Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 90: Starscorched Desert

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Wow... I must say these creatures are fearsome! They have a ‘Hive’ mind abilities aside from the usual aggressive behaviour.

When one is aggressive to a player the other immediately follows suit within a radius and annoyingly they will not steer away from that player even with <Taunt> {Skill}.

Some players have already utilized their behaviour by aggroing one mob and making it lure more mobs to cluster them and then bombard with AoE.


Based on Pochi’s Wikia comments, A player commented there is a correlation between the gimmicks of normal mobs in the area and dungeons.

So it’s worth it to learn what mechanics these creatures did. As my mind noted the ‘Obsessive’ behaviour.

After all, there’s a chance that the Raid dungeon has this kind of mechanic. Thankfully though I am quite a distance away from their aggro range while teetering around.

(“[Find: Materials.]”

A colourless pulse of energy spreads out originating from me as my map lights up showing several spots where I can gather mats.

It seems to be bountiful! From ores then subsequently minerals, classic wood & stones,  food mats albeit looking grotesque, and now...

My eyes stared at a blooming flower growing amidst the barren desert. That’s an alchemical material if I see one! My crafting heart gets excited about what effect it has.

It’s pure white petals looked ethereality beautiful whilst being shined on by moonlight like a lone star. As if it is unbothered by grotesque monsters in the distance and crumbled ruins that are being engulfed by sand.

The plant bears a resemblance to what I know as ‘Queen of Night’ IRL. A flowering plant that blooms only at midnight and shines like twinkling stars.


I stare at the skies, seeing an hour has passed yet it is unchanging showing it’s perpetually nighttime.

Glancing to my left & right, seeing no mobs and using detection magic as well to confirm it. I finally approached the plant and plucked them.


[Celestia (Rare)]

Description: An ethereally white flower that seems to only bloom during the clear night sky. Upon consumption, provide a [Shield] that absorbs an amount of magic damage, increases {Spell} effectiveness & MP regeneration for a duration, and Restores MP.


Oh... Wow... Uhm... That is quite an array of effects compacted into one ingredient. Seems to be overpowered, to be honest.


Several suggestions and questions pop into my mind such as

(“What if I mix it with other ingredients that have similar effects?”)

(“What would happen if I got the high-quality version of Celestia?”)




So! I was right in my assumption and my question was answered, after plucking another one of Celestia's plants I received a high-quality version of it. The description simply added ‘Large and Greatly’.

Before long though in my explorations and avoiding the attention of monsters. I saw a cluster of broken and crumbled ruins.

Some of it was already partially engulfed by sands and endured the elements for good knows how long judging by the wear and tear...

These ruins seemed to have a modern style compared to others I have encountered. Safe to say, it recognizes able to be the ones I saw in ‘A Point in Time’.

“Hang...” -Starscorched Man-


I scoot and duck away in one of the ruins as a shambling figure coupled with gross squelching noise comes nearer.

(“Almost got me there, that's my fault for being easily distracted. Ughhh Please!... Don’t let that eye icon open”)

If that eye icon opens, it means that I was detected. For now, though, that eye icon still closes not even half-lidded.


That creature finally walked too far from the detection range I peeked out a bit.

(“Fascinating... What is that tumour-like growth anyway? Parasites? It’s clear that the infected don’t have their mind intact.”)

Stopping myself from continuously pondering about biology. I looked around the ruins with the help of [Farsight] until I noticed a large building in the centre of the ruin.

Dilapidated, covered in sand, and crumbling away. It is quite a tragic end to what once was a thriving city.



He angrily shouted while running like a madman towards that huge building. Behind him are several players; a Mage, a Priest, and a Rogue. All running away as further behind them are clusters & clusters of monsters.

(“Ohhhh... Boy, they’re fucked.”)

That is too many mobs...

“THERE! The raid!!!!!” -Mage Player-

She points and shouts while looking out of breath as they barge their way into the dilapidated building. Entering the creaking metal door and slammed with loud enough for everyone in the radius to hear.



I can see it in an instant after they all came in. The following aggroed mobs simply stopped in their tracks and dispersed.

(“Owhhh... That’s the Raid dungeon place then.”).

They entered a Safe Zone so it makes sense for the mobs to suddenly ignore them.

I stare at the entrance to that dungeon for a second or two. Making quick calculations on how far it is from me as I utter a {Spell}.


My field of view instantly changed from far away to right in front of the metal door as I quickly slipped in before any of the mobs noticed me.


“LOOKING FOR 2 HEALERS!!!” -Players-

“NEED 3 MORE DPS.” -Players-



My ears are swamped with shouts as if they are trying to make me turn deaf. However, it made me smile to see this happening. I have had a fair share of online in empty servers so seeing this happening warmed my heart.

Players of various classes group up together based on typical roles. Tanker, Healer, and DPS which I can assign myself which role I’m going to take in the system.

At the moment, my default role is DPS and I wouldn’t be able to join anyway since I’m under levelled.

(“Might as well take a good look around the place.”)

Inside of this building bear resemblance to a lobby albeit all tattered and broken apart. Various long benches were made from carved stone where players simply waited until their leader recruited enough members for a raid.

In the meantime, I saw players just finished their Raid and looking at their faces I surmised it didn’t go well...

They look so dejected while asking other players to fix services before grouping up and discussing strategies.

