Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 11 - no seasoning packet

“Thanks to Comrade Zhang Feng for your cooperation, but I have to say a few more words. In the future, try not to travel to such deep mountains and old forests, especially if you are alone. Be careful! Although scenic spots with many people are easy to criticize, after all, safety is not a problem. .”

The police comrade allowed Zhang Feng to leave after he made a note. Zhang Feng only said that he had lost his way in the mountains, but did not say that he had gone to another world. Of course, even if he said it, it is estimated that the police uncle would not believe him and would pull him instead. to the hospital.

“Thank you for your concern, comrade police, you have worked hard! After experiencing this incident, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to climb mountains recently!”

After thanking and saying goodbye to the police uncle, Zhang Feng and Lin Yulan came to the foot of the mountain, and a black Volkswagen was already waiting.

When the driver saw the two coming, he quickly opened the door.

“Get in the car, I’ll take you home! But are you sure you really don’t want to go to the hospital for a check-up?”

“It’s really not necessary, you see, I’m not fine!”

Zhang Feng was a little helpless, but he also knew that Lin Yulan cared about him, so even if she said it countless times, Zhang Feng was not impatient.

If it was someone who didn’t know, seeing their current images, they would have thought that Lin Yulan was the missing one.

Lin Yulan has been sleeping in the tent under the mountain for the past three days, and she has to go up the mountain to find people every day, so her clothes are dirty, and her spirit is very poor, her lips are white, like a sick beauty.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Feng, whose clothes were clean, and there was no dust on his face. He was still as handsome and delicate as three days ago.

“Okay, then let’s go back quickly, I’m so sleepy…”

Lin Yulan yawned and pulled Zhang Feng into the back of the car.

“I didn’t expect you to be a rich woman, and there is a special car to pick you up!”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. He didn’t know Lin Yulan’s family background. He only knew that Lin Yulan was two years older than him, and the two of them could chat more easily. Lin Yulan had always taken care of Zhang Feng like a close eldest sister.

“Where, I’m not a rich woman, I’m just a broken Volkswagen. My dad’s car is so ugly, I won’t even drive it…”

Lin Yulan’s tone was somewhat contemptuous.

Zhang Feng suddenly had a black line on his face.

Break the public? The line of letters under the Volkswagen logo is really so unbelievable.

A Phaeton with a price of more than 2 million was ridiculed like this. Zhang Feng felt that it was necessary for him, a non-senior car fan, to explain.

But Zhang Feng thought about it, no, Lin Yulan only talked about the Volkswagen, and said it was ugly, but she didn’t say that she didn’t know how much the car cost. Could it be that she doesn’t know how much the car costs?


Seriously terrified!

Can’t be provoked, can’t be provoked!

Almost embarrassed, Zhang Feng was about to change the subject quickly, but suddenly felt his shoulders sink.

Lin Yulan fell asleep at some point and leaned on Zhang Feng’s shoulder.

Looking at Lin Yulan with a haggard face, Zhang Feng sighed silently. She is the only one who can do this for a friend who is not very close.

The way down the mountain was not easy, even a million-dollar limousine was a little bumpy. Zhang Feng looked at Lin Yulan who was swaying, hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched out his hand, ignoring the dust on her body, lightly. He lightly hugged Lin Yulan’s shoulders.

Zhang Feng didn’t have any fancy thoughts in his heart, he just wanted to make Lin Yulan sleep more comfortable.

After driving for a full three hours, the car finally reached the asphalt road, which shows how far the mountain is.

Zhang Feng felt a little sore in his shoulders, but seeing that Lin Yulan didn’t mean to wake up, he didn’t change his posture.

Another two hours passed, and when the sun was about to set, the car finally came to the city.


Lin Yulan opened her eyes and saw that she was being hugged by Zhang Feng. Her face did not change in the slightest, and she left her embrace naturally. However, when she saw the big watermark on Zhang Feng’s shoulder, she immediately blushed.

