Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 89: Appointment

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-


(“What time is it?”)

My eyes blearily open and slowly glance between window covers as faint sunlight peers through then changes to the clock on the wall.

“Oh... It’s 7 AM...”

(“Wait.. huh?”)

Instantly waking up, I snatched my phone from the bedside table checking my alarm. I still have an hour before it starts ringing, knowing I turned them off and went to the bathroom.


“Pwah! Done and Dusted.”

Patting myself at the back, I gave a smug grin and exited my apartment. Greeted by the cold winds outside, I opened my phone and quickly checked GPS on the location for the X-ray.

(“Not that far... 45 minutes bus ride and I woke up early so no biggie.”)

Wearing my Bluetooth earphones, I leisurely walked towards the nearest bus stand and waited for it to arrive.




The journey towards the X-ray clinic was uneventful, to say the least. Thankfully, I arrived safe and sound...

Entering the clinic, I meet up with the receptionist as she stops whatever she’s doing and greets me.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” -Receptionist-

“Ah... Uhm.. yes, I have an X-ray appointment at 9 AM?”

Hearing that, she changes her attention towards the computer clicking several things and nodding.

“I see, please have a seat won’t be any longer now.” -Receptionist-

“Thank you.”

-After Waiting-

(“Ah! That’s my name.”)

I stood up and went to the designated place to change my clothes into more appropriate garments for the X-ray.

(“It feels kind of breezy...”)

Following the instructions given by the technician, all went by smoothly as they went on to say my results would be reported to the doctor.

(“I have an appointment with Dr. Sven next week, I trust he’ll discuss the results and I’ll get it for myself too at that time.”)

“Thank you! Have a lovely day.”

I brandished the best customer service smile before leaving the clinic.

Maybe it would be nice... to indulge myself a bit. I mean I did something productive today!




“If I remember, it’s around here... Ah! There!”

I already searched this area through a GPS map and based on their reviews this place is good.

It’s a quaint and small restaurant though quite busy as it is filled to the brim with people.

Huh... What time is it anyway?

Turning on my phone, I stare at the phone screen checking the time.

(“Owh... It’s lunchtime already, no wonder it’s hectic.”)

Without wasting more time, I joined in with the queue lined up outside patiently waiting until I got seated.


If I had a tail like Gaia or Oreo, it would be wagging or rattling incredibly fast at how delicious this was.

To be fair, it’s been a while since I ate Italian cuisine since I always cook Asian food.


My eyes glance to the corner where an untouched tiramisu cup lies tempting.

(“Hehehehe... It’s nice to treat myself once in a while.”)

The tiramisu hit right on the spot and I sighed happily after consuming it.

Since I paid upfront, I can simply leave the restaurant. Satisfied, I have decided on what to do next.

(“Time to go home and play O.w.O!”)

Determined to do that, I eagerly await at the bus stand and when it arrives. I went on board already wearing my earphone and playing some music while browsing Pochi’s Wikia and Discussion Forum.

(“Come to think of it, Pochi’s added items section. Might as well check what gear I want to have besides 1K set or that set will be outdated in late game.”)

To be honest, it would be nice to have a Cooldown reduction gear but it overlaps with my headpiece.

There must be another item that has a cool-down reduction effect in other gear slots...

Oh! There’s a sorting system in Pochi’s item section. Pochi’s a lifesaver making this Wikia for free, he can easily charge people for access but he didn’t.

For that, he has my full respect. If he asks for donations, I would probably give him some.

At the moment though, he hasn’t asked anything so let’s focus on searching that {Spell} CD reduction effect.


Hmmmm based on this list, an overall {Spell} CD reduction exist in that headpiece aptly named [Grand Magus Crown] a (Legendary) rarity.

I sighed in disappointment, I did not want to take off my headpiece since it was quadruple my INT.

Though... Come to think of it, it didn’t change the amount of fragments I summon or my ability to create stuff. I guess those {Trait} calculate my RAW {Status}.

I have been increasing them slowly & steadily using my {Trait} and <Vancian>.

(“Should I take off the set?”)

That question crept into my mind...

Nah.... taking off the set will reactivate the curse effect so that’s out of the question! Plus, I just purchased the ring!!! I need to make my money’s worth.

But! I haven’t lost hope yet, because other gear reduces {Spell} CD although specific ones like paladin, cardinal, etc.

I’m looking for an Astromancer / Celestial Mage and finally found one...

(“Location... Starscorched Desert, there’s a dungeon ‘Ruined Citadel’ and in it, you can farm the gear for Astromancer.”)

OH!!!... Oh...

I cannot hide my disappointed voice after reading the next passage. It is a dungeon but it’s specifically a ‘RAID’ type dungeon.

(“Which means... I need to gather 8 members including me or join a random party. It is not bad since Raid has a high chance of dropping loot. What’s the level requirement anyway?”)

I searched the description of the dungeon and saw a line telling me about LV's requirement just to enter Ruined Citadel.

Haaa... there’s no way, I can enter it. The raid needs to be LV100 Post-Rebirth players so I still have a long way to go. After all, I’m merely LV 40-ish even after weeks of grinding.




Come to think of it, Siegfried, Booba and I never try Raid in O.w.O maybe I should search for other lower LV raids for later.

In the meantime! It doesn’t hurt to survey the area a bit right?

Before I go ahead with that plan though, let me search the ‘Build’ for Astromancer just to be sure!

