Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 148 Incarnation as a Dragon

Back in the common room, Aaron began to think about the third project.

According to Mr. Bagman, the third project requires Aaron and other warriors to pass through a maze. There will be some monsters and traps in the maze as a test.It sounds like it's not too difficult, at least it's much easier than the first two projects.But if he wants to win the Triwizard Cup, Aaron must pass the maze before the other three warriors.In other words, the real difficulty of the third project is that Aaron must pass the maze faster by the other three warriors.In this regard, Aaron has an inherent advantage.That's because of the points, he will be the first to enter the maze.In this situation where everyone faces the same test and does not know how others deal with it, the first-mover advantage is undoubtedly huge.

Just as Aaron was thinking about how to deal with the third project, he suddenly saw Harry walking into the common room with a pale face, walking quickly towards Ron and Hermione sitting in the corner, and then started talking to them in a low voice. .

Seeing Harry's expression was different, Aaron knew immediately that something must have happened.Although Aaron is not a nosy person, maybe this matter has something to do with the competition.

So he walked over to Harry and asked, "What's wrong? You don't look good. Did something happen?"

Then he heard surprising news: Mr. Crouch was crazy!

According to Harry, when he and Krum were talking in the Forbidden Forest, Mr. Crouch suddenly burst out of the woods.Then they discovered that Mr. Crouch was crazy.Harry asked Krum to look at Mr. Crouch while he went to find Dumbledore.However, when Harry rushed back to the forest with Dumbledore, he found that Krum had been knocked unconscious by a stun spell, and Mr. Crouch was missing.After that, Dumbledore asked Hagrid to send Harry back to the castle, while he and several other professors searched for traces of Mr. Crouch.

Aaron, Harry, Ron, and Hermione discussed it for a long time, but they did not discuss what happened to Mr. Crouch.

After that day, nothing about Mr. Crouch was spread.It stands to reason that the disappearance of an important Ministry official like Mr. Crouch should be widely reported in the newspapers.But the reality is that there is no news about this.It seems the Ministry of Magic has blocked information about this.

Time soon entered June, and the atmosphere in the castle became tense and exciting again.Everyone is looking forward to the third event, which will be held one week before the holidays.

Aaron practiced spells whenever he had free time.Because the third project was conducted in a maze, Aaron also specially found some spells suitable for dealing with the maze to practice.For example, a directional spell that allows the wand to point to true north; such as a smashing spell that can blow up solid obstacles; such as a flying spell that can summon objects to fly.

At the same time, when Aaron recited the Animagus mantra at sunrise and sunset every day, he also began to feel as if there was a second heart beating in his chest.He is now waiting for a storm and can begin the most critical step of becoming an Animagus.

One day in mid-June, Aaron finally waited for the long-awaited storm.

Seeing the violent storm outside the window, Aaron hurried to the Room of Requirement and took out the crystal bottle he had hidden there more than half a year ago.I saw that the mixture in the crystal bottle had now turned into a blood-red potion.

Aaron did not take the potion immediately, but took the potion and left the Room of Requirement, walked out of the castle, and came to the Forbidden Forest.This is because once the potion is taken, the first transformation must begin immediately.Before taking the potion, Aaron had no way of knowing what kind of animal he would turn into and how big it would be.If his Animagus form was that of a large animal, it would certainly be inappropriate to transform in the castle.Therefore, to be on the safe side, he needed a more open place to take the potion.

Aaron came to the Forbidden Forest and stretched out, opened the crystal cork, and drank the potion in the bottle in one breath.

Immediately, a strong pain spread throughout Aaron's body, and it seemed like two hearts were beating fiercely in his chest. At the same time, the image of a creature gradually emerged in his mind.

When he saw the image of the creature in his mind clearly, Aaron couldn't help but be shocked, because it turned out to be...

However, Aaron soon couldn't care less about his surprise, because the transformation had begun unstoppably.At this point, he could no longer withdraw and could only continue.

Aaron immediately relaxed and carefully experienced the process of transformation.He felt his clothes and shoes blend into his skin, his body began to grow taller and larger, scales grew on his body, his hands turned into claws, and wings grew on his back...

After about 1 minute, the transformation ended.

At this time, Aaron has become a behemoth.He is about 40 feet tall, with golden-green scales all over his body, a pair of broad wings spread out on his back, and a thick tail swaying behind him.

Aaron...he turned into a dragon!

