One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 08

After we wake up I was surprised to see little Bonney again. Luckily nothing happened between sexy Bonney and me last night, since she was in a moment of weakness and I didn't want to take advantage of her. We went to the bathroom and washed our faces and our teeth. We got dressed-up and went to prepare breakfast, apparently she likes the green robes I made for her, since she doesn't wear her old clothes anymore... maybe they give her a bad memory.

After breakfast, we went to help little Adam grow and after a couple of hour, mid day was aproaching and I finally passed the 600 ability points mark and can make my first Goddess Rainbow Fruit. This should give Bonney a nice permanent strength boost and also will unlock her potential to gain even more. I went to Bonnet, who was laying on her back probably tired of using her powers so much lately. 

After we took a nice bath and we ate lunch, I called Bonney over, "Little Bonney can you switch back to Big Bonney, I need to talk about something serious about a little gift I have for you. It should help you tremendously in the masteries of your Devil Fruit powers and should boost your strength too. It hurts a little, atleast when I ate it, but your experience might be different... I will be with you the entire way, to support you and nurse you back to health... is entirely up to you though, if you don't want to I will not force you nor will I resent you." I said to Bonney with a solemn tone.

I see her thinking a little but she nodded in the end, she switched back to big Bonney and her robes opened up a little near the top and also her panties are showing. Need to control my self... I extended my arm and from my palm a rainbow light started growing, my ability points were draining fast and a round fruit started growing on it. After a flash of seven colors the Goddess fruit was created, and I think I heard a giggle coming from my mind... What was that... well whatever, I handed Bonney her new gift and she looks at it with wide eyes. Damn using almost all my ability points is bad... I feel so sluggish...

After a couple of minutes of just staring at it Bonney finally said something, "just when I thought you could surprise me anymore, you go ahead and made a devil fruit... I'm flattered but eating two fruits will kill me. I don..." Before she could finish I explained the properties of the Goddess fruit and once again she looked at me with wide eyes and then back at the fruit. "If it's like that, then I can't accept something so valuable. Look how much weaker you look just by making one, is that even healthy for you, please don't put you health at risk for gaining a shortcut for me... I may be weak now but I'll be stronger... just..." Once again I stopped her and just gave her a smile, then I said to her "It's not much I'll just vount this as training. It's only a fruit to me even if I know the value of it in your eyes, It will help me in the slightest to eat it or selling it... so you should eat it, as a part of my vow to you, since you stand under my cool shade it's only natural for a fruit or two to land on your head." I smile but then a shuckle entered my ears... she was laughing.

Without hesitation she just ate the Goddess fruit and I saw how she started glowing. She glowed with all the colors of the rainbow... and pink, lots of beautiful shades of pink, the light show continued getting brighter and brighter, she look to be in pain and I grabbed her hands and gave them a reasuring squeeze. She calmmed down a little but was still in pain, the light show got to the point were I couldn't keep my eyes opened and after what felt like hours, she stoped glowing.

"I made it..." she said as to reasure me and then she fainted, but before she hit herself on the wood floor, I caught her in my arms. She grew about a head taller, and her green robes were ripped completely in the front guess her sisters grew a lot too... I need to focus and get her to bed... But first she needs a bath... are this the impurities that are mentioned in cultivation novels... some of them got on me but it's ok... wait why didn't I secreted any when I ate mine...why does Bonney powers don't work on me.

After I washed our bodies clean, I laid Bonney on our bed. Better get dinner ready since the sun is setting, I can try out my fishing net to get some fat fishies. After about 20 minutes I catched 6 fat fishies, the lake is filled it them. After filleting and skinning them I threw the bones and skin at the lake for the other fishies to eat, and went to prepare dinner.

I started the two fire pits with the metal plates on top, I set one medium sized pot and filled it with clean water from my awesome bottle, and let it boil, then added some rice I bloomed on the spot and added some oil and let it sit... wish I had some salt but mr. Owner didn't even know what it was... can I only get it at water 7...

I seasoned all the fishies fillet with the spices I bought at Baterilla, I diced some garlic, ginger, onions, scallions and peppers and went to the improviced stove. I oiled a large pan and stir fried the vegetables then I added the fillets and added a little water and the ginger and garlic, which I diced again into mush, and cook it on a really low heat and waited.

I checked on Bonney again just to make sure she was fine... I need to make her new clothes and fixed her small robes too... She also need some shoes... better make that thight high boots though, I missed those... Better wait until she wakes up to make her new robes though, don't want to startle her while taking her... Measurements... better get back to the food before I jump at her... 

The food was ready and almost like she was waiting for the food, little Bonney appears from the bed room door, she is wearing her fixed robes. I heard a small rumble and she blushed a little, I smile at her and invited her to sit with me and we ate our dinner of white rice with with stir fried fish with a side of avocado. Even if I didn't use salt on the rice... the fish turned out great... Hopefully I don't gain too much weight with my current comsumption rate... I don't wanna end up like Linlin... please whoever is listening... I think I heard that giggle again...

Status Check:



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