Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 49: Necromancer’s Den 3

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“So, are they trying to summon their God or something?” -Siegfried-

He questioned while we were climbing the stairs. After all, I’ve been telling him about the quest’s storyline.

I nodded to his question just to confirm his train of thought.

“Ohhhh... So, we’re going to stop this Lich’s plans from making the whole city his sacrificial ritual?” -Siegfried-

“Most likely so, after I deduced from the Headmaster’s words regarding ‘not sensing any presence of The Undying’ in the invasion. It’s still ongoing, by the way, I can check.”

A panel is in front of me, telling me the duration of the invasion so far.

Soon after we arrived...

“Whoa...” -Siegfried and me-

It is a massive antechamber with a lavish interior, and sophisticatedly carved pillars act as support attached to it are candles with fancy filigrees, and the flooring design is immaculate. It doesn’t fit the ‘theme’ of a magician's place rather like a castle for royalties.

“Odd, why would they have this? Just to show off or to please their God?” -Siegfried-

That is a sound conclusion. I think it would be fitting for the latter option that their devotion to ‘It’ is fanatical at the minimum.

But before we could dwell and think, a robed figure who seemingly running an errand noticed our presence. She shouted as loud as possible.

“Intruders!” -Necromancer-

Then several groups of them began appearing from the distance.

“Never should’ve come here!” -Necromancer-

“Impossible they passed the Flame Skulls?” -Necromancer-

“You’ll look great as an undead!” -Necromancer-

“Another one for the Undying.” -Necromancer-

They assumed a battle stance and I could hear background music playing in my ear signifying combat.

Two necromancers began to raise their hands as they chanted.

Come Forth and Aid Us!!!” -Necromancers-

It isn’t a {Spell} since I did not see any cast bar being filled or the name of it. But undoubtedly, it’s magical once they finish that chant.

The ground quakes and fissures split open revealing a hulking giant from beneath crawling forward. Undulating flesh twitches in horrors and is embedded within our faces torn in agony. The groan coming out from each face mingles into a strange harmony.

It screamed shaking the room and several necromancers stepped forward while the ones behind still mumbling words.

As soon as that roar ends, the HP bar can be seen in the corner of my vision. Named ‘Flesh Construct’ with full HP.

He and I started to dunk several potions, chugging them like no tomorrow getting multiple buffs from them.

Then Siegfried assumed his battle stance as I stepped back with my staff ready. I already buffed us with {Spell} and constantly applied [Refresh] so we are ready to do!

“I’ll take care of the necromancers!”

I proudly declare as Siegfried nods, it goes without saying he will go to the boss.

“[Star Fragment]”

3 crystals floated above my head as I mentally commanded them to fly even higher out of reach from the boss.

(“[Extend: Summon Lesser Celestial]”)

I ordered one of the crystals as my medium to cast that {Spell} as the cast bar appeared on top of it. Slowly and steadily, I point my staff to one of the necromancers.

“[Flame Lance]”

Hurling a blazing lance, the necromancer simply raises their hand and a [Barrier] forms in front dispersing the flames into nothing.

They retaliated by using their free hand to point towards me as a mote of murky darkness formed on the tip of their finger. It is a {Spell} [Finger of Death]...

“[Star Shield]”

Coated in a glimmering sheen-like prism, the {Spell} simply dispersed upon hitting my skin. I didn’t feel any pain or force applied to the surface...

Catching the necromancer in surprise, I countered their move by slamming my staff to the ground.


The whole ground underneath those necromancers turned liquid sinking their feet several centimetres below. I can see they are having a hard time moving...


Ah! The {Spell} is finished, I clicked on the panel to summon an angel titled ‘Angel of Abundance’. The ceiling glowed in golden radiance as a statue descended from above.

It looks... more humane compared to the virtues, I guess it’s the ‘Theme’? Summoning higher celestial will lead to less humane-looking Greek statues... It carries a talisman while descending as I ordered it to ‘Assist’ Siegfried.

Now then... I can afford to focus on the necromancers. Ordering Star Fragment B to hover on top of them silently, I began hurling several {Spell} with a low cooldown and MP cost.

