Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 147 Labyrinth

After leaving the Divination class, Aaron asked Colin in detail what happened in the class.After learning the content of his prophecy, Aaron couldn't help being surprised.

I didn't expect that I would make such a prediction, but why didn't I have any impression?

He even wondered if Colin was lying to himself.But when Aaron recalled the situation in the classroom at that time, he felt that it was not fake. It was unlikely that all the students in the class and Professor Trelawney would join forces to deceive him, right?

By dinner time, what happened in the Divination class had almost spread throughout the school.Many students knew about Aaron's prophecy.Even Harry went out of his way to find Aaron and ask him about the relevant situation.However, Aaron himself was confused now and had no way to provide him with any effective information.

Two days later, Professor McGonagall found Aaron and said that Dumbledore wanted to see him.

Aaron came to the principal's office and met Dumbledore.

"I heard something interesting, Mr. Elf." Dumbledore looked at Aaron with interest and said, "I heard that you made a prediction."

"Actually, I don't know what happened." Aaron said, "Although they all said that I made a prophecy, I have no impression myself."

"This is normal." Dumbledore said, "Many prophets have no impression when they make their predictions, so they use prophecy balls to record their predictions for later review."

After a slight pause, Dumbledore continued: "The prophecy you made is of great value, but the bad thing is that Sybil was too panicked and did not have time to record it with the prophecy ball, and she herself did not record it with the prophecy ball. The entire content of the prophecy can be written down, so I hope to get the entire content of the prophecy from you."

"But, I have no impression of the content of the prophecy." Aaron said with some embarrassment.

"Human memory is a very strange thing." Dumbledore said with a smile. "Many things that we think we no longer remember are actually buried deep in our brains. We just need to wake them up from our minds. , you can recall it again.”

"Then...how can we wake them up?" Aaron asked.

"This requires some skills and the help of some tools." Dumbledore said, got up and went to a black cabinet, opened the cabinet door, took out a round object from inside and placed it on the table.

It was a shallow stone basin, with some strange letters and symbols carved on the mouth of the basin.Thanks to the new courses he learned this year, Aaron recognized that the letters and symbols were ancient runes.

"This is the pensieve." Dumbledore pointed to the stone basin and said, "It can help us sort out our thoughts and memories. Sometimes I feel that there are too many thoughts and memories in my mind. I believe you understand this Feelings. At this time, I use the Pensieve to suck out the excess thoughts from my brain, pour them into this basin, and take a good look at them when I have time. You know, it is easier to see their shape and form in this state. Connections to each other.”

"Will it help me recall the prophecy?" Aaron asked.

"Yes," said Dumbledore, "Okay, I'll teach you how to use it."

Then, Dumbledore taught Aaron how to retrieve memories.

Half an hour later, Dumbledore looked at Aaron in surprise and said: "Mr. Elf, your talent is so amazing! I originally thought it would take you at least half a month, or even longer, to learn to extract I didn’t expect you to learn your own memory method in only half an hour. It seems that today we will know what the content of the prophecy is."

"What should I do next?" Aaron asked, "I don't have the memory of the time when I made the prophecy. How can I retrieve it?"

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Human memory is coherent. As long as you remember what happened before and after you made the prophecy, you can naturally pull out the memory when you made the prophecy. Okay, let's try it. .”

Aaron took a deep breath, took out the wand from his robes, and inserted the tip of the wand into his hair, close to his temple.Then he began to recall the situation in the Divination class two days ago, and used the method taught by Dumbledore to get these memories out of his mind.I saw a silver thread being pulled out of his mind by Aaron with a magic wand. The silver thread was his thought and his memory.

Aaron put the silver wire stuck on the tip of the staff into the pensieve. The silver wire immediately began to flow continuously, like ripples on the water in the breeze, and spread out and rotated softly like clouds.It is like light turning into liquid, and like wind condensing into solid form.

"Well, let's see what you predicted." Dumbledore said, holding the pensieve in his long hands and turning it like a gold digger turning a sand table.

The situations in class that day immediately emerged one by one in the basin.

Aaron and Dumbledore saw Professor Trelawney teaching the students to read the crystal ball, saw her begin to interpret the crystal ball, and then they heard the prophecy:

"The father's bones were inadvertently donated to regenerate his son."

