Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 50: Necromancer’s Den 4

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

It raises its arms and...


The podium shattered into pieces as the rubble swept by strong winds encircled the ritual site with a swirling tornado as we were inside the tornado’s eye.

Its eyes locked on Siegfried who immediately uses a taunting gesture using his {Skill} to increase aggro regeneration. Pointing its wrinkly hand, it made a gesture of holding something before crushing it in the lich’s grip. From that point on, I can see what he cast for a mere second [Grasp Heart].

“GAAAHKKKKKK!!!!” -Siegfried-

Siegfried crumpled, clutching his chest, grunting and sweating buckets through the party list. His HP has been reduced to a sliver without spending a moment in thought I cast...

“[Maximize: Highness Heal]”

(“Must be from the amulet I gave him... that {Spell} in my assumption causes instant death?”)

I didn’t spend too much time pondering as his body was engulfed by glimmering starlight and his HP went back to full.

“T-Thanks...” -Siegfried-

He huffed several times regaining composure as I tried to discern what kind of {Spell} that was but-

“Impressive...” -Elder Lich-

Snapping its fingers, a staff suddenly appeared beside the Elder Lich and was being held as the boss’ simply hovered above the ground.


As the boss’ did that, I heard clanging noises and out of nowhere black humanoid bones began to pile up together forming a giant skeletal figure.

It’s towering over us as good as 5 metres tall meanwhile the Elder Lich continues to hover out of Siegfried’s range...

(“I guess it means I’ll tackle the lich while he keeps the Skeletal Giant occupied.”)

At the corner of my view, I can see two HP bars belonging to Elder Lich and Skeletal Giant. Nodding to myself, I used Star Fragment C as a medium for casting [Extend: Summon Celestial].

While multi-tasking for myself I aimed my staff to the Elder Lich and swung it like I swung a bat.

“[Holy Javelin]”

I shouted the keywords as granules of light left behind by my swing condensed into a spear made from golden radiance. After the cast bar is fulfilled, the gold spear shoots forth at an incredible speed.

Hitting the Elder Lich's straight onto its chest and then turning into a cross dealing more damage.

“Gah-!” -Elder Lich-

Its hoarse pained voice echoed in mid-air but then it composed itself just as quickly.

“Wretched Priest of Light! Cower before the might of The Undying.” -Elder Lich-

From my view, I can see it’s casting a {Spell} aptly named [Horrid Wilting] before I can-

The air felt suddenly so dry that makes you have difficulty breathing and even quite painful to inhale. The-


A sharp stinging pain seared through my skin as if multiple needles pierced me. I took it like a champ while checking my HP, it got downed to a half just from that single {Spell}.

“[Greater Heal]”

Resting my palms on top of my chest, my body is engulfed by silver starlight recovering the rest of my HP.

(“I better use [Star Shield] whenever the lich’s attack.”)

That is too dangerous for my liking even if I have high magic resistance. Ah! Right!! How’s Siegfried holding up?

I took a glance to the side, seeing Siegfried's HP decreased by quite a bit but [Greater Regeneration] healed it back up.

Star Fragment C has finished its cast and I summoned Virtue of Harmony. Bringing out an animated angelic statue made from pure marble with an inhuman lower body, multiple faces, and limbs.

Each hand carried a censer, I summoned this one due to the passive buffs it gives. Siegfried can ‘Activate’ it for a stronger version but will dismiss the summon early.

Stationing it nearby Siegfried, I scooted away giving a wide berth while maintaining my attention to the Elder Lich.

It continued to hover before stopping and began mumbling something as its staff glowed. Aiming a {Spell} to Siegfried but...

Now my chance!

“[Maximize: Divine Smite]!!

A blast of golden light erupted from my outstretched hand and directly hit the Elder Lich taking off a good chunk of its HP.

It seems by abusing the Elder Lich's vulnerability of Light element the {Spell} its casting named [Wither and Bloom] was interrupted.

Elder Lich’s gaze eerily glares at me in annoyance.

(“Good! I got your aggro~”)

Siegfried can keep focusing on Skeletal Giant. While me and Elder Lich exchange {Spell}.


The Undying never halt!” -Elder Lich-

(“!? That’s a [Dispel]”)

Safe to say, this Elder Lich can use [Counter Spell] so I better trigger it first before using my powerful {Spell}.

“[Triple: Holy Light]”

Three beams of golden ray shot forth and the Elder Lich’s torso was scorched by radiant light. I can hear its hoarse voice of pain echoing.

“AGGHHHH! Damnable Priest! Death Shall Come to you!” -Elder Lich-

“[Star Shield]”

A dark purple lighting spewed forth from its finger with a rumble of thunder as I knew that {Spell} and promptly protected myself.

A sheen of glimmering prismatic colours coated my skin and the dark purple lightning hit my chest then dispersed leaving me unscathed.

“What is this?” -Elder Lich-

It sounded confused and intrigued at the same time but I did not have time to pursue it as I began my preparation.


A sheen of multi-coloured aura engulfs the Elder Lich reducing its magical resistance further. Coupled with my forced upcasting, I need not say more.

“[Extend: Bind]”

Magical chains erupted from nothing and coiled around the Elder Lich preventing it from moving. It groans from the tight embrace of the chain, pinning the boss in one place.