Of course, it will be deflected by their barriers and they retaliate by casting powerful {Spell} of their own. I made sure to remember them as I dunked an MP potion to continue my [Star Shield].

Before long though...


A column of golden light simply rained down upon the necromancers effectively removing them from combat.

“A priest!??” -Necromancer-

They were surprised to see what had happened to the poor necromancers who were ‘Purified’ to nothing.

Upon their defeat, the necromancers at the back began chanting new words in turn. The ‘Flesh Construct’ gain a new buff icon.

Its limb struck Siegfried sideways eliciting a painful grunt from him.

“GAHKKK-!” -Siegfried-


His body got flung to one of the pillars creating cracks, rubbles, and dust. Through the party system, a chunk of his HP simply vanished from that hit.

“[Star Shield]”

Turning off my glimmering coat, I cast a {Spell} [Highness Heal] through Star Fragment C. Who is hovering on top of us.

His HP recovered to full from a single cast. Truly a powerful [Heal] as I focus on Flesh Construct.

(“The buff seems to increase its attack exponentially but also give new moves... so far Siegfried could dodge it in his speed Morph but that might be a guaranteed hit.”)

To counteract high dodge monsters/players one needed DEX {Status} to be high or uses guaranteed hit {Skill}, {Spell}, and offensive {Trait].


Siegfried stood back up wiping his mouth and giving off his excited grin as I had eliminated the necromancers. Suffice to say, it’s time to focus on the boss.

Judging by the mysterious force field protecting the summoners of Flesh Construct. I guess, I cannot attack them until this big boy has fallen.

“Shall we?”

“Yep” -Siegfried-

He used a partial transformation. Legs that are slim and digitigrade, body as big as a Hulk including fist. It would be nice if it is that OP, I think there is a downside to using both Morphs like this but I do not know.


I then begin my barrage of [Holy Light] and [Light Bolt] chipping the boss’ HP slowly but surely. Most of the DPS is from Siegfried’s fist enchanted with [Holy Enchant]. This boss is a damage-sponge...




The sounds of slinging {Spell} and hard-hitting hits from Siegfried coupled with the boss’ groans and its powerful attacks echoed in the chamber.

Siegfried managed to tank some of them as I cushioned the damage by casting healing {Spell} in between. A simple yet versatile strategy is best used when dealing with a majority of things then you can alter them after figuring out the boss.

Like in this case, the boss is quite slow in terms of movement and attack speed so I scoured for a chance in their delay while Siegfried continues to draw its ire.

The necromancers at the back kept adding more buffs to Flesh Construct. Only a matter of time before it gets too much to handle so I opted...

(“Now’s my chance!”)


Slamming my staff to the ground as a signal to Siegfried. I begin to cast a {Spell}.

“<Vancian> [Triple: Magic Boost] [Maximize: Divine Wrath]”

(“Damn, that’s a mouthful...”)

Upon saying the Keywords, a cast bar appeared and began to be filled up. Simultaneously, an array of visual effects surrounded me. Granules of golden light coalesced towards the tip of my staff.

While Siegfried maintains the aggro to himself by consuming a core, a glance at the image embedded within that core, I can tell that it belongs to one of the creatures we fought in Lainore Forest.

A turtle with mushrooms and shrubs growing on top of its shell. It boasts high defence upon eating the core. Siegfried’s skin began to change colour to that of a turtle shell complete with its hexagonal markings.


Siegfried withstood Flesh Construct’s wide swing attack without budging an inch cushioning it with his arms.

“Grkh-!” -Siegfried-

My cast bar is still filling up as I have another thing in mind. I ‘ordered’ Star Fragment B to fly lower as I silently cast a {Spell} in my mind and commanded Star Fragment B to act as my medium.

(“[Highness Heal]”)




Did it work?


It worked! Star Fragment B has begun casting the {Spell}. Siegfried's body is engulfed by an array of starlight and a majority of his HP recovered.


The bead of golden light at the tip of my staff blinked out of existence and in turn, the ceiling glowed in the very same light.


Like a spotlight, it shed an intense ray of brilliant golden light accompanied by loud hisses as the groaning from Flesh Construct intensified.

Its HP from ¼ has been depleted to zero as the boss’ vanished...

