispered, and Rhea’s gut tightened as she saw the Psychic pull her into a hug.  “She’s a teenager, Erika, who hates falling asleep on dates and always needs to have someone she trusts nearby to care for her.  Of course, she’d feel embarrassed and self-consciously shy.”

“Thank you, Sabrina, but no, I’ve sheltered her too much,” Erika mumbled, a sad smile on her face, “as my parents did with me…  The pent-up emotions and aversion to men I had as a teenager were due to them only allowing women around me.  Not that that didn’t cause its own… problems.  It’s because of you that I managed to come out of my isolated world…  I just want Kalayna to find someone she can trust.”

“We both were looking for that,” Sabrina said, arms crossing under her bust, “which is why you suggested to Kalayna that she leave the region… to force yourself to let go and put it out of your hands.  Stop lashing yourself over it…  Relax a little.  You’re here to have fun.”

Erika pulled away and hid her mouth as she giggled.  “For as long as I have you, that is.  You are as busy a woman as I am, after all, which is why we can find so little time to spend together.  You only have thirty minutes left before your break is over.  Sabrina… what did you do?”  she asked, eyes narrowing as the woman smirked and looked Rhea’s way, making her eyes snap back to the mirror to dab at her cheeks with the wet rag.

“Due to Rhea’s performance, it gives me enough of a smoke screen to have the analysts go over the battle for a good thirty minutes.  I’ve made the staff aware that I wouldn’t be back until 5:30, giving us around fifty minutes for dinner and to chat.  We’ll talk over wine later tonight.  I know you have a lot to get off your chest, and I’m here for you.”

Erika’s green eyes creased.  “You’ve always been…  Mmm.”

Rhea’s vision snapped to the pair as the winter kimono-dressed Gym Leader trailed off and sagged to the side.  A pink outline stopped her from collapsing on the tile, lifting her into the air as a pillow and blanket flew out of a nearby room to settle under her head and bundle Erika up.

“Is she okay?”

“Yes,” Sabrina replied, keeping the Grass Specialist floating beside her as she moved to face her.  “Erika has these sleep spells often, sometimes ten times a day, which come on sporadically, without her notice.  It isn’t really medical narcolepsy but something deeper, and it can last from several minutes to many hours.”

“It sounds so… tough to live with,” Rhea mumbled, wondering if she could even fix that at some point and feeling bad for Kalayna.  “I heard that sometimes her Pokemon take over during Gym Challenges when that happens.”

The pink-eyed woman smiled and studied her face.  “I heard Jason thinks you’re pretty when you cry because it makes your eyes even more blue, and yes, that is me redirecting the conversation.”

“Haha.  Wait, really?”  Rhea’s gaze returned to the mirror, leaning closer to look.  “They… are a lot more blue.  Why have I never known that?!  And… Jason likes that color?  Hmm.  Does that mean he doesn’t like my normal eyes?”

Sabrina’s chest shook with silent laughter.  “Perhaps it is on a grading scale from nine to ten rather than like and dislike.”

Fine with allowing the previous topic to get swept away and truly interested, Rhea followed Sabrina into the front entrance to wait for everyone else to join them; it seemed Amira and her parents were talking while Lori joined Roxie and Terri—her Kubfu Terri—in their slide fun that the Psychic had to the basement for some reason.

“Who told you about this preference?”  she pressed, narrowed eye falling to her phone to read the message her ‘semi–out-of-region-boyfriend’ had sent.  “Was the first time he thought that when we did the Mankey slap contest?  Suspicious.”

A bewildered smile lifted Sabrina’s face, which was probably a feat on her part; few things would probably get that reaction from the woman, which was a win in Rhea’s book.

“You’ve been a hot topic amongst the United League’s weekly meetings.  Your aunt and Elaine have been talking a lot recently since the topic of Nova, and you can easily cross.  Everyone wants to know what insanity you’re involved in each week, and Diantha hears things from her son.”

It was Rhea’s turn to be shocked as she mentally linked all the webs.  “How… many people are talking about me across regions?  Do they even get any work done?!”

“You sound like you’re in high spirits,” Amira said, descending the stairs with her parents.  “Are we ready to go, Gym Leader Sabrina?  I know your time is…”  she trailed off upon seeing Erika snoozing in her floating cocoon.  “Are we changing plans?”

“Not in the slightest,” Sabrina said, lifting her hand.  A squeal came from down the hall as Lori came flying through the air with her Pokemon to be set down on their feet.  “If Erika wakes up, then she will join us.  If not, then I will deposit the tub of lard in a bed with water dripping on her nose until she wakes up.”

“Mean; I love it!”  Lori snickered, ruffling her violet hair and shaking it out.  “Why the Muk do you have slides in your house?”

“For fun, of course,” the Psychic casually returned.  “I loved slides as a little girl; there’s something about giving away your freedom to gravity and letting it guide you to the bottom of your destiny.”

“Uh-huh…  A Psychic thing, I guess,” Lori mumbled, hugging herself and pushing up on her bust.  “Cool.  Cool.  So, we eating?  My boobs are going to eat themselves at this point; I’m starving!  You with me, Honey Pot?  Hehe.  We need to keep our honey for our future honey, ya know!”

Amira rolled her eyes at their crass teammate.  “The world laments your loss.  Can we not in front of my parents?”

Lyra’s cheeks turned rosy, chiming, “I don’t have enough honey as it is!  Eat or riot!”

“That’s what I’m talking about!”  Lori roared.  “Ms. Everhart, when will we get a boob growth serum?!  Justice for boobs!”  she cried as Rhea’s confused parents walked down the stairs.

