One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 07

After we got back to the hideout we started working with our bedding, I ate a cotton ball, really hard to swallow and I didn't even know if cotton came from a plant in this world... lucky for me, it does. Bonney and I laid one of the large sheets of fabrics on the wooden floor, then I made a large, thicc cotton sheet that we put on top of it... That was actually hard to keep the cotton dense and large enough to cover the entire sheet of fabric, I wonder what material this fabric is... it's really soft. Then we put a second sheet from the same fabric on top of it, wish I had a steel spring frame to make a matress but a thicc comforter should be enough for now. 

I sew the comforter together using some thin vines and I drew seven curvy lines in the middle to hold the giant sponge-like cotton sheet from moving around inside the tow sheets of fabrics while we sleep. And finally we put the new comforter on top of my bush bed and put another large sheet of fabric on top of it making a nice bed for the both of us.

"That takes care of our bedding needs, that comforter turned better than expected, lets go to the bath and try out our new scented soap and shampoo." I say to Bonney while I showed her my excited smile, finaly a proper bath with both soap and shampoo, to bad they didn't have conditioner... maybe it doesn't exist yet...

"Ok I guess, then we can eat dinner and go try our new comforter... I have something really important to tell you..." She blushed at first but then her excitement diminished a little while she kept talking until she was starting to whisper while she went running to the bathroom. Hope she open a little more to me she has been a little to silent lately hope she is not hurt.

After entering the bath room I saw her... and my gawd... let just say she was no longer a child. Bonney was back just like she looked when she made her debut in Sabaody Archipelago minus her clothes... Damn girl, and I though my twins were to big, hers are just a size smaller, but maybe it's because she is smaller than me... maybe youger too she looks between 16 and 19.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked me with straight face, she looks bothered by something. "You were specting a young and defenseless child... but the truth is... that this," she said pointing at her self, "is my true appereance... Sorry that I tricked you... at first I just wanted to use you... To get someone strong to feel pity for me... to not treat me like a price... I just wanted to help the mayor who was dying of old age... I reveal to him, my age controlling powers... It was the first time I use them on someone else" She started shivering... "He told on me to the marines in town and a notice came from them... I was to become one of Saint Roswardo's play thing..." 

She starting sobbing and I didn't know what to do... "My aunt, the only one that took care of me, was the only one that was opposed to the idea, saying that I could marry whoever I wanted... She was charged for treason and executed... While I was to weak to stop anything." My heart was getting agitated... "I finally manage to escape the ship of Rear Admiral Strawberry..." 

"I'm sorry, I'm not a real kid like you wanted... It was really hard keeping my emotions in check... I just wanted to help, but life got some other plans for me it seems... I... Really like to stay with you at least you asked me if I wanted to use my power and growing Adams has help me control my powers, also all the food you give to me serves as fuel for my powers... It is so much fun watching you making so much things that are impossible to normal people line they are nothing... will let me stay with you for now, I want to see what surprise you come up with next." 

She asked me on the berge of tears, the things that were apparently holding me down shattered and I move towards her and hugged her, while shedding some tears I tell her, "You are and will always be my little Bonney. I don't care if you are not a kid, truth be told I had some suspicions about that. I promised to shelter and fed you, but I just want you to smile for me..." I asked her while cleaning some tears from her eyes.

"I know it is selfish of me to ask you to smile after all that happened to you, but please even if have to go against the entire world I'll protect you... So please, let me take care of your problems maybe I'm not strong enough yet, but there will be a time when I will be the sturdiest of trees to protect those that stay under my shadows, to you Bonney I make that vow, on my name, Green D. Lily." I showed her my brightest smile I can make and she smiled a little and then we cried...

After what felt like an eternity we calmed down and I started undressing. We entered the bath and we washed each other's back and hair. After we finished bathing, we went for the table room and started making dinner I took some ingredients out of my dimmentional storage she started prepping the meat and the vegetables while I started the fire outside with my new flint. I put a metal plate that serves as an improvised stove.

After like 2 minutes, the fire was ready and Bonney came with the ingredients inside of our new pot, tonight we are making beef stew with whatever meat this was... I can't remember. I made a woden bench and we sat down while watching the sunset, waiting for the stew to finished while I use my powers to stir the pot with a long woden spoon attached to a root.

After an hour the night was upon us and the stew was done. We went inside with the pot and sat on the table. I take two medium size bowls and we started eating, the pot was pretty large but with both of our appetites specially Bonney's we can down it, it is actually pretty good guess the freshness of my vegetables and aparently Items I throw inside my storage retain their freshness, so the meat was also nice and fresh too.

After about 20 minutes we finished with our dinner, and went to bed. It was a little awkward since a part of me likes sleeping in the bush bed and the other likes this comforter we made since it is really firm almost like thin mattress. Also there was Bonney, since this island is so hot we slept on the nude back when she was a kid it wasn't so awkward but now she has a bombshell type body. I'm so tired though and I know Bonney is too. So while cuddling each other I kissed her on her forehead and said, "Good night, Bonney." And with a little blushing she smiled back at me and hold me thighter she answered, "Good night, Lily."

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