Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 21: The Rising Fighting Spirit

Helen stirred in her bed, the soft rays of the morning sun filtering through the blinds, As she stretched her arms, she couldn't help but relish the idea of a day without chores or work duties. It was weird, from her past life she knew that the world of Cyberpunk Shouldn’t have been like this yet her memories as Helen conflicted that heavily. Maybe this world is slightly different from the game. I mean the books and the game had some variation as well.

With a contented sigh, Helen slipped out of bed, her bare feet making almost no sound on the polished floor.

“What in the hell is the plan for today? Scanner Hustles?” Helen mutters.

Then again all of that could wait a hot shower was the first order of business, god Could you imagine ending up in a world that was a fantasy place without a shower or electricity?
Helen stepped out of her apartment, the elevator doors closing behind her with a loud clang. The bustling streets of Night City greeted her, a symphony of sounds and colors that never ceased to amaze. Though they had horrified her as well, back in the early 2000s no one wanted the future to be like this, and then the large companies started fighting wars against each other.

Today, she had a specific destination in mind – the bustling Kabuki Market. It was one of the liveliest spots in the district, a place where vendors from all walks of life came to sell their goods, from fresh produce to exotic cyberware components.

It was always this amazing hub in the game and she wanted to see what it was like now that she could see it In Real Life as one would say.

Helen stood at the edge of the bustling sidewalk, surrounded by the ceaseless flow of city life.Cars passing by and the sound of people talking produced alot of noise.

“Which car should I drive? Fuckit lets leave it up to RNG” Helen mutters.

A few seconds later a powerful Turbo-R 740 pulled up to the curb beside her. Its midnight-black paint nearly glowing from the sunlight as the driver side door opens up causing Helen to smile.

Hopping in she slammed the door shut and threw the car into sport mode.

“Let’s play some Eurobeat!” Helen cheers as she slams on the accelerator.

Helen flying down the road the Turbo-R 740 maneuvered through the maze of Night City's streets, heading towards the Kabuk marketi. The car's powerful engine purred behind her, responding to her every touch, every input. The skyscrapers towered above, casting long shadows on the bustling streets below. The midnight black car seemingly disappeared into the massive shadows only to reappear even faster once it had shown back up under the sun.

As she approached Kabuki, the scenery transformed. The district had a unique blend of traditional Japanese architecture and the cybernetic futurism that defined Night City. Cherry blossom trees lined the sidewalks, their delicate petals drifting on the breeze. Neon signs in kanji characters lit up the storefronts, it was so much better than it ever could've been in the game.

“Ah! A parking spot!” Helen cheers yanking the parking brake.

To the unsuspecting onlookers, it appeared as if chaos had erupted on the street as the Turbo-R 740 spun widely out of control. The tires screeched against the asphalt, and for a brief, moment, it seemed like disaster was imminent. But just as quickly as it had begun, the car had come to a sudden and surprising halt.

In a matter of seconds, the Turbo-R 740 had completed a flawless spin drift, somehow ending up in a parallel parking spot on the opposite side of the street, parked neatly between two cars.
The Reaper stalked the market for a bit unsure of where to go since she had gone to the market just to get out of the apartment with no formal plan, that was until about lunchtime hit then. Helen found herself drawn to a small ramen stand tucked away in a cozy corner of the Kabuki market. The fragrant aroma of simmering broth and spices wafted through the air, leading her to the bustling stall. A few stools were lined up along the counter, and she took a seat, eager to savor a bowl of steaming ramen.

"Your ramen is amazing," Helen complimented the chef, a genuine smile on her face. "You must put a lot of love and skill into your craft."

The chef, an aged man with a twinkle in his eye, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, miss. Cooking is my life, and I take great pride in perfecting my recipes."

“It must be getting hard, especially since proper organic ingredients are significantly harder to come by nowadays.” Helen says

The old chef stills having heard Helen say that. “You could tell? Most of the younger generation can’t even tell what real food tastes like anymore. Almost all of it is synthetic.”

“I am older than I look, “ Helen responds with a smile.

“Ah Chiisai obaasan” The Chef says with a nod.

Helen recoils hearing that, “Just because I look good for my age doesn’t mean you should call me that!”

The chef breaks out into laughter drawing the eyes of several shoppers.

“You understood that! A Gaijin that understands Japanese! Your food is on the house tonight.”

“Helen, and I will make sure to come back. I need to try your Washoku especially if you are paying for it.” Helen says with a smile.

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