Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 2 - baron charles

Whether it’s a misunderstanding or not, I’ve come here, and I can’t run for nothing. Besides, Zhang Feng has nowhere to go.

Soon, the coachman led Zhang Feng to the so-called Red Leaf City, and countless blond and blue-eyed people from other worlds looked at Zhang Feng curiously.

Zhang Feng observed around, he swears, except for a few relatively tall spire buildings, this is really similar to the countryside in his impression more than ten years ago.

The coachman stopped the carriage on a street, trotted out of the car, and knelt at Zhang Feng’s feet.

“You are this?”

Looking at the driver’s movements, Zhang Feng had a question mark on his face.

“Sir, the carriage is a little high, please step on me to prevent slipping.”

Looking at the flattering coachman, Zhang Feng felt a chill. He didn’t have the habit of such a noble gentleman. Then he jumped down with a swoosh amid the exclamation of the coachman.



Feeling the soft touch under his feet, Zhang Feng slowly lowered his head, a disgusting stench came, and the yellow ori splashed around was very dazzling.

Zhang Feng suddenly felt a little regretful. Now that he has come to another world, he still has to respect other people’s habits, which is a bit hasty.

Seeing that Zhang Feng hadn’t slipped, the driver let out a sigh of relief. Instead, he was a little surprised that Zhang Feng stepped on a lump.

Zhang Feng found a clean floor, and while trying his best to clean the soles of his shoes, he reluctantly asked again:

“Are you sure we have come to Hongye City?”

The most prosperous city in the Sunset Mountains – excrement and urine flowing on the road? The stench is unbearable?

What about the tall city wall—the earth **** half a meter high?

What about the many shops—the gathering place for street stalls?

Hongye City – Hongye Village?

Is it my fault, or is the world wrong?

Zhang Feng covered his nose and began to doubt his life.

“Of course, this is Hongye City, one of the most prosperous cities in the Sunset Mountains, the territory of Baron Charles!”

The coachman didn’t know what Zhang Feng was thinking. He looked proud, as if he was Baron Charles.

At this time, a group of young children in ragged clothes walked quietly to Zhang Feng’s side with broken bowls. Zhang Feng didn’t notice, but the sharp-eyed driver immediately blocked Zhang Feng’s face, his face suddenly changed to a pair of Impatiently, the bent waist also straightened, and he waved.

“Go, go, play, don’t bump into the nobles, watch your head!”

I heard that when this man dressed strangely but delicately, with a clean and handsome appearance was a nobleman, everyone dispersed at once. The nobleman and the commoners can’t be provoked.

Only then did Zhang Feng know that he was regarded as a nobleman. He wanted to explain, but when he saw that everyone else was wearing tattered and dirty clothes, his complexion was starving, his skin was rough, and his body exuded an unpleasant smell. Looking at myself, although the style of the clothes is a little different, it is obviously much more refined than their worn linen clothes. In addition, he has a straight body and a face like crown jade, which forms a sharp contrast with them. He understood that it was difficult to explain.

I can only pretend for a while.

“Can you show me about Hongye City?”

Now that he’s here, whether it’s Hongye City or Hongye Village, it’s always right to know more. Zhang Feng sent an invitation to the driver.

“Of course, it’s my honor to be able to serve you!”

The coachman was not impatient at all, but very happy. He waved to the onlookers, and a young man who was thinner than him walked over with some fear. left.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

Before the hitchhiking, the two parties introduced themselves, but his name was difficult to remember, Zhang Feng forgot.

“Sir, my name is Cotton Peters, you can just call me Cotton.”

“Okay Cotton, what are these, decorations? Or weapons?”

Zhang Feng pointed to something on a nearby booth and asked.

It was more than a dozen black stick-shaped objects, about a foot long, with a rough surface and looked very hard.

“Sir, this is rye bread, which is the food of our commoners. It is incomparable to the white bread you eat. You may not know it very well.”

Cotton is glad that he heard others say on the way of trade that nobles do not eat black bread, but a food called white bread. Although he has never eaten or even seen white bread, it does not hinder him. It becomes a tool to show off his knowledge.

“Oh, it turned out to be bread…”

Zhang Feng stretched out his hand and pinched it. It was hard and rough, not like a serious bread.