“The flesh of a servant, a voluntary offering, that his master may be reborn.”

“The blood of his enemies, compelled to give, that his enemies may be raised to life.”

"The One whose name cannot be told will return to the world of magic, and the fears of the past will come again."

When the image in the basin disappeared, Aaron asked Dumbledore: "Do you understand the specific meaning of the prophecy, Professor?"

"I have some clues." Dumbledore said thoughtfully, "This has helped me figure out some things, but some things still need to be confirmed. Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Elf. You can go back."

Aaron got up from the chair, turned around and walked towards the door.

Just when Aaron's hand touched the doorknob, Dumbledore's voice sounded behind him again: "Mr. Elf."

Aaron turned around when he heard the sound and said, "Is there anything else, professor?"

Just listen to Dumbledore say: "Wizards with the gift of prophecy are very rare. Most wizards do not have this ability. I hope you can make good use of your talent."

"Actually, I don't know why I have this ability." Aaron said, "But I will."

After saying that, Aaron opened the door and walked out.

A month had passed since that conversation between Dumbledore and Aaron.As time went by, the craze caused by Aaron's prophecy gradually dissipated, and people no longer bothered him with questions about that prophecy.But he would still point at him as he passed through the corridor.This is of course, after all, what he predicted was the return of the mysterious man.

One day in the last week of May, Professor McGonagall dropped him off after Transfiguration class.

"Aaron, you go down to the Quidditch pitch at nine o'clock tonight." Professor McGonagall said to him, "Mr. Bagman will tell the warriors what the third event is there."

So, at 08:30 that night, Aaron and Harry, who had just broken up with Ron and Hermione, left the common room and rushed to the Quidditch pitch.

As the two of them walked down the stone steps of the castle gate and melted into the cloudy night, Aaron asked Harry: "What do you think the third project will be?"

"I don't know," said Harry.

They walked down the pitch-black lawn towards the Quidditch pitch and entered through a gap between the stands.

"What are they doing here?" Harry stopped suddenly and said angrily.

The Quidditch pitch is no longer flat and smooth.It seems as if someone has built countless long low walls here. These low walls are intricate and winding in all directions.

"It's a hedge!" Aaron lowered his head and carefully observed the short wall closest to him.

"Hello!" shouted a cheerful voice.

Ludo Bagman stood in the center of the pitch, flanked by Krum and Fleur.Aaron and Harry stepped over the low walls and walked towards them.Fleur smiled brightly at Harry as he approached.Ever since Harry rescued her sister from the lake, her attitude toward him had changed 180 degrees.

"What do you think?" Bagman asked happily when Aaron and Harry climbed over the last low wall. "It's going well, isn't it? In another month, Hagrid will turn them into twenty ft. high. Don't worry," he said with a smile, seeing the unhappy look on Harry's face. "As soon as the tournament is over, your Quidditch pitch will be back to its original state! Well, I think you can probably guess what we're doing. What are you going to do here?"

No one spoke for a moment, and then...

"Maze," Krum said gruffly.

"That's right!" Bagman said. "It's a maze. The third item is very simple and clear. The Triwizard Tournament Cup is placed in the center of the maze, and whoever can touch it first will get full marks."

"We just have to go through the maze?" Fleur said.

"There'll be a lot of obstacles," said Bagman cheerfully, hopping up and down on tiptoe. "Hagrid has provided a whole bunch of animals...and some charms that have to be broken...and that sort of thing, you know. Also. Yes, the warrior with the leading score enters the maze first." Bagman smiled at Aaron, "Then Harry went in...then Mr. Krum...and finally Miss Delacour. But you all have to fight hard. Success depends on your ability to overcome obstacles. It should be fun, right?"

The four warriors nodded.

"Very well... If you don't have any questions, let's go back to the castle, okay? It's a bit cold here..."

As everyone stepped across the growing low wall, Krum suddenly patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Can I have a word with you?"

"Okay, no problem." Harry said slightly surprised.

"You come with me, okay?"


"I'll wait for you here, Harry, okay?" Mr. Bagman said suddenly.He looked a little distraught.

"Oh, no thanks, Mr. Bagman," said Harry, "I think I can find the castle myself, thank you."

Then, Harry and Klum left the field together.

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