“Fiuf... <Vancian>”

Turning off my {Skill}, Siegfried’s image blurred as he skewered both necromancers using his piercing Morph ability killing them instantly as their body vanished leaving nothing behind.

“HAAAAAAH... Those swings hit hard.” -Siegfried-

He sat leaning on one of the pillars to rest as I felt remarkably fine mostly due to my usage of <Vancian> to nullify MP cost. Nevertheless, though, I sat nearby and called my Star Fragments to group up behind me.

Now it looks like I have three floating crystals surrounding my head beside the glimmering stars.

“Oh, so this is the one that makes you able to cast from different places.” -Siegfried-

Though his eyes are covered, somehow I can tell he’s looking at the three floating crystals.

“Yeah, I can ‘order’ it to cast {Spell} in my stead. I also noticed that I can do it while I, myself is casting one.”

Unconsciously, I gave out a satisfactory smile. A discovery of my ability! However, it made me wonder if I could simultaneously cast different {Spells at once using these babies. That would be for another time...

“Oho... I wouldn’t want you to be my enemy Mag.” -Siegfried-

He sounded impressed as I smiled in return.

“I wouldn’t want *You* to be my enemy either Sieg. Hahahah...”

We earned ourselves a good laugh or two from the banter before eating another meal set cooked by Siegfried to maintain food buffs, dunking potions, and refreshing the {Spell} buffs.

“*ehem*, Shall we?”

I added a little bit of a botched posh accent that made Siegfried snicker a bit as he nodded along.

The lavish interior of this... I should say ‘Mansion’ has tons of rooms and hallways. Which we explored, courtesy of our gaming instincts.

There were random enemies spawned in such as Undead roaming about or patrolling necromancers but we dispatched them rather quickly.

We also took items from chests found within those rooms. I got some scrolls containing both {Spell} that I knew and didn’t. I gave the scrolls that I knew the {Spell} to Siegfried and once I documented the ones I didn’t, I too gave it to Siegfried. Since he probably needs it more than me. Plus, I can make those scrolls in crafting.

There were books that I didn’t bother reading due to the time constraint and just stashing them in my inventory and of course! Zeni~ we took a hefty amount of Zeni from those chests and divided it equally.


Until we encountered a tell-tale sign of ‘Important Place’. I mean... a grand staircase on the 3rd floor of this ‘Mansion’ leading to somewhere beyond, that would tick off anyone!

I looked at Siegfried after scouring around the place a few times and then nodded to him as a signal. He too nods back confirming that after further exploration, the only progress is to the grand staircase.

Without further ado, after refreshing the buff from {Spell}, Potions, and Food. We climbed the grand staircase.

It’s made from stone and carved in such a way that displays the designer's artistic values. Paired with intricate carpets draping over it. Candelabras hanging on the ceiling give off light just enough for us to see where we are going without the need to use {Spell}.

“Well... figures.” -Siegfried-

I let out a sigh, as expected. The grand staircase leads to a huge double door decorated with skulls and piles of skeletons reaching the top of a mound. This is ominous and telling this is a boss encounter...

“All check?” -Siegfried-

Buffs refreshed, potions still have plenty, {Spell} memorized, Star Fragments hovers behind me as usual. I checked my body and said...

“All good and ready to go!”

We nodded and Siegfried did the honours of pushing the large double door. It budges and amidst the gap, an eerie green light suddenly engulfs us as a sensation of a fleeting breeze passes by me.


After a while, the eerie green colours faded and in turn, I can see where we’re transported...

We are in an open area where cloudy grey skies draped above as if telling me that it’s going to rain. Looking at my eye level, this is a ritual site where candles are placed in a pattern.


Right in front of us standing above, a few steps from a podium. A familiar figure stood above with its deep sunken eyes resembling those of a corpse, a gaunt figure with bones that can be seen from the skin, and wearing quite a lavish robe.

Noticing us, it grasped the lectern’s handles so strongly that it broke into pieces and splinters.

I knew that Lich would be the big boss of this dungeon!


Its hoarse and coarse voice laced with anger boomed in this open place.

“I’ll give you a fate worse than death!” -Elder Lich-

As soon as he said that, I could faintly hear a background boss music begin to play.

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