It stands to reason that animagus transformation is usually restricted to non-magical creatures, and dragons are undoubtedly magical creatures.The transformation of magical creatures is likely to bring unexpected consequences, but so far, Aaron has not felt anything unusual.

Aaron moved his hands and feet and wagged his tail, getting used to his new body.Then he flapped his wings and flew into the sky.At the beginning, Aaron's flight was a little unstable, but after a while, he mastered the flying skills.

Aaron used to fly in the sky when he was taking flying lessons.But there is a big difference between flying with the help of a broomstick and flying in the sky with your own wings.Flying in the sky with your own wings is a little more difficult to get started than flying on a broomstick, but once you get used to it, you can become more flexible.

After flying for a while, Aaron fell back into the forest and began to transform back into a human.Aaron began to imagine what he would be like as a human.As the image in his mind gradually became clearer, Aaron's body also began to deform, until finally it completely returned to its original appearance.

At this point, Aaron officially became an Animagus.From then on, he can freely switch back and forth between human and dragon forms.

When it was all over, Aaron returned to the castle.Because it was raining heavily, Aaron was soaked all over now.But it was precisely because of the storm that Aaron was not exposed.Otherwise, it would be difficult for Aaron to not be discovered by the people in the castle when he turned into a dragon and flew in the sky.

After mid-June, the final exams for each grade at Hogwarts began one after another.However, this has nothing to do with Aaron. He is a warrior and does not need to take the final exam.

June 6, the day when the third project was conducted, happened to be the last day of the final exam.

That morning, while Aaron was having breakfast, Professor McGonagall walked towards him along the Gryffindor table.

"Elf, the warriors will gather in the conference room next to the auditorium after breakfast," she said.

"But the game only started at night!" Aaron thought he had remembered the time wrongly.

"I know, Elf." Professor McGonagall said, "The warrior's relatives have been invited to watch the finals. You can meet them."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall walked away.

Aaron stared at her back in a daze.He felt that Professor McGonagall might have forgotten that he had no relatives.

Because there were exams in the morning, most people ate their breakfast in a hurry.

Aaron finished breakfast in the gradually deserted auditorium.He saw Fleur Delacour rise from the Ravenclaw table and enter the conference room.After a while Krum also lazily went away.Aaron sat still, he really didn't want to go.Harry had the same idea as him.Although Harry has relatives, he does not have a good relationship with his aunt's family, and his aunt and uncle are extremely repulsive to everything in the wizarding world, and they will not come to cheer Harry on.

Just as Aaron was about to go to the library to read, the door to the conference room opened and Bill Weasley poked his head out.

"Harry, Aaron, come on, we are waiting for you!"


Aaron and Harry looked at each other in surprise, stood up, and walked quickly to the conference room.

Aaron and Harry walked into the conference room and saw Bill and Mrs. Weasley standing by the door, looking at them with smiles.

"Didn't expect that!" Mrs. Weasley said enthusiastically, "We want to come watch your game, Harry! Aaron!"

She leaned over and kissed Aaron and Harry on the cheek.

"How are you?" Bill smiled and shook hands with Aaron and Harry. "Charlie also wanted to come, but he couldn't leave. He talked about the scene where you fought against the fire dragon. It was so exciting, it was incredible."

Viktor Krum, who inherited his father's hooked nose, spoke rapid Bulgarian to his dark-haired parents in a corner of the room.On the other side, Fleur was chattering away in French to her mother.Fleur's little sister Gabrielle held her mother's hand.She waved at Harry, who waved back and grinned.

Aaron noticed Fleur Delacour eyeing Bill with interest over his mother's shoulder.You can tell she's not at all averse to long hair and earrings with fangs.

"It's good to be back," Bill said, looking around the conference room (the Fat Lady's girlfriend Violet winked at him in the frame), "I haven't seen this place for five years. Is the portrait of the Mad Knight still there? Sir Cadogan?"

"Oh, it's still there," Harry said.

"Where's the fat lady?" Bill asked.

"She was there when I was in school," Mrs. Weasley said. "One day I came back to the dormitory at four o'clock in the morning, and she gave me a good scolding..."

"What are you doing outside the dorm at four in the morning?" Bill said, looking at his mother in surprise.

Mrs Weasley smiled, her eyes sparkling.

"I was taking a walk with your father. He was caught by the house master at the time, Apollyon Prinnlo... Your father still bears the mark on his body."

"Take us around, you two?" Bill said.

"Okay." Aaron said.They headed for the door leading to the auditorium.

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