“Hey! You’re an Astromancer right?” -Random Player-

One noticed me as I turned my head towards the source of the voice.

A Knight class player accompanied by several players behind him. Quick counting in my head, there were 7 players including him so he just needed one more player.

“Are you a DPS? Wanna join up for the raid.” -Knight Player-

I shake my head and tell him.

“I can’t, I’m too low LV to join the Raid.”

“Welp, that sucks. Ah!! Then can you give us some constellation buffs? We’ll pay upfront.” -Knight Player-

(“Uhm... Extra & Easy money. Not going to reject that.”)


He initiated trade and sent out Zenis as I began to utter the keywords. While commented to myself.

(“It is going to be a while...”)


“[Extend: Constellation Earth]”

“[Extend: Constellation Light]”

“[Extend: Constellation Wind]”

“[Extend: Constellation Fire]”

“[Extend: Constellation Earth]”

“[Extend: Constellation Light]”

“[Extend: Constellation Fire]”

[Constellation] based magic innately has an incredibly long duration by adding Extend Meta Magic it can last up to 2 hours.

“Thanks!” -Knight Player-

He waved and asked around other idling players if they wanted to join in as he finally got one resulting in their party promptly vanishing.

(“I guess I’m done observing around.”)

With that, I raised my hand while calling the system as the blue panel emerged. I then clicked teleport towards Astera and pressed confirm.


Arriving at the familiar city, I take a deep refreshing breath and stretch my body before deciding to rest in one of their public park.

“<Crafting – All>”

Registering my voice command, a panel emerges showing crafting sections as I narrowed it to Magicraft, especially the alchemy tab.

Tapping the ‘Free Mode’ I began to concoct a potion using Celestia.

Let’s start with simple things. One ingredient both normal quality and high quality goes through the ‘concentration’ process.




Drowned by immersive visual and audio effects, I managed to craft 2 potions.

Normal Quality Celestia provides a Large Barrier Potion while High Quality gives limited immunity against magic after being concentrated. In addition to a significant increase in {Spell} power, MP Restoration, and MP Regen.

Hmmm... In the description, it says up to Tier 3 {Spell} and! Thankfully, upcasted {Spell} will still pierce through the immunity if it’s above it.

(“Now... Does that mean positive effects like buffs?”)

That question hung in the air for a few minutes as I shrugged my shoulders. I can sell this potion without an issue anyway since I always upcast my {Spell}.

The gear in my mind begins to turn as I concoct several trial recipes. I put them into my players' journal for a reminder.

“All right! Time to set the golem to work.”

Dismissing the crafting visual effects, I opened up the system and teleported to my home.

-My Home-

“I’m back!”

I loudly announced and waited...


It’s a galloping sound paired with gently swaying leaves as a massive stag rushes towards me.

Normally, one would be terrified of being run down by that but knowing who’s the stag my heart leaps for joy instead.

When he’s like this, Gaia looks like a regal & majestic creature.

“Master!!!!” -Gaia-

Until this of course! He looks so cute, coupled with his little tail wagging. It destroyed the image of a regal creature as I peppered him with kisses.

Before long, Gaia lowered himself silently asking me to ride on his back. Not wanting to disappoint this cutie patootie I climbed and sat.

(“His fur are so soft. Hehehehehe...”)

Oh no, I can feel the happiness attack seeping in, need to hold them off. Huuuuuuuuuu...

“Gaia, could you show me the golems?”

He nods as the leaves on his antlers sway and starts to walk away. He always seemed happier when I asked him to do something.


Leaving the inner circle of My Home and entering the middle circle. The forest turns denser like untamed nature and reaches the heights of a skyscraper. Thick trunks akin to five school buses clustered together grew and covered by moss indicating how ancient these trees must be.

Their leaves create canopies allowing patches of sunlight to sieve through creating a ‘glimmering’ effect with several wildflowers and/or mushrooms growing.

I smiled seeing these as it's exactly what I designed if not more with added randomness by closing my eyes & placing them around before decorating them with moss, ivy, flowers, and mushrooms.

Hehehe, Crafting a lot of them is worth it then...

It doesn’t take that long to hear several growls and howls within this verdant forest. If I remember, Oreo {Skill} spawn random critters here, they behave the same way as normal critters outside. Like capable of having prey & hunts, sleep cycle, etc...

The only difference though... the ones I create ignored my presence at least the random spawn acknowledges I’m here.


An animal cross between squirrel and bird spooked out of its mind upon seeing us then jumped right into one of the bushes vanishing from my sight.

It takes around 10 minutes to reach the outer ring and like a cut, all of a sudden the large imposing trees changed into a landscape of snow and ice.

I can simply command a golem to move towards me but Gaia seems to be proud of carrying me there so it’s nice to indulge him.

“Mr. Golem. Here’s the Celestia Seeds.”

I handed the seeds to these chubby little guys as they grabbed them and began to move towards a suitable biome for planting.

There are 4 biomes in the outer ring of my home. Mini Snow Field, Jagged Highlands, Tainted Wasteland, and Fields of Sorrow.

It causes the outer ring to look hellish but oh well... It fits the theme of ‘Ancient Secret Forest’ and just as I surmised, the rotund golem moves to the middle circle to plant the seeds.

(“Now what to do for the entire day?”)


That notification sound is familiar in chat.

(“Hm...??? Who’s message me?”)

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