Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 10 - It feels so real

Zhang Feng quickly returned to his residence and locked all doors and windows, feeling a little excited and a little nervous.

He didn’t know whether the door in his mind could let him go back. If not, would he really want to spend his next life here?

With this kind of tangled mood, Zhang Feng put on his backpack, and after confirming that there was no omission, he prepared to open the door.

However, Zhang Feng thought about it and did not rush in. Instead, he picked up the cup he used to drink water on the table and put it in his backpack. After thinking about it, he took a few more, and by the way, he also brought the box containing the gold coins. With his backpack full, Zhang Feng meditated in his heart – open.

Brush, Zhang Feng disappeared instantly.

“Hey! It’s been three days, it’s really bad luck… It’s all my fault!”

Lin Yulan wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, sat on a large rock, and looked at the lush green mountains, but her heart was full of sighs and self-blame.

This mountain climbing activity was organized by her online.

Originally, I made an appointment with a few like-minded friends. Taking advantage of the cool weather, it was a very pleasant thing to climb a mountain and travel together. However, during the process of climbing the mountain, one person disappeared, which was very sad.

Lin Yulan blamed herself very much. If she had asked Zhang Feng to slow down and get closer to herself, she would definitely not have disappeared.

For Zhang Feng, a big boy, Lin Yulan has a very deep impression. There are no complicated reasons, just two points, one is good-natured, and the other is handsome.

Those deep facial features like a half-breed have both the three-dimensionality of Westerners and the delicacy of Orientals. Coupled with the body of more than 1.8 meters, it is hard to forget at a glance, especially his quietness and non-jumping. Take off the character, a proper male god.

At that time, the other two girls in the team were still joking. If their future boyfriends were half as good as Zhang Feng’s, they would be satisfied.

Unfortunately, I will never see you again.

Zhang Feng’s sunny and handsome smile as warm as the sun seemed to be right in front of her eyes. Lin Yulan was absent-minded for a while, and reached out her hand subconsciously.

“Hey, this feeling is so real!”

Zhang Feng looked at Lin Yulan with a dazed expression as she stretched out her hand and gently stroked her cheek, even forgetting to avoid it.

He entered his consciousness into the door in another world, and he traveled back in an instant, breathing the air belonging to Blue Star again. Even if he was a Buddhist, he was not calm.

Finally came back from that place where birds don’t poop, so excited!

Especially when he saw Lin Yulan in front of him after walking two steps, Zhang Feng finally confirmed that he was finally back!

Zhang Feng, who was in a good mood, saw Lin Yulan again, so she naturally wanted to go up and say hello. After all, she was the initiator of this tour, but who knew that he was taken advantage of as soon as he probed over.

Although you are beautiful, this is not an excuse for you to be a hooligan!

Zhang Feng complained ruthlessly in his heart. Of course, these words must not be said.

“Beauty, what are you doing!”


Hearing the “phantom” in front of her suddenly spit out words, Lin Yulan was startled, and she shrank subconsciously.


Zhang Feng put his arms around Lin Yulan’s waist to prevent her from falling. After seeing her stabilize, she quickly retracted her hand.

Hey, why do you feel like my speed is getting faster?

Zhang Feng originally thought that what he couldn’t catch was completely subconscious behavior. After all, Lin Yulan, who fell behind, was too sudden, but he didn’t expect to catch it, and he was suddenly a little puzzled.

Lin Yulan didn’t care about this, but said in shock:

“Fuck, live!”

Zhang Feng had a black line on his head, and he didn’t bother to study what happened to his body, so he said with a dark face:

“I’m not dead, of course I’m alive!”

It was only then that Lin Yulan reacted.

“Zhang Feng, you’re not dead, it’s great! It’s great! I just said, you are so handsome, how could you die so young! They still don’t believe it…”

Lin Yulan rushed over and hugged Zhang Feng, a little incoherent.

This made Zhang Feng a little embarrassed. Although it was a beautiful thing for a beautiful woman to throw her arms around her, being strangled by her neck was another matter.