“Mom… don’t encourage her—and like you can talk, Lori.”

“Hey, Len says the bigger the meat bags, the better!”  the Unovan girl chirped.  “I don’t get the appeal, but I guess that’s just because I’m a girl; Muk is so… annoying sometimes.  Ugh-hehe.  Seriously, though, I’m starving!”

“Then eat we shall,” Sabrina said, pink outline collecting around them, and in a flash of rainbow light, they were standing atop an open restaurant overlooking the Saffron skyscape.  “Mingle and enjoy.”

Rhea took a moment to reorient herself, holding her purse against her belly.  The crowd wasn’t as large as she’d thought, and most of the people in attendance were Masters that she’d seen fly through her village from time to time.  Of course, there were other movie stars from Viridian’s Hollywood and titans of industry, but it appeared to be a reasonably exclusive party.

Lori immediately went to the very long table of food, where wind barriers were set up to prevent the breeze from tossing anything around, and Flying Pokemon seemed to be on security to prevent any troublemaker from causing a scene as some Flying Pokemon flocks loved to do.

On the other hand, Amira mainly remained by her parents, having what appeared to be a lovely conversation about her progress and her thoughts about their journey.

They were about to make a significant milestone as a team, and while loading up food, Rhea’s gaze wandered to Sabrina and the recently rousing Grass Gym Leader.  Erika would be the challenge their team had to face in order to properly be seen as a Gold-tier group, and her Battle Days were Sunday, giving them almost a week to prepare.

Lori decided she’d use a day or two to travel north to the farmsteads to visit Miky; she wanted Zyra to meet the Impidimp since they were both troublemakers.  The Unovan girl also had plans to do a bunch of video calls with Kekoa to chat.

The Alolan guy had lost quite a bit of fat on Lori’s unofficial ‘dance weight loss program’ and filled out surprisingly fast in the last two months from the photos she’d proudly shown them.  It was nice seeing Lori excited, and despite her crude tongue, Rhea knew the purple-haired girl was very self-conscious about her body due to bullying and the burn scar on her back.

She sat next to her parents, passively eating as her mind wandered between topics; her dad ran interference if anyone tried to approach them.  Rhea was a tad shocked when spotting Istar with Nova still; she’d forgotten the Espeon had been with them through the insanity that had unfolded.  Her thoughts returned to Terri’s situation.

Once again… Rainbow Rocket came back into the picture.  They caused so much pain throughout the whole world…  It pisses me off.  Tingles ran down her arms as she took a deep breath and let it out to calm down.  I have to get stronger… much stronger.

Her dark, brooding thoughts were dispelled as her phone vibrated, and she saw Jason’s return message.  He’d seen her match—he’d seen all her matches—and since he’d been mean and didn’t send her links to his, she’d been in the dark.

However, this time, he sent her three videos to watch when she was alone.  It was accompanied by a rather impressive shot of him bare-chested and in trunks on the beach, sneaking to dump water over Lucian’s head as he sunbathed with another of him posing in front of a colossal garnet-pink crystal shard inside a lake.

5:05 p.m. Mankey Butt - A celestial greetings from Anistar City, Ms. Topaz!  Yes, you sparkled like topaz with that blinding finisher, Sunshine!  I bet Ambrosia was strangling Elaine with a mother’s zeal at seeing her daughter using her Move on the big screen.  I loved that burst of power.  Guess what?  We have our own surprise!

Rhea’s toes curled against her shoes as she crossed her feet under her chair and leaned forward with a smile.  His next picture showed a crazy-looking Silver-Encrusted Badge with purple pearls attached to its cloud and moon-like design.  Two more followed, Butterfree taking flight to tickle her belly. 

5:06 p.m. Mankey Butt - That’s right!  We’ve got the Silver Encrusted Voltage and Fairy Badges, and JUST got the Psychic, just like you.  ﴾´•ᴗ•`﴿_V

Didn’t I tell you that I’d keep up?  You may have one badge up on me, and I may be a sucker for your G-Max Sweetness, but I’m not going to give in, even if you beg me to!

5:07 p.m. Mankey Butt - Yes, I’m ensnared by your Electroweb, Lady Joltik, but I’ll win with my Thousand Arrows—I don’t miss, Miss—so you best hit me with that 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt because even though I’ll win, I’m aiming to see a victory in those pearly eyes!

Hiding her laugh and blush from her parents, Rhea did a quick search online to pull up the cute, little electric spider Pokemon, cheeks bunching to the side.

Wait… victory in my eyes?  Oh, boy, are you saying ‘you’re’ the catch, Mr. Z, and my victory is getting you?  Humph.  So presumptuous!  Hehehe.

And I’m a tiny electric bug that has you strung around my fingers and zapped your heart, huh?  “Mmmm!”  Why would you put that image in my head?!  Now, I have you strung up and helpless, waiting for the Thunder Fang!  Stoooop!  she internally groaned, her abs starting to hurt from the laughter.

And what, is that your new nickname for me, Mankey Butt?  Topaz and Lady Joltik.  Heh.  So stupid…  They’re adorable, though… and yellow, like my hair… big blue eyes…  And I what, evolve into a giant scary spider.  Rawr!  Watch out, little Caterpie, my fangs are sharp!  He’s so stupid, like my grandpa…  I love it.

Leaning back, she resigned herself with a heavy sigh.  I’ve got it bad…  Why’d he have to leave?  Jason… you’re so mean.  If your plan was to make me miss you… then it’s working.

Her phone clattered onto her mostly eaten plate of food as it slipped through her fingers, the world washing away; all the power she’d felt kicking her to be up and going drained out of her in a rush, and she weakly fell to the side into blissful slumber.

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