After all, I’m confident there’s someone out there already reached LV100 Post-Rebirth Astromancer.

As I suspected, in a single click, I see a ‘Build’ for LV100 Astromancer. Not as popular as Archmage based on the likes and views.




Okay so even in the late game 1K set is good enough which means I do not need to find a replacement for it. They recommended it to use a 1K set!

I nodded to myself in satisfaction and the other parts are the ones I get from Ruined Citadel Raid.

It’s quite nice this branch website of Pochi, gives you a ‘Build’ template like a builder including putting in (Legendary) {Skill}. At least ones that Pochi and his crew have discovered.

(“Oh... My <Vancian> and <Necromantic Ritual> aren’t listed. I’ll keep them a secret then.”)


My eyebrows raised questioningly seeing a new tab added in the magic section of Pochi’s Wikia.

A smile adorned my face as I saw it. After all, I always browse this section every time I open his Wikia in hopes of finding this!


Listed as ‘No Tier {Spell}’, which I’m familiar with since I used one [Summon Grand Undead] I think.

Ahhh!!! So that’s why these {Spell} have no Tier. They are categorized as an ‘Ultimate’ kind of thing a pinnacle of that class {Spell}.

This explains why it has a particularly long cool down when I try to recast it again and for that {Spell} an abnormally long chant time. Some chant time varies but their CD is universally long.

(“That begs the question... Do CD reduction effects items affect these [Spell}?”)

That question rang in my mind as I keenly looked at the comments attached to the Wiki.

(“It would be nice to be able to spam ultimate. I doubt it tho...”)

Confirming my suspicion, No Tier {Spell} has a fixed CD period and has party repercussions when used.

Like If I cast a No Tier {Spell} then my teammates have their own No Tier {Spell} in cooldown similar to a global cooldown type of effect.

I see... I see... Makes sense, after all, if there’s a battle without that rule. I can spam tons of No Tier {Spell} with fragments.




Oh!!!! My stop is here.

Entering my apartment, I changed my outside clothes to inside one before stretching out my body and hurling myself to the bed.

Suffering through onsets of happiness attack due to my soft blanket. I geared up and pressed the button on the helmet.

“Let’s Start!”

-Entering O.w.O-

After that blinding white covers, my view fades, and I am presented with verdant green and soothing blue leaves gently swaying due to the light breeze.

The sunlight shines bright in my home and it is tranquil. My heart filled with happiness knowing I designed the place to look like a sacred grove hidden beneath the forest.

Before long, I did the usual thing of recrafting and re-selling the potions as it is out of stock each time. A smile appears on my face seeing my empty Zenis slowly rising after collecting the money and a bit sad too as it decreased since I converted it to real money.


I just remembered I do have a board of Golden Ambassador’s loot that I can sell for quick cash.

Nahhh... I internally shrug I am not in dire need of money that badly. In fact!! Just let it pile up...

(“Hmm... Siegfried & Booba are offline. I wonder when they can OL.”)

I decided to continue with my initial plan to survey the area as I gave multiple kisses to Gaia and told him & Oreo to guard our home before uttering...

“[World Teleportation]!”

In a split second, the cast bar finished due to my faster cast time. The magic activates and the system immediately recognizes where I want to go.

A prompt appears asking me whether I want to go to ‘Starlit Sands’ or ‘Starscorched Desert’ as I decide on the latter.

In doing so...


My entire worldview changes from the calming serenity of my sacred grove-like home into a barren desert.

I feel grains of sand touching my feet but also it has a sense of sharpness to it like shards of glass I’m not in pain just need to get used to it.


Looking up, I see dark blue skies adorned by several moons and one thing I notice immediately is the stars.

They... are in the form of streaks or should I say smear for a more precise description. It is as if droplets of paint are being smeared by hand and dragged across the canvas of the sky rather than small glimmering dots.

(“It is so strange...”)

Backtracking my mind from the view, I quickly decided to enhance myself with a multitude of buffs from various classes.




(“Haaaa... Even with Cardinal [Oremus de --] type of {Spell}. This still takes some time...”)

Nevertheless, I’m ready and for the finale, I whisper...


In a snap of a finger after uttering that keyword, my body became translucent in my view. Still capable of seeing silhouettes but see-through.

It’s different when others see me as in the description of the {Spell}, I am invisible, soundless, even not shifting air even if I’m near them.

Another thing though... This {Spell} has a chance to fail against higher LV players/enemies and Thief class {Skill}.

Nevertheless, just to be safe I still going to utilize this {Spell}.

Now then...


My field of view suddenly zooms in as if I’m wearing a pair of binoculars or a telescope allowing me to see far in the distance.

Laying my sight on the monsters dwelling in here, there are various types of creatures ranging from canine, humanoid, and flying.

But they have similarities with each other which is a tumour-like growth growing on them in different severity.

Some undulating and pulsating like a second heartbeat as the creature's eyes were manic and bloodthirsty.

I recognise these monsters as the exact ones I saw during ‘A Point in Time’. It makes me wonder what kind of abilities they have.

(“Hmmm... Maybe if I stare at them.”)


After spending a minute or less, on the top right corner of my view emerges {Status} panel.

Huh... Very creative, they added ‘Starscorched’ in front of the monster type.

Like Starscorched Wolves, Starscorched Man, etc... Another thing is that they have the same LV around, so I need to walk around them.

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