“Okay, eldest sister, isn’t it okay for me, you cry…”

Zhang Feng struggled to get out of his arms and wanted to say something, but looking at Lin Yulan’s tearful face, he swallowed the words and quickly changed his words:

“I’m sorry for making you worry.”

At this time, Lin Yulan also realized that the posture of the two of them seemed to be a bit inappropriate, and quickly took a half step back. After confirming that the person in front of her was indeed Zhang Feng, and that she was still alive, Lin Yulan kept tears in her eyes, but scolded with a smile:

“Stinky boy! Let you walk slowly, you have to rely on your physical strength to get out of the team and run so fast…”

“It’s my fault, Sister Lin, I won’t do it next time, no, there won’t be another time!”

Zhang Feng quickly apologized. Judging from Lin Yulan’s performance, she should have been missing for a long time.


Lin Yulan snorted, but apparently she was in a much better mood and did not argue with Zhang Feng anymore.

No one knew how she spent the past three days, especially psychologically, she was surrounded by thick self-blame, she couldn’t sleep well every day, and when she closed her eyes, it was the shadow of Zhang Feng, and her face was covered in blood. . Zhang Feng was complaining about why she left him alone in the mountains, why she didn’t climb the mountain with him, and even why she organized this event.

Lin Yulan apologized frantically in her dream, but it was useless at all. She watched Zhang Feng fall off the cliff and broke into eight petals, and watched Zhang Feng lying on the ground in pain and being eaten by beasts, the dazzling blood It flows directly to the feet of Lin Yulan…

She was going crazy.

Afraid is one thing, more is self-blame!

Maybe one word of his own could have prevented this tragedy, but he didn’t realize it.

After all, it has been three days since Zhang Feng disappeared. In this deep mountain and old forest, especially after listening to the mountain people, there are still wild beasts. It is difficult for people who survive in the wild to survive.

Now seeing Zhang Feng standing in front of her alive, all the grievances and self-blame disappeared, she can only feel happy now.

Zhang Feng rarely felt this kind of deep concern, not to mention, it tasted pretty good.

“Sister Lin, how long have I been away, my phone is out of battery, I don’t know the time…”

“Three days, you’ve been missing for three whole days! They all said that you’ve been very bad, and they scared me to death… By the way, I have to call the police uncle and tell them not to look for it…”

Taking advantage of Lin Yulan’s phone call, Zhang Feng roughly calculated that he had been in another world for three days. It seems that the time flow of the two worlds is the same. A day goes by for a year.

“Looking at” the door that still existed in his mind, as if he could pass through it in a single thought, Zhang Feng only realized later that his future life seems to be different…

“Zhang Feng, are you alright?”

Looking at Zhang Feng who was in a daze, Lin Yulan, who had just finished the phone call, was a little worried, for fear that Zhang Feng would have psychological problems.

Thinking from another perspective, if she herself was trapped in the mountains for three days and three nights, she might have to go crazy.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, I have nothing!”

Zhang Feng came back to his senses, in order to prevent Lin Yulan from worrying, he made a funny gesture to show his biceps.

“It’s really not right! Is it really okay?”

I didn’t expect Zhang Feng to have such a cute side, and Lin Yulan was immediately amused by him.

Looking at Lin Yulan’s thick dark circles, Zhang Feng reached out and gently wiped away her tears.

“Sister Lin, I’m really fine. Thank you this time. If you need my help in the future, just say it!”

There were a total of eight people on this trip, and now only Lin Yulan is left alone, and she has been searching for three days! Even if Zhang Feng doesn’t actually need her help, this love must be received.

“You don’t need to thank me, I haven’t been able to help you much, but I thank you for coming back safely, otherwise I’ll be a murderer! I’ll have trouble sleeping and eating in my life…”

Lin Yulan covered Zhang Feng’s hand and said from the bottom of her heart.


There was a sound not far away, and several policemen in uniform pushed the weeds away and came over.

Lin Yulan had experienced great joy and great sorrow, and her body was a little weak, so Zhang Feng had to help him and walked towards the police uncle.


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