If it is said that this is a weapon, Zhang Feng feels that it is easier for him to accept it. He really wanted to ask again what white bread was, but after thinking about it, let it go. His current personality is an aristocrat, and this kind of “common sense” belonging to aristocrats should not be easily asked.

The vendor at the stall looked at the noble man in front of him cautiously, and when he saw him put down the brown bread, his eyes flashed with disappointment. But he didn’t dare to talk too much, obviously his brown bread couldn’t get into the eyes of the nobleman.

In fact, not everyone can afford black bread, especially his pure bread without added sawdust, which is 20% more expensive than the market price. This is his first attempt, but now it seems that no one wants to spend more 20% of the money, even if it tastes better.

After skipping some stalls selling bread, Zhang Feng saw that most of the fabrics in this world are mainly linen. The products sold here are all burlap, the styles are also very common, and the colors are black, white, and gray.

Whether it’s color or texture, it can’t even compare to the stalls on your own.

The merchants who were selling fabrics looked at Zhang Feng with gleaming eyes. If he hadn’t known that Zhang Feng was a nobleman, he would have swarmed him long ago. For nothing else, he just wanted to touch the clothes on Zhang Feng’s body. , the rich colors and delicate fabrics they had never seen before.

Unable to bear the gazes of these people, Zhang Feng and Keton left quickly.

After he left, there was a lot of discussion in the market, all speculating where Zhang Feng came from. Some people said he was the heir of an earl, some said he was the illegitimate son of a certain duke, and some said he was Buck. The prince of the kingdom, for a while there were many opinions.

“Sir, this is the largest and most luxurious hotel in Hongye City. As a noble, you can enjoy meticulous care in it! They can meet any of your requirements!”

Cotton pointed to the two-story, gray wooden hotel, and said respectfully to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng, who was already prepared, automatically ignored the word “luxury”.

At this moment, there was a hurried sound of hooves in the distance, and a knight in fine armor and a mask escorted a carriage to the castle with several servants with swords.

“It’s Baron Charles’ bodyguard! It’s the most powerful and luxurious soldier in Hongye City! The baron is back! I heard that he went to hunt a brown bear as a gift for the baroness, but… I didn’t see a brown bear, it should be hunting Failed, or didn’t find the brown bear…”

Looking at the carriage that went away after splashing all over the ground, Cotton explained to Zhang Feng excitedly.

Zhang Feng glanced at it, feeling a little speechless in his heart, the baron’s personal guards were indeed “luxurious”, and there were almost ten of them!

But he didn’t care too much. Hunting was too far away and too dangerous for him, so the most urgent thing was to arrange a place to live.

“Okay, that’s it for today, thank you for your help for so long, I don’t have anything to give you…”

“It’s my great honor to be able to help you!”

On the surface, Cotton looked righteous and dignified, but his expectant little eyes obviously betrayed him.

Zhang Feng put his hand into his backpack and groped for a while. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com took out a bag of khaki-colored items the size of a palm. As soon as he took it out, the tip of his nose moved. He smelled a faint milky fragrance!

Zhang Feng handed it to Corton, and before he could speak, Zhang Feng explained:

“This is from my hometown… Well, biscuits, a kind of food, such a piece can probably withstand a day’s hunger. Of course, it’s the kind that doesn’t do heavy work. I think you may need this.”

Cotton didn’t know what biscuits meant, but he understood the food, especially when he heard that such a small cookie could withstand a day’s hunger, his eyes lit up.

In this age of food scarcity and low productivity, food is sometimes more pleasing than gold coins.

Cotton carefully wrapped this delicate compressed biscuit in cloth. Although the faint fragrance in the biscuit made him salivate, and even couldn’t stop it, he wasn’t ready to eat it. You must know that this is the food of a noble man!

If he sells it to the cunning merchants in the city who like to show off, he may be able to exchange for a real estate in Hongye City, and make his wife and children become city dwellers!

Cotton said goodbye to Zhang Feng with some reluctance, not only because of the reward.

This is the best-tempered nobleman he has ever met, and even if the other party needs it, he can help without any payment, because this is the first time in his long life that he has felt this from a nobleman. Warm eyes, no discrimination, no arrogance, no superiority, and even for a moment he felt that the other party treated him as the same kind!

Of course, he knew that this was just his own delusion. The noble man and the pariah were two completely different races, but he liked the feeling of being treated as an adult!

Zhang Feng waved to Keton and walked into the largest hotel in Hongye City.

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