Dunking an MP potion, I continued while sending ‘something’ to Star Fragment A for it to cast.

“[Maximize: Holy Javelin]”

I swung my staff like a bat as I knew this {Spell} would deal significant damage but I hoped Elder Lich’s AI to do something else.

As expected, it quickly gestured in one arm to give me a flash of a {Spell} name.

[Counter Spell] as I withheld my smirk. The golden spear was suddenly smothered by an invisible force and promptly snuffed out before reaching the Elder Lich.

“Hahahaha, such feeble magic can hope in vain to touch me.” -Elder Lich-



The surrounding area brightened as if it was midday and swirling clouds above parted welcoming a golden radiance of sunlight. The Elder Lich simply looked up but it was already too late.

A beam of intense golden radiance engulfed the entirety of Elder Lich.

“GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!” -Elder Lich-

It shrieks in intense pain as the binding that chained it up vanishes. Its HP have a big drop resulting in almost a quarter left.

My Star Fragment lost its lustre and shattered. I pursed my lips in annoyance after using Star Fragments.

(“They do not regenerate MP even if they have as much MP as I am. Once it is out of MP, the star fragment will be destroyed. No matter, I can make more...”)

Hiding my hand behind my back, another Star Fragment is formed and I commanded it to hover further away from sight.

Deactivating my [Star Shield], I raised my staff aiming it at the Elder Lich as I cast a {Spell} in hopes of finishing it off.

“[Divine Smite]!!!”

With that {Spell} gone off, the Elder Lich was promptly defeated. Signified by its HP bar gone from my view.

(“That was... suspiciously easy”)

I squinted my eyes but after hearing grunts and bangs from the other side of the battlefield. I focused on that first...

Refreshing Siegfried’s and my buffs coupled with Virtue of Harmony passive buffs that stack. The Skeletal Giant mini-boss was not hard at all. It is a simple watch out for its heavy swing attack and grabs. Then continue to DPS until it is downed...


The bones fall apart turning to dust from Siegfried Bludgeoning damage type of Morph and we defeated it.

That is until Siegfried mentioned something of importance...

“Why is the boss’ music still ongoing?” -Siegfried-

He muses while his head is looking around searching for something. Now that I think about it, usually when we defeated an elite enemy the music would stop but this continues...

Our whole surroundings are covered by swirling fierce winds with rubbles being thrown within it. We are still in combat as I cannot access my Safe Point...

(“What is going on?”)

Before long though, I heard it...

The Undying thirst for more!” -Elder Lich-

I felt an impact from my side as Siegfried suddenly tackled me. I quickly regained composure to see what happened as Siegfried had taken a big hit from the Elder Lich.

In the form of a corrosive orb that gives out seared and scorched visual effects.


“[Maximize: Barrier]”

Slowly and steadily, I recovered Siegfried by spamming [Heal]. Erecting a barrier that protected us. While I’m panicking in my thoughts...

(“How? I killed it!”)

The HP bar appears once more in my view with half a health. Which says I did not completely kill the boss. It also has some kind of shroud engulfing the bar and buff underneath the icon.

Is this a mechanic? I knew it was so suspiciously easy...

The boss is shrouded by some kind of darkness. I can see faces often come out from it wailing in agony before merging again with the only darkness.

Its staff shone in an eerie light and soon after, I heard a crack underneath me and a strong rumbling seemingly came from depths beneath the earth.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble*

My balance is broken but before I can even compose myself and cast a {Spell}.


My view changes as I am uplifted up in the air and a sensation of a grip around my waist.

The ground below had crumbled greeting me with endless chasm as I turned my head to get a good view of what was going on.

“You alright?” -Siegfried-

Ah! Siegfried is carrying me like a sack of potatoes. His legs have turned digitigrade including his slimmer body aligning himself to Speed Morph.

“Y-yeah... thanks for the save!”

“No probs.” -Siegfried-

He jumped so fast! Avoiding myriads of newly made sinkholes. While the boss continues to be untouchable and casts ‘something’ that makes the earthquake. I cannot see it as it is obscured by the darkness shrouding it.

The Virtue of Harmony fell into one of the abyssal sinkholes as its name and icon promptly vanished from the party list. Suffice it to say it’s instant death upon falling into it...


A counter effect from [Heavy] {Spell}. My weight has gone lighter allowing Siegfried an easier time carrying me as he’s intensely focused on not falling.





Finally! The rumbling stopped and no more sinkholes were made.

“I thought it never ends...”

“Yeah, that was a good minute.” -Siegfried-

“Oh, Sieg?”


He gave a questioning hum as I probably needed to tell him. His grip on my waist is a bit too strong!

“You can let me down now.”

“OH! Ah... S-sorry, u-uhm I didn’t mean to. I just want to make sure to not lose my grip and let you fall into the sinkholes.”

Upon realizing it, he quickly let me down and shook his hand in defence. Earning an internal chuckle from me as I understand where he came from.

“It is alright! Let’s focus on the boss shall we?”

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head before nodding and turning to face the boss.

After all...

The shroud that engulfed it is gone.

Phase 2 begins!!!!

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