Zhang Feng thought it was very funny. It was the first time he saw such a shy expression on the carefree Lin Yulan, and it was not because he was holding her, but because she was drooling.

“Cough, how long have I slept?”

Lin Yulan quickly changed the subject.

“About five hours.”

Zhang Feng looked at his phone. He had already partially charged the phone with the car charger.

“It’s been so long! I’m a little hungry… Uncle Li, find a place to eat first!”

“Okay, where do you want to go, miss?”

“What do you want to eat, I’ll treat you to celebrate your safe return!”

Lin Yulan patted her chest, looking like she wasn’t bad for money.

“Whatever, I don’t care.”

Zhang Feng shrugged. It’s not that he has no opinion, it’s that he has not been in Xiacheng for a long time, and he is not familiar with it.

“Then go to Lao Liang’s private kitchen to cook!”


Zhang Feng rummaged through his backpack, took out the only bag of crispy noodles he had saved, and handed it to Lin Yulan.

“Would you like to pad your stomach first?”

Looking at the crispy noodles that had already been broken into pieces, Lin Yulan didn’t dislike it, she took it apart and ate it.

After taking two bites, Lin Yulan grabbed Zhang Feng’s hand and spread it out, carefully pouring some of her face.

“Well, you eat too!”

Zhang Feng was a little bit dumbfounded. This way of eating was still an hour later in his video, when a few friends pooled money and went to the canteen to buy a pack of instant noodles to share. The only difference was that there was no seasoning pack.

“Eh? What is this?”

Lin Yulan inadvertently saw some dark objects in Zhang Feng’s bag, and asked curiously.

“This, I picked it up on the mountain. It looks like an antique. I don’t know if it’s worth anything.”

Zhang Feng didn’t hide either. He generously took out a few bowls and two cups from his backpack and showed them to Lin Yulan.

This is something he brought back from another world. It was used for a few years in another world. I don’t know if it can be regarded as an antique when it is brought back to modern times.

“So ugly!”

Lin Yulan hated it at a glance.

Zhang Feng has found out that Lin Yulan is a down-to-earth dog. In her heart, beauty is ugly, and there is no third kind of evaluation.

Zhang Feng actually wanted to ask herself whether she was beautiful or ugly in her eyes, but think about it.

“But you can show it to my dad. He likes this stuff very much. After all, you picked it up from the mountain. Maybe it’s worth some money!”

“Huh? What does your father do?”

Zhang Feng didn’t know much about Lin Yulan’s family situation, and he didn’t have the habit of inquiring about other people’s privacy, but since that was the case, he asked by the way.

“He, he opened a small antique shop, specializing in collecting and reselling this stuff.”

Lin Yulan said casually.

“That’s right. I’ll show this to your father for appraisal when I have time, but I don’t know if he has time. Can you make an appointment for me?”

Zhang Feng was overjoyed, he was worried that he didn’t know the way, this was not ready.

“Hey, call me directly when you come, and I’ll just tell my dad. Even if he’s not there, the master in the shop will do. There’s no need to make an appointment!”

Lin Yulan waved her hand.

“That’s a good feeling. I’d like to thank Sister Lin first. Anyway, I picked this thing up on the mountain for nothing. If I can sell it for money, I’ll give you half of it!”

Zhang Feng said confidently.

“Haha, okay, that’s what you said, I’m not polite to you, and then you can’t default on the debt!”

Lin Yulan was very happy, not because she was able to share the money, after all, this is something that has not yet been said, but Zhang Feng was willing to share the money with her, which means that Lin Yulan did not make this friend in vain.

After having a meal with Lin Yulan, Zhang Feng refused her to let the driver take him back. After all, the subway is also very convenient, so there is no need to trouble others all the time.

Returning to the nest where he had been away for three days, Zhang Feng was a little excited. Now that there are no outsiders, he had to take a good look at the door in his mind. He felt that the function of this door must be more than that simple!

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