Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 3 - forgotten city

Red Leaf Hotel.

The name is just like Hongye City, which is unremarkable.

In fact, it is true, at least from Zhang Feng’s point of view, it is a compliment for being mediocre.

The interior of the hotel was as Zhang Feng expected. It was damp, dark, and cramped. There wasn’t even a reception hall. There was only a table and a thin human lying on the table.

The musty smell mixed with the smell of sweat, food, livestock, and even feces fermented together. The sour and sour Zhang Feng couldn’t open his eyes. He covered his nose with one hand and knocked on the door frame with the other.

“anyone there?”

Hearing the movement, the man lying on the table moved and raised his head reluctantly.

“Who is it!”

But after he saw clearly the strange but exquisite Zhang Feng in front of him, his good professionalism made him instantly sober up. He immediately ran to the man who was probably a nobleman, nodded and said:

“Hello, sir, I’m the owner of our shop, do you need any help?”

Perhaps because of staying here for a long time, the smell on the owner’s body became stronger. Zhang Feng subconsciously took two steps back and said helplessly:

“Do you still have a room?”

“Of course!”

The shopkeeper’s eyes lit up and answered instantly.

He didn’t expect a noble to visit his shop, because nobles never associate with commoners. Those proud nobles would rather sleep on the street than live under the same roof with untouchables.

If you are happy to serve this noble, you can make a lot of money by rewarding him with anything.

“Then show me.”

Although Zhang Feng doesn’t hold out much hope, but in case the room is cleaner, or even if the odor is a little less, it’s enough to make a living. Zhang Feng is not so precious.

But obviously, Zhang Feng was disappointed.

The room is not too small. It is about 30 square meters. It is more than enough to sleep one person. Of course, it would be better if there is no cow.


Zhang Feng and the cow stared at each other. He couldn’t figure out why there was a cow in the hotel room.


A few sheep calls brought Zhang Feng back to his senses. Only then did he realize that there were not only cows, but three sheep behind the cows!

“Is your room like this?”

Zhang Feng pinched his nose, pointed at the cow and asked speechlessly.

“Yes, sir, because there are merchants from far away who have come to Hongye City to sell livestock these two days. Before they are sold out, they are temporarily staying in our hotel.”

The shopkeeper was not at all wrong, because they had become accustomed to sharing a room with livestock.

Excuse me, farewell!

Zhang Feng bowed his hands to the shop owner, and when the other party wondered what the action meant, Zhang Feng ran away.

“Hey? Sir, we have a bigger room here, don’t you really need to think about it again! Sir~”

Zhang Feng wanted to cry but had no tears.

Why did you travel to this place where **** and urine are flowing!

I admit that I did nothing wrong.

Why does God have to torture me like this!

In fact, the taste is second, mainly because it is too dirty, but Zhang Feng knows that these animals are prone to breed infectious diseases, especially as he is an “outsider”. In this technologically backward place, if he is infected with any disease, the consequences will not dare imagine.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Feng was going to go to Corton, a local man, and give him some remuneration to see if he could find a way for him.

After all, I have been in contact with Keton for more than a day, and I feel that he is still a good person, a little smart, but more of a farmer’s simplicity and no bad intentions. As a “noble”, Zhang Feng didn’t know whether he could reach Hongye City smoothly.

Zhang Feng didn’t think about going to Baron Charles’ castle to get a half-office job, but looking at the group of soldiers holding bright swords just now, he was a little cowardly, although now it seems that, in addition to backward technology, the environment Besides, the security here is not bad, but in case, after all, he is a fake noble, it is better to be cautious.

At the same time, the town hall not far from the castle.

In some dimly lit conference halls, dozens of people sat next to each other around a long table, but they were all silent.

“Uh, what should we… what should we do?”

In the end, a strong man wearing a shiny knight’s armor was the first to break the silence, and the scar on his face was as tangled as his current mood. He scratched his short blond hair, and the snowflakes flew for a while.

“Hey! Baker, pay attention!”

A well-dressed and fragrant lady next to him waved her hand exaggeratedly, looking disgusted.

Baker opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, a lady in sackcloth next to him sneered.

“Don’t fan, Marcy, the smell of your inferior perfume is disgusting!”

“Blanche, you!”

The woman called Marcy looked like a fried **** and glared at Blanche.

“Okay! Everyone, now is not the time to quarrel!”

The other knight sitting at the top patted the table to stop the scolding that was about to break out.

“For the problems that are about to be faced, what should you do?”

“What else can we do, let’s break up!”

Marcy said indifferently.

“Now is not the time to be angry, Marcy, please be serious!”

The knight at the top was a little unhappy.

“Hey, Marlowe, I’m serious! Baron Charles is gone. Without him, can you run Red Leaf City? Red Leaf City’s finances have already made ends meet. Even if there is some wheat in the fields, it can’t supply Red Leaf at all. The life of the thousand people in the city in the next few months, winter is coming, whether those pariahs can see the sun next spring is a problem, if it is not for the generous remuneration promised by Charles, the old lady in this poor place would not want to stay. !”

Listening to Marcy’s complaint, Knight Marlowe was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice:

“We can jointly ask the king for help in the name of Hongye City Council…”

“Come on! In a remote and barren place like Hongye City, there is no oil or water to fish. Anyone who comes is thankless, and only fools come here. Besides, it is still a question whether they can see the king, and even the king himself forgets him. There is such a remote place in the kingdom!”

Marcy responded unceremoniously.

Marlow fell into silence again, he knew that what Marcy said was the truth, but if he just gave up, the thousands of civilians in Hongye City would not be able to survive this winter. Some are unbearable.

“Now there is only one way that is not a solution, and that is to sell the title and territory of Baron Charles to the great nobles. With the blessing of the great nobles, Hongye City may be able to survive. Of course, we can make a fortune by the way!”

When Marcy said those words, most people’s eyes lit up. They didn’t care what happened to Hongye City, what they cared about was making a fortune!

However, there are also a small number of discerning people who know that this is impossible, because the baroness will not agree, without her nod, the title transaction cannot be successful, and besides, the big nobles do not look down on this barren place.

Marlowe sighed. These people were originally assembled by Baron Charles. When Baron Charles was there, he could control everyone with his prestige and interests. Now that he is gone, this team will be ready at any time. fall apart.

“Hey, you said that Baron Charles is also, well, he has to hunt brown bears, this bear didn’t hunt, but he took his own life with him, why bother! It’s good that he died, leaving the mess to us !”

“Isn’t it because of his lady who just passed the door, wanting to make a beautiful smile? Ha! This is really hurting others!”

“Let me tell you, all of this is his wife’s problem. She is a bum, and if she doesn’t marry her, nothing will happen now!”

Someone was talking in a low voice, but the conference room was so big that everyone could hear it.

“Enough, let’s go here first today, let’s end the meeting.”

Marlowe interrupted everyone’s discussion a little irritably, and his face was not very good-looking.

These people are all idiots with little ability. They can’t count on them. Maybe they should discuss it with the baroness. It’s really impossible, and they can only plan for the worst.


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