Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 22: Paper Back Writer

Helen ended up going back out into kabuki market after having her lunch at the stand. People-watching was a long old pastime that she hadn’t really done in a while. While watching the crowds move about Helen's keen eye spotted a figure in the bustling Kabuki market, carrying a book… and that seemed really out of place in this world.

Intrigued, Helen couldn't help but follow the stranger discreetly through the market's maze of stalls and vendors.

“Please take me somewhere interesting,” Helen mutters being a full eight feet behind the girl clutching the book to her chest.

Helen followed the mysterious girl through the bustling Kabuki market nearly losing her a few times as they went deeper into the market, having used the underground tunnel to cross the street from the center plaza. Eventually, they arrived at a seemingly ordinary storefront. The ancient and worn sign above the entrance read [Kuroko's Rare Tomes and Antiquities].

“Sehr interessant,” Helen mutters looking up at the sign a little excited.

Helen's curiosity got the best of her, pushing her to explore the quaint bookstore further. She gently pushed the creaky door open, and the soft chime of an actual physical bell greeted her entrance, its greenish hue from several years of oxidation catching the light streaming in through the window.

As she marveled at the bell's physical presence, a voice suddenly cut through the quiet atmosphere of the store, stern and somewhat accusatory. "YOU!"

Startled, Helen turned to find the very girl she had followed here.

"Did you really just shout in a bookstore?" Helen couldn't help but raise an incredulous eyebrow.

"Don't try to distract me," the girl whispered firmly holding her book tighter.

The tension hung in the air between them for a moment, like an unspoken challenge. Helen regarded the girl with curiosity. After all in the 2020s, the literacy rate tanked due to a new way of teaching reading which made people adverse to the topic. A majority of night city would be able to read at the third-grade level at the age of around 22. So to see such a young girl carrying such a massive novel was intriguing.

"Alright," Helen said, her voice measured, "I won't distract you. But how about we start with introductions instead?"

The girl hesitated, seeming to weigh Helen's proposal. After a brief pause, she sighed and nodded. "Fine, introductions it is. I'm Luna."

Helen offered a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Luna. I'm Helen."

“Now, why did you follow me?” Luna asks

“I saw a young girl running through the Kabuki market holding a novel. You piqued my interest considering the literacy rate today.” Helen admits

“That doesn’t just mean you should follow people,” Luna says scathingly

“Eh, I was bored and people-watching,” Helen states

“That is how Gonks get shot,” Luna says a frown on her face.

“Meh, they are welcome to try. I am what you would call hard to kill.” Helen states.

“So, what type of books do you like?” Luna asks

“Early 1700s-1960s history,” Helen says

“A history buff huh? I wonder how good your book history is. Who wrote Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” Luna asks

“Do you just like that book because it has a girl with your name? I mean you do seem like a Ravenclaw.” Helen states flatly.

Luna of course is shocked by that. After all no one in her age group has even heard of the Wizarding World. Then considering that Universal and Warner Bros were just footnotes in history, so the movies and the theme parks never truthfully came about.

“You’ve read Harry Potter?” Luna asks shocked.

“I mean they were rather popular while they were coming out. I think they even made a movie for the Philosopher’s stone?” Helen says unsure diving into the original’s memories.

It turns out that the Harry Potter movies here went the same route as Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief did back on her original earth.

“Wait does that mean that you remember when the Hunger Games came out?” Luna asks shocked.

“Yeah? I was in Junior High way back before the public education system collapsed.” Helen says with a shoulder shrug.

“How old are you? You look like you’re in your early 30s.” Luna asks in shock.

“I was born during the collapse, as it is called in history books. I was in school when the United States of America became the NUSA. Rewriting the playbook as the world’s greatest superpower collapsed.” Helen states

“Wow, I mean most of the people from that time don't really talk about it.” Luna says

“Yeah, it was a bad time for everyone,” Helen states looking around at all of the bookshelves.

Luna nods, “Right, I… Sorry for jumping to conclusions. I really need to go or I am going to be late for class.”

The bell chimes again as the door opens and Luna steps out.

Helen looks at the rows

From floor to ceiling, there is a towering shelves of books. The walls, reaching skyward, are tightly packed with an expansive collection of literary wonders. Books of all sizes and genres are meticulously organized, forming a labyrinth.


The walls of books seemingly continued on unendingly.

Helen smiled, and she knew she would be spending the rest of the day here.

“That was a rather interesting conversation.” The woman managing the register says.

“Hey, if it hits closing time and you can’t find me. I’ll likely be in the history section.” Helen states

“Which one?”

Helen just smiles back even brighter as she disappears among the shelves.
Books were rather expensive in the world of cyberpunk. I mean Gloria may have mentioned it however, that was absolutely insane. 500 Eddies for 10 books, I mean each Eurodollar was roughly 2.5 USD, however, these books back in her last life would've cost maybe 60-70 USD for the 10 of them if she went to the right book store.

“Ah! the Chiisai obaasan is back!” The food stall chef announces.

“Of course I am! An I wanna try some Sake as well.” Helen says with a smile.


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